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Crab Cake Row: Thomas York tells us about marathon” MS Run The US” race across our country


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Thomas York tells us about the marathon” MS Run The US” race across our country and his legs and role across Ohio and Pennsylvania later this summer at State Fare in Catonsville on “A Cup Of Soup Or Bowl Week” for The Maryland Food Bank.


run, chicken waffles, day, people, ms, wife, baltimore, maryland, raven, support, marathon, pittsburgh, sister, tom, fair, walked, leg, thom yorke, santa monica, cleveland


Nestor J. Aparicio, Thomas Yorke

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome back. We are wn S T am 1570, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive we are in Catonsville. I’m staring at Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love Dave Grau all afternoon. We have soup on over here Maryland crab soup. There’ll be some cream crab and corn chowder a little later on. You’re bringing things by for the Maryland Food Bank, Carmen del Cueto was our our kickoff guests, which is great our radio talking about what they really do and the importance of all that all was brought to you by the Maryland lottery. We are giving away 10 times the cash I gotta get those out of my bag, grab that bag from over there Tom blue bag right off the ground there and I’ll pull the ad or you go I started to show and doing the tech every go I have in my possession. Well, I’m gonna grab my crab mallet. I’m gonna grab my where’s my window nation? Floppy Hat 866 90 nation 0% financing five years if you buy now I’m getting doors this year. And I got my I’m gonna get the scoop from Tom York and what he’s working on from wise markets. I got that going on. And you’re gonna get a lottery ticket out of this gig and somewhere in here. Yeah, I got the Rascon global and letter right now is not nearly as blessed as we are to be here at State Fair in Catonsville. He slumming it in wilayah Thom Yorke right now he is he’s on the beach right now. Near Kihei. sipping a Mai Tai eating point if he’s probably eaten tricks out or something. Rasca global empowering. He’s empowering his marriage. He’s 3030 honeymoon there in Hawaii. He couldn’t be here this week. So I love you let her appreciate you with the crab mallet. Thom Yorke is here. He’s a Lister fan friend, Facebook, something or another. How are you? Man? I’ve seen you before. I I know you a little bit. I’ve been


Thomas Yorke  01:48

around for a while you’re about two blocks from my house right now. So

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:52

you know what Marcela yesterday said, who’s coming by and I said, I Coco’s and I said, Look, I put that the APB that anybody could come anywhere they wanted. Most people like at costus. I saw people from Essex and Dundalk, I’m sure Tamara Pappas. I’ll see people from Tony McCarthy’s Willamette Valley, or Northside punks for whatever it is Owings Mills. I tried to move it around every day. So that some guy like you, like received walked two blocks yesterday to Coco’s, but not everybody you know, has mobility during the middle of the day know for sure.

Thomas Yorke  02:22

I mean, we’re going to talk about in a second but I run by State Fair, I’ll just about every single day. So one every day is almost so I do try to fit in a break every every now and then. But I almost run every day. Yeah. What do you do Tom York. So think of free lottery tickets. Right now I’m here supporting the Oregon organization. Ms. Run the US. MS is multiple sclerosis. Absolutely, uh, you know, my, my background is I’m supporting both my sister and my wife. My sister in law has MS. God. So yeah, also, you’ll find that so often there’s so many connections to the to the disease. And almost everyone will tell you they’re fighting in a different way. Either. Mobility, sometimes it’s memories. Sometimes

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:04


there’s usually Exactly. And fatigue, anything affecting

Thomas Yorke  03:08

your nervous system is going to affect everyone so differently. But it’s a group of the strongest people I’ve ever met in my entire life. I complain for a week if I have a cold, my, my wife when she struggles to walk, I’ll even have to notice it and be like, Oh, are you okay today? And she’ll be like, I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine. So they’re just absolutely like everyday heroes. So I’m super excited to you know, support them in this crazy run that I’m embarking on.

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:32

What’s crazy rom get a guy from you know what my wife sent me out this morning without breakfast, right? And Carmen a little bit all day long. I missed the breakfast part this morning. But my wife’s like, Dude, you’re gonna stay fair. You can get breakfast. And I’m thinking to myself, I should just get some breakfast chicken waffles or something. And to see her and like, let you tell the story because this is Go ahead.

Thomas Yorke  03:52

I appreciate it. So Ms. Run the US it is a coast to coast relay marathon. So it starts in Santa Monica, California and N ends in New York City. You’re gonna run from Santa Monica to New York while I wish I could know so.


Nestor J. Aparicio  04:06

It’s a really, how will you do?

Thomas Yorke  04:08

It is 21 legs. So I will be leg 19 I’ll be the local boy running it from Maryland. I’m gonna start it’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:14

like it’s like well, like when they do the torch for sure. Okay, so I’m

Thomas Yorke  04:18


gonna run leg 19 Which begins just outside of Cleveland, and just outside of Pittsburgh, so it’s 151 miles in six days. So it’s essentially six back to back marathons in a row. Not a race. It is definitely a battle of endurance and all 21 of us are partnering on this. This is not competitive. We’re all rooting for

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:38

me here because Oh, hold on. I mean, I’ve been doing this all year running from Cleveland, Pittsburgh, essentially. All right. I’ve driven that’s two hours, little more than maybe 130 miles. 125 miles. 150 ones what we’re gonna do. Fair enough. Driven that road. I take a lot of people a lot of bus trips. So you’re gonna run through Youngstown. Yeah, well, you Yeah, sure, yeah. All right. Um, it’s kind of hilly it’s kind of

Thomas Yorke  05:05

hilly, but luckily so is Maryland. So the it’s kind of nice to be able to train here in Gainesville and into the city where where I know I’m gonna be battling some hills and some weather in the winter here so that I’ll be prepared come July when I’m actually taken off.

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:15

You know, there’s a town out there that we stopped that had a really atrocious meal. I think it was like an Arby’s or something. Our bus stops in a town and I want to make sure that it’s not on the road from Canton up to Cleveland that it’s actually the East Road which 76 or 70 whichever one it is. Your Raven guy, right? I


Thomas Yorke  05:38

am a raven guy for sure. Yeah, um, you’d

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:42

have to detour to run this way. But Ravenna. There’s a town called Raven. Na R AV E, I’ll pull it up for our A V N N A. So Raven, and a like Nestor Aparicio. Raven, Nestor Aparicio. They don’t go together. If they did, he wouldn’t be here and I would right now be out in Las Vegas where it’s chilly and nobody’s like having any fun. I’m here having fika chicken waffles here. Vegas. And they don’t have Maryland crab soup in Las Vegas. But you could almost run through Ravenna. So that’s what I was thinking. You think guy and I thought I’m giving you an idea. Yeah.

Thomas Yorke  06:17

Especially because I’m gonna be run by all those Cleveland fans and Pittsburgh fans. We got to represent. Yeah.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:21


Ben is, you know, yeah, it was just a place on the highway. And we went there because I’m like, let’s stop there. When we want to stop and revenge.

Thomas Yorke  06:30

I don’t blame him. All right.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:31

Well, I’ll get a better meal here in Raven land. Thom Yorke, is he Catonsville native or just local with local like, what do you call his resident? Resident for sure. I’ve

Thomas Yorke  06:41

been teaching at high school. So I went to high school in New Jersey summers originally address.


Nestor J. Aparicio  06:44

Boy, Tom York ain’t from around here. But he’s now here in Gainesville. It’s it’s

Thomas Yorke  06:48

going on over 10 years I’ve been here so I’m gonna call myself a local at this point. How

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:52

long you’ve been running?

Thomas Yorke  06:53


I’ve been running since seventh grade. So this is not new. For me. I’ve never run this kind of craziness. But what’s the craziness you’ve run a marathon so I’ve done the Philly and Baltimore marathons. Philly a little bit easier. Baltimore, tons of hills, but yeah,

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:06

Rob San Antonio, like five Boston’s or say like New York has done all that stuff. And like, he’s fit in all when I see him and he’s kind of, you know, smaller bill. But like runners are different cats. I mean, it’s not like you don’t look at somebody to say that’s a runner usually right? Like because it I didn’t look at you and you know, you got a jacket on. You just look like a regular dude. But like you could go run from here to Dundalk

Thomas Yorke  07:29

right now. Essentially, I am just a regular dude, at the end of the day, you wake up super early, you get out the door and you’re run and that gives you an excuse to eat really poorly the rest of the day. Which is why a lot of us don’t necessarily

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:40

really well all day so I can make it through yoga tonight. There you go. Fair enough. Yeah, well, I mean, so the chicken waffle start the day, but then I moved to like a salad for lunchtime, and then a hydrate a little thing. Dude, I hydrate like, I’ve already peed twice in your presence. And we I want break. I drink a lot on the air because I talk and you know, it’s good for me. But I can’t imagine like running like that the hydration part of it always baffles me that the endurance I get all of that. I mean, I do 90 minutes yoga, I’m 55 years old, you wouldn’t look at me and say, I could sweat my ass off and bend up like a pretzel. And I get a bad back. And I could do that. So I mean, I hear you. But when I sweat and yoga. I don’t. If I’m not hydrated, I cramp instantly. Because I’m a coffee drinker in the morning. And I get it right here right away. I feel it my feet. I feel it my toes and I get that little crinkle crinkle crinkle. And I’m thinking how do you run all this way and sweat it off? And without stopping at the rural farms and get in the water? I’ll tell you nine


Thomas Yorke  08:39

times out of 10 when you’re in the middle of the day, and you’re like why don’t I feel good and you’re like, Oh, I didn’t drink today and like so you have to be super conscious to when you’re done hydrate water and know how much you ran. So that’s how much you need to refuel yourself so you can go back out there tomorrow. How old are you? I’m 39 Yeah,

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:56

wait, do you have to pee as much as 55 You’ll see it just comes natural man. Tell everybody how they can help you Tom right so you go to MSC meal for three months come on a show and I’m like I got an idea. So I had your mark you for this week all along and I appreciate your spring do I’m like you know what, am I having you on a Christmas time? Let Lamar Yeah, when Lamar is done running, you know, we’ll do that. So I’m glad you could come by and I’m so much convenient for you.

Thomas Yorke  09:23

I appreciate that as well. But yeah, so it’s Ms. Run the is the website you would go to to find me go to support your runner. I am leg 19. Again, my name is Tom, you’re

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:34


How did you get the Ohio leg?

Thomas Yorke  09:36

It’s actually believe it or not the closest one to us. So I actually requested it was called Pittsburgh to Philly, Pittsburgh. Then you go through Philly and then through New York. So it was it in New York City. So

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:47

New York City. Okay, so now we’re on Cape Cod. Yeah, I didn’t know if it didn’t begin in Alaska. It began in Santa Monica Santa Monica. So

Thomas Yorke  09:55

that’s the pretty pretty part of the run for sure. Yeah.


Nestor J. Aparicio  09:58

Yeah. Beverly Hills. In a second time, I was saying that when this so

Thomas Yorke  10:04

why did you find out about this? I’m super active with MS community supporting both my sister and my wife.

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:09

The things you do here other than run a lot. There’s other things that Ms does, right. So

Thomas Yorke  10:13


I will also give props to the National MS Society. They’re a great organization, both here and in DC. There’s tons of opportunities between walks and bike rides to get involved with this community. You know, talk to your friends and your family you will be surprised by just how many people are tangentially connected to this community and how much we truly all support one another. So if you don’t have the ability to support my run, there’s so many opportunities to get involved. Jersey

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:38

guy you have a raven mug I mean so you’re not jets are giants. Well,

Thomas Yorke  10:43

I gotta be honest, I’m also a Jets guy.

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:47

I gave him a green light 10 times the guy getting the green for that. It’s also got purple in it. My suffered


Thomas Yorke  10:55

my fog. I’m a Jetson Mets fan, so I’ve trusted I’ve suffered plenty on this court show

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:59

me on yesterday. You remember just 69 Mets? Are you old enough to remember the 86 match or not? I

Thomas Yorke  11:06

was one and a half. My parents tell me great stories. Yeah. freaks me

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:09


out like guys like you and Luke and my kid that don’t have any. You know what I mean? You’re just too young to remember like Keith Hernandez and Dwight Gooden feels like yesterday to me

Thomas Yorke  11:19

in my life. Keith Hernandez is an announcer so

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:23

for steroids. I mean, I do I really, really do the leadoff hitter. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah, I walked out of that game in 86. I admitted that to John Hall yesterday. So I can’t even talk Orioles with you then right your your your your Mets and jets team. He did a lot of lusion dog I pick up like everybody else’s take the Yankees and run with

Thomas Yorke  11:41

it. Luckily for well, my wife has taken up the Yankees My family has has embraced Baltimore sports. We’re both from New Jersey. My kids are Maryland born and bred though. So they believe in the ravens and the Orioles. And they’ve been riding the waves of those two teams. So they’re excited about the baseball season for sure. teaching


Nestor J. Aparicio  11:58

your kids you’re gonna be here forever, somehow, someway. For sure. Yeah. Why do you love Baltimore? What happened here?

Thomas Yorke  12:04

It’s the sense community one, it has everything there. You’re 20 minutes away from whatever you want to do here. People advocate Baltimore off from here. I am truly an advocate of just the people that connect to not even just causes to just whatever you need. I mean, I just have such a community around

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:23

me. Yeah, you know, I mean, come on. Now. We got people doing stuff for the food bank here. You can bring canned goods. You can bring dry goods, you can bring peanut butter, you can bring tuna fish, you can bring black beans, you can bring baked beans. You begin any beans over here to State Fair, we’re gonna be here all day till five o’clock. They asked me the morning how many people are coming out? I don’t know. I know we’ve had a table full of stuff the last two days. I am crossing my fingers that the good folks and the 21228 will come by or people will drop by see Evan get a Bloody Mary have chicken waffles. I’m going to take a break. And I’ve been telling stories all week long. I had a couple of guests where we popped off the air popped on I feel really awful about it. So I’m running. I’m going to be rerunning everybody. So once you’re saying April,

Thomas Yorke  13:02


so you can support me today. I run in July. So we got like six months on it. Well, we’re training for six months. So I’m running already. Yeah, that’s your last place in June. I can bring it back on. Oh, probably last president April’s don’t worry about it.

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:15

So you as a Mets fan, you got new owners, right? And then they go in this bend and EpiPen and going through? Well, it’s a combination. That’s why people are a little weird about this Rubenstein thing. I’m like, Dude, I’m gonna 31 years of hell I defeat the birth 18 years ago or so? Like, anything will be better. But I don’t I don’t know the wilpons. I mean, I you know, it all sucked around a billionaires, you know, I don’t know, I always, you know, I’m always hopeful that there’s some humanity here,

Thomas Yorke  13:43

you’ve got that core kids. And if Rubenstein can keep him here. That’s the goal. It’s not worried about free agents. It’s keep the kids here.

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:49

I’m always looking over the hill because I’m old enough now that like I’m always thinking what’s good long term? Because short term and long term are different, you know, from from a goal. But short term is long term right now, because they build it right right now. They don’t have to worry about tomorrow because it’d be built so well, when today like good cement that’s poured. Yeah, absolutely. What’s the most important thing for anybody who’s, you know, one point my wife had cancer and 14 and 15. And at one point during either the first time or the second time, her whole thing, she wanted to run a half a marathon for whatever reason, that was like a thing for her. She didn’t do it. And she has a lot of walking. She does a lot of hiking, she does a lot of woods and poles with her sister because she’s trying to keep her sister moving because it’s just a resume as we went through this. And you know, if my sister in law wants to come on and talk about her journey, she can I only know from the other side that I do this has greatly affected my wife, her sister that relate you know, like thinking about how life is short. It’s been a benefit. That’s what but I’ll plug my sister in my my wife because I did this in the last segment. This um, this seat cushion that’s folds over came from Germany from my my wife took Her sister for the first time to Paris. First time really in Europe proper. They went to Amsterdam. They went to Germany they hung out and drank beer with Niels and his family and his mother and the man who saved her life and her her DNA twin and all that stuff. But you know, she’s got MS. So they’re like, I’m like, What are you doing? Go ahead and go to the freaking game. You know, like, don’t find the cheapest, bestest way to do it and get on the friggin plane and go to the playground. Your three years go by points for crying out loud. So I mean, her sister having seen her survive that too, you know, Ms. I don’t need to tell you, man. It’s a family affair,


Thomas Yorke  15:34

right? For sure. And I’d say don’t pretend to know don’t pretend to know what anybody’s dealing with on a daily basis that has MS because it changes every single day. They wake up in a different body every single day. Just be there for them, support them in any way you can either. If it’s a big mission, like like I’m doing or if it’s something small that they need, like just be available to them. Like don’t don’t feel the need to know because you’re never gonna know. Since

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:57

July 20, something something you’re running for five straight days five marathons. Yep. Trying to what have we learned here? Today? I’m trying to recap All right, so you’re gonna run from Cleveland to Bemidji from Bemidji to Youngstown. You’re going to sleep in Super eights every night you’re going to try to eat pasta like all these whack jobs do to come in here for the marathon right like literally yeah right that’s what we’re doing Yeah, you know the guy bad on 32 years of radio and then you’re gonna and then you’re gonna sleep in Pittsburgh at the end essentially yeah Cleveland zoo beginning Pittsburgh and finish line this guy’s not from Baltimore. You know, I mean, I don’t know sign up for a different leg. I will wear my purple Don’t worry. We’re there are other options

Thomas Yorke  16:44

that not really this was the one they said hey, do you want to do you want to do this?

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:48


You know, I’m worried about those people because I’ve driven through some of those areas and I’m like, I’m driven 26 miles and I’ve seen nothing but corn I that’s fully what I expect a lot of land farmer John’s put you up where you know, well good luck to you, bro. I have you on I appreciate your listenership and your advocacy for everything you’re doing and I didn’t know he was in canes Well, I’m a kitten so right now, I’m going to take a break and I said I’ve had like best stuff stuff all week long. Just great. Come I don’t know what I’m going to play but I’m going to play something awesome for a little while because I’m going to take a little bit of a break I’m going to stand up Believe it or not, and we stand up and and John Rollo said he’s headed my way. Good. Alright, so John Rolla will be here a little. I’m gonna give John Johnson the car right now somebody keeps. I said meet me at State Fair. He wants to Timonium. He did do you really want the demonium like so. I have that up. Alison yassky will be here in 11 o’clock hours. She has a 30 year old 30 not 30 She’s not 30 years she wishes 30 year old been friends 30 years. She runs Susan G komen. I get the G right because Susan B Anthony. That’ll be in the 11 o’clock hour the children’s home right down the road here in Catonsville. Gonna be joining us later on and my buddy Bill Cole from cool roofing. There’s never a bad day to hang out with Bill coal and have lunch and tell great stories and disagree with him. Fiercely independent so my so we don’t you know it happens, you know, but I didn’t bring my coal roofing mug. Thom Yorke is here get one more plug tell him how to find you man.

Thomas Yorke  18:15

Ms. Run the I am leg segment 19 We’re raising $10,000 to support MSX

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:21

not just 10 grand that’s the goal. I’m sure you’ll exceed the goal. I

Thomas Yorke  18:25

know this community we’re gonna kill it.

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:26

There you go. All right. I’m Mr. He’s Tom. We’re back from State Fair doing great things so I brought up the Maryland lottery winner nation. I got my wacky hat and our friends at Jiffy Lube multi care. You’ll hear another great story. Don’t be confused if you’re out there and radio LAN. We really aren’t State Fair. Come on by. We’re here.

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