I had just turned 23 years old and David Bowie was calling on my home phone. He called “collect.” It was November 1991 – about six weeks before I began my sports radio career. Many of you don’t know about my previous “Almost Famous” life where I spent lots of time with rock and roll musicians at The Baltimore Sun. Here’s some evidence. I have more than 125 of these Cameron Crowe-esque gems in my personal vault that I’ll be unveiling in summer of 2016. I’ll list them below the audio so you can send along some requests. The Thin White Duke and I discussed spirituality, god and Ziggy Stardust. His band, Tin Machine, was doing the heaviest music of his career. Strangely enough, I call him “nasty” ten minutes into it. Bowie was happy, playful and this thing was a joy to listen to a quarter of a century later. My interviewing style was far too jumpy and green, so please pardon my inexperience (and red-faced embarrassment) in presenting this #Nestalgia25 moment. At one point, David Bowie called me a journalist. He was being very, very kind… Listen here: http://c631904.r4.cf2.rackcdn.com/David%20Bowie%20Tin%20Machine%201991.mp3 Coming this July: Steve Whiteman (Kix) Billy