to the support of my wife and I during our darkest hours and the most trying time in our lives.
Many times we share the joys in life – holidays, Super Bowl, parties, sports, concerts, parades, dinner with friends, beach time in Fiji or Tahiti or Ocean City – but inevitably life brings challenges none of us can predict.
Sadly, this time we’ll be sharing some sorrow and my wife will experience a lot of pain but we are holding a strong faith that there will be some massive celebrations at the end of this journey.
If you care to drop my wife a note or a gift of some kind, we’re asking that they be sent to:
1550 Hart Road
Towson, MD 2186
(PLEASE do NOT send flowers!!! She can’t have them in her wing!)
And, yes, I’ll be back on the radio at 3 p.m. next Tuesday and every day after that when I can do a show when my wife isn’t too ill to leave her side. I’ve promised her that she will never, ever walk alone in this journey. I love her too much for that.
As for financial donations or gifts of that kind, we’re focused on getting Jenn healthy first – and then we’ll be putting together a slew of ideas, events and fundraisers to bring awareness to what we’ve gone through and to make it an easier path for those unfortunate souls in the future.
We don’t know where the end of the road is but firmly believe it will have a happy ending where we…well, you know…live happily ever after.
But for now, we’ll fight. My wife is as tough as a $2 steak!
Jennifer Ford Aparicio is the strongest, most courageous woman I’ve ever known. The day after I met her in 2003 she sent me to a restaurant to get some food and demanded it immediately. She told me to hurry. When I got back, she had a needle in her stomach and a kit on the bed. Turns out she was a Type 1 Diabetic and she thought that many men shied away from her because of that responsibility and she didn’t want to tell me. She was almost embarrassed by it.
The minute I laid eyes on her, I said: “That’s the toughest woman I’ve ever seen.”
The bravery she shows on a daily basis is a marvel and an inspiration to me. Always has been.
Not to mention that’s she’s also the most beautiful girl in the world – an amazing, tough, wonderful spirit who is truly my soul mate and best friend.
She takes two needles a day and pricks her fingers several more times a day. We always have orange juice or glucose tablets a few feet away. She’s lived this way since she was 19 – ask any diabetic in your life what it’s all about…trust me, there are more than a few on your Facebook page or at your office.
The good news? Her diabetes doesn’t appear to be a significant complication with her leukemia and can be relatively easily managed.
She’s one tough cookie, my wife. She’s all mind, muscle and determination and finishes things she starts. That’s why I married her.
When she got her first blood transfusion on Friday, she looked at the bag and realized her blood type was: B Positive. She took a picture and posted it.
And shouldn’t we always be positive?
She’ll beat this cancer. She’ll slay this leukemia.
It’s only a matter of time.
We hope you follow our journey on Facebook and via my new radio show at & AM 1570 and remain #JennStrong along with us.
And remember: always try to #BMorePositive
Nestor & Jenn