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A second chance to win – and beat the Steelers!

Our Maryland Lottery pal Seth Elkin joins Nestor at Amicci’s of Little Italy for a holiday visit to discuss a great Ravens scratch-off season and the rivalry that divides their professional relationship during Pittsburgh Week. We decided the loser should have to wear a Browns jersey…

Maryland Lottery Fast Play
Arts and Entertainment, Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Maryland Lottery, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Sports News

When you think you might have won $2.9 million on a winning Fast Play ticket in Randallstown

There’s a great story behind every big win but as John Martin of Maryland Lottery tells Nestor, they don’t always have the progressive fun that a lucky Randallstown man found recently on his way back to the liquor store holding a $30 VIP Club Game ticket.

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