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Nestor Aparicio

Ray Lewis’ agent and WNST…

Just got done listening to Marc Rosen’s call in to Drew on Thursday morning in our audio vault. If nothing, it provided great comedy, this fool calling in to try to make a fool of Drew, only to find out rather quickly that he’s in over his head. The dude brought it on himself by bending the truth, back-peddling and saying things that were almost silly. And Drew kinda effortlessly — almost inadvertently — pulled his pants down! (Not that I need to have ANY of my hosts’ backs — they’re ALL GREAT and beautiful in their own way — but Drew isn’t just some "schmuck" on the radio in the mornings. He’s done sports media relations, sports marketing, sports scouting, sports hiring/firing/waiving/trading/cutting/drafting and ticket sales and promotions at a VERY high level since he was 19 years old! Plus, by being from Glen Burnie and knowing Charlie Eckman from "a kid up," he’s been able to spot a bull—–er from a mile away since 1982!) I don’t chime in very often about the "business" side of WNST and if you ask anyone around my place, they’d tell you that it’s ALL I DO here…business, all day, every day of

Who will save the Orioles?

So, here we go again. New manager, new general manager, new lies that the ownership is selling us — but who’s buying it? I looked into the stadium last night — there MIGHT have been 10,000 people there! Where are the 8,000 unused tickets this morning? Who has possession of those? The Orioles are 14 games under .500 and 21 games out of the first place. I’m sure, during the offseason, these new “mouthpieces” for Peter Angelos will talk about progress and growth and MASN money and young pitching. Blah, blah, blah. The sick results speak the truth — NOTHING has changed in the organization other than who is out in front to tell the lies. (And maybe the bought off media who repeat the lies enough that fools in this town believe them!) And for the second time in a week, the Orioles bullpen — the one they spent more than $40 million on during the last “rebuilding” phase — imploded in biblical fashion. Brian Roberts’ quote in The Sun this morning says it all: “It’s not fun. It’s embarrassing, it’s tiring, it’s not good,” Roberts said. “We’ve been through this too many times. And it’s not a lack

Are the O’s really better than in 2006?

I can pontificate all day about the Orioles and their decade of ineptitude. Really, I can! But here’s the truth: the MLB standings. Right now, the Orioles are 58-71…a meaty 13 games under .500! Honestly, getting to their "benchmark" of .500 has long been a pipe dream. So, now the question is whether they’ll actually "improve" upon their 70 wins in 2006. They must win 13 of their final 33 games to do this — and at this point, I’m not really sure which way this will go! They have 13 games remaining against the Red Sox and Yankees. My guess is they’ll go 4-9 in those games. They have six left with Tampa Bay. They should go 4-2. They have six left with Toronto. They’ll probably go 2-4. They have three with the Angels, four with the Rangers and one with Kansas City. You know how it goes around here in September. Traditionally, no one watches or cares about them and they lose a LOT of games once football starts. So, can they finish the season strong? Or will they wilt again? Only time will tell. But it’s pretty pathetic that the team will go into the offseason stressing

Tales from couch…

Billick just called off the dogs… I’m gonna watch the second half sans blogosphere! If you really wanna read this blog, it might be more sensible to start AT THE BOTTOM! I wrote as I watched tonight. No wnsTV travelblog tonight. It was a choppy performance at best. Nine first-half penalties, some missed tackles and mental breakdowns. They’ll have to be better in Cincinnati in two weeks if they wanna start 1-0. The rain, the delays, two games at once on the telly! B.J. Surhoff getting into the Orioles Hall of Fame. Whew…I’m whipped! Happy reading…I’m REALLY, REALLY glad I stayed home tonight! ***************** 10:35 p.m. Pittman has been a magnet for the ball tonight. Ya gotta hate when the fumble goes forward and the wrong guys land on it. The Redskins have had a pretty good run of good fortune here on this drive. This has been a painful drive for the defense and Rex Ryan will be torturing them with this footage, especially the penalties! They should OUTLAW challenges in the preseason! The only thing worse than watching this on TV would be having to get outta that parking lot after the game! BTW: These challenges give me

I stayed home tonight…

Believe it or not, I had two tickets to the ORIOLES game tonight…and was actually gonna go…until Mother Nature got involved. I was all set to do the Orioles game, tape the Ravens game and watch it later. I was going to do the "Raljon" thing tonight but just thought it wouldn’t be any fun. The parking, the cost, the pain in the ass, the Redskins fans…who needs it? I also travel to EVERY game EVERY year so staying home just once and watching a game on TV is kinda fun. I NEVER get to sit at home and watch the Ravens on TV, so it’s weird. So, we bailed on the Orioles when we saw the radar (two MORE unused tickets!). It’s 8:21 right now. MASN has ESPNews on. MASN2 has the Nationals game on. WJZ (slated for O’s game) has "Ghost Whisperer" on. WBFF (slated for Ravens-Skins) has a low-budget show called "That’s Funny" on. My wife has been watching for 20 minutes, and she hasn’t laughed once. And she laughs at EVERYTHING (she’s married to me!) Going to EITHER of these fiascos would’ve REALLY, REALLY sucked. I’m sitting at home and I can’t get an update as

Paris and Dundalk…

I’m not sure if this is a "fake" or not… I’ve NEVER seen this shirt, obviously a "spoof" of Disneyland and Dundalk… BUT…Bobby Nyk sent it along and it’s stuff like this that always justifies my friendship with Baltimore’s craziest DJ and washed up referee and coach! So, now appearing at Eastpoint Mall… Dundalk gives you…PARIS HILTON!

Piling on a 30-3 baseball loss…

I took phone calls and emails all day on Thursday from people who wanted to get me to "snicker" or "sneer" about the Orioles’ biblical 30-3 loss on Wednesday night. Honestly, I just think it’s "one game" and even if I sat around my place "bleeding orange and black," I would still think it’s not all that big of a deal. But the national media couldn’t get enough of the marathon of late-inning scoring and all of the "record-setting" ineptitude. I kinda felt bad for the players and for Dave Trembley (who seems to be a decent guy), to be honest with you. I just hope that wherever Peter Angelos and his "bunkies" were, that they were as MISERABLE as I’ve been for the last decade without a team that in my heart I can support or be proud of. So, if it caused Angelos further pain — or if it leads him to either truly correct the situation or sell the team — then I hope they lose 30-3 EVERY NIGHT! But I don’t think he gives a damn about the team and I don’t think he feels any pain or embarrassment because he’s not a real fan anyway.

Baseball memories winner checks in…

Dear Nasty,   I’m sending you this email to thank you for recognizing my baseball memory as the winner. I was looking for a forum to let my dad know exactly how much he means and has meant to me throughout my life. WNST provided that forum for me and I greatly appreciate the chance. After hearing from numerous family and friends that I had won and reading my entry on, my dad called me and told me he was honored. You gave me the ability to tribute my dad. Thank you.   In Sport We Trust.   Mike Loewe ********************* Hey Mike: To show you how ASTUTE the reader is, I got this letter less than an hour after you were awarded the grand prize… Geez…24 years!! Has it been that long??? I would’ve had NO GUESS who hit that ball although I remember the video and the Kittle’s tirade VERY well. And it came up when he came here for his cup of coffee a few years later…I was sitting in the RIGHT FIELD bleachers that day, way up top! Of course, Bob Haynie probably knew RIGHT AWAY that it was Roenicke… Anyway, VERY, VERY soon

The winner of the ‘Baseball Memories’ contest is here…

It was hard and long and tedious and I NEVER wanna judge another one of THESE again… In the future, we’re gonna LET YOU pick the winner! There were so many GREAT stories — of youth, of teams, of heroes, of Little League, of Cal Ripken, of dads and moms and family — everything you can imagine regarding baseball and its meaning to different people. We got the "full monty" here! We will post many of the best entries here on in the next 24 hours. BUT…after MUCH deliberation and debate, we finally have a winner! Mike Loewe submitted this entry and will be heading to Miami for the Ravens-Fish game in early December, courtesy of Miller Lite, Towson Travel and There I was, 13 years old, sitting in the front row of the left field stands. I was 2 seats from the foul pole with my brother and my dad. It was as exciting a game as I had ever been to or have since for that matter. The chants, banging the seats with your hands until they felt like they would fall off, and then banging them some more. I had my plastic Oriole helmet on

Watching the O’s play tonight…

Where the hell IS everyone??? So they did a "tribute" to Hagy in front of about 5,000 people (or maybe less!) tonight. Erik Bedard is on the hill. He’s the leading candidate to win th Cy Young Award. Tickets to the game are $7!!! THAT’S RIGHT….They’re SEVEN BUCKS!!! Sure, it’s a little chilly (68 degrees at game time), BUT where is EVERYONE???? They must’ve not realized it’s SAMMY SOSA’s (one of five players with 600 or more lifetime jacks!) triumphant return to Baltimore!!!! The ballpark is EMPTY tonight…whew! It looks like April 11th!!! A Cy Young Award candidate, Hagy getting "honored," 1983 prices to get in AND a future Hall of Famer’s return to Baltimore all in the same night for $7!!!! (I guess most of you will not be "lining up" for tomorrow night’s 5 p.m. "twi-night" doubleheader for $12 then?) Miguel Tejada just went yard, it’s 3-zip and you know what? I hope Bedard throws a no-hitter tonight. Would be poetic justice for him to toss a "no-no" en route to a Cy Young Award and getting to celebrate it with the smallest August crowd I’ve ever seen in that ballpark on the night when the greatest fan

Bill Hagy rained on them last night…

At least I HOPE he and the "big guy" had something to do with it. I find it interesting that Orioles waited for "Wild" Bill Hagy to die to actually do anything to honor him. If they REALLY wanted to "honor" him, they should’ve brought him and 200 of his buddies back EVERY night into Sect. 388 and renamed the Section after him! And sold cheap beer up there! And put him in the "Hall of Fame!" And have a statue of HIM out on the courtyard! But I digress…. If there is a heaven, I hope Hagy steps into the lounge and is heartily greeted with a handshake and a hug by Elrod Hendricks and Cal Ripken Sr., who are waiting to hear what Cal Jr.’s speech REALLY sounded like from the hill in Cooperstown two weeks ago. And wouldn’t the three of THEM dish it, right there in Heaven’s Happy Hour lounge about what the hell happened to our city and baseball? I’d LOVE to be the bartender in THAT lounge! Belanger and McNally would be there, so would Ralph Salvon and Moe Drabowsky and all of the others we’ve lost from our childhood. A nice thought… But

‘Wild’ Bill Hagy was a legend…

The phone call came at lunchtime from Ray Bachman — word was spreading around town that we had lost "Wild" Bill Hagy. We didn’t want to report it, honestly, until we were sure of the circumstances and we wanted to make sure his family knew before we put it on the radio. But, it’s with great sadness that we report that Bill Hagy died today at the age of 68. I only had two autographs on my 1979 baseball mitt (a Tom Seaver-signed, Rawlings special) — Debbi Roenicke (wife of my favorite Oriole Gary Roenicke) and "Wild" Bill Hagy. My Pop let me run up to Section 34 from Section 10 once in a while, and Bill signed my glove. Over the 15-plus years I’ve been doing this, I’ve bumped into Bill Hagy more times than I can honestly count and he became a dear friend to our radio station. We were, like him, just Baltimore guys who loved Baltimore sports. He is an icon at WNST. His image leading a cheer in Section 34 is the first GIANT photo you see when you walk into WNST’s offices. Without Bill Hagy, there IS no WNST! Bill came to Anniversary shows,

Your Orioles Cy Young candidate at work …

Erik Bedard has made few friends within the local media, which has now led to a new "national" perspective on his churlish behavior en route to a possible Cy Young Award this fall. Yes, it’s a joy watching him pitch, but apparently he has become a real pain in the ass to deal with for everyone. In this story on, the cat is out of the bag on his asinine behavior toward the media, fans and the like. What gives with these guys? And what gives with the Orioles ALLOWING it? But of course, when your owner is an ass, insulting the fans again and again and encourages his employees to do the same — EVEN WHEN THE FRANCHISE FINALLY GETS IT RIGHT "on the field" — I suppose your star Cy Young candidate can treat people like garbage as well. (Privately, I’m sure the big guys in The Warehouse DELIGHT in his being a jerk to the local media!) Bedard is a Cy Young candidate, but I don’t see the stands filling up on nights when he pitches. I don’t see downtown fully of life and energy and love and commerce, the way we did when Ripken chased

Who’s going to Ravens camp in Westminster today?

Last chance to head up to Carroll County for purple madness… I’m heading up to shoot some wnsTV. If you’re coming up, stop me and shoot some TV and tell me what you think of the 2007 Ravens so far. I can’t wait for Sunday night! Everytime I see Ravens vs. Giants it brings back those warm memories! I saw John Madden’s tour bus downtown last night en route to Baltimore Magazine’s "Best of" party. A fun video is forthcoming, featuring some great stories, including Steve Geppi’s experience with the Matt Wieters signing yesterday morning. I also got to meet Duff, the cake decorator from "Ace of Cakes." He’s a fabulous dude and even BETTER — a HUGE Ravens fan! I’ll have it on the site within 24 hours! (And if you haven’t seen it yet, please check out the WNST Staff Fantasy Football Draft on the TV side…funny guys we have at WNST! Hope you are having a great start to the weekend!

WOW…Matt Wieters signs with the Orioles!

Miracles DO exist! The Orioles did something RIGHT…and we’re all celebrating, simply because they DID what they’re SUPPOSED to do — signed their first round draft pick! Can you imagine us having a parade in Baltimore because the Ravens SIGNED their draft pick? Again, they have Matt Wieters and I hope he goes to the Hall of Fame right behind Johnny Bench and Yogi Berra! But their problems extend much further than a catcher from Georgia Tech. But it’s a start. Good for them! I hope the kid doesn’t live to regret bending his demands at the 11th hour. The Orioles have to FIX things for HIM as much as they do for me and you! They’re still seven games under .500, 15 1/2 games behind the Red Sox and in the midst of their 10th straight horrible season. They’re still at war with their own community and fanbase, if scouting director Joe Jordan’s comments in The Sun are any indication. But, again, all they know how to do and want to do is FIGHT with people. Last night, they beat up Scott Boras, and NO ONE is shedding a tear about that around MLB, I assure you! Oriole Magic…feel

A video bet…

During our weekly sales meeting today, we captured a future bit on wnsTV when Drew Forrester STARTED our meeting by throwing down the gauntlet: "The Orioles WILL sign Matt Wieters by midnight," he bellowed. I quickly pulled $50 out of my pocket — and I NEVER, EVER bet anybody about anything…EVER!!! But, I got 50 clams that says there’s no WAY they’ll sign Wieters before midnight. (Now of course, if Peter Angelos gets a wind of this, he’ll sign him just to cost me $50). Just my two cents…and Drew will be buying me SEVERAL Chinese lunches come 8 a.m. tomorrow when I’m in the studio wagging my finger and telling him, "I told you so!" They’re the Orioles… It’s an easy bet, I think!

Just the facts about Matt Wieters…

History, it seems, is about to repeat. The Orioles are sliding down the slippery slope of embarrassing themselves and this city and its dwindling baseball fan base once again by not signing Matt Wieters. Tick, tick, tick…it’s almost like a cartoonish-Batmanesque (and I mean Adam West, not Michael Keaton) scene at the end of the First Act. You feel like you know the ending. So close, yet so far away. We’ll see how this plays out. EVERYONE in the national media is already predicting a standstill. Once again, the Orioles will kiss their sister and piss off everyone who’s left who still wears an orange cap if this kid isn’t signed. But isn’t that the business they seem to be in? Pissing us off and letting us down and embarrassing us so deeply and painfully that when 40,000 Red Sox fans take over the entire city we’re NUMB to it. Like it’s SUPPOSED to be this way! Here are the facts: Scott Boras does NOT give in during negotiations. Not an iota. Peter Angelos does NOT give in during negotiations. HE MUST WIN EVERY BATTLE! His entire LIFE STORY as the owner of our baseball team has been that he’s

A very impressive night for the purple

WOW…my first Ravens "in season" blog…and we’ve even done better — the debut of my wnsTV "travelblog" (rhymes with travelogue)… I could write and describe for you everything I thought about last night’s game vs. the Eagles… OR… I could go on the radio for four hours today and tell you what I saw and heard last night at M&T Bank Stadium… OR… You could just go to my video "travelblog" on wnsTV… Wanna know what my eyes saw last night? It’s all there… A new season, a new medium, some new ideas… I’m really enjoying shooting stuff for wnsTV…and I’m REALLY proud of my work. We’re showing you stuff that you will see NOWHERE ELSE! And if you haven’t seen any of the Red Sox videos, check them out as well… And, like I said, it’s a lot of fun to SHOW you what I’m seeing instead of telling you or writing to you! GO RAVENS!!! Give us a season that was like last night!!! (Except for that Ray Lewis whiff on the sack!)

Harry Shriver helped build WNST

I found out via a text at 9:44 a.m. yesterday, but I couldn’t find anyone who could confirm the news that Harry Shriver died on Saturday. This morning, more media outlets are reporting of his passing at the age of 74. There is no person in this market who is MORE responsible for the existence of and AM 1570 than Harry Shriver. Harry was the guru of "Oriole Magic," a sweet-yet-crusty old bird himself, who married radio, sports, marketing, a baseball team and a song into a civic Renaissance that made Baltimore a baseball town in the late 1970’s. You’ll be able to read plenty over the next day or two about what he did profesionally at WFBR — he hired Jon Miller, as an example, and he also threw Charlie Eckman off the air one night for being drunk on the air. (I have the tape…it might be one of the funniest 15 minutes in the history of Baltimore radio!) What you might not know is how much of an impact Harry had on me in the mid-1990’s, when I was finding my way as a Dundalk guy doing sports radio on the AM band. This was when

Baseball Memories contest update…

I am amidst a PILE of "Baseball Memories" stories, which have been even better (and did we mention a DEEP pile?) than I anticipated. Looks like I’m not the ONLY one who could write a few books about their magic moments with the game! Just wanted to update the many of you who wrote us… We’re ON it…we’re grading…we’re working diligently…and it’s REALLY hard because they are all so different, so poignant, so funny and the real gift? I’m getting to read them and relive the "Magic" myself on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee… And after spending the last two days surrounded by Red Sox fans (who, I swear to God, it feels like they’re coming out of the water and up from the sewers)…well, it’s comforting to know that baseball used to mean as much to me and you as it does to them! Again, the videos are there…just a click away on wnsTV! They give me hope that one day I might care as much as THEY do again, and it inspires me to see how much joy and love and friendship and family (I’ve seen a DOZEN family reunion groups who are using a

So just HOW MANY Boston fans are here?

I will file a video blog later in the week in reaction to this freaking embarrassment going on in downtown Baltimore with the sea of Red…you know, the city we come to 10 times a year and pack with a sea of purple? In the meantime, there are FOUR fresh wnsTV videos for you to enjoy…and if you’re a TRUE Orioles fan, you WILL NOT enjoy them but you should watch them anyway and see where the Orioles franchise stands circa August 2007. Two weeks after 70,000 sat on a hill in Cooperstown for Cal Ripken’s big day, those hardcores were mostly non-existent downtown today. Just go to wnsTV and pick your video of choice… They all paint a VERY accurate and UNBIASED eye on the situation. Most have a minimal amount of editing and many are time-released shots. Bring a barf bag…

Boston invades Baltimore…

I am on the streets in downtown Baltimore shooting video of the Boston takeover this weekend. If you ARE an Orioles fan and a true Baltimoreans, I hope you stop by and say hello…we’d love to get your thoughts for wnsTV…

Do you LOVE the movie ‘Field of Dreams’?

Well, then, join me and anyone else who cares to join us TONIGHT at 9 PM at the American Visionary Arts Museum adjacent to Federal Hill. The movie is available on the wall. You can sit in the park with your kids, loved ones and watch a classic baseball film outdoors for FREE on a beautiful downtown night? Here is the link: Wear your Orioles, Ravens or FREE THE BIRDS gear… Hope to see you around 8:30 or so on Federal Hill!!!

The ‘battered wife’ checks in…

I have received several hundred emails regarding Free The Birds 2… This is the best so far…and sadly, I feel it is where the rally movement is… Apathy, depair and helplessness have again inflicted Baltimore… Kinda reminds me of about 1980-81-82 with the Colts… No one seems to care enough to get pissed off enough to do anything about what is damaging on so many levels, not the least of which is economically to the center of the city… I thought the 70,000 sitting on the hill in Cooperstown wanted that feeling AGAIN sometime… Instead, the weekend was more like the reading of the rites… Onward we march to football season! The "Oriole Way" is dead and no one seems to care… Below is the letter: Nasty,   Sorry I didn’t respond earlier about free the birds. In part it is because I am not sure I will still be in town because I have accepted a position at a small litigation firm in north jersey and am moving to Manhattan (but not exactly sure when). The other reason I didn’t respond was because I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about part 2.   As you know I was

WNST grows by 10 lbs, 13 ozs…

Please welcome to the world, young Ethan Joseph Forrester, who arrived at 5:37 p.m.! Mom and baby boy are fine. Drew is wiped out!

FREE THE BIRDS is on life support…

Drew Forrester baby update: Doctors think Ethan is arriving on this crazy planet around 7 p.m. EST. Now on to baseball…I did Drew’s show this morning and after four hours I’ve come to realize that Free The Birds is about to die a death of apathy — my worst fear of all! We said it last week (and last year): The rally and Free The Birds was never about me or WNST or Drew or anything other than this: we think the city should be proud of the team and we WANT to be proud of the team. As Drew welcomes his first baby boy into the world, he’d like to believe that his kid can have the memories WE have as Orioles fans when we were kids. It honestly feels like those of us who think this city deserves better — AND ARE WILLING TO VOICE THAT DISPLEASURE — well, we are in the distinct minority. There have been THOUSANDS of people who have given me the "atta boys" or the pat on the ass or the random "keep it up" compliments. Well, where are they now, when we want them to put their VOICES behind their feelings? I

Bryant Gumbel STILL sucks…

And other random thoughts… * How can ANYONE…and I mean ANYONE…possibly think Bryant Gumbel should be doing network-level NFL play by play? Last year was an embarrassment. This year is a CONFIRMATION that someone in charge there has not done any "asking around." I LOVE the NFL. I should love the NFL Network. I don’t. I don’t like their hosts. I don’t like most of their "talent." And it always feels awkward the minute Rick Eisen opens his mouth, because that dude has ZERO passion for football. He’s AWFUL! Just my two cents… (BTW: It took Cris Collinsworth about two minutes after the Steelers scored the first touchdown of the preseason to anoint them "contenders" in the AFC North. He even said people in Cincinnati and Baltimore should be nervous. Gawd, the preseason SUCKS!) If you actually LIKE my two cents, please do me (and yourselves) a favor… Click on the little wnsTV logo on the home page of our website and check out our 2007 version of internet-based television. We’re doing some serious growing here at WNST. We really hope you help us by spreading the word. There’s a video blog there from today, some great footage from the

I asked…and I received…

Just a quick to note to bring everyone up to speed on FREE THE BIRDS 2 efforts… I’ve received nearly 1,000 emails since 8:45 on Wednesday morning…they are about 85% YES…15% NO (of course, the idiots who send things like filling in my name and "Nestor sucks" ones have been eliminated from consideration)! I have received a MYRIAD of fresh emails from concerned FTB2 people, who don’t want to "WALK OUT" on the current players or Dave Trembley, which I completely understand and respect So, I’m formulating some ideas and taking in some interesting debate/ideas on what exactly we SHOULD do this year. For the record, I NEVER said we were "WALKING OUT." I just want to put together a classy, family-oriented event that says one thing: "THIS ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH and WE WANT CHANGE AT THE TOP." Personally, I’m fascinated at the mystery appeal that Andy McPhail has generated over the six weeks, when he’s basically done NOTHING to forward the cause of the Orioles. The only two things he’s attempted to do — hire Joe Girardi and trade for Mark Texiera — he has failed  to accomplish, yet he’s been given a tremendous "hall pass" from an Orioles


Dear BALTIMORE Orioles fan: The time for FREE THE BIRDS 2 has come… Over the last 10 months, I have received more than 8,000 replies to join the “FTB Union” not to mention the countless people who have personally said something positive to me in support of “Free The Birds” since last Sept. 21. I was OVERWHELMED by how many people approached me on the streets of Cooperstown and told me to "NEVER give up the fight!" Many have indicated a sincere interest in a second “walk out” of the Orioles management this summer. Today, I am reaching out to you to see if you’re still interested in another massive event…If YOU are in, I’M IN! If not, we’ll move on… In the coming weeks, we plan to reorganize the “Free The Birds” movement with another “rally” on Oriole Park at Camden Yards similar to last year’s efforts, perhaps with some “twists.” But, here’s the major question: “Are you still with us?” To outline the continuing deterioration of downtown Baltimore’s economic situation on Oriole home dates and to again “itemize” the mean-spiritedness and the team’s place in the standings would be moot for anyone who is paying attention. Sure, they’ve

This is how I felt all over again…

I went to Cooperstown. The videos are just a click away (see the wnsTV to the right >>>>>) I also bore witness to — and captured on video for all of you to see for YOURSELF — the disgusting sight of 40,000 Yankees fans overrunning downtown while the rest of the "real" Orioles fans were all in Cooperstown. And I felt lousy about the Orioles and what’s missing ALL OVER AGAIN! Wasn’t Sunday just great? Wasn’t it AMAZING for US to ALL be together again in that magical little town in upstate New York? Don’t you CRAVE THAT AGAIN…that chance to all get together, wear orange, talk about the old days and actually have some HOPE that we’ll EVER feel that way again? That 33rd Street feeling? Tomorrow at 8 a.m. I will make a significant statement about FREE THE BIRDS on WNST-AM 1570… Earlier tonight I went to the website and read the letter I posted to the website after the Rally…I wrote this piece in mid-October, about three weeks after the Sept. 21st rally…I still feel this way… Do you? Here it is, unedited (pulled from What Free The Birds is all about I’ve had almost

The birth of WNST and television…we give you wnsTV

Instead of me writing about what I did in Cooperstown, you can now ride shotgun… Just click on the WNSTV logo on the right…. From Cooperstown to Camden Yards…we captured the spirit of BOTH events! FREE THE BIRDS!!!!!!!!! (Go ahead…just click it…you’ll see!!!)

Nestor is still alive…

Just wanted to drop a "howdy" note to everyone in WNST land. Between our blogs being down, growing the company, building this (soon-to-be) fabulous website and the combination of Ripken/Cooperstown week and the start of Ravens season, we’ve been PLENTY busy lately. First, I’m VERY glad the blogs are functioning properly again… Second, stay tuned because this website is going to grow immensely over the next six weeks…and you ALL will be invited into the party to opine as well… I’ll be opining on video in the future, as we launch wnsTV in the next few days, allowing us to speak with you and interact with you via video. So, between Barry Bonds and Michael Vick and NBA officials gambling on their own games, it’s been a CRAZY week of sports. We’re off to Cooperstown with Cal Ripken this weekend and will have plenty of video from the celebration. Rex Ryan will join us for a big dinner on Wednesday night and there’s still time and space for you to join us. Next week, along with Casey Willett and Aaron Wilson, WNST will provide blanket coverage of every hit, every move in Westminster — in writing via our blogs, on

When Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore is meaningless..

While we appreciate the most sincere form of flattery — imitation — and we’re certainly not unique in being pissed off at baseball and the disgrace of the game in general (see Barry Bonds’ HR chase this week), the Pittsburgh baseball fans’ walkout on Saturday night was certainly not a very high bar as far as standards for having your voice heard. After our successful march last Sept. 21, you knew there’d be more walkouts — geez, it’s not like we hold a patent — but I find it fascinating that this time, it was "yinz from don’ton" doing the "walkout" thing. Because I’m expected to take a cheap shot, here goes: I wasn’t even sure the Pittsburgh Pirates still existed, to be honest with you. Seriously, I’m all for awareness to the cause, which is the plight of baseball and how the fans are getting screwed and the cities are getting bilked after building Taj Mahal stadiums in honor of these franchises. That’s REALLY what we did last summer with FREE THE BIRDS, amidst the "traditional media" critics who were forced to report on how pissed off the public really is and why they’re angry. (And we’ll see if

I’ve got two tickets…but NOT to paradise

My neighbor upstairs is a great old dude, who loves drinking beer and going to Orioles games and ever since the "Angelos ban" on my press pass, whenever he doesn’t use his tickets, he leaves them under my door so I can go enjoy Orioles baseball. Like many, it seems, I will NEVER spend a nickel with the Orioles until they’re sold to someone who wants to bring some dignity back to the city and the franchise. So, tonight, I have two tickets to the Angels-Birds game at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. Honestly (and sadly), I really don’t even wanna go! I’m back to that sad, wistful and disgusted place again, where watching "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader" on TV was more interesting to me last night than the Orioles-Yankees game (even though any sweep of the Yankees is always welcomed, especially considering how rare it is!). The Orioles haven’t played a meaningful game in 10 years! They’ll be embroiled in a summer-long battle into autumn for sole possession of last place with Tampa Bay. (And honestly, I think they might win! I joked with Joe Maddon on the field in Tampa Bay about it, because I

My man Jayson Stark piles on..

Strangely enough, we here at have been taking a lot of heat this week from the handful of remaining Orioles sycophants and apologists. But for the most, I think the community is rightly again at wit’s end, and has an INORDINATE amount of traffic and if you HAVEN’T joined the "FAN UNION," please feel free to do so if you’re as pissed as we are that this civic disgrace continues day after day. (It only takes a minute and it’ll put you in the loop FIRST when we announce Free The Birds 2…if you join our text service, you WILL be the FIRST to know!) Funny, I DID call into Andy McPhail’s crackly conference call yesterday and lobbed him a question regarding Russell Smouse and Lou Angelos sitting in on managerial interviews. He gave me a quaint answer about it not being "unusual," but I have my doubts already. In retrospect, I should’ve asked more questions about how and when he was approached by Peter Angelos about this job (I haven’t seen that one spoken to, but again, I don’t attend the "real" press conferences because they refuse to let me in the building because they’re scared to

Since someone who is allegedly sane is NOW running the franchise..

"I wouldn’t be here unless … I was absolutely confident that I was free to run this franchise the way it has to be run," Andy MacPhail, June 20, 2007 Dear Andy: Once you get done with Drewski’s list below, maybe you could help me with this little problem I’ve had with the Orioles… It’s a long story, but maybe you could rightfully give me my press pass back and I can rip up the $2800 legal bill I have on my desk for the lawsuit that I haven’t yet filed against Mr. Angelos and the Orioles for revoking my press pass and taking away my ability to do what I’ve done professionally for more than 23 years — since I was 15 years old — cover sports in Baltimore! You talked about bringing back "the fans"…well, I’M A FAN AND HAVE BEEN SINCE 1972! If you want to know why I don’t HAVE a press pass after working in the media here and providing honest analysis — just like John Steadman did with your father many moons ago — you might want to ask Mr. Angelos, who put you in charge of the franchise yesterday. Andy, I run this

Because I believe in presenting BOTH sides of the story..

Unlike the Orioles and their Gestapo media relations tactics… I just got back from the AST Dew Media Day…took a picture and met Bucky Lasek (A DUNDALK BOY!) for the first time…really cool dude…his knee hurts…gonna be a big weekend down in the stadium lots! Anyway, a letter from my inbox… Nestor, I ran into you about 2 weeks ago in Owings Mills at a cafe while we were standing in line to order food.  You were with Rob Long.  But I digress. Anyway, man I’m as frustrated as you are about the state of the Orioles. And call me a fool, but isn’t it even just a little bit possible that the hiring of Andy MacPhail might suggest a change in direction for the team? Imagine for a moment that Angelos finally couldn’t take it anymore, your repeated message finally sank in,  and he admitted that he has to have a baseball guy take over.  I can’t imagine MacPhail taking this job without having complete authority.  He knows who he is dealing with in Angelos.  So there will be no more dual GMs, no more meddling by Angelos. Maybe Angelos realizes he has to restore this organization to respectability,

An open letter to Rex Snider and anyone who believes it’s about money..

Dear Rex: Because I’ve run in these circles since 1984, I will respectfully rebut your notions about money and baseball people and sports… People who have $20 million in the bank are NOT motivated by money if they are the type of person you REALLY want to hire to work for your business. Joe Girardi will only take this job if he can win, and I doubt that he seriously believes he can win in Baltimore. Here’s some food for thought: WHO in Girardi’s inner circle will ADVISE him to take this job? Will Joe Torre tell him it’s a great opportunity? How about Lee Mazzilli? What would happen if Girardi just calls around to ANYONE who has worked in this organization or even DEALT with this organization? Who will say "Yeah, Joe…you GOTTA take that job in Baltimore?" Especially in light of him being the hottest property on the market, why does he need this grief? For the money? When he already has $20 million in the bank? I would hope Girardi is smarter than that! Let’s face it: this is the worst job in baseball, when you consider the owner, the track record, the AL East, the fan

Davey Johnson: C’MON DOWN!!!!!!!

He CAN’T be serious. This has to be old "Dumb Dumb," just yanking Jeff Zrebiec’s chain over on Calvert Street. The Sun is reporting that DAVEY JOHNSON has "interest" in the Orioles managerial job! Man, just when you think you finished off the final pizza during this sick Greek tragedy, you find out you need another bag of popcorn stuffed into the microwave because it’s gonna be a LOONNNG serial. I swear, sometimes I picture Angelos sitting up on his perch, orchestrating some twisted, sick version of "Wag The Dog" as this drama unfolds year after year. Or maybe "Devil’s Advocate" at least… Screw The Sopranos! Just following the Orioles these days (and especially being a "Young, old timer" like me) cries out to wanna know WHAT you hear AFTER "Don’t Stop Believin‘" ends… Or right after J.R. got shot in Dallas… Or when The Fonz jumped the shark… Or right around the time DAVEY last got shot down during the Great Fall War of 1997! Oh, it was a TWO bagger night for popcorn, the last go ’round for Davey vs. Peter! The nasty faxes back and forth that made their way into the media’s hands by the end

Who will save the Orioles?

So, here we go again. New manager, new general manager, new lies that the ownership is selling us — but

Tales from couch…

Billick just called off the dogs… I’m gonna watch the second half sans blogosphere! If you really wanna read this

I stayed home tonight…

Believe it or not, I had two tickets to the ORIOLES game tonight…and was actually gonna go…until Mother Nature got

Paris and Dundalk…

I’m not sure if this is a "fake" or not… I’ve NEVER seen this shirt, obviously a "spoof" of Disneyland

A video bet…

During our weekly sales meeting today, we captured a future bit on wnsTV when Drew Forrester STARTED our meeting by

Boston invades Baltimore…

I am on the streets in downtown Baltimore shooting video of the Boston takeover this weekend. If you ARE an

Bryant Gumbel STILL sucks…

And other random thoughts… * How can ANYONE…and I mean ANYONE…possibly think Bryant Gumbel should be doing network-level NFL play

I asked…and I received…

Just a quick to note to bring everyone up to speed on FREE THE BIRDS 2 efforts… I’ve received nearly


Dear BALTIMORE Orioles fan: The time for FREE THE BIRDS 2 has come… Over the last 10 months, I have

Nestor is still alive…

Just wanted to drop a "howdy" note to everyone in WNST land. Between our blogs being down, growing the company,


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