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Bouman in and Harrington leaves for BWI???

As the quarterback turns… Despite Chris Mortenson of ESPN reporting that Joey Harrington signed with the Ravens yesterday, our sources tell us that Harrington left Owings Mills today without officially becoming a Raven. Or did he? Is he flying away to go elsewhere or to get his bags and come back to Baltimore? We’re now hearing that Todd Bouman has become the frontrunner to be the No. 3 QB here… We dunno…but we’ll find out soon! They have to practice tomorrow, right?

Joe Flacco joins WNST as a blogger and weekly Tuesday guest

Even though we didn’t know he’d be the starting quarterback this Sunday, we’ve known for quite some time that Ravens rookie quarterback Joe Flacco would be in our starting lineup at WNST. Beginning this morning at 8:30 a.m., Flacco will appear each Tuesday morning on the Comcast Morning Show with Drew Forrester. His segment will appear live on WNST-AM 1570 and be heard again in our audio vault on demand. He will also write a blog each Friday, one we’re dubbing “Joe Fridays.” We might even be texting out his three keys to the game on Fridays as well. The best part about this arrangement? We won’t have to guess what he’s thinking about all of this rookie stuff, being the starting quarterback (or even the backup) or how he’s handling Baltimore’s expectations. Now, we can just ask him and give it to you in his words. I’ve had the good fortune to get to know Joe and his family over the past few months and I really hope he has the kind of success that we want him to have in Baltimore. He’s a nice, polite, quiet kid who seems like being an athlete and an NFL quarterback comes

Flacco named starter for Sunday; Harrington rumored to be signed

The quarterback carousel and Labor Day news continues as John Harbaugh has named Joe Flacco the starting quarterback for Sunday’s game against Cinncinnati. Earlier in the day, the “who’s the backup?” story unfolded. The Ravens brought three QBs into Owings Mills today — Chris Simms, Todd Bouman and Joey Harrington and in the end have selected Harrington. Chris Mortenson of ESPN reported first (meaning the agent leaked it to him)… It’s been a wild and wacky weekend in Owings Mills as the Ravens try to rearrange the proverbial chairs on the deck and hope the ship doesn’t sink. Any NFL team that begins practice with a rookie as a No. 1 QB and two other guys who have never attended a practice and are ready to suit up for a game in six days is probably in trouble. Gonna be an interesting week…

UPDATE: Simms in Baltimore, Pittman waived

Updated at 2:27 p.m. Orioles broadcaster and Mr. Angelos employee, Jim Hunter, apparently boarded an airplane with former Bucs quarterback Chris Simms in Tampa this morning bound for BWI. MASN is reporting that Simms is heading to Owings Mills for a job interview. Meanwhile, the Ravens PR has released this: The Baltimore Ravens have waived the following player (injured): David Pittman (CB, 5-11, 185, 3rd-year, Northwestern State) Baltimore has also signed the following players to its practice squad: Nate Lawrie (TE, 6-6, 255, 4th-year, Yale) Marcus Mason (RB, 5-9, 215, 1st-year, Youngstown State) Bryan Mattison (DE, 6-3, 272, Rookie, Iowa) Matt Willis (WR, 5-11, 190, 2nd-year, UCLA) Not a surprise to see Simms in town given the Ravens’ frustrating quarterback depth situation. At best they only have two live arms for practice on Wednesday as they prep for the Bengals: Joe Flacco (who they don’t want to start but it appears that’s the way it’s going to be) and Casey Bramlet, who looked better coming off a plane 15 hours before gametime than most QBs have looked here over the last decade. Troy Smith’s illness remains a mystery (and the Ravens and NFL don’t ever discuss personal illnesses with media

A note from a ‘guardian angel’

Everyone in their life has a mentor or a “guardian angel” who calls when they think you’re doing the wrong stuff or saying the wrong stuff. If you don’t, you should! So, yesterday my “surrogate Uncle” called me to blather on about Steve Bisciotti, Dick Cass, Ozzie Newsome, Brian Billick and John Harbaugh. He said I’ve been unfair. I argued, in a spirited fashion, that I can justify my opinions with facts. And that, yes, I really am concerned about the direction the Ravens are going with their new management structure. So, I advised him to do what anyone and everyone who disagrees with is free to do: write it on! I’m not saying I’m “right.” I’m simpling saying they are making many recent choices that are not in line with what has been — for the most part — a winning formula. And some of it has appeared to be less than polite, in many cases, and downright embarrassing in the case of Jason Garrett. I think Ozzie Newsome should be making football decisions. He did NOT play a role in firing Brian Billick. And from there, every brick in the building changes dramatically and I think it’s

Harbaugh press conference play by play & notes

This will be a running blog from inside the press conference… The podium is Steve Bisciotti, Dick Cass, John Harbaugh and Ozzie Newsome. Steve Bisciotti looks a little more well-rested. Art Modell is sitting in the front row of the auditorium. How Bisciotti got to John Harbaugh: Getting this to a manageable number was all on the “football people.” Coaches and reputations came from the football people: Eric Decosta, the Newsomes, Kevin Byrne, george Kokinis and Pat Moriarty. Bisciotti says it was very easy for him, because he’s hired many people. He also alluded to the blueprint from Art Modell’s search from 1998 that unearthed Brian Billick. There were six candidates. Bisciotti said he spoke to Art Blank in Atlanta. And he liked the process of his interior football management team. Bisciotti lauded Harbaugh’s family background. He then praised Art Modell’s legacy and support. Harbaugh spoke next. Art Modell gave Harbaugh advice, although harbaugh didn’t say what the “advice” was. Harbaugh said the committee asked very tough questions and that it was a very thorough effort and he enjoyed his two days of interviewing. Harbaugh said he can’t wait to get going. Harbaugh praised his family and wife, and spent

What I really think about the Ravens job search and John Harbaugh…

I’ve written lots of critical stuff over the past three weeks – all of it well-founded, well-sourced and honest about the Ravens’ coaching search. As much as some of the “traditional media” loves to portend that I’m some knucklehead, I’m VERY much a John Steadman-trained journalist at heart and I’m very heartened and flattered by the universal praise WNST’s coverage of the “Coachingate” saga has received. The WNSTeam rocked the coverage and I owe Casey, Drew, Ray, Adam, Rob and Bob a big “shout out” because I’ve never been prouder of our work as a radio station and a news source. My guys and gals just bust their ass here! I know we have the best people in town! Write and tell THEM that! I’ll warn you: this is long. I have a lot to say, I’ve been up late thinking some deep thoughts and you can consider this my “shoot” blog. This is what I REALLY think! Unabridged… Much of what I’ve written over the past three weeks has centered around criticism of Steve Bisciotti and his handling of the firing of Brian Billick and the process the job search entailed. I have seen some people on our message

Damn…get it OVER with already!

The media is tired. The Ravens’ front office must be whipped. And the fans are worn out waiting. Every single sign that could possibly point toward the Ravens’ coronation of John Harbaugh as the third coach of the team is emanating out of The Bellagio. Reports from Philadelphia indicate that Harbaugh came down today ready to take the job. Harbaugh’s agent has been unabashed about his client’s desire to be here. And, again, it would be “The Ozzie Way” to call on the “next man up,” who Harbaugh has been all along. It’s been 18 days of waiting, it’s late on Friday (and we should ALL be out listening to Jimmy Buffett and having a TGIF cocktail), but we’re glued to the activity in Owings Mills. If they DO hire Harbaugh, I hope they have indeed found their “future Hall of Famer.” I’ve heard he’s a Hall of Fame person. I know many friends and associates of Harbaugh, and they all say he’s going to be an excellent head coach. We’ll keep you in the loop, and if you REALLY want to know FIRST, just join the text service. We’ve got you covered!

The situation room: Jason Garrett and Steve Bisciotti

So, today the Ravens might have a new coach, and as we’ve seen over the past 72 hours,  maybe they WON’T. Predictions are out this window at this point, and there are as many “scenarios” as there are coaching candidates. Below I will try to give you the flavor of what I’ve been sifting through as a 24-year journalist over the past few days. (I’ve gone old school here, calling upon every resource I have in the league trying to figure out what’s happening here!) Everyone in the league is buzzing about all of the changes on the coaching carousel and the six days off between games in mid-January usually lend themselves to the rumorama that comes with owners, coaches, agents and executives all jockeying for seats in the boardrooms of 32 NFL teams. Incidentally, almost unanimously my sources say that the stunt that Garrett pulled on Tuesday was very against the “etiquette” of how these job situations are handled. The whole notion of a “second interview” means that you’re coming to take the job. No doubt, Bisciotti talked money with Garrett’s team before he got on the plane Monday night. Garrett, and his slippery agent David Dunn, apparently didn’t

Wanted: An NFL Head Coach

OK, so this one is making the rounds on the internet. I haven’t seen it posted anywhere, but it’s quite funny (and I usually don’t find these things funny enough to post). Ask around, I have a lame sense of humor. But it’s kinda hard for me to argue with this particular pundit’s product. It’s closer to reality than fiction. Some people have too much time on their hands. I have a gift certficate to a local sponsor for $100 if you can prove to me that YOU are the author! But anyway, here it is: Any comments below are welcomed…and by all means, if YOU’RE this clever and creative, I wanna hear from you. I’d love for you to contribute to WNST!


I’ve covered the team for 12 years and, just when you think you’ve seen it all, THIS happens. In 12 years, I’ve NEVER been lied to or led astray — NEVER — by anyone in the building in Owings Mills! (That’s what I’ve come to expect from the Orioles, not the Ravens!) Not one coach or player or front office person has EVER been dishonest with me, so obviously, it’s easy to buy into the credibility of all of your sources. Especially, when they’re all saying the same thing: Billick is the safest guy in the building. I’m floored, shocked beyond belief actually — but not TOTALLY baffled by it. * The team was 5-11. * Billick clearly had issues with some of the players, including Ray Lewis, who ultimately has won the war. *  The loudest fans were screaming at the top of their lungs to get rid of Billick, but that ALWAYS happens when a team is 5-11. (I gotta think Mike Preston is the happiest man on the face of the earth. It’ll be his best New Year’s Eve ever!) *  There were definitely some “disciplinary” issues that became an issue when the team started losing, and

Wanted: An NFL Head Coach

OK, so this one is making the rounds on the internet. I haven’t seen it posted anywhere, but it’s quite


I’ve covered the team for 12 years and, just when you think you’ve seen it all, THIS happens. In 12


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