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EPISODE 227: Police Chief Hyatt explains how technology keeps police officers and citizens safer in Baltimore County


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2019-20 Season One
2019-20 Season One
EPISODE 227: Police Chief Hyatt explains how technology keeps police officers and citizens safer in Baltimore County

With our emergency services being pushed to the limit during the pandemic, we thought we’d learn more about how the chiefs of fire and police are handing the new challenges.

Baltimore County has the rare distinction of having a female fire chief and police chief and we believed it was time to get their perspective of the pandemic and how citizens can be helpful in times of emergency when these heroes put their lives on the line to respond to a call.

We heard from Fire Chief Joanne Rund yesterday.

Today, it’s Police Chief Melissa Hyatt, the daughter of a Baltimore City policeman, whose 20 years of service and journey back to being named to head the Baltimore County force last year has been told locally in the media recently. We took a deeper dive in discussing how technology has changed policing for the benefit of the citizens and the safety of everyone.

Both of these chats regarding public safety in the era of COVID were sensational.

Clearly, we voted this month. And we hope you voted, too!

We will have a lot of reaction to the elections in the coming days and weeks.

We have been hearing from many of the prime candidates in the Democratic race for Mayor of Baltimore over the past two weeks as election ballots arrive in the mail. And as graduations and the Preakness are on hold here and spring arrives, we have been asking many educational and university leaders about the impact of COVID-19 and the future of higher education in America.

We are all in this together and this is a time to educate, unite and keep each other safe. But we also have some extra time to read and learn and educate ourselves in many ways.

We will continue to produce high-quality, intelligent conversations with thought leaders throughout this pandemic at Baltimore Positive. And we expect to do it at a rapid pace so stick with us and subscribe!

Like all others, we have halted a “live schedule” and will continue to launch our chats as we have them during this crisis. Expect more than less.

Please subscribe to Baltimore Positive and stay with us.

We were built for this…


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