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EPISODE 96: Schwartz reminds us transportation is necessary for families in Baltimore

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2019-20 Season One
2019-20 Season One
EPISODE 96: Schwartz reminds us transportation is necessary for families in Baltimore

In our holiday search to tell some great stories and lift our community up during the end of this decade, we are presenting some โ€œbonusโ€ Baltimore Positive while Nestor searches the Far East for answers.

First up in a long series of individual chats in Marty Schwartz of Vehicles For Change.

You never know how much transportation can change a family, and then, a community.

Let Marty tell you about it in Episode 96 of Baltimore Positive.

We have taken some time this month to add some โ€œholiday bonusโ€ editions of Baltimore Positive that will be coming your way into December with Debbie Phelps, Cheryl Bost, Mike Ertel, Joe Giacalone, Isaac Hametz and Frank Kolarek in addition to our long-form chats with Adrienne Jones, Sonja Santelises and the incomparable Wes Moore.

Nestor and Don are also preparing a very special Episode 100 coming later this weekโ€ฆ

Weโ€™d be โ€œthankfulโ€ this holiday season if you subscribe to Baltimore Positive and make it a part of your weekly routine!


(Yesโ€ฆyou are invited to join us!)

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12: New Baltimore police commissioner Michael Harrison joins us at Faidleyโ€™s Seafood in Lexington Market at noon.

We want to thank all of our sponsors, supporters and friends who have allowed this Baltimore Positive platform and movement to become part of your lives and routine. And thank you for sharing our conversations with your community and world!

Hope to see you around Baltimore soon!

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