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Joan Jett talks Orioles Magic with Nestor before July 4th Heritage Fair Dundalk show in 2012

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Baltimore Positive
Joan Jett talks Orioles Magic with Nestor before July 4th Heritage Fair Dundalk show in 2012

With Joan Jett back in Baltimore for the Splash Zone and a real pennant race for Orioles baseball, we throwback to that time in 2012 when the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer talked Orioles baseball with Nestor before her legendary appearance at the Dundalk Heritage Fair on 4th of July weekend.


joan jett, playing, song, orioles, dress, joan, years, fan, tomorrow, music, baseball, roll, rock, touring, baltimore, hits, fanatic, jim palmer, oriole, team


Joan Jett, Nestor J. Aparicio

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:00

I used to use this song and I love this song. So this was Joan jets request on the program, Orioles fan Joan Jett and you have to fulfill a request from Joan Jett. I’ll do anything Joan Jett tells me to do, quite frankly, I will I don’t even know if I want to talk to Joan Jett. I might just want to listen to Joan Jett for the next 30 minutes, but I’m gonna have the honor tomorrow night. Joan Jett is not only playing in Baltimore, she’s playing in Dundalk, my hometown. She’s playing my hometown fair that I’ve been getting drunk at since quite frankly the time I was about 12 or 13. And I’ll be in the beer garden not only tonight for Dennis the young, but I’ll be back tomorrow. And no offense. I was a much bigger Styx fan in 1980 than I was a Joan Jett fan but I’m a bigger Joan Jett fan now and I am honored to have Joan back on the show. And I’m gonna talk a little Orioles and a lot of rock and roll with the great Joan Jett Joan Welcome back to Baltimore what’s up?

Joan Jett  01:06

Yeah How you doing? How are you? Great to be back

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:09

you know it’s gonna be 105 Tomorrow here you know that right 105 degrees.

Joan Jett  01:14

Well, you know what, I’m looking for a good sweat so I can’t wait. Now

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:19

you are in an Orioles  fan. And I was having lunch with somebody today and they didn’t know you’re a fan fanatic. Fan fanatic short for right. And I know 90 Iraq’s had you on I’ve had you on the show. I’ve been doing this 21 years now. But I will never forget the first day I toured Camden Yards. You were there. Touring Camden Yards when the media was touring it. You were in like a dress. You weren’t in the usual Joan Jett leather thing, but I thought man, this is how big of an Oreo fan Joan Jett is that she’s touring Oriole party candidates. I think you’re like the only celebrity or real fan. So this year has been great for anybody that’s an Orioles  fan.

Joan Jett  01:58

Well, first I gotta say couldn’t have been a dress. It had to be like an Orioles  jacket tied around my waist because I wear dresses.

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:04

When you wear something nice that you weren’t the Rock and Roll got a long

Joan Jett  02:08

t shirt. Maybe it was just up and I don’t wear dresses. So no.

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:13

Never. It wasn’t a game. It was just like sort of immediate thing you know?

Joan Jett  02:17

Right? Right. I remember I remember. Yeah, it was awesome. But But no, I wouldn’t have been in a dress. So

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:22

all this suffering we’ve done you know the orals are decent now finally fun. The oils are what the guy said the Orioles are better now.

Joan Jett  02:33

It is really exciting the season, although I’m having a little bit of nervousness at the moment. You know, I don’t like I don’t like them losing? I’m sure nobody does. But you know, I’m excited because I think the team is great. And I love the show. Walter, I think he is the kind of manager that can really keep guys heads in the game. And, you know, that’s what you need to do is fight through these times when nobody’s hitting. You know, I mean, you get in a good enough pitching, where if the guys are hitting within one some of these games, but you know, they’ll come around. I’m not worried about it. I live in New York. I live in New York, okay. So I can’t wait to be able to, you know, have the battle. When

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:20

is the last time you lived in Maryland or lived in Baltimore. I mean, I guess living in New York could be in rock and roll live at rock and roll lifestyle. Baseball is a lot easier to access. Now, if you’re addicted to a team, because baseball is everywhere. And you can get it on the internet. We didn’t have these luxuries back in the 80s.

Joan Jett  03:38

Right, and I do find follow the oils and even I’m going to be watching the game on my iPad tonight. backstage before going on stage. So but I used to live in in Rockville, and my my father is taking my brother and sister and I to games. We went through about 10 while I lived in Maryland. And I was I was I was in Maryland from age eight to 13. But my first game was Jim Palmer against catfish hunter. I was 13 rows behind home plate and Jim Palmer through a no hitter. That was my first game. So that’s what I mean by oil fanatic. You know, you can’t you can’t set the buy or hire. Yeah, well, you

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:24

know, it’s funny because I think everybody that knows anybody the Orioles that knows about rock’n’roll in the 80s and your career knows that you were there. And that’s kind of a famous story of you attending the Palmer winter show and I’m now 43 years old. I’ve been to you know, probably 1500 baseball games in my life and I’ve never seen a no hitter. Did you have any idea how special it was when you were a kid?

Joan Jett  04:45

Well, yeah, my dad was explaining it to me and I was a baseball fan at the time. So I did recognize that it was a very special occasion. And but as you go through history now as you We’re able to reflect back, especially the caliber of team at the caliber of the pitching that Jim was going against, and certainly the oil pitchers time and he talked about for 20 game winners on that team, and he will never see that kind of thing again. So it’s pretty, pretty incredible to have been able to see that part of baseball when teams plan like that. What’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:29

the last time he got to a game word? Okay, if you check him out when they’re playing the Yankees and Mets up in New York.

Joan Jett  05:36

If I’m on the road, it’s been a couple of years since I’ve been working. I’ve got to get to a game and I really hope to get to one this year, hopefully down bone while

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:45

you’re getting down here tomorrow and you’re playing my hometown fair, that Dundalk heritage fair. It’s gonna be 105 degrees. We’re looking forward to tell me a little bit that your music right now and where you are, I was checking the setlist. And I am very heartened that you’re going to be doing the bad reputation, which by the way, was my theme song here in 2008. I want to let you know I played your song every day on the air. I hope the ASCAP people paid you for that. And we writing new music doing new songs. What is the Joan Jett setlist look like tomorrow night and Dundalk for us?

Joan Jett  06:15

Well, we’re going to be doing, obviously a lot of hits. And we’re going to be doing some fan favorites through the years that weren’t necessarily top 40 hits. And then like you just mentioned, we’re working on a new album, we’re in the studio. And I always like to play the new songs for people before we even record them. So you don’t have some kind of a gauge as to whether you’re on the right track. I mean, it’s so straight up rock and roll. And it’s, you know, the subject matter might be slightly different than what I was weighing about 20 years ago, whatever. But it’s still, you know, still, I think, very relatable.

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:55

I think it’s interesting how much the record business has changed in the music business has changed over the years. I mean, you’re talking about watching an Oriole game on your iPad, you know, I mean, for the old people like us, you know, I mean, to think that we would have this little device in our pocket that would have every song we’ve ever had, that we it’s a click away, it really is kind of amazing. And I guess it makes your music even more vibrant for younger people to get turned on to it because it’s so easily accessible. You don’t have to put a dime in the written record machine anymore. It’s just you hit the iPod and you can have Joan Jett or anything else you want these days.

Joan Jett  07:28

Right but also people have so many choices that you know you don’t want to get lost in the shuffle. So it’s you know, it’s always the same as to try to differentiate I guess yourself from other people or just give them a reason as to why they should come and see you. So I think just have a good time. Why don’t we people know we do I think and we had a couple of years ago there was a movie that came out about my first band and runaways Kristen Stewart who have Twilight same played me and you know, it’s it really opened up a lot of younger kids to to the runways music which I’ve actually noticed in the audience’s you get a lot of teenage girls in the crowd and stuff, which is really fulfilling because it’s that long, but you know, the kids want to play rock. Well, I

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:32

think there’s a second life to everything. And I think a song like I Love Rock and Roll obviously gets played a whole lot. But you even did I remember ESPN was using The Mary Tyler Moore song remake for their, their women’s basketball and different stuff. And that was maybe 10 years ago or whatever. But it gave a whole second life to not only a song but also to you. And I think a pretty cool message for people as well.

Joan Jett  08:56

Totally, totally. I think that was yeah, for the women’s college basketball. Sweet 16, I believe. Yeah. But But yeah, it’s, uh, you just have to just if you can stay in there long enough and keep fighting and stay out there. And we’ve always been on the road really, all the time. That’s what I do every year. I don’t sit back and do nothing. We’re going on vacation or anything. I just go out on the road and try to stay out there.

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:22

Well, I hope you bring us the Rock and Roll tomorrow. And we’re really looking forward to seeing you I know I’m really gassed up about you playing my hometown and the festival which is why we call to try to get you on I don’t even do radio every day anymore. I retired a few years ago just happen to be here today. I said get Joan Jett. Oh, wow. Found Julie. We found you. And I really appreciate you taking a couple of minutes. I didn’t realize you’re playing in Minnesota tonight. Is that

Joan Jett  09:41

right? Yeah, yeah. So we hadn’t you early in the morning. All right. Well get any make. Yeah, dress lightly.

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:51

I might not dressed at all, Joan.

Joan Jett  09:53

That’s fine. Fine. Just make sure it’s cool to cross.

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:59

Hey, well See you tomorrow night and Dundalk rest up play well and hey, if you wake up on Sunday morning in Baltimore maybe you can take in the Orioles in the in the Indians on Sunday at one o’clock.

Joan Jett  10:10

Oh yeah, that’s true. I do have a gig so I don’t know what time on flight is the kid got to fly someplace else but if I’m around you bet I’m gonna do that. It’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:20

always it’s always another gig when you’re in the rock and roll band Joan Jett of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Joan, thank you very much for taking a couple minutes and checking in. We’ll see you tomorrow and we’re really excited about it. My

Joan Jett  10:30

pleasure. Thank you. Oh, oh, she’s nice.

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:37

Thank you, Joan, Joan Jett all the way out of here because I had this because I hate myself for loving her but I do

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Joan Jett talks Orioles Magic with Nestor before July 4th Heritage Fair Dundalk show in 2012

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