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A packed house and big prices as Washington comes to Baltimore for a big football game

He spent two days at Camden Yards covering Orioles playoff games and will be eagerly awaiting this Jayden Daniels vs. Lamar Jackson matchup in Baltimore on Sunday. Thom Loverro of The Washington Times tells Nestor about the suddenly deodorized burgundy and gold NFL franchise and the emergence of the Commanders’ first superstar since Dan Snyder left Landover.

Business, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Sports, Sports News

Cleansing the dirty soul of the burgundy and gold

Thom Loverro of Washington Times tells Nestor about the cleansing of burgundy and gold football soul in Landover on Sunday for all D.C. football fans who have suffered. Of course, it begged the question of what the Orioles would look like the day after the Angelos family is gone in Baltimore.

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