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The Tasting Room

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Going Old Fashioned on a bourbon tour with my son at Drug City in the Dundalk homeland

On the eve of his 55th birthday, Nestor finally convinced his son Barry to join him for a drink with soda jerk and bourbon pourer Chuck Jacobs in The Tasting Room above The Fountain at Drug City to talk old school Dundalk and growing up East Baltimore. Oh, and how to make a tasty drink!

Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

How did 25 years of Baltimore sports radio fly by like this?

Original WNST Executive Producer Andy Mueller joins Nestor for a bunch of 25th Anniversary memories of life in Baltimore in 1998 as we were trying to be pioneers in how sports radio was presented for local fans. Lots of beautiful memories from Drug City here with one of our favorite people.

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