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25 WNST Stories of Glory​

"...Time will not dim the glory of YOUR deeds"

No One Listens Aparicio Nestor Nasty

Watch “No One Listens; Everyone Hears” – The Media Story of Nestor Aparicio, WNST and Baltimore Positive

You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll learn. Watch “No One Listens; Everyone Hears” – The Story of Baltimore Positive, Nestor Aparicio & WNST” here. A documentary film narrated by Kyf Brewer, Gina Schock, Mickey Cucchiella, Mike Brilhart, John Allen, Ray Bachman and Bill Cole. Special and eternal thanks to Gregg Landry and Blue Rock Productions for the spiritual guidance and documentary awesomeness on this project. Nestor and his family and partners would like to thank every one of you for four decades of support of WNST, our sponsors and advertisers who allow us to do this Baltimore Positive thing.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 4: The night we brought Harbaugh, Tomlin and Billick together to share Super Bowl glory stories

In the aftermath of Jennifer Aparicio’s miraculous survival following a second bone marrow transplant, we were inspired to do a second “Night of Heroes” after leukemia survivor Chuck Pagano came back to Baltimore in 2015 to raise money and awareness for There Goes My Hero and the power of swabbing to save lives. If you missed one of the great nights in Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh sports partnerships in May 2016, you can relive it by watching three Super Bowl winning head coaches on one stage for a great cause. This was also the last public appearance of former Ravens president David Modell, who had some very important words, as did Super Bowl XXXV champion James Trapp, who also survived leukemia. A powerful evening.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 1: The New Orleans Super Bowl 2:52 march in February that you’ll never forget

If you were in New Orleans for Super Bowl XLVII on February 3, 2013, you were probably down at the river meeting us the for greatest purple march in the history of the Baltimore Ravens fan base. Thousands of you met us at the Natchez down at the Mississippi River to march 17 blocks at 2:52 to watch Joe Flacco throw and the lights go out at the Superdome. Where were you in the parade of purple on Poydras? Got any pictures? Send them our way and help us share the memories of the greatest event in the history of WNST and Baltimore Positive.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 2: The powerful message of Free The Birds to awful Orioles owner Peter G. Angelos

We did our best and this remains the pride of all of the work of Nestor Aparicio: exposing the truth about the awfulness of the Orioles ownership stewardship of the Baltimore Orioles over three decades. The “FREE THE BIRDS” rally was held on September 21, 2006. It was 18 years ago and the team has posted just four winning seasons since then. Peter Angelos heard the voices of the Baltimore baseball fans that day. So did most of America…

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 3: When Whiskey Joe’s ran out of beer in Tampa on Super Bowl XXXV Sunday

Many OG Baltimore sports fans would tell you this was the greatest day of their lives. The National Football League came back to Baltimore and we won Super Bowl XXXV on a glorious night in Tampa, Florida. But before the game, we threw a party so big that WJZ asked if they come and broadcast from it. The legend of Whiskey Joe’s and Super Bowl Sunday, January 28, 2001. Ask anyone who was lucky enough to be there…

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 5: When Super Bowl XXXV Ravens head coach Brian Billick became our partner

Back in 2008 when head coach Brian Billick departed from the Baltimore Ravens and wanted to remain in Maryland, he became our partner at on behalf of the Living Classrooms Foundation. As a legacy AM radio station that has now made it a quarter of a century as an enduring and truth-telling multimedia outlet on the strength of our partnerships, relationships and the benevolence of special people who serve to lift the community, we’re indebted to Coach Billick for his time, wisdom and integrity. Brian Billick never had any problem telling it like it is – and never lost sight of how important the Baltimore fan base and community were in his success as the Ravens head coach but also as a leader in the city where he brought us a Super Bowl XXXV parade.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 7: #JennStrong When you cared about more than just sports radio

On March 20th of this year, it’ll be ten years since Jennifer Aparicio was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia that was later traced back to her work as a project engineer in telecom at 9/11 and the World Trade Center in New York City. As she fought for her life and awaited the first of two bone marrow transplants from a miracle German man who saved her life, our WNST community rallied to get swabbed for the bone marrow registry and the local charity There Goes My Hero. Jenn is alive and well and visited with her DNA twin Niels in Europe recently for NFL football in Franfurt. Meanwhile, we remain incredibly grateful for the support of our community here at WNST Baltimore Positive that kept her spirits high and hopes alive during her gruesome battle. Hug the people you love!

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 8: The day we turned WNST back on and Shannon Sharpe made the Ravens a real franchise

WNST-AM 1570 was originally leased by Nestor Aparicio from May 1998 through October 1999 and he had to bid farewell on the airwaves before being syndicated by One On One Sports and Sporting News Radio out of Chicago to return back to the local airwaves in September 2000 the same weekend the Ravens caught fire as a franchise against the Jacksonville Jaguars. That team would win Super Bowl XXXV four months later in Tampa. It was a special time to be the first and only station on the dial doing sports radio in the Charm City.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 9: The power of the WNST Text Service to break and deliver sports news

The founder of WNST is an old news hound who was trained by the best in the business in the 1980s at The News American and The Baltimore Sun. When the internet became a thing at the turn of the century and texting quickly became ubiquitous, Nestor Aparicio asked his listeners to join the WNST Text Service sponsored by Koons Ford of Security Blvd. No spam! Ever. It’s been over 18 years since we launched the most trusted source for breaking sports news in Baltimore. What was the big news that you heard first and where were you when you received the text? (And ask Nestor about the time he purposely launched one in the cafeteria at the Ravens’ Liars Luncheon with NFL schedule news to watch everyone in the room reach for their phones!)

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 10: Our 10th Anniversary celebration at Sports Legends Museum

They said we’d never make it at WNST so when our 10th Anniversary on the Baltimore airwaves at AM 1570 also launched the all-new on the internet, we took a chance to invite everyone downtown for a night of food, fans and good cheer to celebrate a decade of locally owned and operated sports radio in the Charm City. If you have any pictures of our night at Sports Legends Museum – there were a ton of celebrities and old-school listeners and friends in one place – we’d love to see and share them:

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 11: The legacy of “The Nasty Nice Guy Awards” two decades later

Back in 1996, Nestor was working with the Ed Block Courage Awards to raise money and awareness and dreamed up a Baltimore banquet that would bring together all of the local professional sports teams to honor the good people who play the games. The Nasty Nice Guy Awards hosted exclusively at Michael’s Eighth Avenue in Glen Burnie lasted eight years and raised over $150,000 for local charities. The late, great Bobby Nyk played the tunes and we partied for a purpose with a lot of very recognizable faces. Elrod Hendricks represented the Baltimore Orioles every year so you know it was the place to be! Ask anyone who attended these incredible nights about their pictures with Cal Ripken, Ray Lewis, Art Donovan, Mike Flanagan, Jon Ogden, Gov. William Donald Schaefer, Brian Billick, Fang Mitchell and so many others.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 12: The legend of the first great tailgate in San Diego

It sounds like heresy but last century, “tailgating” was illegal in Baltimore. (You kids can look it up!) In 1996, when the Ravens came to the Charm City, David Modell set out to change those laws and in 1997 when the first purple trip San Diego took 200 “Nasty Nestor” listeners to Jack Murphy Stadium, we met some Chargers fans in the parking lot and made some memories. There were many, many roadtrips and more beer, sandwiches and fried chicken consumed along many highways with Gunther buses but this virgin voyage in a town that the NFL has now forgotten was truly unforgettable.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 14: The power of the Fu Five Flacco Fighters

Sometime around Halloween of the 2011 season, Joe Flacco and Dennis Pitta started growing Fu Manchus as a bit of an inside joke to annoy their wives. Nestor approached him after another Ravens victory and a thing happened around Baltimore. Admit it, you probably have a funny picture somewhere on your timeline. One more reason to love Joe Flacco.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 16 – The epic Pittsburgh Purple Pep Rallies and Parties

Nestor remembers the Pittsburgh hotel manager howling when the Baltimore AM sports radio wackjob guy told her he was gonna bring a thousand people in purple to her fancy corporate wedding ballroom for four hours to drink beer and prepare to eliminate the Steelers from the AFC Championship Game. The game didn’t go well in 2009 or 2011 but we threw a helluva party up there with ‘yins. Our WNST Roadtrips could affect everything but the outcome for #RavensFlock.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 17 – That crazy playoff night in Nashville with Steve McNair and Ravens fans for charity

If you ever bump into Nestor and want one of the wilder stories of his journey, ask him about the night he did a charity event with Steve McNair in Nashville. We took several busloads and planeloads of Ravens fans to Nashville several times. The 2001 playoff party was legendary but it was in January 2009 when the former Oilers, Titans and Ravens quarterback came to Limelight to greet a sea of purple. And then we threw a party. The videos tell the story better than we ever could. Especially that poor taxi driver…

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 18 – Our Give A Spit 30 MLB Ballparks in 30 Days Marathon

Even though this is further down the list, it might be the greatest thing we’ve ever done. When Jennifer Ford Aparicio was diagnosed with leukemia in March 2014 and survived that summer watching baseball, Nestor was inspired to live out a dream and make it matter. And the 30-30 MLB Give A Spit Tour was born. In June and July of 2015, the couple swabbed for the bone marrow registry in 18 ballparks, swabbing thousands of baseball fans over 30 days and even made it Cooperstown. No rainouts, one passport forgotten, many celebrities and wonderful friends we visited and made along the way on behalf of There Goes My Hero.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 20 – The legacy of the Baltimore Colts and Indianapolis

It’s complicated – and always will be, the Colts thing in Baltimore for anyone who was alive in 1984. Over a quarter of a century it’s never been ignored but back in 2011 at the Indianapolis Super Bowl, Nestor finally put down the sword and the horseshoe for his mental health writing a letter to the citizens of Indiana that got nearly a million views during Radio Row week. But it didn’t come without raising a whole lotta hell for a quarter of a century.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 21 – The night we took ‘Wild’ Bill Hagy to Orioles-Phillies game at Camden Yards

On June 28, 2002, Nestor Aparicio led a return to Oriole Park at Camden Yards by the franchise’s biggest fan and larger-than-life Dundalk cab driver “Wild” Bill Hagy, who was an avid WNST listener. The two spent weeks on the air inviting by-then disgruntled Angelos Orioles watchers down to “Pack The Perch” with more than 2,000 our of listeners purchasing tickets in Sections 382-384-386-388 via a special phone number.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 23 – Time will not dim the glory of your charity

Over 25 years of serving the Towson and Baltimore community as an FCC licensee with nothing but local ownership of WNST-AM 1570 and operating and now Baltimore Positive, we stand very proud of our charity and service. All of it has been powered by people like you – citizens, sports fans, great local humans who live here, work here, are from here and want to help here.

We have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in time, money, resources, goods, gifts and contributions. We asked for your help and time and love – and you always gave. Here’s the proof…

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 24 – The legend of our purple live shows at The Barn – and beyond

If you ever participated in or witnessed a decade of fun times, live radio shows and Baltimore sports memories with us at The Barn on Harford Road back in the 1990s when WNST was birthed by the local community, then you know it’ll never be replicated. Go through the photos and see how many legends you can identify who spent time eating crabs, drinking beer and talking sports with us – and you – in Parkville. As John Steadman once said: “Didn’t we have some good times?” What’s your favorite memory of a WNST live event over these 25 years of awesomeness? The night we brought the Lombardi Trophy by in the aftermath of Super Bowl XXXV didn’t suck.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 25 – Showing Baltimore our signs of life

If you are familiar with the beginnings of WNST, it probably came back on that first kickoff at Memorial Stadium on September 1, 1996 when the Baltimore Ravens were born and our DUMP TRUMPY placards made national news after NBC broadcaster Bob Trumpy wished the Charm City empty roads, warm beer and cold hot dogs. And of course, the GET NASTY flip sides took off and launched what would become WNST-AM 1570 on August 3, 1998. We will countdown our WNST Top 25 “Stories of Glory” every week through the football season. If you have pictures from this era, please email: and share and tag us on social media. We’d love to see your side of our 25 WNST Stories of Glory. And if you have a story to tell, let’s tell it. Gratitude for all of the years of your support keeping us strong and alive and thriving into our 26th year of doing it better than anyone’s ever done it!

No One Listens Aparicio Nestor Nasty

Watch “No One Listens; Everyone Hears” – The Media Story of Nestor Aparicio, WNST and Baltimore Positive

You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll learn. Watch “No One Listens; Everyone Hears” – The Story of Baltimore Positive, Nestor Aparicio & WNST” here. A documentary film narrated by Kyf Brewer, Gina Schock, Mickey Cucchiella, Mike Brilhart, John Allen, Ray Bachman and Bill Cole. Special and eternal thanks to Gregg Landry and Blue Rock Productions for the spiritual guidance and documentary awesomeness on this project. Nestor and his family and partners would like to thank every one of you for four decades of support of WNST, our sponsors and advertisers who allow us to do this Baltimore Positive thing.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 4: The night we brought Harbaugh, Tomlin and Billick together to share Super Bowl glory stories

In the aftermath of Jennifer Aparicio’s miraculous survival following a second bone marrow transplant, we were inspired to do a second “Night of Heroes” after leukemia survivor Chuck Pagano came back to Baltimore in 2015 to raise money and awareness for There Goes My Hero and the power of swabbing to save lives. If you missed one of the great nights in Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh sports partnerships in May 2016, you can relive it by watching three Super Bowl winning head coaches on one stage for a great cause. This was also the last public appearance of former Ravens president David Modell, who had some very important words, as did Super Bowl XXXV champion James Trapp, who also survived leukemia. A powerful evening.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 1: The New Orleans Super Bowl 2:52 march in February that you’ll never forget

If you were in New Orleans for Super Bowl XLVII on February 3, 2013, you were probably down at the river meeting us the for greatest purple march in the history of the Baltimore Ravens fan base. Thousands of you met us at the Natchez down at the Mississippi River to march 17 blocks at 2:52 to watch Joe Flacco throw and the lights go out at the Superdome. Where were you in the parade of purple on Poydras? Got any pictures? Send them our way and help us share the memories of the greatest event in the history of WNST and Baltimore Positive.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 2: The powerful message of Free The Birds to awful Orioles owner Peter G. Angelos

We did our best and this remains the pride of all of the work of Nestor Aparicio: exposing the truth about the awfulness of the Orioles ownership stewardship of the Baltimore Orioles over three decades. The “FREE THE BIRDS” rally was held on September 21, 2006. It was 18 years ago and the team has posted just four winning seasons since then. Peter Angelos heard the voices of the Baltimore baseball fans that day. So did most of America…

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 3: When Whiskey Joe’s ran out of beer in Tampa on Super Bowl XXXV Sunday

Many OG Baltimore sports fans would tell you this was the greatest day of their lives. The National Football League came back to Baltimore and we won Super Bowl XXXV on a glorious night in Tampa, Florida. But before the game, we threw a party so big that WJZ asked if they come and broadcast from it. The legend of Whiskey Joe’s and Super Bowl Sunday, January 28, 2001. Ask anyone who was lucky enough to be there…

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 5: When Super Bowl XXXV Ravens head coach Brian Billick became our partner

Back in 2008 when head coach Brian Billick departed from the Baltimore Ravens and wanted to remain in Maryland, he became our partner at on behalf of the Living Classrooms Foundation. As a legacy AM radio station that has now made it a quarter of a century as an enduring and truth-telling multimedia outlet on the strength of our partnerships, relationships and the benevolence of special people who serve to lift the community, we’re indebted to Coach Billick for his time, wisdom and integrity. Brian Billick never had any problem telling it like it is – and never lost sight of how important the Baltimore fan base and community were in his success as the Ravens head coach but also as a leader in the city where he brought us a Super Bowl XXXV parade.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 7: #JennStrong When you cared about more than just sports radio

On March 20th of this year, it’ll be ten years since Jennifer Aparicio was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia that was later traced back to her work as a project engineer in telecom at 9/11 and the World Trade Center in New York City. As she fought for her life and awaited the first of two bone marrow transplants from a miracle German man who saved her life, our WNST community rallied to get swabbed for the bone marrow registry and the local charity There Goes My Hero. Jenn is alive and well and visited with her DNA twin Niels in Europe recently for NFL football in Franfurt. Meanwhile, we remain incredibly grateful for the support of our community here at WNST Baltimore Positive that kept her spirits high and hopes alive during her gruesome battle. Hug the people you love!

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 8: The day we turned WNST back on and Shannon Sharpe made the Ravens a real franchise

WNST-AM 1570 was originally leased by Nestor Aparicio from May 1998 through October 1999 and he had to bid farewell on the airwaves before being syndicated by One On One Sports and Sporting News Radio out of Chicago to return back to the local airwaves in September 2000 the same weekend the Ravens caught fire as a franchise against the Jacksonville Jaguars. That team would win Super Bowl XXXV four months later in Tampa. It was a special time to be the first and only station on the dial doing sports radio in the Charm City.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 9: The power of the WNST Text Service to break and deliver sports news

The founder of WNST is an old news hound who was trained by the best in the business in the 1980s at The News American and The Baltimore Sun. When the internet became a thing at the turn of the century and texting quickly became ubiquitous, Nestor Aparicio asked his listeners to join the WNST Text Service sponsored by Koons Ford of Security Blvd. No spam! Ever. It’s been over 18 years since we launched the most trusted source for breaking sports news in Baltimore. What was the big news that you heard first and where were you when you received the text? (And ask Nestor about the time he purposely launched one in the cafeteria at the Ravens’ Liars Luncheon with NFL schedule news to watch everyone in the room reach for their phones!)

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 10: Our 10th Anniversary celebration at Sports Legends Museum

They said we’d never make it at WNST so when our 10th Anniversary on the Baltimore airwaves at AM 1570 also launched the all-new on the internet, we took a chance to invite everyone downtown for a night of food, fans and good cheer to celebrate a decade of locally owned and operated sports radio in the Charm City. If you have any pictures of our night at Sports Legends Museum – there were a ton of celebrities and old-school listeners and friends in one place – we’d love to see and share them:

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 11: The legacy of “The Nasty Nice Guy Awards” two decades later

Back in 1996, Nestor was working with the Ed Block Courage Awards to raise money and awareness and dreamed up a Baltimore banquet that would bring together all of the local professional sports teams to honor the good people who play the games. The Nasty Nice Guy Awards hosted exclusively at Michael’s Eighth Avenue in Glen Burnie lasted eight years and raised over $150,000 for local charities. The late, great Bobby Nyk played the tunes and we partied for a purpose with a lot of very recognizable faces. Elrod Hendricks represented the Baltimore Orioles every year so you know it was the place to be! Ask anyone who attended these incredible nights about their pictures with Cal Ripken, Ray Lewis, Art Donovan, Mike Flanagan, Jon Ogden, Gov. William Donald Schaefer, Brian Billick, Fang Mitchell and so many others.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 12: The legend of the first great tailgate in San Diego

It sounds like heresy but last century, “tailgating” was illegal in Baltimore. (You kids can look it up!) In 1996, when the Ravens came to the Charm City, David Modell set out to change those laws and in 1997 when the first purple trip San Diego took 200 “Nasty Nestor” listeners to Jack Murphy Stadium, we met some Chargers fans in the parking lot and made some memories. There were many, many roadtrips and more beer, sandwiches and fried chicken consumed along many highways with Gunther buses but this virgin voyage in a town that the NFL has now forgotten was truly unforgettable.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 14: The power of the Fu Five Flacco Fighters

Sometime around Halloween of the 2011 season, Joe Flacco and Dennis Pitta started growing Fu Manchus as a bit of an inside joke to annoy their wives. Nestor approached him after another Ravens victory and a thing happened around Baltimore. Admit it, you probably have a funny picture somewhere on your timeline. One more reason to love Joe Flacco.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 16 – The epic Pittsburgh Purple Pep Rallies and Parties

Nestor remembers the Pittsburgh hotel manager howling when the Baltimore AM sports radio wackjob guy told her he was gonna bring a thousand people in purple to her fancy corporate wedding ballroom for four hours to drink beer and prepare to eliminate the Steelers from the AFC Championship Game. The game didn’t go well in 2009 or 2011 but we threw a helluva party up there with ‘yins. Our WNST Roadtrips could affect everything but the outcome for #RavensFlock.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 17 – That crazy playoff night in Nashville with Steve McNair and Ravens fans for charity

If you ever bump into Nestor and want one of the wilder stories of his journey, ask him about the night he did a charity event with Steve McNair in Nashville. We took several busloads and planeloads of Ravens fans to Nashville several times. The 2001 playoff party was legendary but it was in January 2009 when the former Oilers, Titans and Ravens quarterback came to Limelight to greet a sea of purple. And then we threw a party. The videos tell the story better than we ever could. Especially that poor taxi driver…

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 18 – Our Give A Spit 30 MLB Ballparks in 30 Days Marathon

Even though this is further down the list, it might be the greatest thing we’ve ever done. When Jennifer Ford Aparicio was diagnosed with leukemia in March 2014 and survived that summer watching baseball, Nestor was inspired to live out a dream and make it matter. And the 30-30 MLB Give A Spit Tour was born. In June and July of 2015, the couple swabbed for the bone marrow registry in 18 ballparks, swabbing thousands of baseball fans over 30 days and even made it Cooperstown. No rainouts, one passport forgotten, many celebrities and wonderful friends we visited and made along the way on behalf of There Goes My Hero.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 20 – The legacy of the Baltimore Colts and Indianapolis

It’s complicated – and always will be, the Colts thing in Baltimore for anyone who was alive in 1984. Over a quarter of a century it’s never been ignored but back in 2011 at the Indianapolis Super Bowl, Nestor finally put down the sword and the horseshoe for his mental health writing a letter to the citizens of Indiana that got nearly a million views during Radio Row week. But it didn’t come without raising a whole lotta hell for a quarter of a century.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 21 – The night we took ‘Wild’ Bill Hagy to Orioles-Phillies game at Camden Yards

On June 28, 2002, Nestor Aparicio led a return to Oriole Park at Camden Yards by the franchise’s biggest fan and larger-than-life Dundalk cab driver “Wild” Bill Hagy, who was an avid WNST listener. The two spent weeks on the air inviting by-then disgruntled Angelos Orioles watchers down to “Pack The Perch” with more than 2,000 our of listeners purchasing tickets in Sections 382-384-386-388 via a special phone number.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 23 – Time will not dim the glory of your charity

Over 25 years of serving the Towson and Baltimore community as an FCC licensee with nothing but local ownership of WNST-AM 1570 and operating and now Baltimore Positive, we stand very proud of our charity and service. All of it has been powered by people like you – citizens, sports fans, great local humans who live here, work here, are from here and want to help here.

We have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in time, money, resources, goods, gifts and contributions. We asked for your help and time and love – and you always gave. Here’s the proof…

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 24 – The legend of our purple live shows at The Barn – and beyond

If you ever participated in or witnessed a decade of fun times, live radio shows and Baltimore sports memories with us at The Barn on Harford Road back in the 1990s when WNST was birthed by the local community, then you know it’ll never be replicated. Go through the photos and see how many legends you can identify who spent time eating crabs, drinking beer and talking sports with us – and you – in Parkville. As John Steadman once said: “Didn’t we have some good times?” What’s your favorite memory of a WNST live event over these 25 years of awesomeness? The night we brought the Lombardi Trophy by in the aftermath of Super Bowl XXXV didn’t suck.

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 25 – Showing Baltimore our signs of life

If you are familiar with the beginnings of WNST, it probably came back on that first kickoff at Memorial Stadium on September 1, 1996 when the Baltimore Ravens were born and our DUMP TRUMPY placards made national news after NBC broadcaster Bob Trumpy wished the Charm City empty roads, warm beer and cold hot dogs. And of course, the GET NASTY flip sides took off and launched what would become WNST-AM 1570 on August 3, 1998. We will countdown our WNST Top 25 “Stories of Glory” every week through the football season. If you have pictures from this era, please email: and share and tag us on social media. We’d love to see your side of our 25 WNST Stories of Glory. And if you have a story to tell, let’s tell it. Gratitude for all of the years of your support keeping us strong and alive and thriving into our 26th year of doing it better than anyone’s ever done it!

Happening Now In Baltimore

Ravens add veteran Chidobe Awuzie for outside cornerback depth

Ravens add veteran Chidobe Awuzie for outside cornerback depth

Though talented, the 6-foot, 202-pound defensive back has dealt with a number of injuries in recent years.

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Realities of arms, pitching and money in MLB

With Grayson Rodriguez and Andrew Kittredge unavailable for Opening Day, Dave Sheinin of The Washington Post joins Nestor and Luke at Pizza John's in Essex on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour to the state of the arms' race in baseball and where the Baltimore Orioles will get innings this season.

Chapter 7: Finally, a 1983 World Series crown for Baltimore

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Is a "bottom heavy" starting rotation really World Series worthy?

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Willard gets March moment as the Baltimore Queen kiss takes Terps to Sweet 16

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Chapter 6: Baseball punched me a ticket to see The World

Ever watch a baseball game from far away and think: "It'd be cool to see that ballpark?" That was what inspired Nestor to see the world and chase Baltimore sports anywhere a plane would take him. And that was long before 30 MLB ballparks in 30 days in 2015.

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