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A summer of live music just waiting for Ravens offensive line to come around


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Dennis Koulatsos and Nestor discuss the long view of a summer of pure concert joy, getting off the boulevard of last year’s broken sports dreams and being a basket case until the Ravens’ offensive line is ready to run the ball.


offensive line, years, lamar, running, concerts, played, football, team, week, ravens, nestor, love, day, young, earl campbell, talking, reo speedwagon, good, man, yacht rock


Dennis Koulatsos, Nestor J. Aparicio

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01


Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T, Castle, Baltimore and Baltimore. Positive it is. These are the dog days of summer. It’s a training camp. We have fake football on the agenda. Luke will be out knowing Mills, they allow him the access. He’ll be at Camden Yards next week, as well as the Orioles are on the road. We’re going to get back to the Maryland crab cakes tour. We got some really special stuff happening here, because it’s our 26th anniversary. I got to get rid of the 25th anniversary cupcake here and go with some sort of rod Woodson Johnny Oates, boot pal thing. The Gold Rush sevens doublers will be with me on the 23rd when we welcome the cheatstros down the Camden Yards later on in the month, will be fatally our friends at Jiffy Lube MultiCare, as well as Liberty pure solutions, supporting us in our endeavors to do the crab cake tour. And in September, we’re doing 26 oysters in 26 days, 26 ways, beginning on the kickoff day the fifth of September. We’re actually gonna be a Cocos on the fourth they don’t have any oysters over there. Hope they have some air conditioning. Love you. Marcella, this guy has been a part of the fabric the furniture he’s he’s been selling cars out of coons for security Boulevard and now at the coons KIA OF Owings Mills Reichstag Road, where Ron West and I camped out for REO Speedwagon and journey and sticks and David Bowie tickets at the heck company there. We welcome our defending champion of all things NFL Draft. I don’t know if he’s watching baseball, if he’s fishing, he’s running a couple car dealerships. He’s been too busy to come on this summer, but he’s got a lot of thoughts on the football season here. I’m sure the offensive line. We walk with Dennis Collatz back. Dennis, it’s not even Monday morning, and I’m having you on him. It’s amazing. How are you doing? How is summer house car sales? Give me update. Everybody here wants to know what’s going on with Dennis.

Dennis Koulatsos  01:47

I appreciate you, Nestor so much. Everything all is well, a car sales are good. It’s what we make it. We have a lot of repeat referral business. We have a lot of equity built up in the community with our association with wnst, in particular, with all that great advertising that we’ve done, the business is very good, but I’ve been running both stores and took in some green days smashing pumpkins and rancid. The other night, watching

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:13

basically rancid, right? Rancid wasn’t your thing.

Dennis Koulatsos  02:15

Oh my god. It was crazy. It was insane. I think it was the oldest person they are jumping up and down, but that’s another story for another day. But looking forward to the start of football season while enjoying these young Orioles and and their exploits, I’m


Nestor J. Aparicio  02:27

going to ask you this because, like, I’ve been to a whole lot more concerts than you. You have spent 10s of 1000s of dollars, if not, if I think we both added up, mate, you might be getting up on the millions, right? That money we have spent getting on airplanes, rides, parking tickets, suites, beer sales, tailgate swag, a Super Bowl like literally, if you went through the course of our lifetime and I wouldn’t suck it, suck it back out. I wouldn’t have it any other way. But there is something about music, and the last month, all the concerts were in 10 days at the end of July, the ones that I wanted to see, right? And I’ve had the guys from hooting the blowfish on I had Steven page on this week, my wife’s favorite musician in the whole world, one of the Barenaked Ladies. Originally, he’s no longer in the Barenaked Ladies, but he has his own solo thing. He’s playing RAM said, and you sent me a picture when you were at Green Day, because you were so excited to be there. And when you were Green Day, I think the night you were there, I was like, at Thomas Dolby in Cleveland, I think at Blossom. And I think I sent you a picture of Tom Dolby back and I muelled all of His roadie stuff. Was last night of the tour he gave me all the stuff in the back of my trunks. I had to bring all this stuff home for him from Cleveland. True story. Um, it’s only the second time I’ve mule the rock star stuff this year. You can ask Tommy Conwell about his forgotten stuff at a record, but there’s something about music that nobody loses. You don’t everybody wins when the weather’s good, even when the weather’s bad. Last week at UT and the Blowfish people got wet a good time. You enjoy them both. You have graduated from golfing and like you you fish. Now you have a new love. You have a new lot. You have all this stuff going on. But like, concerts are something that, like, you didn’t go to a lot of them, but now that you go to them, what do you get out of a concert that’s different. When you go to a stadium, it’s the same, ish, right? You gotta park, you gotta pay. You gotta drive someplace. You may or may not want to go, whatever it is and give me your concert experience.

Dennis Koulatsos  04:31

Well, we went to the nationalist park, so parking was a bit of a challenge, but once we got in there, it was a lot of fun, a lot of energy, a lot of high energy. There was about a one hour rain delay because there was thunder in the area, so that delayed the concert a bit, but it was a lot of fun. Just love the energy, the enthusiasm, the young people. I think when you hang around young people, you tend to feel younger yourself. You get rejuvenated. You see them jumping up and down. The amazing part for me, Nestor was Green Day. How many people in the audience knew every word? To every song they played at least two full albums. So the the energy was intense, and it’s really good when you can plug into that, right? I think those endorphins that get you going, it helps keep you younger. That’s my biggest takeaway. I

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:13

think my wife would say that after three weekends with Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony in the pit in Florida, literally in Florida, in Virginia, and again, in Ohio, that I’ve been running around because it’s It’s kept me young Ario Speedwagon, speaking of young I saw, I saw train REO Speedwagon and yacht rock review at the Camden pavilion, which you know, when you drive from Baltimore, you go up to a really bad section of Camden to get there. And I went in over the bridge, because I went with Dick Girardi and had a cheesesteak in Fishtown in Philly, and I went across the bridge and went in. We had a completely different experience with Camden. It was the same 40 bucks to park, but we had some beers at tailgate, three show, three bands. The lawn there. No offense to Meriwether, but the lawn is really nice in Camden, like you can see well from the lawn there, which makes me rethink it and but I went out on the lawn for train REO Speedwagon, who I interviewed 1984 Kevin Cronin, right, and yacht rock review, which is all 70s. Michael, it’s yacht rock music done better than anybody’s ever done it. They’re touring. They’re, they’re, they’re wonder. My wife loves yacht rock review, so we go up there to do this show, and we went out on the lawn, and there were young people. And I don’t mean young people like me being like saying they were 22 or 23 I’m talking like 1516, 1718, high school age people, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of them. They’re for train. And I’m like, That shocked me. And I’m like, Are they on a TV show, or does you know is, is Monahan like appealing to really young people in some way? Apparently, has a serious XM channel to some degree for younger people. I don’t know. I don’t even know why. And I thought, well, maybe their songs sort of have a nursery rhyme sort but REO Speedwagon was the second band, and they know that everybody there is, oh, I’m young for your Speed Wagon at 55 right? And he put up Kevin Cronin, who remembers the 59 White Sox every time he sees me, talks about Louis Aparicio. He’s a White Sox fan. God bless the White Sox fans this week. But they put up a big thing at the end and arias B wagon, it says, rock and roll will keep you young. And I think Kevin crone at 74 and bouncing around like a 40 year old, like, literally, I’m there, bouncing around like a 35 year old, rock and roll will keep you young. And I, um, I take that with me. That was a hell of a message that I’m talking about it with you on the air. But like, there is a point where Green Day is playing Saturday night this Saturday in Hershey. And, you know, my son, you know, maybe great concert,

Dennis Koulatsos  07:49


though, great concert. Yeah, you should go. I mean, he goes 95 degrees. These guys were sweating, and they played song after song after song.

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:57

I mean, just the albums, right? Yeah, yeah, incredible. Just

Dennis Koulatsos  08:00

incredible. I’m not a huge fan the family was or is, but for me, just watching their energy, it’s transformational. We’ve seen train we’ve seen voice to men. Recently, we’ve seen Mariah Carey. I do encourage everyone to get out there, to spend time with at these concerts, supporting these stars and just having a ball. That’s what life is all about.

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:18

Saturday night, Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, the Linda I love the Linda Linda’s.


Dennis Koulatsos  08:24

They were good. I like the Linda Linda’s.

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:27

I do, yeah, but I would see them at the 930 club or something, or the eight by 10, you know, they

Dennis Koulatsos  08:34

had a song about a cat. I think you would like it was about, one of the lead singers is cats. And it was, it was pretty cool.

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:39


All right, all right. Well, I bring up the music thing, and I there’s a lot of things that we’re going to go through in this segment here, because it’s been a little while since we caught up in this football season. And we’ll get serious about the offensive line and all the things we ever did on Monday mornings, the Monday morning quarterback, and talk about football, talk about management and leadership and all of that, I would just say. And this is where I’ll kick our ball in the nuts and monk in and what they’ve been pounding for eight months now is anything you can do, whether it’s fishing or whatever. To forget about the $625 you spent on AFC Championship game tickets, and the $1,500 you spent that day to go down to the game to, like, watch them run the ball three times and lose and then have to watch the Chiefs do what they did, right? There’s something about concerts, when you walk out of the concert, even if the traffic sucks and you’re leaving Jiffy Lube live. My sponsors, I love you Jiffy Lube, but it is, you know, like it is a little bit of a haul to Manassas, and I made that haul, you know, for the right bands, for Sammie Hagar, I do it, and for Loverboy, but Loverboy is my dirty little secret. But there’s something about with sports, you spend all this money, and whether an athlete would disappoint you, or a team would disappoint you, or you’re you know, or even the Baltimore Colts leaving town to disappoint you or whatever. But losing, there’s something about going to Green Day that unless it rains or unless electricity knocks out the board and you can’t hear. The show, like what happened to Sammy Hagar and in Ohio, than that I was there, the sound went out on the lawn. So, you know, unless there’s that kind of a problem or a fight in the bathroom or whatever. I mean, I hear people bitching about everything, but there is something about concerts that everybody leaves a winner, and you don’t always get that with sports, sports can leave you really hanging. I I know i had Cleveland guardians fans on last week, never won, and I’m about, I have some up, some Show and Tell for you in that vein of having never won, that I’m going to share with you. But there is something about concerts that everybody wins. Yeah, I

Dennis Koulatsos  10:33

think that’s a great dichotomy that you just described there between concerts and sporting events. But I do think the disappointment and the low, lows of sporting events make you enjoy the victory that much more. Just back in 2011 when Billy kind of missed a field goal against the Patriots and for the ravens to come back the following season. And when it all, it just makes victory that much sweeter. Nestor, there’s nothing like professional sports when you don’t know the outcome, right? We can, we can predict what it’s going to be. And you know, like you said in the FC in the championship game, we were left high and dry, and we forgot who we were. We didn’t dance with the girl that we took for the prom. We decided to dance with somebody else, and the outcome wasn’t what we wanted.

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:13

Where do you lay the responsibility of that

Dennis Koulatsos  11:17

coaching staff? I mean, I think it’s clear Patrick Ricard certainly did. He came out and said, you know, he didn’t know what the coaches were thinking about in that second half. I think they panicked. I think they they saw Patrick mahomes on the sideline, and instead of being true to themselves, they went into a panic mode and try to try to pass the ball down the field against the 28th ranked run defense in the NFL, hopefully not with Derrick Henry. They won’t do that again. They’ll be true to who they are. And you mentioned the offensive line, it’s easier to run block the pass block Nestor, especially early on in the season. So I think they need to be who they are the first several games. If not, they’re going to get off the very, very poor start. I’m afraid. I


Nestor J. Aparicio  11:54

have to have a little show and tell, and then we’ll get into this offensive line that Ben Cleveland and big solid and Ronnie Stanley and Tyler linderbaum and fake football and all that stuff. You flirt with me with these pictures of Green Day, right? Everybody knows. I collect the belt buckles. I have almost all of them. At this point, I just turned down a chance to buy a UFO belt buckle for like, 300 bucks because I just didn’t want to spend 300 bucks. I don’t have 300 bucks for belt buckle. I’ve never spent anywhere near that much money, but it’s a really rare belt buckle. So I find myself out on eBay buying things. I found a really cool rush sweatshirt that I was trying to replace that I paid 40 bucks for. So you find deals, you find bargains. You find it just like people come to your car dealership, over to Coons, looking for a bargain, which you always seem to find for them. So I, I went out and I’ve been looking for an Earl Campbell jersey, right? I have a pastorini. I have, you know, one with my own name. That’s an elven buffet. That’s like a tent. It’s too big for me. I found a pastorini that fits me. I showed it off to Dan last year, and I saw this Earl Campbell old time throwback sweater. And I talked last month, I had Todd Radom on who works for Mitchell and Ness in various ways. He’s an artist. He’s done a lot of Super Bowl logos. He’s done transformational kits for all sorts of professional teams lately, like the KBO teams. He does their logos and the Korean baseball league. So he’s a big shot. And I told him that I saw this throwback jersey, this Earl Campbell thing. It was like an old like a hockey sweater. Almost looked like like Newt Rockne would have worn it, but it’s an Earl Campbell thing, and it was like a triple X dipple, 4x thing that I never would have bought. Somebody came out with a medium and I was wondering whether it’s stunk or not, how it’s gonna smell, how much I should bid they I think they wanted 64 and I said, No, 30. And you’re like, just buy the damn thing. This was your advice to me. So I just want to let you know that I got in on it. I wound up getting classic, you know, because I know how much you love the Tyler rose so, you know. So it’s football season for me. I have, I’m working that. And then I found this.

Dennis Koulatsos  13:58

That’s a great jersey, by the way. That’s, a that’s a good looking Jersey I

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:02

was gonna get, and it felt dirty to me. So I didn’t do it because we talked about this last year when those goofballs in Tennessee and and Adam’s daughter ran them out there in including Derrick Henry right out there in the Oilers pajamas to sort of taunt the Houston people, which I thought was just like, way below the the nuts and a kick, right? It would be like the Colts putting well, they wear flashbacks or throwbacks, of course, right? Of course. But it’s just it was unnecessary. So I was gonna get a Derrick Henry 22 oiler jersey to support him, because he’s the guy, as you well know, for like, years and years. I’m like, if they had him, they had a guy like Derrick Emery behind Lamar Jack, like and and I felt that way about Ingram. You know, I felt like when Ingram left and yonder, yonder Ingram, they had some slobber knockers that I thought. And I thought more of Ingram than, let’s say, Luke did. Who spent more time in the locker room to know that? They found him expendable, but I felt like he was good. I

Dennis Koulatsos  15:02


agree with you. Yeah, he was a, he was a hard ass. He was and

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:07

I feel like he was a, he felt like a grown up to me. When I dealt with him, some people thought he was a bit of a phony or whatever. No, when I was around him, I thought it was grown up, and it was really essential for Lamar at that point. And that’s my reporter’s hat of doing this for 40 years. So Derek Henry, to me the minute they I not two trading deadlines. Now I’ve said, Hey, man, they can’t count on Dobbins. They don’t know what they got in Gus. You know, Keaton Mitchell last year. They’ve never had that thing that they need. I feel like they have it. Derek Henry, Jersey gets some some like it was manufacturers defects in it. I just didn’t want to, like, represent a Nike modern product that was Oilers. So I found this incredible sweatshirt throwback, uh, that’s nice, of, like, nice little interior hoodie of cotton, and it’s got the non denominational Oilers logo on it from the 60s and the AFL and so those are my two new throwback pieces for you. That’s my getting in the vibe for football. Some people buy for jerseys this year, or they’ll buy a Kyle Hamilton Jersey because they had a Peter bolware One or whatever. You know, I’m sort of out of that market. Have a closet full of purple stuff. You can have any of it. Did you want? But I’m, you know, I’m going Oilers at this point, and I’ve decided to put my reporters cap on for the ravens and and report on what I see, which is a Super Bowl contender, if they can figure out the offensive line. Because I’ve already admitted I’m in love with the running back. I mean, I am. I’m I’m in love with him getting off the bus in January in Kansas City, which is probably what they’re going to need to do before it’s all over with I. I like our team better with him than without him.

Dennis Koulatsos  16:44

Well, Nestor, I love power running backs, and we haven’t had a I think it’s fair to say that we haven’t had a power running back since Jamal Lewis. Yes, we had priest Holmes in there, but priest homes was more of a slasher when you talk in Earl Campbell, when you’re talking Derek, Henry, Jim Brown, to me, those were the muscle guys, the real the guys that have power and speed, and those type that have that power speed combination. They’re very, very rare. And I think we’re, we’re better. Bettis was that way too. I like the tanks, man, I like, I like the big boys that just can run people over and they let you notice. Eddie George was that way. He was, he was that category, having the privilege to watch Derek Henry to me this year, and hopefully next year, it’s big. It’s big for the Baltimore fan base, and hopefully they’ll be able to use them properly, and hopefully the offensive line can at least get him a couple of yards of space before he has to create his own people. Think

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:37

that you just sell cars and have one senior vice president of the of the Ravens once say to me, Oh, the car dealer. And I’m like, football, played a little football. Tell me where you played, when you played football. Because specifically to you, I think you see the trenches, you’re much more interested in the work of Brian Baldinger, I think, in general, than you are most aspects of football. I mean,


Dennis Koulatsos  17:59

I like the big uglies, I played at EBT Eastern vocational tech or high school, and then I went to Towson State back then, played two years of football for them before I got injured, and went to help out my dad with his carry out at Lexton market. So I’ve had concussions, I’ve had broken bones, I’ve had two a days. I’ve had been denied water back in the day, I’ve been given salt pills, and it goes on and on. So I do have it, you know. So the executive I made a comment, maybe I don’t know if you ever put on the uniform, but unless you get down in the trenches, the man of the arena, as John harbos, have to say, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I do know a little bit about playing football, and I wasn’t genetically gifted enough to be an NFL player, but I can damn well, I’ll guarantee you I had the heart to be one

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:44

offensive line. And what, what do you see and say in this what are your expectations? Because, I mean, for me and Luke, we’re just talking, and I don’t know what we learn on Friday night in fake football. I don’t know what you learned you put all the guys in there. I mean, Linder bombs, not a guy that’s going to play this month. Uh, none of the starters are going to play. It’s, I don’t say it’s harder to evaluate, because I don’t know that we have. My dad took me to preseason games in 1977 to see Bert Jones run around there bloody in August playing against Atlanta Falcon on some, you know, crazy third week of August, where they’re trying to prove something, you know, their toughness in the preseason, or whatever it was, all of that’s been washed away the financial veneer of buying season ticket books. And by the way, the black wing, you know, let me know how much the bloody marys are in there. But I would say for the football side of this, them figuring out the offensive line is job one, two and three of August, because I feel like every other department they have, I’ll check off on and say they can go to a Super Bowl with any of the other aspects of what they’ve built here. Healthy Marlin Humphrey is important. But certainly where Ronnie Stanley sits in this and where the right tackle position is and who the guards are going to be, Marshall yonder is not coming in the door, and neither is John Ogden. Um, I. I must say that as that goes, this will go, and I have no predictive nature other than if Ben Cleveland were stepping up and starting, he’d be starting, you know what I mean? Like if they drafted well and for he’s, they would just declare in the guy and say, That’s the there have been no declarations and no jobs won, as far as I can tell. And I’m really the Ronnie Stanley thing’s a real question mark for me, going back to when you and I were doing radio every Monday, and the Monday after he went down in that game four years ago, now, I said they couldn’t have a hard time winning the Super Bowl without that kind of left hand.

Dennis Koulatsos  20:38

No question about it. Nestor, and to me, I tell the guys who hear all the time at work that hope is not a strategy. You can’t hope that Joe delasandra is their offensive line coach. Can coach these guys up. It’s really concerning, and it’s a patchwork, unproven offensive line. It takes time to for these guys to get cohesion communication going, and they have a chance. But to me, if I’m Lamar Jackson, if I’m Derek Hendry, I’m not feeling real good about this offensive line. I’d rather coach thoroughbreds than donkeys, and not not calling our donkeys by any means. But if I’m going to invest assets right now in the NFL and also in years past, it’s going to be offensive line, defensive line. They’ve done a much better job with defensive line, with Justin madabuki, Beki and Travis Jones or whatnot, then perhaps he would Oda Fe always, if he flashes this year, if he plays up his potential, but the offensive line really heading to the season, it’s got to be the biggest question mark on the team. And when you have 15 minutes later, set up in your quarterback position alone, you just put in there Derek Henry, if the big guy’s up front can’t get it done, Nestor gonna be in. It’s a recipe for a long season.

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:45


I think you and I, Dennis, have had three conversations since the championship game. We haven’t talked a whole lot, and you’ve been busy. I’ve been around. You’ve been out like all this stuff. Where are you on Lamar in all of this? And where are you on the wide receivers, and stepping it up for Bateman, thinking that Andrews and likely are both going to be back and healthy and available in two tight end sets to do different things off the edges, and how monk and would utilize that and this toy they have in zay flowers sprouts a potential that, you know, whatever Hollywood brown you thought of him at that time, um, the good Hollywood brown on the best days, flowers might, might be that guy 12 or 14 times this year. I mean, he he flashes that he could be a difference maker for the offense in that way. But again, a lot of this is protecting Lamar and making sure that Lamar is not running the ball 1214, 16 times into traffic and design runs for Lamar. That’s what the the idea of Henry is. Look, I think Eric, the cost is really smart guy. I think that they’ve tried to put this thing the best way they can. But to your point, until I see it is on the offensive line. I don’t know what much of this is, but I’ve just praised all the other parts of

Dennis Koulatsos  23:00

it, yeah, well, Lamar, you’re talking about a two time MVP at just 27 years of age. With Lamar, what you see is what you get. Lamar. Biggest problem is he’s got a conference that Patrick mahomes lives in, and the same problem that Josh Allen has, and Joe burrows and the rest of those and two and the rest of the young quarterbacks, you got to be able to be Kansas City in the playoffs, right? That’s really the, the only question mark. I believe Lamar is two and four in the playoffs. That’s really the biggest knock on him. But Lamar is Lamar, as long as he stays healthy, this team has a chance to make the postseason again. Once I make the postseason, as we all know, anything can happen. Well, I

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:36

mean, we definitely spent off seasons around here saying, well, let’s see him pass the ball. Let’s see him do this. Let’s see him do that. I mean, very few things he hasn’t been able to do, but looking at it from the outside, I look at all the offensive lines they’ve had for five years, and the players they’ve had, and whatever the investment would be in Stanley, and however you feel about him being available and not available, they had McCary. They found patchwork ways, when he was injured two years ago, to at least be in November, look like a playoff team. You know, before Lamar went away, because, I mean really, two incomplete grades there in 21 and 22 right? Um, but this is on paper. There’s nothing impressive about the offensive line to say this is going to be a strength of the team in any way, or that this is going to be one of their better offensive lines. Take Zeitler out. Take Moses out. Those were, those were great acquisitions. You know what I mean. Those were parts that made him an MVP quarterback, that feel a little unsung in saying, well, some of the receivers didn’t work out, and some of the you know, and then he got hurt. You could talk about Lamar being hurt, but in the totality of when it’s going well, and when they’re eight and three at Halloween and things are going and 21 wasn’t that way, because Lamar was hurt, but, but when things were going well, that offensive line was a real it was a plus. It was, you know, even without Ronnie Stanley, with Zeitler. And with linderbaum coming on, and, you know, using Hollywood Brown’s draft pick to get him, by the way, the offensive line, to me, was not something I questioned, like, will they be good enough to allow Lamar to be Lamar, and all allow Derek Henry to run, allowed zay flowers to get, like, all the things that have to happen, zone off the offensive line. And you know this intrinsically as a football guy, I I feel less I feel less confident about that as this season opens, and I don’t think it is going to happen the next three weeks. Change my mind about that. I think we go to Kansas City. It’s going to be a box of chocolates that night. We’re a month

Dennis Koulatsos  25:37

out in those three weeks. Of course, Eric takasa does have a chance to bring in one offensive lineman. He does have a lot of depth on the back end. I don’t know if anybody everybody on the secondary makes the team currently that stands so I do think they have one move to make there, and we’ll see it shakes out. They’re keenly aware of where they stand. But with the NFL, with a salary cap muster, every team has weaknesses, but the one weakness I wouldn’t have headache that season, especially with their franchise quarterback. Would be an offensive line.


Nestor J. Aparicio  26:07

Well, you know that would be like Christmas in August for all of us. Dennis Colossus is out selling cars. He’s at coons Kia now at Owings Mills as well as Coons, Baltimore Ford at security Boulevard. Please stop out see him. Many, many years of support from the coons family and from Denison our Thursday chats. But getting back onto so you’re watching baseball. I mean, I’m half watching, yeah,

Dennis Koulatsos  26:30

we Yeah, of course, watching baseball. Love these young birds and the the Jackson holiday call up and Kobe mayo. Look, I know the names of these guys, right. There’s been many years, where haven’t I haven’t known anybody on a roster for the oral a lot of fun to watch. Nestor. The pitching is suspect and iffy, but this team can score runs in bunches. That’s a lot of fun to watch under new

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:51

ownership. I don’t know that you and I have had a chat since then, like I, you know, they have. Katie Griggs is going to come in and run the team now, and you know, Mr. Rubenstein paid the whole bill this week. We learned so nice. I don’t know where China is in Nashville, drinking something better than you and I have at this point, but, but have you been out? Have you been participating in Orioles baseball in that way?

Dennis Koulatsos  27:16


I’ve been to one game this year, but very, very busy, but I do watch them at home. I been taking incomplete games. I become a fan. They’re a lot of fun to watch, and I like their style of play. I like their coach, their manager, Brandon Hyde. They should be able to make a lot of noise in the postseason. Can’t wait to see them go up against the Yankees and whoever else they have to face. But they’re a lot of fun to watch, and you know what? That’s what sells Good to see crowds coming back to Camden Yards. Hopefully ownership will be a lot better than the previous regime.

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:44

Well, you know, I’ll be writing about that around Labor Day a little later on in the month too, about new ownership and the football season. I’ll just say this, man, I’ve it’s my 26th year of owning this joint, running it every minute of every day. The website’s been up for 18 years now, pretty consecutively, and Luke’s been here 16 years now, doing what he’s doing, running around in the heat, and days like last Monday, where they have a practice in a game simultaneously, and we get boxed out. So like all of the stuff that’s happened, this is the most exciting couple of months. Leonard Raskin I talked about this last week, and I’ll talk to everybody about this, because I’m on the street every day. I’m out selling, seeing visiting, seeing people eating crabs, doing crab cake tours, doing oyster tour next month, every minute of every day. One of the reasons I want to do the oyster tour next month, and I’m really pleased with it, is September’s going to be really special, right? Like the ravens are underdogs to kick off the season. They should be oh and one, and have to pound on that for 11 days while the Orioles are trying to figure out the Yankees and navigate a buy potentially or not a buy, and who’s pitching and who’s not, who’s in the bullpen. And they’re trying to sell tickets down there and trying to get you revved up for playoff tickets and World Series, like all of that stuff. And then we get in October, and the Ravens are going to be whatever, three and one, four and Oh, two into whatever they’re going to be, hopefully. They’re going to be. Hopefully Lamar is upright, and it’s going to be this incredible time where everyone that comes in as a customer of yours, everyone in my listening breath, would not be shocked for them to win the World Series in November, and would not be shocked to see the Ravens win an AFC Championship game, because Patrick mahomes turns an ankle or something in December, and, you know, whatever would happen, bad luck would befall someone else, not us. Um, that could happen. I that’s never been on the table here. And the one thing, Luke said something, and I got flipping with him back running all star break, because before all the trades happened and all that stuff, even when the pitchers went down, he said, Fourth of July. He’s like, Look, man, they’re making the playoffs. Relax. And I’m like, we’ve never been able I’ve had the station 26 years. There’s never been a July 4 where we look at an Oriole team, not even a good one in 14 because of the way the playoff structure was and the way the Yankees and the Red Sox were always sort of low. And on your ass a little bit the thought that it’s August and we know they’re making the playoffs, that’s just we didn’t have that in 83 and 79 we were kids. Man,

Dennis Koulatsos  30:10

no, look, they’ve come a long way, and it’s great to watch these baby bird maturing, coming up for the miners and, and really the talent coming up the surface and and even with Jackson holiday now, he’s great to see him. Hit a grand slam first came back, then he hits another home run, and they’re just piling on and stacking on. And you gotta like what you’re seeing. It’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  30:31

incredible. I look at him and know like I talked to his old man years ago, many times about Matt Holliday, but it was a very nice man. But with Jackson, he looks like he’s 12 years old. He does. And then the part this week, from a management standpoint, I know you appreciate this. All of us as fans are like, who’s Slater? And like, you know, we’re getting our scorecard out, who’s wearing what number. But by the way, I’ve joked that Sir Anthony, the main guys. I wish my parents would have named me sir Nestor. You know, that would have been like that would have been a whole lot more fun, but trying to figure out who these guys are. Soto left hander, you know, the whole thing, ball one, ball two. Please stop that. It’s really been a lot for of change this week, specifically for all of us that were watching Austin Hayes and you know, but they’ve turned over a third of the roster, and westburg injuries done that. Mateo’s injuries done that. So, I mean, they just turned over. There’s been a lot of turnover, from what the team was at the All Star break to what it’s going to be moving forward. Yep,


Dennis Koulatsos  31:31

they made, they made moves to shore up their pitching. The one fell, I forget his name, but they he’s supposed to be a Yankee killer, so that was music to my ears. They’ve made some moves, and hopefully those moves pan out. I’ve seen I’ve seen pundits say they were good moves. I’ve seen pundits say they were not good so good moves. So we’ll see how it pans out for the stretch run. But it’s good news for the home team. Can’t wait to see those select crowds or Camden Yards.

Nestor J. Aparicio  31:54

Yeah, four new pitchers, three new position players, guys going up and down. They sent kirstead down. But I the one thing about mayo and holiday it’s really an amazing thing to be bringing rookies up here on a team that you know could and should win 100 games, you know. And this is just time to make, hey, they’re on the West Coast. Excuse me, the East Coast. Let me say Al east coast. There Toronto, and then Tampa, and then Washington. Next week as well. We’re going to be down at fatigues doing the Maryland crab cake tour Dennis, tell everybody what you’re doing out there and selling car. What’s selling more new or pre loves, what’s what’s happening, little

Dennis Koulatsos  32:29

bit of both. I mean, there’s a bit of a shortage with pre owned vehicles. Nice pre owned vehicles are very hard to find. So we work. It’s like crabs. You got to work very hard to source them. So you go outside of your comfort zone. You go to different regions, different areas. The nice thing is, we do sell a lot of new vehicles, so we get more trade ins on your average dealership. But right now, incentives are good for new products, both Ford and Kia, and we’re rolling right along here in security Boulevard as well as Reisterstown Road.

Nestor J. Aparicio  32:55

Dennis colatus, our longtime friend and our football confidant, consciente on all things fishing and reservoirs will love. Get him out for some some catching, some bass. Find him at a coonsport security Boulevard. You can find me and every single thing we do at Baltimore

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