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Before The Knee in Wembley and SOBs of Donald Trump there was left hook of Ray Rice


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reaction to anything that is so politically (and racially) polarizing. And, again, they still have no idea what a catch is in the league so I’m not here to shill for their decision making or lack of anything other than the abject greed and avarice they share with a guy on Pennsylvania Avenue whom Jerry Jones, Daniel Snyder, Robert Kraft and several others in NFL ownership not only heartily endorsed but propped up with multi-million dollar contributions.

Even though he lined their pockets with millions of dollars in a tax scam earlier in the week, Donald Trump has ultimately been quite bad for the owners of the NFL – a turncoat who clearly targeted the league that wouldn’t allow him to purchase the Buffalo Bills with Russian money, which has in turn been detrimental for my team, my city and my life.

It’s been bad for the television networks whom Trump deeply hates because their news departments demand accountability and use facts and disseminate his many shameless lies.

It’s been bad for the sponsors, who want no part of red vs. blue controversy.

And apparently it’s super bad if you’re from Louisville and make shitty corporate pizza and partner with Jerry Jones and Peyton Manning to whine about not selling shitty corporate pizza because of the NFL.

And, in the end, Trump launched an attack on the wealthy Republican men who supported him with big campaign checks via their most important asset – the stars of the greatest show in the land and most famous men of color in our society who are largely supported by white people with PSLs and season tickets and corporate sponsors with deep ties to the military.

At stake for the old boys of the NFL who trumpeted Trump during the election cycle because they thought he was a Republican? Their businesses. Their players. Their employees. Their fans. Their TV deals. Their cities and human traffic on game days. And, as usual, the Divider In Chief divided in an effort to conquer. He’s been openly bragging about wrecking the NFL on Twitter. I’m sure he’ll be taking credit when the Super Bowl ratings are down – if he’s not in jail by then like most of his campaign team.


Hey – anything to detract from Robert Mueller and the Russian trail of mafia money littered across the globe, missing tax returns and tax breaks for billionaires, right?

And this weekend the stadium in Baltimore will have a ton of empty seats from The Knee fallout – in addition to the myriad of other issues we’ve pointed out.

It’s one helluva mess for an organization that has tirelessly and legitimately tried to be a source of civic pride.

I know this much: the Ravens aren’t going to be calling PSL holders one by one and apologizing for their players being black and making a stand against a President who has had tyrannical messages and a racist dog whistle soul in the most public fashion possible.

That ain’t happening.

And the folks who have been buying the tickets all of these years are pissed on behalf of “their President” via the anti-American and anti-miltary rhetoric and aren’t coming back.

And I’m guessing they probably aren’t going to be paying thousands of dollars on their credit cards in the winter when the PSL and season ticket renewals come for next fall.

No secrets here: there are a lot of black players on the field and a lot of white people in the stands. That probably isn’t going to

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