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Author Lee Kluck joins Nestor to discuss book on life and baseball legacy of Harry Dalton


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Baltimore Positive
Author Lee Kluck joins Nestor to discuss book on life and baseball legacy of Harry Dalton

Author and baseball historian Lee Kluck joins Nestor to discuss his new book on life and baseball legacy of Harry Dalton, who was instrumental in the Oriole Way of the 1960s in Baltimore before recreating the California Angels and Milwaukee Brewers two decades later.


harry, dalton, baltimore, orioles, baseball, brewers, milwaukee, win, years, players, game, trade, frank robinson, leave, team, career, book, brooks robinson, history, louis


Nestor J. Aparicio, Lee Kluck

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are W n s t, Towson Baltimore and Baltimore positive or positively into the Fourth of July. We’re having fun around here we’re getting the Maryland crabcake tour back out on the road on the 12th of July we will be at fade Lee’s before the Yankees and the Orioles get together come on down to the new Lexington market of crabcake Epson shrimp salad. You’re going down to one of the games this week. Make sure you stop by get a beard fade please. It is worth the effort and certainly worth the hype as well. If you do that our friends at Jiffy Lube multi care sending us out on the road along with Liberty pure solutions, keeping our water crystal clear on the Maryland crabcake tour. I have loved the Orioles resurgence in a lot of ways I just did a segment holding up all my old Louis Aparicio baseball cards and talking about baseball and knowledge of baseball and history of baseball. There was such a long period and a drought here where we didn’t talk a lot of baseball in the summer. And I didn’t have guests like this on to take a deeper dive into oral history and John Miller has been on recently talking about an Earl Weaver book that he’s working on and there’s there’s this John Eisenberg has unearthed these bird tapes with all of these interviews Harry Dalton being one of them. Harry Dalton dealt my cousin back to the Chicago White Sox I don’t know his role and getting them in here and 6364 but league clock might know that they clock his written a book on Harry Dalton and probably shame you didn’t have access to John Eisenberg states. The life and legacy of baseball executive Harry Dalton leave while the party is good. Is the name of the book. Lee hails from a Wisconsin he is in Stevens Point up there sort of northeast to Green Bay I haven’t been to Stevens Point of this do you make great beer ads or Stevens Point Wisconsin in the winter? I welcome in author Lee Cluck. And the history of hairy Dawn Let me catch your progress fan Lee yeah yep,

Lee Kluck  01:55

yep. Born and raised and have you know probably beat till the day they put me in put me in the ground so yeah, it though I am a I’m a practicing historian. So I I have a master’s degree in history and I wanted to use my degree so I thought hey, best of both worlds talk like you’re

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:18

also Sabre nerd to like my boy, Luke Jones here in the society of research, as well. I love the history baseball. Right. My last name is Aparicio, you know my family. I’m here because of baseball. Literally, I make that clear to the the Orioles ownership all the time as well, that that’s the truth. Harry Dalton is a character from my childhood. He was with the brewers in 82 and Harvey’s wall bangers. And like all that, that went on, and beating the orals in Sutton Palmer game and 82. I’m old enough for all of that. But every time he was referenced, and George Bamberger, was a part of the Brewers organization, and had been a pitching coach here, at Palmer still references Bambi all the time. The Brewers took the Oriole way to Milwaukee and the Oriole way was laid by Harry Dalton and Paul Richards, in that era of Oriole baseball, and it’s fascinating that you would come to me and when I saw Harry Dalton, you know, there’s a real Baltimore story here that a guy from upper Wisconsin had to go back and get a part of, in order to write a book about Hairy Dog, right?

Lee Kluck  03:27

That’s true, Harry. Harry was born. Massachusetts, but he always, you know, he had an affinity for Baltimore. Obviously, he had a really successful career with three different teams. But his most successful period was in Baltimore. And, and if, like you say, your cousin had a lot to do with that.

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:52

Sort of Frank Robinson, by the way.

Lee Kluck  03:55

And, and so, you know, you had to, you had to, you have to tell that story to be able to tell the story of Harry Dalton’s career, because the Dalton gang, the nucleolus of it came together in Baltimore and the ideas they put in place. Were definitely built in Baltimore. So it’s been a huge part of, of what I’ve tried to do is highlight that period in Orioles history. And you know, I think I think the book if you’re an Oreo fan, I think the book, the first third of the book, especially, is going to be a lot of fun for you. We talk I interviewed countless, you know, former Orioles. Andy Acheron, before he passed away, who was the starting catcher for a lot of those years. Don Buford, Pete Rickard, all sorts of different people. I got about 37 kids with blue collar when I was in Baltimore two summers ago. Book told me some good stuff So, you know, there, there are those connections and we look at him through the lens of Harry Dalton’s career because Harry was a lifelong Oriole. He was literally the, probably the third or fourth person they ever hired and was on, you know, on the payroll through the end of the 71 series. Before he, he headed out west to California. So it is a very Baltimore series, very Baltimore centric story. Here, his three daughters were born in Baltimore, his wife went to culture college. So they are Baltimore through and through. And I think that comes out in the story too. And you get a good sense of what the city was like back then. But also what the team went through to get to the top of the mountain, like they did at the end of the 70s. Or the end of the 60s.

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:52

Yeah, I mean, the resurgence of the Orioles at this point, the last couple of years, and now new ownership, and obviously these really special players. It’s brought back, you know, my baseball card collecting and different parts of the history of my history and my family’s history and coming here. What do you know about Harry Dalton and Louie Aparicio. Is there anything in your book in regard to that? Because you, you mentioned that? I’m not sure we see running the team and 6364 when the we came, I don’t know that he traded for Louie. I know he traded Louie away. So

Lee Kluck  06:26

So Louie, Louie. And Harry got along really? Well. I think. I think Louis is the type of guy that gets along with a lot of people. Right. I mean, he’s but a hearing and Louis did for what I understand get along very well. I don’t have any direct stories. But what I can tell you is that Harry always valued, Louis, and what he did for that team, especially in the 66th season, and yeah, Frank Robinson was a huge part of that. And the thing I can remember about the Louis Aparicio tie in with the Frank Robinson thing is, is one day in Miami when Frank Robinson takes his first BP and there are six or eight guys standing around to see what what their new GM has brought them. And Frank kits one into the palm trees and Louisiana a bunch other guys just looked at nice as well. I guess we just won the pennant. And I’ve removed an expletive from that statement, but it you know, I think herring was the in 6364. Harry would have been the farm director, underling MacPhail and and Lee bringing overly and shoring up the middle of the field. They had one of the strongest middle end fields, in in baseball, especially in the mid you know, that 66 team with Ron Hansen and Louisiana ratio and Brooks, Brooks Robinson and Andy H Barron up the middle. Don Buford. It was it was one of the better defensive teams in history too. And I think that’s the thing people overlook is that for as much thump as they had in that lineup at one point.

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:22

Well, Paul Blair, very, very underrated fielder. Right. Yeah.

Lee Kluck  08:26

You know, so they had really good defense. They had outstanding pitching but yeah, from what I have gathered to Louie and Harry got along really well. Well, there’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:37

about blancher, him getting dealt out was about Palantir wasn’t about me. We had some really good years. It had a really good year in Boston, and like 71 Later in his career that he fell apart. He’s 38 years old. But, but that was a fascinating seed for everything Camden Yards will become and everything the Orioles will become. And Harry Dalton was the middle of it. I mean, that’s why when you were offered to me to come on, I’m like, You’re gonna have some stories about Harry Dalton in the 60s for all of these players that came in and decisions that were made dealing aparece he was a great decision. They 6970 71 they just they had a farm system that was unbelievable. There was an Oreo way. Yep. So they,

Lee Kluck  09:19

they they really had by that point develop the team that they felt they could get younger. Like I said Mark blander and Mark Landrieu. Harry Dalton told reporters at the time for the Baltimore Sun that there were two players that he would never trade. One of them was Mike Epstein who he had to trade he was forced to trade. Through happenstance. Epstein sort of forced his way out of Baltimore when he realized that booth Paul was probably going to be the first baseman there forever. And the other one is is Mark Landry. So you know They did get younger, they move forward. But yeah, Harry. I mean, Harry, if you think of a major acquisition, even prior to Brooks Robinson, or I’m sorry, Frank Robinson. Harry was there. He was. He was the right hand man of a guy by the name of Jim McLaughlin, who was the farm director, the first farm director the Orioles. And, you know, when the papers would ask him, Jim, what do you think about this kid? Prospect eight? Anyway, go, I don’t know, go ask that kid don’t and he knows everybody. And he just he had this cerebral mind, he took it all that information. So when it came time to name a general manager, he was sort of the obvious fit because he had known everybody in the system. He understood sort of the what they were trying to do, and accomplish and how to teach the people they had. And yeah, he he interacted with everybody. I mean, he fought with Brooks Robinson over $50 One time, in a contract negotiation. Brooks told me, he said, you know, Harry, Harry looked at me and said it well, if you really want this, I’ll give you this money. But just remember I gave it to, you know, he was kind of tight with a buck, but he was also he was he was one of the first player general managers to players really liked him. You know, even Boog Powell who had some tension, some tension with Harry over his weight at various points in his career. One through $5 down when when weighed in one pound overweight, and threw $5 down in Harry’s feet and said, Hey, there’s your fine you know, there, there’s those types of things, but the players respected him they liked him. donburi for told me that part of the reason they liked Terry so much is that Eric just wanted to win. He didn’t care whether people were white or black or Hispanic, it didn’t matter as long as you could do the job they thought you could. And so I think especially in the mid 60s in Baltimore, when it it could have very well been a very contentious time. And it was a contentious time in the city. It was it was they were one of the more unified locker rooms and Harry Dalton had a lot to do with that. The

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:22

clock is here he has a book on Harry Dalton then you can go out and and get a look at it. You love the history of baseball you certainly love this one the life and legacy of baseball executive Harry Dalton leave while the party’s good. Lee hails from Wisconsin. I guess that brings us to the next part of the story like familiar with adult and party here familiar with the Milwaukee part of the Harry Doulton story. Give me 71 They’ve won a World Series last year World Series at that point. And the farm system was right at that point. We were talking Coggins, Grich, Baylor, we’re all kind of coming through at that point as well. And that was gonna be the next thing that happened. He he left I don’t know the circumstances of all that gloomy anly.

Lee Kluck  13:07

Nope. So on the surface, it seems like a really weird thing to do. Because the Orioles were at one end of the baseball spectrum and the angels were at the other. They literally were one of the worst teams in the American League and had been since their Advent in 1961. But

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:29

they were a doormat, as my old man would say. Yeah, exactly.

Lee Kluck  13:33

The doormat. What you don’t know and what I found really, unbelievably, eye opening was that behind the scenes, while Harry Dalton was not a guy that would publicly seek a lot of praise, you know, in print Who are you know, he just kind of went about his job and did his job. What really sort of bothered him was that people like Frank Cashin, who, on paper was his boss, but they were more contemporaries, I would argue. People like Frank cash and really tried to him in Harry as far as what his potential was with the Orioles. And, and at the time, Jerry hockberger, the owner believed in giving one year contracts to everyone. So it didn’t matter if you were the manager, the general manager player, you worked on a one year deal. And, and Harry said, Hey, I’ve worked here since 1953. You know, the winter 53. I’ve done a lot for this team.

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:51

I want stability, right? Literally, stability

Lee Kluck  14:53

for my family, right? He’s got three little girls at home. He says I want stability for my family. I will stay here I love it here. And what you get into is a lot of you know, what they would call paternalism. And Curt Flood brought this out in his court case that was going on at the same time where a team would tell, you know, ownership had a tendency to tell players what was best for them in their career. And it turned out that the Orioles were doing a lot of the same stuff, dari Dalton and Dalton actually went as far as to say, well, flood was in the court. Much like her flooding. I don’t know if I want to work in a sport where I can’t decide for myself where I want to work because the Orioles were really saying, Well, if you do want to leave here, we’re gonna make sure that you don’t, you know, you’ve got to take a year off, and we’re going to have all these troubles and we’re going to

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:51

talk to the commission. We’re gonna make life hard on you. Yeah, exactly. We’re

Lee Kluck  15:55

going to talk to the commissioner and all these things. So ultimately, the the, the departure was, was, I think, was harmonious after a while. I mean, everybody sort of got over it. But it it really was a change from baseball history, because you saw ownership as this monolithic thing. And really, it wasn’t in the case Harry Dalton there was there was tension even between middle management and ownership and ownership. Exactly. Wow. League club teaching

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:30

me this. Why I gotta have nerves on saber people. I love them the most, especially when they write books and do history and teach me some history. So So Dalton goes out to California and winds up in Milwaukee with the Gene Autry, only angels then there was that was before he worked

Lee Kluck  16:46

for gene and he and Gene despite the fact that Harry never had a winning season. He and Jean got along very well. Harry would go on and acquire Nolan Ryan in California. And Nolan would become probably the best pitcher the 1970s. Well, yeah. To

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:04

Nana Bobby Valentine. You mentioned Epstein Epstein. He had him there and in California as well.

Lee Kluck  17:09

Yep. Yep. You know, he traded for Frank Robinson at one point at the end of his career. That’s right. I remember that too. Young Mickey rivers. They just couldn’t quite gel. They couldn’t find the right manager for what they were trying to do. And Bill

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:24

Rigney is Am I right in saying that probably

Lee Kluck  17:27

was was earlier, but they had Bobby winkles they had what great name Bobby winkles. They had Bobby winkles who had been the coach at Arizona State. They had Dick Williams, Norm Sherry, a whole host of I mean, he had five different managers at one point, well, I think 7374

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:46

Angels, I’m thinking Nolan Ryan and a young to Nana, you know, I mean, that’s, I went out saw them play Bobby Valentine was the he’s my favorite player. So I you know, those were those were the good days with the big A on the hat, you know,

Lee Kluck  17:58

you know, so they they didn’t score a lot of runs, but they they tried and, and I think it just didn’t work. Now if you ask Nolan Ryan No, he said any winning that they did in California after Harry Dalton was there was due in large part to the things that Harry Dalton had set up. He was one of the first major forays into free agency when he brought on Baylor and Bobby Grich in the in the 7677 window, and then 79, the angels would win a division title and then 82 They would win another division title and they spent

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:30

a lot of money that gene got a gene got company, he wanted Kuru and, and, and, you know, Fred, lay and all those guys, right?

Lee Kluck  18:40

They brought in buzzy PVC, and who decided that, you know, the best way was if they were going to spend money, they were just going to spend a lot so they brought in Reggie Jackson and, and all these things, but they did make the pieces that Harry had acquired, made some of those deals and some things that would come later possible. And so I you know, even though the period in California is sort of a dark period for Dalton professionally, and people go well, he you know, it’s kind of a last period in his career it was it was better off than I think people realize and then going in Milwaukee, he had this resurgence he had a lot of fun teams there they had a lot of homeruns they they energize the real blue collar city.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:24

Well the most important thing is he took over the team that my all time favorite player Seastar lezcano played for for Harry so you know, Sisto was my dude and you know I love the out the Molitor like all that I mean all that traces to him Hall of Famers man,

Lee Kluck  19:40

you know so you know he he did need me that he made a trade with the Cardinals brought over people convention, Rollie Fingers and and when a leader make a trade for John Sutton who helped them in 82 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:55

we know about that.

Lee Kluck  19:59

Yeah, Yeah, yeah, there’s I wrote an article on that game actually, it was pretty fun from the older you late. I’m, I’ll be 44 in November, so you

Nestor J. Aparicio  20:10

don’t have a recollection. You know, I’m I’m 55. So that weekend and 82 on those four games and that iconic sunset picture on the Friday night twine, a doubleheader that was made into a poster, you know, guy my age, even 42 years later, leave remembers that very, very well. The one time the Brewers got over and us and listen it from a Baltimore perspective, this comes from the heart. I was born in 68. I was born into the Aparicio thing during that era and all that. I remember 79 And I had a pirate’s fan on this morning, my buddy Seth Alcon from the Maryland lottery. And he’s old enough to remember 79. And I’m old enough to remember 83 You remember the losses? You know what I mean? Like, I’m still mad at the Brewers about 82. You know, and it really was at that time, it was a bunch of old Oreo guys. Yeah, knocking us out and going to the World Series.

Lee Kluck  21:01

I think, you know, I, and I know Harry didn’t see it this way. But I do call the 82 playoffs for Milwaukee, the hairy dog and reunion tour, sort of the Harry Dalton revenge tour, they would be Baltimore to get into the playoffs that would be California to get into the World Series. And if they had beaten St. Louis, they had made a big trade with St. Louis to sort of cement their team and just fell a little short because of injury.

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:28

They were like game one like 15 to one or something.

Lee Kluck  21:32

And nothing. Yeah, it was like they won

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:35

one of the early games. You’re like, boy, this is gonna get steamrolled. They’re on fire, and then they don’t win. And I’m not rubbing it in, believe me, I’m not because I like the people of Wisconsin. I mean, we’re starving here, the Brewers never won. So like, you know, as a fan for you. Almost like being an Indian’s fan or something or like a mariner say like, when you’ve never won, I feel bad for us. You know, I feel bad. Not really for the pirates fans. But like, being a brewers fan for life has just been about wanting and waiting. And honestly, that at juicing is that’s the Valhalla Brewer dumb, right? Literally,

Lee Kluck  22:11

that was part of the reason why I wanted to write a book because I think there is more there than 82 that is the pinnacle for a lot of people. In fact, I would argue that that is probably the pinnacle, even for for, you know, as a franchise, their their institutional memory is rightly so grounded in that 82 period, that period 78 to 82. But part of the thing I wanted to show was that Harry Dalton did a lot of winning in Milwaukee after he left or after that World Series period, you know, and in the 10 years prior 10 years past and, and extend that out. But I think the thing, the interesting story I have on that so you bring up the 82 series in Baltimore, right and they have to win one game in four days Milwaukee to win the AFC East and they dump the first three games so they have to win on Sunday. And everybody in the Milwaukee party is assuming that carrying will be tense and the players will be tense and my

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:15

normal Weaver’s retiring to let’s put that on top of it.

Lee Kluck  23:18

So, you know, everybody’s like, okay, Milwaukee is going to be on edge. You know, there’s, there’s all this pressure. And Harry goes to the ballpark with the young PR guy by name and Mario Zeno, or for the first three years. And Mario says Harry gets in a car and he’s driving out there driving from crosskeys to Memorial Stadium. And he goes, he goes, What do you he goes, You look nervous, why you’re nervous. He goes, why you’re nervous here. You know, we’re not in the nervous we’re gonna win today. Is this is my town. This is a lot of good stuff happened to me in Baltimore, we’re fine. And so the confidence that he would have filtered down he said, by the time he got a car, Mario’s like, I wasn’t nervous. We’re gonna go in there and when and you went into the locker room, Harry looked at the guys in the locker room and says, Hey, thanks for a great season. You know, today’s big, I’m not gonna lie to you, but you know, they were loose. You put put silicate ease and so when they played that game on Sunday, they were they were loose and they were ready to go and and you know, ultimately it came up their way and I think that’s just kind of the unifying thing. Harry Dalton had a way to put people to put things in perspective for people that people felt confident that they had done their job so

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:45

yeah, that game they got their ass kicked me last 10 to two and I’m looking at of sudden when eight I Palmer started that game I believe for the Orioles. Right so

Lee Kluck  24:54

one runs off Palmer and and things ballooned in about the Seven three thinning. The oil big gasp was was Ben Ogilvy making a slight and catch against the wall and in left up against the barricade that sort of word a rally so

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:14

this is a game I will never bring up when 10 singleton comes on the show, believe me, you’re already when I run into al Bumbry over Robbie’s first bass lake lock is our guest. The book is on Harry Dalton who has an incredible of baseball legacy and incredible Baltimore legacy leave while the party’s Good. Was that was that always his? Was that his phrase? Yeah, it

Lee Kluck  25:37

was it was when I was looking for a title. I asked his wife and his daughters. It says What did what you know, what did Harry always say? What did dad always say? And they said, didn’t matter what the situation was, if it was a personal situation, or if it was a career sort of decision that you were mulling was like, there, there comes a time, right when you have to either decide whether you’re going to stay or you’re going to go and sometimes it’s best to go while things are good. And, and you know, I think Kerry did that in Baltimore. He did that at the end of his career when he left Milwaukee. And you know, it was a piece of advice that served him well and also served his his family wants to they they really enjoyed that title and I’ve gotten actually a lot of you know, it’s it kind of pulls you in as a reader so that that helps to if you’re trying to get people to pick up your book and read it.

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:31

Like luck is here. We hope that people pick up his book and read it is on Harry Dalton. You can find it out on Amazon anywhere books are sold leave while the party is good. Lee Cluck. That’s K L U C k is a member Sabre and a real baseball nerd like Luke Jones, my favorite people in the world who educate us and go back and do this research the life and legacy of baseball executive Harry Dalton. We appreciate you man. It’s time well spent, even though we did talk about last week and 82 Usually I don’t enjoy that too much. But good luck to your brewers. Hey, how’s that Doug? Northeast kid working out? Working out okay with Corbin burns or no?

Lee Kluck  27:06

No, it’s gonna be a trade that actually works out both? Well, for both teams. I’m I’m shocked to have said that. I had somebody affiliated with the Orioles tell me in spring training. They’re like, Hey, Joey Ortiz is a player and he he is he might very well win the National League MVP or rookie of the year if he continues on his way. And, you know, Corbin burns, obviously, Baltimore needed a guy to solidify that rotation. And he’s done that. So who knows we you know, fingers crossed things, shake out in a couple $300 million dollar payrolls later fall off the table. Maybe we’ll have burrows Orioles in the World Series. But it’s a I think it’s gonna look like a trade that worked out well, for both teams. Well,

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:51

I’ll just say this man. You know, I’m talking to people’s teams here this week. I think we’re done fleecing the brewers. Right? I mean, you’re not dealing out you’re dealing in. I’m trying to figure out what it means to fleece. The cubs with red somebody in your division take some of their pitching. We need some pitching around here late. Yeah, yeah.

Lee Kluck  28:09

It’s, I’m not gonna lie that the central is, is is probably ripe for the picking. And that’s that and the reason Milwaukee is, is is on top because I think the rest of the division is Midland at best. But, you know, they played really well. They could do some more pitching too.

Nestor J. Aparicio  28:31

So well, that’s a problem for us. You know, everybody’s dealing for pitching. I got Cleveland in here this week. Same thing. Everybody needs pitching. That’s the state of baseball, but that’s the state of baseball, people’s arms are falling off. And we’ve had four guys Batista Bradish wells, you know, means never came back. It’s crazy. What’s going on here with this team?

Lee Kluck  28:50

I think I think the thing that Harry Dalton always sold the one adage his daughter’s always says his dad always wanted pitching. He wanted to he wanted he didn’t care if he had seven arms. He wanted to eat. You know. And so the Frank Robinson trade, and then I’ll let you go, Nestor. Thank you for having me on. And I really enjoyed Baltimore. Frank Robinson trade right. Leave MacPhail hands a piece of paper and Eric Dalton says here’s the trade call build the wit Cincinnati get the trade done. Harry calls Bill DeWitt and says hey, I’d like this minor league pitcher you’ve gotten Florida I think he’s really going to work out and and I don’t want to feel like I got fleeced three for one. So how about you throw this kid and build it looks at him and goes, if you want to, if you want that picture, the deals done and we’re it’s off. We’re done. We’re gone. And Olympic fail. Looked at Harry. It’s like it’s not worth it. Just go. But that was always the kind of thing he tried to do. He tried to get more pitching and you never have enough so but anyway, thank you Nestor and I hope your listeners enjoyed the book and thanks for having us. Baseball nerd.

Nestor J. Aparicio  30:00

You know what, I’m gonna have some more baseball nerds on I John Eisenberg just released these tapes that he did with Harry Dalton. He’s got these bird tapes. So I’m gonna get John. I’ll talk more about Harry Dalton more about the Oriole way because I can’t get enough of that. And you know I brag a little bit about this in the last week or two since Willie Mays die. Luis Aparicio is the oldest living Hall of Famer at this point. So I got a you know, I got to work while baseball is good in my life again, you know, well, while we have potential to win, I want to get all the baseball Atomy that I’ve been holding back the last 18 years lay clips book is out on the internet on adult please go check it out. Please check out Luke’s work as well looks Jason the baseball team around this week, Baltimore positive footballs and a little bit of hiatus here a couple of weeks. I’m kind of enjoying that I’m enjoying the hotdogs and hamburgers on the Fourth of July. We rev up the Maryland crab cake tour again on July 12. And it will be hard to wrap up the Orioles that night. The New York Yankees are back in town before the all star break. It’s good baseball stuff around here. It’s great summer of baseball. I am Nestor we are wn st am 1570 Towson Baltimore and we never stop talking Baltimore positive

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