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John Martin of Maryland Lottery talks Thanksgiving winners of 2.9 million on Fast Play progressive in Randallstown

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Maryland Lottery Fast Play
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Baltimore Positive
John Martin of Maryland Lottery talks Thanksgiving winners of 2.9 million on Fast Play progressive in Randallstown

There’s a great story behind every big win but as John Martin of Maryland Lottery tells Nestor, they don’t always have the progressive fun that a lucky Randallstown man found recently on his way back to the liquor store holding a $30 VIP Club Game ticket.

Nestor Aparicio and John Martin from the Maryland Lottery discussed the Maryland Crab Cake Tour schedule, highlighting events from December to March. They mentioned a $2.9 million Fast Play progressive jackpot won at Jns Liquors in Randallstown, where a customer initially bought the ticket as a $30 VIP club game and later discovered it was the winning ticket. Martin also talked about new scratch-off games, including a $2 million Monopoly ticket, and emphasized responsible gaming, noting that 97% of wagers are made via mobile platforms. They also discussed the Mega Millions jackpot, currently over $500 million, and the importance of checking tickets for second chances.


Maryland crab cake tour, Thanksgiving winners, Mega Millions jackpot, Black Friday shopping, second chance contest, Game of Thrones promotion, holiday scratch offs, mobile wagering, responsible gaming, sports wagering, lottery prizes, holiday tickets, progressive jackpot, lottery retailers, holiday shopping


John Martin, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home. We are W, N, S T am 1570 Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore, positive. We are positively getting the Maryland crab cake tour out on the road. We have the entire schedule for December into January, into March, if you count, some stuff we’re going to be doing later on. All I brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. I’ll have Raven scratch offs to give away, not in March, but at least in December. Next couple weeks, I’m wearing my Costa shirt. That will be the conclusion of all the festivities. I wrote the dates down, maybe a casus on the 18th, but we started at Cocos next Wednesday on the fourth. We’re at Gertrude on the fifth, with Dan Rodricks and my cousin John shields. The 11th word, fadelies back downtown in time for the holidays to ship some crab cakes, and for the first time ever. And I can’t believe I’m admitting this to John Martin, but I’m going to admit this to him. We are doing the Maryland crab cake tour in a place where they do not serve crab cakes. I’ve just decided that it’s dogs and cats. We’re just going to go off the and I’m going to feature the pan a rotundo, one of my favorite things in life, at a me cheese, because we need to get out a little literally for Christmas, because it’s nice down there. And I’m sure there’s a crab cake in the neighborhood. I think we’re gonna invite Nancy from Pier point over to make her crab cake, and that’s gonna happen on the 17th. So John Martin is here. He has winners, winners. I don’t want to sing that song. Say, you know, all you do is win, win, win, no matter what. Why did that last week with the Steelers guy around here, we’re not even playing the Browns this week. But, and you know, the apple pie tastes better, the Thanksgiving, the stuff, everything tastes better after Raven victory in Los Angeles. So at least I’ll go with that. Before Philadelphia gets here. How are you? How’s up? How is your Thanksgiving shaping up.

John Martin  01:41

I am fine. Thank you. And first and foremost, you’re welcome.

Nestor Aparicio  01:45

The Browns did something good. Who did they beat? What did they Oh, thank you. Yes, Thursday night, yes, well, I don’t know who ordered the snow globe. Was that? Was that the ghost of art modell? What happened there

John Martin  01:59

was that? No, yeah, you know what, and we’re not going to we got more than stuff, than football talk about, but I got to tell you, may not play well here, but around the country, Jameis Winston is worth the price of admission. What a entertaining is the word I think I’m looking for. What an entertaining person he is.

Nestor Aparicio  02:19

He’s a very Saturday Night Live skittable type of thing, especially having witnessed it now for about four or five weeks. I mean, it is, it’s, he’s in the zone, you know, he said, you know.

John Martin  02:34

And good for him. I mean that. I mean, America is full of second chances, right? So, good for him. I have my

Nestor Aparicio  02:39

own stick here. You know that I’m just trying to get through with the lottery thing and the crab cake thing and, yeah, just getting through the holidays. But he is. He’s a better quarterback than I think we gave him credit for. I’ll definitely say that. And I think all of them, just in general, hard it is to be a quarterback in this league, in a general sense, to watch Lamar do it definitely and say that’s we’re witnessing things here, I think we haven’t seen, and that’s what makes football fun, right?

John Martin  03:04

Here’s something we haven’t seen for a while, right? A Mega Millions jackpot, over a half billion dollars.

Nestor Aparicio  03:11

That gets my wife out to the ROFO after the Y. She wants tickets when this happens, yeah,

John Martin  03:17

hopefully that will continue to roll through the holidays. Boy, nothing says Happy New Year like a a big jackpot, whether it be Mega Millions or Powerball. So check out your lottery retailers. Check out the website at MD lottery com, check out social media, and if you’re apt to to get into the game now. Great if you want to wait, because $500 million isn’t enough for you then, then hopefully, stay tuned and we’ll have more good stuff along the way, but lots of fun when you can plan your shopping activities for holidays and put a couple bucks on a huge jackpot. Well, that

Nestor Aparicio  03:54

wouldn’t stop me from like, trying to get the best deals on Black Friday and sort of thing, but it would. I wouldn’t tax I had to pay if I wasn’t going to be that guy. I said five, 14 million for now, and it’ll be bigger than that. I don’t care, whatever I can take home. It’ll probably get me through the holidays. It’ll get me the right eggnog. Yeah,

John Martin  04:11

I’m not. I’ve never been a Black Friday holiday guy in terms of shopping. I mean, now the things have changed, and people sit in their bathrobe and do the shopping from home. But I think this year, I think I’m going to venture out on Black Friday and go old school, because, if nothing else, I am and and, you know, kind of wander through the masses and see what what it’s all about.

Nestor Aparicio  04:34

I feel like I need to walk off the turkey and the stuffing because my wife started making the meal like last week, she’s informed me that we’re going sweet potato pie, and it’s homemade, and it’s that I told she does that bakery thing up in Vermont every year with her sister for Christmas. She learned how to make pie. She’s like, I went to pie school three years ago. I’m gonna make a pie. I’m like,

John Martin  04:53

there’s a school for that. There’s

Nestor Aparicio  04:56

a pie school. Yeah, there was a whole class on it, and it. Love apple pie. I mean, in involved me eating it. You know, that was my role. My role was, this is really good. When are you going to make this again? And the answer is, three years later, John Martin is here. He is the executive director of all things, Marilyn, lottery and gaming and, uh oh, mega one last thing before we get the ravens, and we got him, we got stuff too, but the rules are going to be changing on that, right, like, in a, in a, in a way, in a couple of months, right? Yeah, not

John Martin  05:25

so much the rules. I mean, the fundamental game will be the same, but it’s, it’s there. They’re tweaking a little little entering, you know, you know, Hone, you tinker something. You take that little Phillips screwdriver and you put it in there, and just take it, like a quarter turn to the right. Now, that kind of tinkering. So we’re going to do that. There is a Phillips screwdriver. I have one around here somewhere. And we’re going to tinker with Mega Millions just a little bit. And the net product of that is going to be larger, starting jackpots, bigger jackpots, growing faster, opportunities to win more cash prizes, no prize less than two times the amount you spend. So if you spend $10 on a Mega Millions ticket, you’re guaranteed to win when you win if you win at least $20 so that type of thing is all appealing a lot more deets, as the kids say, after the first of the year, because that would launch in the first of April. So we have plenty of time on that. But for now, half a million, half a billion, rather half a billion, with a B, Mega Millions jackpot. This week,

Nestor Aparicio  06:24

I told Seth last week, I think you guys are tweaking the game to make it like, more enticing for players and bigger prizes all like, all the I’m like, but at the end of the day, it’s math. It’s a little too complicated for me. I just want to let people know that there’s an opportunity there. I talked to him about the the New York trip coming up here with the ravens and and the Raven scratch offs. I want to give you a little opportunity, because we’re getting toward the end, right? I mean, not just the season and the playoffs, and we get up on, you know, Christmas and New Year’s, and, you know, the big games we have go. We’re playing on Christmas Day this year, but, but this is still, like, a big thing. I’ll be handing these out the next couple weeks. People ask me about them, and I always say second chances. Download the app, make sure that you are really giving yourself a chance to win these extraordinary prizes above and beyond maybe the 20 or the 100 or whatever you win on the ticket. There’s, there’s big prizes still out there,

John Martin  07:16

right? There are plenty of prizes out there. You can go to MD and check out prizes remaining on the both five, I’m sorry, 10 and $2 ravens tickets, but that second chance contest, that’s what it’s all about for a lot of players, most notably John Bory. Do you know John? I

Nestor Aparicio  07:32

do not know John. If he’s going to New York. I want to know because I could use a trip to New

John Martin  07:36

York. No, he’s not going to New York. He was the fan of the game last this week for the for the Chargers game. So

Nestor Aparicio  07:42

how many touchdowns? I’m just trying to add them up, you know, all right, less field goals. Unless I see adjusted Tucker, I know that they we didn’t try to kick field goals. So was it 434?

John Martin  07:51

It was four touchdowns. So as fan of the game, he was selected. He won $1,000 just for being selected, and $1,000 for each of the touchdowns. That’s a grand total of $5,000 for John Borey on deck. Richard Rhodes of skaggsville, Maryland. And I’m going to admit, you know, I’m not from around these parts. I did not know that there was a skaggsville Maryland, did you?

Nestor Aparicio  08:16

Yes, I’ve seen a sign before on like 95 Ford, I think, or someplace, okay, yeah, yeah. It sits

John Martin  08:20

tucked away in Howard County there. I thought by by the name it’d be way out west or Eastern Shore.

Nestor Aparicio  08:25

No, no, no, right here? No, that’s right, like Enola alone somewhere else. No, no, no, yeah, we went to Lone accounting. You want to go to a really cool place? Go to Lone accounting. I’m telling everybody who knows, baseball history there, lottery history, there, mining history, there good fishing there, you know, but in this case, skaggsville, I don’t know what I’m I’m going to learn. Well,

John Martin  08:46

yeah, but Richard Rhodes is going to be the fan of the game for the the game this week against the Eagles. So we’ll see how that goes. And we had yet another winner of a a finalist seat for our 20 years of season tickets, Shannon Brown of Aberdeen, Maryland, Shannon Brown is now one of the finalists, and that drawing will happen. Typically, it happens the week after Super Bowl. So hopefully we’ll see that, and we have more finalists to to get into that. So lots of fun there on the second chance drawing you have now till Monday, Sunday, the first, December, 1, get your entries in for the next drawing, which will be on the second you know, we’re also doing a promotion. You may remember me talking about the game of thrones, and we had our second prize winner on the Game of Thrones recently, Jordan dear of Chesapeake Beach, Maryland. Boy, we are touching all corners of the state here. It’s a big lottery state of Maryland. It is. It is kind of funny shaped, but, but Chesapeake Beach, Jordan deer is now our second winner of the, what we’re calling the Game of Thrones. A seven kingdoms experience, five, day, four, night trip for the winner and a guest to Napa Valley, California, round trip, coach, airfare, Deluxe, hotel accommodations, $1,000 spending money, nice, welcome reception. And then they get to play a game with other lottery winners from around the country. And you go to MD for details on that Fun, fun experience, especially if you’re a Game of Thrones fanatic. And I think we’ve talked about this before, you are not.

Nestor Aparicio  10:27

I’ve learned, like, between talking to you about it and then, like, a little my wife, because of the, you know, trying to sound not completely like, but no, I’m not the Game of Thrones guy, yeah. And the

John Martin  10:40

beauty part is you don’t need to be to enter the contest. If you are, that probably heightens experience, but

Nestor Aparicio  10:45

you still win money. You don’t need to be a Ravens fan to win money, exactly. I do it all the time. You

John Martin  10:51

know, when speaking of winning money, you’re just like playing. You’ve read the script, didn’t you? You’re ready for today. You have read the script. Well, I

Nestor Aparicio  10:57

mean, you know, it’s, it’s not the holiday season. I’m having eggnog next week at Cocos. I want to feel lucky. So do tell we have new games, new prizes. What do we have? We

John Martin  11:09

have winners. We have winners into the again. MD, Look at the winner stories. You get the story of the man on the Eastern Shore who, the day he retired, won a $50,000 bonus Match five. What better way to start retirement, right? Bam, there it was.

Nestor Aparicio  11:27

I like that. I can we all can use a little dough, and we’re going out to pasture. Yes,

John Martin  11:32

going out to pasture. Jeez, uh, Tacoma Park man wins $250,000 on our jumbo cash. Scratch off. Very nice. Tis the season like that. A Glen Burnie woman won a race tracks prize of over $27,000.25 year lottery veteran who has won a couple things along the way, but nothing as wonderful as $27,000 on race tracks. And we wish her well. But the story the winner of the week. You know, I think want to start a new segment. New Segment Nestor. I think I’m going to call it winner of the week. And that’s Wow. Well, wow,

Nestor Aparicio  12:07

winner of the week, the wow.

John Martin  12:09

I love what you just did there. Yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  12:11

I’m working on it, yeah, wow. It’s almost like we scripted this, if we scripted our shave today, and it’s the holidays, and I’m just feeling like I’m feeling lucky. So there you go. Winner of the week. Give me the winner of the week.

John Martin  12:23

People don’t know what they’re missing, but this, this lucky couple that and I met them yesterday. What a what a charming couple. My

Nestor Aparicio  12:31

wife just told me to ask you about this story, because I knew that this was going to be the the sow. I don’t want to say that the story of the week, but go ahead. So whenever

John Martin  12:42

we recently had a progressive jackpot one on our fast play game, and it was five years in existence fast play here in the state of Maryland, it was the largest progressive jackpot at over $2.9 million and it was one let’s see Jns liquors in Randallstown. And of course, when we get a big win like that, we all know about it internally, but we don’t know who it is. And so they they grace us with their presence. And then you hear the story. And this is a great story. The guy is a lottery player. He plays as Megan Miller. If you’re

Nestor Aparicio  13:17

winning this kind of progressive jackpot, you probably know what you’re doing a little bit. Or no, it could you just No,

John Martin  13:23

no, okay, all right, go ahead. Not in this case. Yes, some people will though, you know, they’ll be managing that.

Nestor Aparicio  13:30

But because progressives are very, you know, like casino oriented, yep. And you know that there is this moving target that’s happening all the time. So anyway, you know, because we talk about this all the time, but what makes people play one game versus another? Jackpot is, my wife is a huge jackpot chaser, but if you play these games, $2.9 million a lot of money, you know that’ll

John Martin  13:53

get your attention. That will get your attention. And it did this, this gentleman who was standing in line buying his Mega Millions Powerball ticket, and at retail, at our 4300 retailers, many of them have right next to their terminal A a monitor that scrolls our marketing messages and up pop this $2.9 million jackpot available. And he asked the clerk, what’s this? What’s this VIP club game? What’s that all about? And he was told it was told it was a fast play game. And he said, Oh, that’s interesting. Maybe I’ll get that. And he said, The the clerk said, you know, it’s a $30 ticket. And he said, Ooh, okay, well, so he turned he left the store. He got out of the store turnaround, came back in and said, you know, give me one of those. Gets one, wins. $200 on the ticket, comes back in several days later and says, Okay, now with the money he’s won, he says, give me two more of those. Gets two more of those, puts in his pocket, leaves the store. The drawing happens. Of course, he’s not checking his tickets. He comes back to the store to get his normal Mega Millions Powerball, and he hears a lot of scuttlebutt and people all excited. And he says, What’s going on here? And they said, we sold the winning $2.9 million jackpot game. He said, really? He said, Yeah, yeah. He said, Who was it? He said, We don’t know. And the guy said, but we know he bought two tickets, and we know he bought it from this clerk. And this guy’s eyes get wide because, in fact, he bought two tickets from that clerk, and he left the store without getting his Powerball and Mega Millions ticket to run home runs past his wife, who’s standing there and saying, What is going

Nestor Aparicio  15:30

on? Oh, hold on. He didn’t have that. He wasn’t there to check the tickets. Now, he

John Martin  15:35

was there to buy his Mega Millions of Powerball,

Nestor Aparicio  15:38

and keeping in mind, you could check your ticket with your phone, right? He could, right? I mean, so he didn’t have to come back in to do it. But, you know, go ahead. So keep going. My my wife, by the way, does check her tickets with your chicken ticket checker. I’ve seen her do it wise, like, literally and like you do know, like I have a phone, I have a ticket, ticket checker, ticket checker. Ear. So nonetheless. So he’s in there. He

John Martin  16:05

hears the story. He says, maybe it’s me. This is sounding a little too familiar. So he leaves the store runs royal

Nestor Aparicio  16:12

farms coffee, because this, get this story’s get this might be one. This is a really good story. Go ahead. This is my wife. Told me you had a good story for me today. She did.

John Martin  16:19

This is a wow, okay, and people can find all the details on the story at MD under our winners stories. So he runs faster, checks the first ticket and sees, in fact, because on the progressive jackpot, it will tell you right then and there. So had he looked at his ticket when he bought it, that would have been his first clue. But he did. He just bought a ticket put in his pocket. So he looks at and he says, tells his wife, been a very casual we’re millionaires. And she says, yeah, right now go take off the garbage. You know, it was just like, yeah, no, no, we’re not. And she grabs a ticket, she looks at it, and then he goes and checks the other ticket, which happened to be another $50 winner. So embarrassment of Richards, now he’s got winning tickets all over the place, but came in great story. They were a sitcom waiting to happen. I wish them well, lots of success. And yeah, so it was the case of someone not really understanding the progressive jackpot potential, buying his normal lottery tickets. And the marketing material in the store. This the the sales clerk, retail clerk in the store, were both very instrumental in directing along that path to win $2.9

Nestor Aparicio  17:30

million right there at 10,000 Liberty Road right here in Randallstown. Your print money over there for folks when they win, like, wow, that’s an exciting story. That’s um, and I would think, and I’ve asked Doug this, because Doug Lloyd’s been on several times talking about having to be the one that calls people and say you’ve won something. In certain cases, you don’t just come in and know you won. You get called for Second Chance prizes and and you’re in disbelief when you meeting these people must be the, really, one of the great parts of your gig, right, over the years, right? Oh, it

John Martin  18:03

was a treat. It was, again, they were very I mean, sometimes we get people come in there and you think, oh, boy, this, Ooh, what’s the what’s the story here? But you know, if, yeah, a great story, great, great, joyful, joyful, yeah, joyful, joyful

Nestor Aparicio  18:16

holidays, right there. That’s right, Josh. He’s the Executive Director of all things Marilyn, lottery and gaming, um, scratch us. We get a new scratch off. Come on, because you got um, holiday scratch offs. And I’ve been telling I’ve been warning everybody, when I run out of the ravens, I run out, and by the time I get to cost this maybe on the 18th, I’m into maybe some holiday scratch offs. They’re not going to smell as good as they did last year.

John Martin  18:42

Then again, you don’t smell as good as you did last year. Come on. Gingerbread

Nestor Aparicio  18:46

were nice. They really were. They smelled like a warm holiday oven, like I wanted some frothy Coco to go with them. Is what I wanted. There’s an idea. Frothy Coco sent it. I was going to call it you were. I was close. One foot on the line. But I sniff when they’re scented. You know, yes,

John Martin  19:04

yes, you do. And you can check out. In addition to our holiday tickets and our holiday Second Chance contest, all of those wonderful details at MD we are launching additional tickets this week, $5 cash to go top prize, $50,000 the $2 magic eight ball. And yes, just like the magic eight ball you may have had as a young child, you don’t get to shake it, though, and I suppose you could shake the ticket. It’s not going to do anything like the magic eight ball would. But $2 magic eight ball, top prize, $8,888

Nestor Aparicio  19:40

that would be a fun game for me to play, because I’m clever, and I’m feeling like, if I play that game, I don’t know nothing about that game, that it would say funny things to me, like, like a fortune cookie would. And for me, you know, I’m a man about words. You know what I mean. So you are. So I like, I like clever games. So I’m. Maybe that’s one for me. Well, probably

John Martin  20:01

not. You’re gonna be sorely disappointed. It’s a two hour scratch off ticket. There’s nothing clever about it unless it says, you know, go see magic

Nestor Aparicio  20:07

eight ball. It’s always clever. The magic eight ball knows everything we know it does. I know a lot more about the magic eight ball than I do Game of Thrones. Well,

John Martin  20:16

there you go. Enough. Said, Hey, $10 mega bucks. Ticket. Top prize, $100,000 and then here’s an interesting one. We will be launching a monopoly $30 scratch off ticket with a $2 million top prize called monopoly times 200 a lot of times we put these multipliers in our monopoly scratch off games. Players love to know that their win may be multiplied. And look for that all for those tickets amongst your holiday tickets available at retailers all around the great state of Maryland.

Nestor Aparicio  20:53

I don’t want anybody to confuse the the magic eight ball with the way that they should be. You know, doing their sports wagering and during this time of year, for sure, responsibly, because I’m reading this magic eight ball, and it says, Here, it reaches into the future to find answers to your questions. It knows what will be, and it’s willing to share this with you. So this is why I love magic eight ball, right? So, I mean, that’s what I said that would that intrigued me as a scratch off, just like when they smell like gingerbread. John Martin is here. He’s executive director of all things, Marilyn Lotter game, anything you want to say on the on the football, on the wagering side, or on casino sex, you talked about that a little bit and awareness. And I keep seeing the stories come to me about people having problems. And I always say there’s a number 800 gambler, and there is help for you, your loved one, if they come home this weekend and talking ways around the dinner table about sports in a different way, I just want because I did a segment last week at Green mount station. We did the crab cake tour up there, and I talked to the fellows up there about it, and in a real serious way, because they’re out touching folks in the community. And they talked about how much fun people can have, and most of their stuff is very, very for entertainment and wins and high fives in the way that we would intend it to be.

John Martin  22:08

You know, you may recall, because I do. It was two years ago. It was right before the it was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving two years ago, in 2022 that would be that we launched mobile wagering and launched it very successfully. And then, of course, it’s grown over two years to be probably even larger than we thought it might be, based on on most recent successes. But yes, the emergence of the mobile platform, 97% of all wagers come through the mobile platform, only about 3% come through the retail brick and mortar locations around the state. And in all of that, there is an implied responsibility. And of course, we do our messaging and work with our sports book partners and our casino partners on getting that messaging out, promoting the one 800 gambler number, promoting the fact that have a plan, stick with it, set aside a time limit, set aside a budget, and stay within that and enjoy it. Enjoy it with friends, and don’t chase losses. Understand the games you’re playing so you understand what the odds mean, and the overs and unders and pluses and minuses that may be impacting you and the numbers thrown around. And hopefully people will have some fun with it. And for for those who stop being fun, please reach out one 800 gambler for people, it’s a free call. It’s free services for Marylanders, and it’s not only for the individuals, but for their family members, who oftentimes are impacted by that as well. All

Nestor Aparicio  23:37

right, well, I hope you get impacted by that late night phone call saying the winner was in Maryland, in Dundalk, or in Parkville, or Essex, or some good place, Towson, where I’m living in, or even just Baltimore in general. We’re doing the Maryland crab cake tour our next five shows in Baltimore City. Well, I looked it all through. I’m like, city, city, city. So we’re going to be around and over 500 million bucks. That really is a big thing, like for everybody in your office, if somebody in Maryland hits that one, that sort of sets off quite an alarm, doesn’t it?

John Martin  24:07

Well, we haven’t had a large jackpot anywhere in the country for a while now. So wherever it hits, it’s going to be quite the story. And whenever it hits, and I think you know, certainly, again, I mentioned before, you know, because the holiday seasons, people are are out and about, and if it’s on their their gift giving list, uh, hopefully they’ll, they’ll consider being responsible and making sure that those gifts are for 18 years of age. We’re

Nestor Aparicio  24:32

gonna do a whole segment on this next week, and I’m gonna shame my wife and her sister again, all right, from their childhood. Yeah, I know, I know it’s a it’s a story, but don’t give these to kids. That’s my little public service announcement. Is

John Martin  24:45

that good? We’ll work on it for next week, but it’s a good start.

Nestor Aparicio  24:49

We’ll craft it. We’ll craft it. John Martin is here crafting a message of responsibility for everybody out there, playing the sports wagering and having a good time here, doing all things Maryland, lottery gaming. As we do with our scratch offs and our Maryland crab cake tour that’s out on the road. I have unearthed some of the oyster tour dates as well. Everything’s out for all the great oysters that I ate. There’s a huge oyster festival going on on Saturday down at Cooper’s in in Fells Point that I’ll be participating in, as well as my buddy Eddie Lauer, beginning Tuesday. We’re Cocos on Tuesday, or excuse me, Wednesday, Thursday, we’re at Gertrude at the PMA with my cousin John shields as well as Dan Rodgers. I will have Raven scratch offs to give away, also our friends at Jiffy Lube multi care, getting Luke back and forth to football games. You get a bye week next week for the for the Ravens as well. And enjoy all of that dessert pie responsibly. I am Nestor. We are wnst. Am 1570 Towson, Baltimore, and we never stop talking Baltimore positive. Stay with us. You.

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