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Leonard Raskin joins Nestor for some sports memories of past glories and hopes for another parade


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Baltimore Positive
Leonard Raskin joins Nestor for some sports memories of past glories and hopes for another parade

It’s been a long time since the last time for the Baltimore Orioles and a civic celebration. Our old schooler Leonard Raskin joins Nestor at Costas Inn on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour to reminisce and pine away for the next time we have a championship parade in Baltimore for baseball.


oysters, play, years, raskin, costas, pitch, hockey, week, orioles, people, essex, leonard, rockefeller, baseball, gretzky, bullpen, moments, jim abbott, great, shrimp


Nestor Aparicio, Leonard Raskin

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Welcome home. We are W, N, S T test Baltimore, Baltimore, positive. We are positively on a gloomy day, on a rainy day, just maybe about a mile and a half from where the Key Bridge once stood, and about two and a half miles where I once stood as a young lad in Colgate. I smelled Dundalk coming in today, and I love it. I’m a Costas in. We’re down here, beautiful North Point Road. I have brought my Raskin global empowering people to choose their financial future. Special crab mallet, and it’s very special because it opens beers on the other side, perfect for your this is a patented item. Leonard Raskin is our guest, our friends at the Maryland lottery. If you can tell I got lottery tickets here. I’m like, the ticket guy. So anybody comes out, we’re going to be at Pizza John’s right over here in Essex two weeks from Friday for my 56th birthday. Lucas turns 42 next week during the playoffs, where he is credentialed, and I’m not. And I’m sure that’ll come up in this this thing, the Raven scratch officer here, we’ll be giving them out two weeks from now, at peach Johns, also our friends at Liberty. Pier solutions putting the water together to make oysters happen. You and I are gonna get some oysters. Rockefeller today. Also, I’m gonna have some crab soup and some shrimp and some other things. Leonard, I you know you’re wearing the Tucker jersey, so let’s start with the fact that you’re trying to be supportive one way or another, because by the time this airs, they’ll either be two and two, life will be good, or there’ll be one in three, and we’ll be on to the baseball team, amen. But you know, you are intimate, like sports guy, or this is a busy week for you. You’re going to games, right?

Leonard Raskin  01:31

Absolutely, absolutely.

Nestor Aparicio  01:33

I asked, Are you more football or more baseball? And Luke gave me this look like I had cut the cheese and he’s like, playoffs, like, of course, they’re more important. They can lose the ball. They do whatever they want. It’s playoffs and all that. I think the sizzle of the baseball thing, if the playoffs would have started the Fourth of July, we’d have had some fire. I think it’s lost a little of that. I think the Ravens could go a long way by winning on Sunday night to sort of kick off Tuesday. But the baseball playoff thing. Once the shadows fall, burns, gets the ball. As we sit here, we think the Tigers are coming to town. I hope we don’t write a different story between now and by the time this airs. But there are some of that playoff baseball. I talked to Wendy bronfen from curio about this, and because she’s going to the game, her family’s got tickets. Then you buy all these tickets, you sit through all these games, all these years waiting for that Delman young moment. But that Delman young moment game two of the World Series, not in the American League Division Series, having moments for you, your longtime caps fan, yeah, whatever those moments were along the line to them winning the cup were both huge Ravens fans. You talk about Purple Rain one and you and Tampa and selling off your soul to your wife and getting her new furniture. You know, that was 24 years, but it’s those moments that we’re trying to make. And the Orioles the last 6090, days because injury, because this, that whatever that meant, a lot of moments, right? Santa there had a bomb, right? Holiday, right? Absolutely,

Leonard Raskin  02:59

but it looks good when these hurt players come back to the lineup and start hitting the offense. West Mountie Adley, you got the lineup in check, you know, you got who’s supposed to be in front of you, who’s supposed to be behind you, you know, who’s hitting the river and Slater, they all had their moments where they were. They contributed. So they kept us at at, what have we been 500 for the last but, okay, yeah, they kept us there so And oddly enough, at the same time, all the other teams had had lousy runs to or else we’d be way behind. You know, the

Nestor Aparicio  03:38

Calvary of Rodriguez versus, let’s say, getting West. I said the loop back. And obviously, like, they’re not getting all these guys back. They are, and then Mateo

Leonard Raskin  03:47

they are, well, they’re not getting right, no, they’re not getting the guys that were on the Fourth of July. I’m talking look, but they got Eli, okay, he, he’s, you don’t get Rodriguez back, but you got efflin in the in the rotation come

Nestor Aparicio  03:59

Wednesday at sundown, that’s going to be that’s going to be big, whether he pitches well or not. He walked a bunch of guys the other night. But his first

Leonard Raskin  04:06

time, first time in his career, I didn’t realize, first time in his career he ever walked five. Did you know that the dude said he’s he just, he’s enraged when he walks guys. That’s what you want from a pitcher, right? You don’t want them out there. Well, I walked them. No, I walked a guy. Yeah, yeah, and certainly not on Wednesday, but, but you got, you got burns, you got E you got Kramer Dean’s great hair,

Nestor Aparicio  04:34

great hair. I’m gonna let it down just to honor, is what I’m gonna do. I’m honoring you right now, because you’re gonna wind up, because we’re gonna win one glue that’s right. I mean, probably they’re gonna play Thursday, right, especially if they get scuba on Tuesday, right? So as you listen, so I got my dean Kramer hair, you see that Oriole hat? Yes, that’s the first piece of Orioles swag that like. I want that hat. I want to wear that hat when it’s 50. Four degrees at games. October 28 gonna be a little chill out. He was trying to he might be taking the ball in game two. I hope all this is prescient. Four weeks now, he’ll come back. So have you really look because with Luke, and Luke’s like, Dude, you want me to be journalist, or you want me to be a Homer, like, you know, you scream about mass in and all their they all have to be Homers. Melanie Newman has to think they’re gonna win the World Series record like,

Leonard Raskin  05:27

so I’ll do, we have to,

Nestor Aparicio  05:28

I said, but looks like they don’t have enough bullpen, like they just don’t, like there’s just not

Leonard Raskin  05:33

on the ball. Here’s the bottom, I think, here’s the bottom line. How long do your starters go? That’s exactly right. The the we got to revert, right? We got to go back. We got to go back to seven inning starters. Why are we doing five? We got to get a seven inning burns. We got to get a seven inning EFF. You got to get to the eighth and ninth. That’s all you need. You don’t need to take them out in the fifth. I hate this. I watched it for the last. I don’t know how many years you know better than me, these managers, I’m not just talking about the Orioles, I’m talking about all across major leagues. For some reason, they manage those analytics on this the postseason, totally different their assets, like just managing the they manage the season you got to win. You know how you’re going to win. I don’t know why. All of a sudden, in the postseason, you take your starter out in the third inning. I don’t get it. Let the guy pitch. He’s there, just he’s a starting pitch. I

Nestor Aparicio  06:27

think the numbers are second and third time through the order. Batting averages rising, starting pitch. I get that, that Dean Kramer’s 64th pitch should not be theoretically better than CNL Perez’s first pitch against the left handed back in a tough spot if they got Soto next week. Or the old

Leonard Raskin  06:48

days, in the olden days, we always used to see you only go to the bullpen if the guy you’re bringing in is better than the guy you got in. And I don’t see, like you said, I don’t care if it’s Perez or Bowman, Bauman, whoever is Smith, whatever, I don’t see how their first, second, 10th pitch is going to be better than Kramer burns, Eflin, 75th pitch. You gotta, you gotta let these guys work and shorten the bullpen and we win. You lengthen out the bullpen. I think we got problems.

Nestor Aparicio  07:20

So I got something here. Did you ever see Pulp Fiction? You

Leonard Raskin  07:24

know what? I’ve never seen the whole movie. Why?

Nestor Aparicio  07:27

So the senator, it seems like the senators bringing back some classics, like they’re, they’re doing the shining in a couple of I don’t know what, you know. I used to know key fob, or he’s kind of, you know, out in the woods at this point, but I haven’t been down there in a while, but if they ever if Pulp Fiction plays at the center at a big screen, it’s on Alan McCallum’s basement. So I You said you’re old school. Yeah, right. You’re old school. The movie Pulp Fiction, the first scene is this, it’s, it’s a briefcase, and you still don’t know what’s in the to, you know, it’s allegedly Marcellus Wallace’s soul that’s in the briefcase. But when it opens, it shines. And they all look at it, and they say, We good, we good, you know. So this here is, is a really important small item. So you say things that are valuable to you, or things that like you would put in your safe, that you know would be. And this definitely has some financial value, like when I look at it, but it has more God, I’m hugging it for the first time, spiritual value. I want to open it up for you, because it really talks about so we’re Costas. It’s a it’s all brought to my friends at the Maryland lottery. Conjunction, when the French are triffidou, multi care, they put us out. I’m doing the oyster tour with curio with Liberty pure and Leonard raskins provides me all sorts of things, including good financial advice. Here my next segment today, I had to be creative today, because we got a football game on Sunday. I want to make sure what we’re airing during the week, during baseball playoffs, maybe something a little more evergreen. So my dear friend Teresa gutero is coming by. We’re going to talk about Maryland Health Connection, which you would call Obamacare. So we’re gonna talk about healthcare later on, but in the middle segment today, Costas, yeah, I’ve been trying to get these guys on for a couple six months. They wrote a book about a coffee table, book about something that I know is really near and dear to your heart, okay, and near and dear to my heart, and a thing that we share. And right before we came on the air, you pulled the old Don molar, maybe, because we’re in Dundalk, you know, bring a West Side guy over to Dundalk, younger Catonsville guy, and you started green room. And me about, we’re going to talk about the n, i L, we’re and I said, you we can’t really talk about the football game, because it’s going to be over with by first place so, and so it’s good. So we have to and blue, can I? And you’ll be on next week, and we’ll talk about it. There’ll be plenty of time, absolutely, to talk about the Buffalo Bills and every day what the Orioles are about to go through. So I thought, What are we gonna do today? And I invited these cats down, and then you said to me, it’s hockey season. And I said, You know what, man, I threw. Three text out late last night, and one, I said, three texts, two were to hockey people, and one was to another very special person of this season. Yep, I text Dougie McLean, sure. And I said, I want to have you on my show. Let’s tell some more war stories. I text I haven’t heard from Dougie. Dougie, get back to me. You’re in Canada. Gene uriako, Oh, yeah. So I hit Gino because he, you know, I’m getting my credentials denied. And I go back to the people who were so good to me and the people who were accountable, and so, you love hockey. Love the caps, right? I love the caps. I think about Brian Murray, Terry Murray people and the other texts I sent that did get replied. And I’m not lying to you, I came back from the oyster recovery partner. I didn’t drink anything, so I wasn’t like cloudy. I went to bed early. I didn’t even need a lot of oysters. But at 2:52am

Leonard Raskin  10:52

oh my goodness, I

Nestor Aparicio  10:53

got a reply. My email out was yo coops Nestor, great. Warm memories. Mate Kenny Cooper texts me at 252 in the morning. Nestor a thinking to me, still alive and kicking after all these years, Irene and the family were all well, thank God. So I heard from Cooper. So I didn’t even invite Cooper on the show. I just want to check in on there you go. But I want the other guys want to talk some hockey. And then you said, Ovechkin, there you go. And I screenshot the picture him, because the other day was picture day, yep. Do you look younger? You are a silver hero, handsome devil. I say that because he’s my client, so But you look younger. He’s

Leonard Raskin  11:42

looking old for a hockey dude. It’s

Nestor Aparicio  11:43

crazy how, like, what has happened that he’s playing for, like, all sorts of records and all the Gretzky stuff, the

Leonard Raskin  11:52

greatest scorer in hockey history, hockey history absolutely could happen this. He’s

Nestor Aparicio  11:58

not a great I saw Gretzky play.

Leonard Raskin  12:00

I didn’t say, I said greatest scorer. He where

Nestor Aparicio  12:03

do you put him? Go score, gonna play this LeBron Michael Jordan game with me.

Leonard Raskin  12:06

Oh, I’m talking, we’re just talking stats, goal, score. Do

Nestor Aparicio  12:09

you think if you have to take one hockey player, I mean, you’re an old school would be my All right, just, all right, just making sure that you’re not wearing a look if you’re wearing a purple knife.

Leonard Raskin  12:17

But think if you took all, I don’t know this. You probably know the statistic Exactly. If you take all the Gretzky’s goals away, I think he’s still the leading scorer in the history of hockey with his assists versus anybody else. The guy was paper was unbelievable, and huge changes followed him. Great, fantastic player. But Gretzky is by far, was by far, the greatest player. No argument whatsoever. And

Nestor Aparicio  12:46

this Otani thing that’s going on, oh my goodness, dude, that we’re getting into a different territory with 50 right? And I would say the same thing for whether you’re LeBron, whether you’re Michael J will

Leonard Raskin  12:56

be 5555 before it’s over 53

Nestor Aparicio  13:02

who’s he hitting off this weekend? I

Leonard Raskin  13:03

don’t know. He’s 53

Nestor Aparicio  13:06

I know this. They’re gonna take couple days off.

Leonard Raskin  13:07

I mean, that could be, you know, but just think of the fact that this dude is 5050

Nestor Aparicio  13:14

and he’s a pitcher. He’s in Colorado. He’s gonna get a couple. He’s a

Leonard Raskin  13:18

pitcher. He’s gonna establish the 5555

Nestor Aparicio  13:22

not a pitcher. Picture, a Jim Palmer kind of picture. He’s

Leonard Raskin  13:24

an amazing pitcher.

Nestor Aparicio  13:25

The dude is a stunning picture. You have to say, you’ve seen him play.

Leonard Raskin  13:30

I saw him play last season. Here, really, last season. We’ve talked about this. Last season. I took the family, the boy, the wife, we went to the angels when he was with the angels. Okay, in the O’s, the dude crushed a home run. I’m sure, if there wasn’t a poll, Luke still talking about, if there wasn’t a poll there, it would have hit Boog Powell in the head. I mean, it was smashed. It was unbelievable. And he threw like a three hitter seven inning against us. Two of them were home runs. So

Nestor Aparicio  14:03

you would say, on that night, when you went to the ballpark, stunning, you watch baseball 50 years, like I have, I never I’ve seen Jim Abbott pitch with one arm. My dad, my dad played baseball against Pete gray when he was a little boy. Played catch

Leonard Raskin  14:17

with Jim Abbott. Did you that was very cool. Oh, how about that? We were at a business conference in LA, and part of the business conference was a trip to the stadium for lunch, meet Jim Abbott, and he threw batting practice under the stadium in the cage. It was surreal, if

Nestor Aparicio  14:36

anybody be more inspiration The Buccaneers. The linebacker with right hand, right? Yeah, yeah. And his brother, brother, right? I mean, I’m thinking of like, but, you know, I’m playing without a finger, and people think it’s crazy, right? But pitching without

Leonard Raskin  14:50

a It was phenomenal. He fielded, he threw a no hitter, but so I got to see him and play with play a little catch. But. Otani was otherwise. And what I didn’t know, because I didn’t, wasn’t thinking this way. They took him out. I don’t know if a six innings, seven innings, they took him out at the six or seven. He still hit home run after that, and he was the DH, so he still got to hit. That was insane. He came. I

Nestor Aparicio  15:17

have never they took a ball game where that happened where a guy pitch and hit, hit a couple of home runs and pitch seven innings. Deion Sanders, I mean, Bo Jackson, right? I

Leonard Raskin  15:27

mean, we’re talking about if Bo had, if Bo hadn’t ripped a hip, that might have been the best athlete two way. You know,

Nestor Aparicio  15:36

I had a Dan Shaughnessy on the show believable back in the summer talking about the Red Sox the Orioles page. You can go check it out at Baltimore positive. But Baltimore positive. By the way, we’re with lender Raskin. We’re down here at Costas doing a Maryland crab cake Tour presented by Marilyn lottery in conjunction with Jiffy Lube. And I’m gonna get to the box in a minute. But he said the words Danny age to me, and I saw Danny ang play baseball. Okay? I saw Danny Ainge play third base Memorial Stadium, and then he played for the Celtics.

Leonard Raskin  16:01

I mean, you know what I would say? Ryan Jordan from your neighborhood? Yes, Milford. Millford Millman, I would say baseball, basketball, okay, but football, baseball, ridiculous. You’re the massive was

Nestor Aparicio  16:20

a great basketball. And there’s a couple of guys that had the basketball. Did we draft a guy that was a Notre Dame basketball player? The Orioles, the Orioles had a pitcher. The Orioles had a guy that was a Notre Dame basketball they never made Okay, a couple 10 years ago. Yeah. So I’m back to hockey.

Leonard Raskin  16:38

Gretzky. Is it? Back to hot. Gretzky. Was it? Gretzky, was it. And I got to, you know, the sad part for me was, you know, he played for the Oilers, he played for Edmonton, he played for the Edmonton oil so you only got my box now, and I don’t have to look at the box. So don’t look at the box. So I only stare at the box. Don’t stare at the box. You’re not going to look at the box. Only got to see him play once every maybe other year or so. Who do you play for Edmonton?

Nestor Aparicio  17:04

The Edmonton Oilers, absolutely.

Leonard Raskin  17:05


Nestor Aparicio  17:06

does that say there? What

Leonard Raskin  17:06

does that say? They’re working press castles versus Edmonton. When was this? This was November the 12th, 1985 There you go. He was there, damn right. He was there. And

Nestor Aparicio  17:17

I got my byline after, and I went to his locker after, and he talked to me, and amazing. So this is my press pass from and the reason this is important, and I want to take a break because I have to pee, and we’re economists, and they have free beer here for me. They brought me shrimp. Hold on, give me these shrimp over here. Hold

Leonard Raskin  17:35

on, a second, is that job? Is that the Oxy jumbo shrimp, right? Like jumbo I want it,

Nestor Aparicio  17:43

yeah, well, right, of course, I want to show this. I would only get my press pass screwed up with it. But I was going to New Orleans for 25 years, back to the 90s, I’ve been going to New Orleans, and I would go to the Acme Oyster House. There you go. And I would like months, I would look forward to going to the Acme oysters. And a lot of people tell you they would go there to get the grilled oysters. I never had an oyster. I’ve never had an oyster in New Orleans before. I went to Dragos for the grilled oysters that, you know, that’s right, yep. So for years, my wife and I, when we courted, fell in love. We, I mean, we kind of fell in love in New Orleans, like I remember it being the streets. We went to the Acme Oyster House to get there. And then about two years ago, I’m here, and I saw fried shrimp on the menu, like a blind spot on the menu, like oysters have been a blind spot on my menu for a year, because I just order the shrimp right where the crabs right here you get the crabs, or the crab cakes, or the absolute whatever you get oysters. Rockefeller is delicious here, the shrimp, spinach is delicious here. So I got this about two years ago, and I took one bite of the shrimp, and I’m like, Pete, that that’s the Acme Oyster House batter. I’ve been 25 years, and I live in Dundalk, and you’re my friend here. I never had fried shrimp here, and now, the last, like, two years, that’s your thing. It’s like, I get these to sort of start the party, and sometimes I’m so full because they’re not shrink their jumbo shrimp. They’re

Leonard Raskin  19:02

jumbo shrimp. Do they have? Do they have the char grilled oysters here?

Nestor Aparicio  19:07

No, I don’t know. I’m gonna have to talk. I don’t that’s my favorite. That’s I’m gonna get. Have you ever had the oysters? Rockefeller here? Not a spinach guy. But are you like Rex Ryan? Do not eat vegetables.

Leonard Raskin  19:18

I try to not partake of too much. Rex, Ryan,

Nestor Aparicio  19:22

we did shows from like Bruce, Chris and Rex would brag that he hadn’t eaten a vegetable since, you know, 1996

Leonard Raskin  19:28

I do I do carrots, I do green beans.

Nestor Aparicio  19:32

Is that lettuce? I’m not eating I’m not eating lettuce. Is that broccoli? I’m

Leonard Raskin  19:35

not eating broccoli. So I don’t got a sound. What do you think is in the box? I don’t know. It looks like press passes, from the look of that one.

Nestor Aparicio  19:41

So you think it’s just press pass. I

Leonard Raskin  19:43

don’t know what you got. You got pictures.

Nestor Aparicio  19:47

Here’s what I’m gonna do. It’s hockey season. Yes, if we could change one thing about our lives, other than having Phil Jackman be with me and lucid and being able to go if there’s one thing left. In my life that I could do over again. It would be to get in my car, go down the BW Parkway, get off at 495, get off at exit 17 A or B, go to the caps and go to the Capitol center. One more time in my life is seeing these people in Oakland this weekend, right? Know that I’m right. Going to Memorial Stadium with my dad again. But I love the capital center. I love my many, many, many memories of the Capitol center. Is a great I got a guy named Kevin Leonard coming over. He’s done a coffee table book on a capital Oh, very cool. And he’s coming over, you and I are done, and we’re gonna sit and we’re gonna, we’re gonna, we’re gonna do our thing and we’re gonna talk about the capital center. Awesome. So when I come back, I want to talk to you about the caps capital center concerts. And I’m not even this is not in any way a box of press passes. So the box of capital center, it’s just a box of awesomeness. Okay, that’s what hashtag, any awesomeness. Letter asking, is our guest. We’re here at Costas. People are bringing me signs up. He’s getting the oysters. Rockefeller is my recommendation. There you well, you’re gonna be one happy man, sir. I’m gonna tell you right now you’re getting the oysters. Rockefeller, my friend, Leonard Raskin, helps put us out on the road, despite the fact that I am a bad guy, according to the Orioles and I’m not having a press credential this week. So we will not be covering practice on Wednesday at the ravens, because they have not allowed me to come out. When I use the word discriminate, people get crazy, but they have been discriminatory in saying he can come and you can’t come. Now, why? I don’t know. It’s for you to ask. Chad Steele, but I will not be there Wednesday. I will not be with yours because I have been denied credentials, but Luke will be there. Luke is approved in both places, but I can’t really cut him in half and send half of him to Raven’s practice and half of him to the or so he’ll be at the orange game. Leonard Raskin is here. He empowers people to choose their financial future. He also has a great crab feast coming up a couple weeks for his friends and clients, where he gives out these incredible crab malice that allow you to open a beer. I’m gonna do this. I’m gonna open a beer on the air, because if Mr. Costas comes over here, he’s gonna bring me a draft. I’m gonna say, no, no, no, I need a bottle, right? So we’ll do that. It’s not, do you know what’s in here? I

Leonard Raskin  22:14

do not. All right, I’m gonna tell you when we continue. Okay, this is I’ll be ready. People

Nestor Aparicio  22:18

say online, like, Why do you put the pictures up of you with the oyster menu and you don’t say where it is? And I’m like radio business. We’re in a breadcrumb business. I need people to listen to your commercial, right? So we get to the next side. Leonard Raskin is here. It’s all brought to you by friends at the Maryland lottery. Everyone in the room, including Mr. Oysters. Rockefeller over here, is going to get a raven scratch off from the Maryland lottery. I’ll have these on the 11th as well. Will be a pizza Johns and Essex just around the corner and down the road. It’s Luke’s birthday. My birthday. We crossing our feet. When’s your birthday? The 12th. On the 14th, you’re

Leonard Raskin  22:48

gonna celebrate your birthday. Time Absolutely. Are

Nestor Aparicio  22:50

you coming to Pizza John’s? Think I am. Have you had pizza John’s before? I

Leonard Raskin  22:53

have never. Oh, we’re

Nestor Aparicio  22:55

gonna leave. That’s gonna be the lead story. We come back in. Have any of you folks not at Pizza John’s pizza. Are we, like, really? Yeah, right. I mean, everybody Dundalk knows about Essex, even though we can go in and believe I wouldn’t stay in it, I wouldn’t because, you know, I am Nestor back for more. We are in Dundalk. I’ll be nice to Essex. Come on. Brad, Michelle, you know, I love you guys in Essex. My parents got married in Essex. My parent, my parents first home when they were married in 1945 they got married at Mount Carmel church. You can walk there from pizza Johns, and their first home was at Mars estates, at Joes in hand corner, where the salvo auto parts is. My parents first home, and when they fell in love and made babies, it was right there at Mars estates. There you go. So pizza Johns,

Leonard Raskin  23:38

right there.

Nestor Aparicio  23:39

I love you, Essex, but I’m not allowed to say that in Dundalk, back from more from Costas right after this, you.

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