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Luke Jones and Nestor give the special teams and Justin Tucker oxygen for saving day and beating Bengals


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Baltimore Positive
Luke Jones and Nestor give the special teams and Justin Tucker oxygen for saving day and beating Bengals

It’s been a tough start to the season for Baltimore Ravens special teams unit over the first quarter of the season. After watching the Bengals operation fail with the game on the line, Luke Jones and Nestor give the purple special teams and the Hall of Fame foot of Justin Tucker some overtime conversation for saving day and beating Cincinnati.


Justin Tucker, special teams, Bengals game, field goal, kicker mechanics, Ravens win, defense performance, offense adjustments, Derrick Henry, short yardage, Tylen Wallace, Charlie Kohler, playoff contention, John Harbaugh, Baltimore positive


Luke Jones, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

I welcome home. We are, W, N, S, T, am 1570 Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore, we, we appreciate you tuning us in wherever you are. I mean people say YouTube or Instagram or somewhere out on the internet, or a Baltimore positive, or an am 1570 wherever it is. Come find us on Friday. Find us celebrating our birthdays. Lucas turning 40 and I’m turning 20 something yet again next week, on Friday, the 11th, will be pizza John’s. I will have the Raven scratch offs to give away the lucky batch. We had a bunch of winners. It costs you big winners at fade these two weeks ago, and great conversations about the Capitol center. You’ll be hearing various points this week, we were planning on following all things Orioles to New York this week, and we had Cincinnati game. We had things going on, and Luke instead, it’ll just be Washington at Baltimore for all the marbles, all the bragging rights for four years. We get to do that, but before we do that, we’re doing all sorts of afterthoughts and aftercare on it, really, would you say an unlikely win, and since, when you’re losing by 10 points with eight minutes left to go on the road, you don’t expect to win that kind of game, especially the way the defense was playing and we beaten up Justin Tucker, I haven’t I mean, I know how hard it is to make a 55 yard field goal on the you know, and how hard It is when you get older and things start to slow down a little bit, and things start to change a little bit, including your ego and perspective on things. In regard to Justin Tucker, I’m not shocked he’s winning games. I still think he might win three Super Bowls here. I you know, I’m not down on that, but give the dude a chance. And the greatest example of that would be Evan McPherson who missed the big kick in the game. And it wasn’t about that at all. It was about the hold. And I don’t know that we’ve given Sam Cook drops for not just the fact that he threw touchdown passes. Came from Nebraska. Celebrated the final ravens live show and a hell of a series we had going here for about a quarter of a century. Our last ever guest. I don’t know how many times he did that, but the operation, that’s John Harbaugh, you know, special teams coach would say the operation, the operation, the operation ravens got the operation one, one that won the football game and hopefully cleared the head of the Hall of Fame kicker, yeah. I

Luke Jones  02:21

mean, I think that’s what it’s all about. I mean, we’ve acknowledged that. Okay, Justin Tucker’s not 25 years old anymore, but he’s not 44 either. I mean, this is an Adam Vinatieri at the very end of his career. Or, you know, go through the list of Martin Anderson,

Nestor Aparicio  02:36

George Blanda. I’m giving you bland that one up. There you go. Sure.

Luke Jones  02:39

So, so it’s not as though, I mean, if you we want to sit here and say maybe he doesn’t have the range that he did 10 years ago, okay, but if you look at these kicks, it’s not like he was coming up short, right? He talked his 50 yarders.

Nestor Aparicio  02:53

He’s not a kicker anymore. I don’t know that he’s gonna hit 70 yarders, right? But I mean, 48 yard or 52 yarder, I feel like he’s automatic. I feel like he’s not going to miss that kick Well, but,

Luke Jones  03:05

but the issue has been, it’s been a mechanical issue. And John Harbaugh talked about this a couple weeks ago when he had the Miss against the I guess it was the Raiders at that point, or maybe the Cowboys, I can’t remember which, but we’ve talked about it. He’s struggled from beyond 50 yards the last couple years, I still think we need a little more nuance than that to really look at those kicks. I mean, some of those kicks were blocked. Some of those kicks were really long at the end of the half, right? So, so the truth is, always in the middle certainly needed to be better than what we’ve seen from beyond 50 yards, especially when you look at the landscape of the league. And we saw this recently with Brandon Aubrey, the catcher, or the kicker of the Cowboys, who hit a 65 yarder against the Ravens casually in the first quarter, right? I mean, so So you see that there’s some talented young kickers in this league, but at the same time again, when you looked at these misses, it’s not like Justin Tucker was coming up short from 53 yards. He was missing most of these kicks wide left. So he’s been working on trying to clean up his mechanics in the same way that a pitcher would, in the same way that a hitter would with a swing. I mean, it happens, so I I’m in agreement with you, from the standpoint of some patience was warranted at the same time, Justin Tucker be the first to tell you you need to be able to make kicks. You know, especially when we were talking about here recently, he had even missed one wide left from inside 50 yards. So I think this is huge for his confidence. I think this is exactly what he needed. It’s certainly what the Ravens needed to tie the game with a minute 35 to go on Sunday afternoon. But, I mean, ideally, what we saw Sunday is kind of what you want. You don’t want to have to rely on Justin Tucker all day long. The Ravens scored five touchdowns. You know, they’ve been very good in the red zone so far this year. But if you’re in a position where he needs to make a kick and he needs. Make a long kick. Certainly was reassuring to see him make that kick. And there was even some wind to speak of as well. John Harbaugh even noted that in his postgame press conference, so good to see. Hopefully this becomes less of a talking point moving forward now. Hey, it’s always you’re only as good as your last kick. Right in the same way that in baseball we talk about momentum, and momentum is only as good as the next day starting pitcher, so the challenge will be there the next time Justin Tucker has a long kick to make, but the Ravens needed that, no doubt, and they needed their defense to get the stop that they did after that kick, because the Bengals and borough had more than enough time to put themselves in position, but the Ravens defense was able to tighten up there at the end of regulation. So good to see. Hopefully, that’s something we can stop talking about, at least in the terms that we were. Again, it wasn’t something that was a nothing, but nothing kickers for trying Exactly, exactly. You know, this wasn’t, yeah, this wasn’t to that point, right? I mean, it was a case where, yeah, he needs to make, make those

Nestor Aparicio  06:05

two kicks, and they lose. And we’re here talking about two and three. It starts to stack up as to, right? Is this good enough? And where is He? Is he? Steve sacks, whatever that would be, right? Right? And he is confident, young man, you know a man who works off the confidence of his fried chicken ads and his peps, his Dr Pepper, and he’s a goat, and he’s a man of the people, and he’s a singer, and he’s like, I hear all of that. He never missed kicks for a decade. And once, once you start, it happened to Willie Mays dude. It happens to everybody, right? I mean, had the Cal Ripken happens to everybody, where it slows down a little bit to begin with. I know this being it’s going to slow down more for me next week. It’s my birthday this week. So, um, but I want to stay on special teams with you for a minute, because we’re going to get the defense, and we got the whole week, and we’re going to get the Baltimore, Washington and this kid from, you know, I mean, from commander’s land, I did the three commanders fans I still have left. They do use the R word, and I still do. I call the freaking guardians by the other name, and I say tribe, and I say all sorts of things that I probably shouldn’t say, and I’m working on it as I get older. But the special teams part of this and hardball, he only got really crappy with me once or twice in like in a private space where we were together. And when you refer to him as a special teams coach, he burs up, and I think that’s the special sauce and everything he’s done for 20 years, at least. That’s what bashati sold me when he brought him in and saying, he touches everybody. He’s a man of the people special teams coach. He had an operation here. If he goes to the Hall of Fame, if John’s going to the Hall of Fame, the kicker’s going first, right? The punter he had here so good, he can’t get rid of him. He has him out on campus. They selected another punter that they feel like a 10 year punter, right? That they don’t want to be changing holders, kickers, snappers, Randy Brown is, there’ll be pallbearers on each they’re they’re lifers. He right. I mean, like, literally, the mayor, the jersey mayor, and like, all of that. Right? So John does love that part of the operation. And if he’s listening and I’m insulting you, I’m not trying to. I got plenty of things I can insult John arball about his special teams coaching is not one of them. I think it’s a strength. It was a strength of this operation that you could kick 65 yard. He’s talking revolution with Lamar. John doesn’t know enough about offense to create a revolution. He has to bring in geniuses for offense. He’s a special teams genius. And I think the weird part of the kicking game now being taken away and kickoffs being taken away. John spent 10 years of his life up all night trying to figure out how to make a lane to return a kick, or how to plug a kick to make sure they get the ball in the 14 and not the 20 if they run it out. So like John, put a lifetime of work into getting this job by being as good a special teams coaches there’s ever been, literally, and the game, that part of the game is shrinking to that point. But when you see the operation go wrong and it costs them an opportunity to win the game, and then you’re kicking kick from anywhere on the field, pretty much. We went through that a minute ago to see the other team lose because of not getting, not getting the handle right. That’s something we never worried about around here with with the operation, the operation had a name that every fan will remember. Didn’t have to read Purple Rain too, although I do recommend it’s a nice piece of fiction at this point. But they had, they didn’t. They Wolfpack. They didn’t name that’s how good their special team. And it didn’t change for a decade. And they won a Super Bowl, and they won games. I mean, they could have won a couple more. Things would have gone the right, right way, right and especially in the aftermath of Bill. Cundiff right? John lost the chance to go to the Super Bowl a because he kept the time out. We went through that in the last segment, but they missed a massive kick that was a very makeable kick for a chance to stay on board when the one the game, I want to go back get the math right now. I was at the game, but I think special teams so important, man, and we don’t talk about it enough, and we don’t talk about how good John is at it, because he doesn’t like that, because that pigeon holds him. But we’ve gotten really, really accustomed to having a goat special teams here. And I think that if, if you gave Steve a shotty two or three beers and had a chat with him about that, he’d say on the cigar. That’s part of, that’s part of the magic, you know, special teams. You don’t think about that around here. We just have the best. We have the best. And they did, and they do, and they they won the game, and the other team lost the game, because special teams. And I don’t know that we sit around and talk much about it, but I think that kicking part of the game being taken away. How important it is to block a pun or have one blocked. And they don’t punt a lot of here, because they go on fourth day. You know what? I mean? Like, it’s weird. And a couple weeks ago, they lost the game because they didn’t, they didn’t have good special teams. I mean, stout, poof, the punt, they missed kicks, and they lost because of it. Well, I

Luke Jones  11:14

was just gonna say, I mean, for all your praise of the special teams and the operation on Sunday to make a 56 yarder. Their special teams been pretty bad so far this year. I mean, that’s kind of, you know. And let’s be clear, as much as you hear about the three phases, special teams isn’t weighted as much as offense or defense, we know that it, you know, it’s probably more so. And I’ve even heard some people kind of break it down as like, three sevenths, offense, three sevenths defense or or even sometimes, you know, some people would say offense weighted a little more than defense, because defense is a little less predictive over the long haul, but special teams is more like, you know, a seventh right, you know, so you get it wrong, right? Well, sure, of course, but, but my point was that their special teams have been choppy so far this year, so it was great to see that, you know, they did have a punt that they let roll inside, the inside the five yard line, that Derek Henry ended up being tackled in the end zone for a safety. So, so it’s still something it’s gotten better the last couple weeks, but that’s something they want to clean up, but it’s important, sure, and it’s something the Ravens have placed emphasis on, I mean, I, I couldn’t tell you, over the years, the number of times where people were kind of expecting one backup player at a given position to make it over another, because they said, Okay, well, he’s a better cornerback than that guy, or he’s a better wide receiver than that guy that he’s vying for, you know, A roster spot with, competing for a roster spot against, but the other guy ended up being the better, better special teams player. And when you’re talking about the bottom six guys on the roster, typically special teams are going to wait way into that, and they’re going to weigh heavily at times. And at the very least, it’s going to be the tie breaker, even if you have two guys at wide receiver who are pretty comparable there, or even one guy might be slightly better as a actual receiver. They’ll take the guy who’s a better special teams player.

Nestor Aparicio  13:10

And there’s also, I mean, in the history of this franchise, go back to Brian. Yeah, I’ll throw it to Brian. And even the TED marcher Broda, when he had Brian kinshin around and players like that. I mean, I was going to say, you and I could have a fun game here, if I said Cornell Brown, and you said Anthony Levine and I, you know, and we could go through and play that game, not just with Jermaine Lewis and, you know the Hall of Famer, you know Devin Hester, who was here for a minute, but this special teams is a really important part of John Harbaugh’s mind. It ain’t 1/7 in John’s mind. How about that? And I don’t you know. And over the course of the balance of the operation here for 17 years, this has been a really, really big part. And if John ever has a bust and they take him out to Canton, and I give the speech and welcome him in. Um, maybe because Jim’s unavailable, I don’t know, but the special teams, part of it would be the basis of everything that they do here. And I do think part of it’s been taken away. And I do think it hasn’t been as good this year, but I do think that part you’re talking about the roster building, part of who, who do I want on the team? Those are the blood and guts guys that Gary stills. You know what? I mean? I just go through these names of guys that were three to five year ravens, because they could do that job well. And I think part of it is spinning the ball, snapping the ball, just all of these things that we just take for granted. Don’t even remember these guys names when they’re a part of this. John, our ball remembers their names and get some gold watches and send some steak dinners. And the, you know, there is important to him is the running back to some degree,

Luke Jones  14:53

yeah, well, I mean, I don’t know about that, the running back or certainly not the quarterback, but yeah, it’s important. I mean, it obviously is. And they’ve been really, really good over the years. You know, they got off to a slow start this year, and I think my gut, my expectation, is it will get better as the year goes on, because they do place an emphasis on it, because they do think it’s important. So it was great to see them make the kick that they did, in contrast to what happened with Cincinnati’s operation as they keep in mind their Holder was a rookie, and, you know, the rookie punter and he dropped the ball wasn’t the best snap in the world, either. But, I mean, that was certainly for all the talk about Zach Taylor, and I’ll continue to say Zach Taylor was gutless, and how he handled the end of that football game with that play calling, but that, you know, 53 yarder is not a 65 yarder either. So in this day and age, that’s a kick, as we’ve said with Justin Tucker here in recent weeks. Gotta make that so certainly a breakdown for Cincinnati’s operation and the Ravens, when they needed to make a long kick to tie the game late, they were able to do that. Lou Jones

Nestor Aparicio  16:01

is here. He is Baltimore, Luke. You can find both of us out. We’ll be breaking down some postseason stuff. We have some fun in social media with baseball a little bit this week, as well as our birthdays are gonna be pizza John’s on Friday, all the brought to you by the Maryland lottery and Jiffy Lube MultiCare. Also, the oyster tour is up and running. You’ll find all of that out at Baltimore positive as well as on our social media. We need a lot of oysters. It’s oyster season around here. It’s an important part of our Chesapeake Bay. And I’m getting educated from the oyster recovery partnership. All brought to you by friends at Liberty. Pure solutions. That’s a one 800 clean water. They do water pure and simple as the ad out of Baltimore positive says, if you need plumbing, if certainly well water, they’re specialists in that making sure that I’m drinking and and by being clean safe water in my home, please make sure that’s so, so important. You got that green stuff going on one 800 clean water. Also our friends at Curia wellness and far and daughter, big appreciation to Wendy, who joins us every week or there. She little bummed out this week with the Orioles going away, but we did have a good time at maritime magic on Friday night on behalf of the living classrooms Foundation, um, just staying on Tucker for a minute and staying on special teams and staying on offense, and how it leads to special teams, and how fourth downs either a punt or a go for it, and whatever situation you’re in, situationally, and where they are right now with This offense, do you feel great about them getting one yard? You know, like staying out of punt situations, because in a perfect game, they don’t punt the ball ever, right? Like we talk specialty special teams, you but the one time they have to punt, it better be 67 yards, right? And but they feel like a fourth down team from almost anywhere on the field, and that changes their special teams, but it also changes the operation of what they have to be able to do. And you mentioned allowing the ball to roll down to the one yard line, and you’re like, well, that’s okay. We got Derek Henry two points. I made the mistake during that of, like, going down and getting some food, you know, I had some leftovers around here. Of the other like the Leonard Raskin had a crab feast. We had some beautiful crabs. I’m like, getting food. I came up, and I’m seeing the safety, my voice that you just you met, and I think I can rewind it, you know, whatever. And I’m like, How the hell did that happen? And I would just say, like, this was least likely to have a safety, but that’s the offensive line too.

Luke Jones  18:22

Well. I mean, you know, it’s a bold strategy when no one blocks. Sam Hubbard, I mean, it’s that simple. I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know if that was file Layla or what Rosengarten was doing there. I mean, I guess Ricard had a chant. I think Ricard was on the field there. I mean, if I’m mistaken on that, I apologize but, but, yeah. I mean, look, you asked me about the short yardage. I mean, how could you not feel good about it? And, and it’s not even just, I mean, Derrick Henry. When you talk about Derrick Henry run between the tackles, that’s not his greatest strength, despite the fact that he’s 250 pounds, not saying he can’t do it, and we’ve seen him pick up short yardage, but when he’s special, it’s on the edge, right? We saw that all in the final play, but between Derek, Henry Patrick Ricard blocking Lamar Jackson and his ability to just keep it, you know, we’ve seen the Ravens run QB power and things like that over the years in short yardage situations. Justice Hill, you know, even if you want to, even though you’re typically not going to think of Justice Hill lining up, Hill lining up at running back when it’s third and 1/4, and one, then, yeah. I mean, you should feel really good about that. And, I mean, even on Sunday. I mean, their running game was not a, you know that their design running game wasn’t a major factor of what they were able to do, because Cincinnati really sold out as much as they did to stop Derrick Henry. I mean, keep in mind, I mean, at 14 carries for 41 yards until the final long run, which, by the way, if you go back and look at that, I mean, Derrick Henry gets the glory for 51 yards. But go look at the blocks that Ronnie Stanley, Patrick McCary, Patrick Ricard and tylen Wallace made on that play. Shout. Out to tylen Wallace, who doesn’t get much run as a wide receiver, but made some plays. You know, you even saw him as a receiver, you know, make a key catch. So

Nestor Aparicio  20:09

that’s an incredible thing. That’s an emergence, right? Like I don’t, 90% of the fans didn’t even know he’s on the team he spent, you talking about special teams and guys they drafted, and how many Devin duvernays, and how many Clarence Moore’s and how, you know, we can go through how many threes and fours didn’t make it here and never really made any impact. Where are you? Want you? You loved him in the beginning, but he’s been a little bit of a mystery. And now, I mean Aguilar too, right? I mean, like, I look at the wide receiving core here, Beyonce, and they’re all big question mark Bateman as well. They all got involved. And maybe that’s part of the Bengals were out there running around with their their taxi squad, literally, I mean the the Bengals, when we come down to how much Lamar pass for, and how many yards and all that stuff, the Bengals are really playing short ass on the back end after the defensive front was just coming back to some degree that the Bengals are finding themselves in last place as well this morning, but the defense of the Bengals is decimated. Yeah,

Luke Jones  21:09

it’s not very good, even when they’re at full strength. So yeah, when you take away two of their top three corners, but hey, the Ravens did exactly what they should do, because the Bengals, to their credit, they did take away Derrick Henry. I mean, Derek, like I said, Derrick Henry was a non factor in that football game. And then, even more so, when you’re down 10 in the second half and you’re running more Two Minute, which Justice Hill is going to be on the field in that situation, much more than Derek Henry. So, but, but, yeah. I mean, that’s, that’s a Bengals team that has not been good defensively. They were already without Mike Hilton, and then they lost, you know, they lost DAX Hill on top of that too, in the injury. So yeah, they got some guys back up front, but who rushes the passer for them, besides Trey Henderson. Now, Sam Hubbard had a good game against the run. You know, he certainly had a better game because he was getting a lot you know, if you look at some of the the chatter from Cincinnati, there’s been a lot of talk about how bad Sam Hubbard’s been. So he had a good game in that way. But yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  22:00

where’s their clowny van way? Where’s their branch rush? Yeah,

Luke Jones  22:05

Hendrickson. They have Hendrickson. And that’s it, right? And, I mean, he got some pressure, you know, that battle between him and Ronnie Stanley was, you know, something that’s been a key, Pivotal kind of match up in these games in recent years. A better version of Ronnie Stanley at the moment than we’ve seen for a few years, as we’ve talked about in recent conversations, but, but yeah. I mean, I was taking nothing away from what the Ravens did offensively, but you should be able to have success against this team. I mean, that’s been a bad defense, and I think that’s going to cost them. I mean, it’s wild to think how well Joe burrow and Jamar Chase and T Higgins played, and have played the last few weeks since. They’re slow. You know that that week one game where their offense was lousy against New England, their offense has been quite good since then, but they can’t stop anyone. So was great to see the Ravens be in a position where, okay, Cincinnati stacked the box did the things they did to slow down the run, did not allow Derrick Henry to beat them until the last play, right? And again, I already said how good the blocking was on the edge there, but then the Ravens went through the air. And to your point, I mean, I don’t think tylen Wallace is suddenly going to become a major part of their offense, but in cases where they were going three or four wide much more than they have in recent weeks where they’ve been able to just basically stay with heavy personnel and just pound the rock against Dallas and against buffalo. Then, you know, it’s nice to see tylen Wallace make a couple catches and do what he did, and nice to see Rashad Bateman had a big game. I mean, he’s not a wide receiver. But how about Charlie Kohler? I mean, you talk, I’d say he’s been way more of an afterthought than tylen Wallace. I mean, Wallace had to return touchdown, you know, the hero play against the Rams last year. So you know, he’s become more of a household name since then. But you know, Charlie Kohler is the afterthought in this group of tight ends when you have Mark Andrews and and Isaiah likely, but Charlie Kohler had more receiving yards than either of those guys on Sunday and had the big 55 yard catch. So it’s just for me again. This we know this is a run first offense. We understand that, as it should be when you have Derek Henry and Lamar Jackson and Justice Hill. I’ll throw him in there as well. But if you’re in a position where the game goes sideways and your defense isn’t stopping anyone, and the opposition has done a heck of a job to contain your running game, your vaulted rushing attack, then to be able to go through the air even against the banged up Cincinnati secondary, acknowledging that that was encouraging to me, again, that was encouraging to me in a big picture sense, because early in the season, you hear, we’ve heard so much about what, what’s the Raven’s identity, what’s their identity, what’s their identity? And you hear that around the league. You know what the best identity really is? Nestor, it’s the ability to win in multiple ways. It’s the ability to adjust to what a. Defense, or what the OP the opposing offense is giving you, and your ability to change it up and offer different looks and to win in different ways. And you know, whether it’s a ground first attack where Derrick Henry runs for 200 yards, or whether it’s going into two minute because you have to, because you’re down two scores the entire second half. You know, we’ve seen the ravens, you know, in Cincinnati to win last year, in week two, ravens did quick game in that game, and they did it really well. That’s why, you know, you and I have argued a lot, and you know, it’s never personal or anything like that. But you know, I’ve had more of a belief in this passing game’s ability than you have. So you know, they validated that on Sunday. Now that doesn’t mean that they should try to do that every single week in the same way that if Derek Henry’s being stopped some weeks, you shouldn’t keep just running into a brick wall either. I mean, you gotta adjust. But you know, the mark of a great team is, and we saw this last year, the mark of a great team is being able to win in different ways, you know, being able to adjust when something’s not working. Can you pivot to something else? Couple guys get hurt, and that adjusts how you have to play. Can you adjust and go in a different direction? I mean, that’s, I’ll take a multiple identity, you know, assuming you can do it well, right? I mean, you don’t want to just be different for the sake of being different, but I’ll take a team that can be much more multiple on offense or defense, more so than a team that has some iron clad identity that if you shut them down in that way, then they’re done, right? I mean, that’s that’s not good, right? I mean, there’s a way to to there’s a way to stop Derrick Henry, you know, to stack the box over and over and over. And the Bengals, they, they did that pretty effectively in the first half. So for the ravens to be able to adjust the way that they did and move the ball through the air, and for Lamar Jackson to have the game he did. And, my goodness, we haven’t given it any oxygen, but his latest completely banana scramble and touchdown throw to Isaiah, likely, I mean, early candidate for play of the year in the NFL. I mean, that was absolutely incredible. So to be able to do those things when you’re running game isn’t driving the car, so to speak, and your defense has completely gone sideways. And, yeah, your head coach had some head scratching clock management at the end of the first half. So, you know, again, the mark of a great team is to be able to win in different ways. You know, when you don’t know how it’s not going to go to script every week. So for them to win the game that they did, even with their imperfections throughout the game, even with mistakes throughout the game, I was very much encouraged by that. And on the flip side, I mean Cincinnati, I mean that offense looked great, but they’re one and four, and they have a defense that really hasn’t stopped anyone so far this year. So kind of feels at this point, now, just a little over a quarter of the way through the season, these two teams going in opposite directions, even though they played a very close, very exciting football game on Sunday. He

Nestor Aparicio  28:05

is Baltimore, Luke. He’s Luke Jones. You can find him anywhere social media is sold. You can find us on Friday together celebrating birthdays. We’re going to be pizza John’s in Essex, having pepperoni pizza as well as crab cakes. I love the crinkle cut fries there with gravy down Essex, back river neck road will be there Friday afternoon, all courtesy of our friends at the Maryland lottery. Have some Raven scratch offs to give away, as well as our friends at Jiffy Lube multi care always powering us up. Lots of oysters. Had lots of oysters every day for a month. Last month, 26 days. 26 oysters. I am oyster oysters. I am producing those out online, along with some stories and really delicious things that I ate last month that you need to go eat this month, especially now that the Orioles are eliminated, we’re watching baseball. We’re awaiting the Washington football team’s arrival here in Baltimore. That only happens every eight years, except for those big football games they have every now and again. Mr. Schneider’s gone. Now we’re gonna talk offense. Go talk defense. Luke and I got it going on the Ravens at three and two a part of first place. Now that the Dallas Cowboys gave us a little bit of help in Pittsburgh the other night, we ends in that I’m Nestor, he’s Luke. We are wnst. Am 1570 Towson, Baltimore. We never stopped talking Baltimore. Positive. You.

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Right Now in Baltimore

Tucking away another unlikely Ravens win in Cincy

It's been a tough start to the season for Baltimore Ravens special teams unit over the first quarter of the season. After watching the Bengals operation fail with the game on the line, Luke Jones and Nestor give the purple…

Getting educated about the importance of the Oyster Recovery Partnership

As we start to shuck and enjoy 26 oysters, 26 ways in 26 days, please allow Damye Hahn of Faidley Seafood in Lexington Market and James Bond of Living Classrooms to educate you about the power of the Oyster Recovery…

"What was John Harbaugh thinking calling that timeout?"

In a game full of exciting plays and an unlikely come-from-behind 41-38 overtime win over division rival Cincinnati, Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the continuously curious coaching decisions of John Harbaugh with timeouts and game and clock management.

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