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Seth Elkin of Maryland Lottery goes deep on Home Run Riches and large Orioles payouts hitting big flys

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Seth Elkin of Maryland Lottery goes deep on Home Run Riches and large Orioles payouts hitting big flys

Seth Elkin of The Maryland Lottery goes deep on the latest winners of the Home Run Riches and large Orioles payouts for hitting those big flies at Camden Yards.


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Nestor J. Aparicio, Seth Elkin

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are wn St. am 15, seven, eight, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive we’re positively get the Maryland crabcake tour on a little bit of a break. We’re getting back out on the road on July 12. We will be at fade Lee’s before the Orioles take on the Yankees all of it brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. I have the Gold Rush sevens. doublers had some winners at Coco’s last week. I don’t know we had the winners the other day over Pappas nobody yelled and said We won. We were over Pappas Parkville had some great conversations, a lot of great conversations all the way through. It’s been a great great month of June with crabcake tour, and we get Fourth of July around the corner. I can’t and I joke that this home run Rich’s promotion with the Maryland lottery that they’re hitting so many home runs that poor John Martin has to figure out how to pay all these people and this week he is absent from our holiday visit I it’s a little weird that he’s not here to wait to Cleveland guardians are beating up on the Orioles. He has sent his emissary and one of my friends as well even though I get to sit in his office once in a while and wipe my feet on his Pittsburgh Penguins floor mat. It is a floor mat after all. We welcome Seth Alcon back onto the program, one of our defending champions from the Maryland lottery Director What are you Director of communication and

Seth Elkin  01:15

communications? Yep, absolutely.

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:16

Get it right. All right. Good. You got it. Right. Anybody will tell you I’m terrible with titles. I don’t have one. You want to talk baseball? I mean, look, the Orioles of law. I always want to talk baseball don’t feel good when the Orioles lose though right. And even though you’re a pirate fan, he’s sort of like the Orioles I think now

Seth Elkin  01:32

I as we’ve talked about I have developed a soft spot for this team. This is Baltimore is my mom’s hometown. So I got a soft spot for the Royals I always have even you know all the way back from being a little kid. So it’s really something special what’s going on this year and and I’ll tell you what jumped out at me. You may have seen the most recent All Star voting. They’re closing in on the end of that first phase of the all star voting and I was surprised that Ryan mountcastle has moved into first place among first baseman. I

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:05

gotta get one of those ties with all the faces on it. That’s kind of fun, right? You

Seth Elkin  02:09

expected you we obviously knew Gunnar Henderson and Adly rushman would be up there but now you’re looking at potentially a third Oriole in the starting lineup. And that got me thinking and I don’t need much of an excuse to dive into baseball references you know what do you remember the last time the Orioles had three starters in the All Star game?

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:29

three starters in the All Star game now I attended the all star game in 2000 in 1314, one of the one of those years where they had Tillman Hardy that were shown that players I don’t know if they had weeders

Seth Elkin  02:43

orders is a starless and two of them were Hall of Famers starters

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:49

Eddie and Cal or something is that what you’re

Seth Elkin  02:51

gonna get doesn’t quite far back although Cal is one of them. Well,

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:55

I attended all these all star games and now you’re gonna make me think about it. I have pictures of myself at the Cleveland All Star game in 1997 with Alomar Messina didn’t start that game. I’m your red hot now you got it’s Cleveland 97 You got the right year and you just named one of them. You got Alomar, Ripken Hall of Famers. brail. Brady. Yeah, by the way, I heard somebody on Twitter list Brady Anderson’s homeruns by year. And like, how crazy that is, you know, but I mean, he would never ever cheat or anything like that. The Maryland lottery and what’s going on here this summer, first things first home run riches, which leads us the baseball, which leads us to Ryan mountcastle, hitting homeruns and grand slams, and all these guys. They for homeruns on Tuesday night. They didn’t win. But somebody won. I know this is a fact. And Omar enriches us. It’s in front of me every single night. And I tell John, every time the bases are loaded, like they were in the seventh inning, and we didn’t score a run on Tuesday night, I feel like there’s gonna be a Grand Slam.

Seth Elkin  04:04

And you’re absolutely right. Robert Tyler from Germantown got to celebrate $2,500 for him 500 For each of those four home runs, at least somebody’s got something on to 500 for being selected. And you know what, he is the fifth person this month to win $2,500 Because they had a four home run game. So it’s I’m telling

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:23

you this is where Martin is he’s out getting them I count on them hitting this many home runs. There’s no way

Seth Elkin  04:30

there as we’re speaking they’re waiting the major weeks in homeruns with when we get that number what is it 129?

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:37

Well, is there anything better than being a Maryland lottery representative when you you have homerun riches and like people are they’re just hitting them left and right. The other night it was hot out and the ball was just flying early in the game. Absolutely. Yep. I mean, can you I don’t want to say this because it would make Jim Palmer angry but can you imagine if they didn’t move the fence back?

Seth Elkin  05:00

I they talk about that so much every time a ball gets hit to left field and who was it was, I’m trying to remember who it was it was a Couser that hit one out to left field, somebody hit one out to left field that the queered the fence and then some, even with the fence moved back. So impressive to see and so much fun what’s going on this year between the homers and the potential three all stars in the starting lineup and a lot of fun for that for this year. Well,

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:27

before I get to lottery, you missed the old punch outs on the All Star game cards, right? I mean, you do me like you probably went to three rivers and punched out, you know, Binya and bonds and you would have punched out Dre back if you could, but you couldn’t vote for pitchers. But you probably voted for Spanky Lavalley a a couple times, right.

Seth Elkin  05:45

Absolutely. Yeah, those were fun. It’s it’s still fun to vote for the All Stars. But it was a lot more fun when you did it by hand like that at the ballpark.

Nestor J. Aparicio  05:54

I’m old enough to remember when they stuffed the ballot boxes down in Cincinnati in the mid 70s. So I always wish we were ballot box stuffing around here. All right. So for the Maryland lottery and what’s going on right now we are obviously doing the Gold Rush seven stubborn. I was reading this one I call it a gold rush. doubler sevens. And no, no, it’s gold rush sevens. doubler. So I have to get that right. I get these things out. People love playing games. I pulled up at Pappas on Tuesday. And the lady in the car was next to me car was idling I thought, well, maybe she’s eating crab cake in the car, because they got a little shack in the back there where you can order food and stuff. Now it’s Pappus has grown up over on Taylor Avenue getting a new sign and everything Steve told me and I looked at it looked in the cars, I was getting my stuff out to go in and do the crabcake tour. She’s scratching off barrel lottery scratch offs in the front seat. And I’m like, you know, people love playing the lottery. And I think, you know, people love winning and you guys always have new games. I got these new last time I was with you was Pac Man. Now we’re doing Gold Rush sevens. doubler. And there’s a whole family of these.

Seth Elkin  06:53

Yep, that’s the fun thing about scratch offs. And we do launch new tickets every month. And there’s always something new. There’s always something different. We got a lot of people are waiting now even though Football season is still a couple months out from us. But we’ll have ravens tickets. When

Nestor J. Aparicio  07:09

did they launch? Like for real? When will they be on the street? The Ravens scratch? Yeah, that’ll be. That’ll be in August. Yeah. Okay, early August. Okay.

Seth Elkin  07:16

So yeah, we will have those in time for preseason. And we’ll have we’ll have lots of fun with that. We got a couple a couple of new features to the Ravens Second Chance contest for this year. I can’t go into all details yet but some some interesting stuff coming here over the summer as we get ready for that. And yeah, the the scratch offs or scratch offs are big business for us. We did the last couple of years more than a billion dollars each year in Scratch off sale. So out of you know, about $2.7 billion in sales, a billion dollars of that was scratch off. So it’s fun. It’s it’s an instant win. Of course, people love the idea of being able to buy the ticket and not have to wait for a drawing and find out whether they won. So that’s I think part of the reason that they resonate so well with people but Yeah, well I

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:01

love it when people ask me how to play the game. And I don’t know exactly the rules of the game. I pull the app out and like your gear kit give me give me that, you know, because but I never go into Costas and I always sit at the bar cost is I don’t know why it’ll sit in the restaurant. I don’t Hey, crabs, maybe but my wife and I haven’t sat in a crabs at the bar a couple Sundays ago when when things were going well for Bradish before the problems we’ve had around your last couple weeks with pitching. But there’s always somebody that has I see scratch offs, not just that there’s a machine there all we see people playing them all we see him laying on the bar winners, losers, whatnot. You know, it’s it’s it’s a fun cultural thing to do. And we always tell people, this is part of the like, play responsibly. There are a couple books do them for fun. I see people when they get so excited when they when they get excited, just that the chance of winning. So I you know, I go through the bar Coco’s, and I go down the bar, and I given everybody you know, during the break in the show, and everybody’s just like, Oh, I got a chance I got a chance to win. And that’s what makes it fun. That’s what gets the heart moving. I think a little bit. Yeah, I

Seth Elkin  09:02

think you know, that again, that that instant notification that you’ve won something. And that’s I think part of the reason they resonate so well with people but as you say, play in moderation. There there is the winning tickets are randomly distributed, there is no way for you to predict when or where winning tickets going to be sold. So do keep it in moderation and keep it something that’s for entertainment. And if you treat it that way, it’ll be something fun and that’s the way we intend it to be.

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:28

All right, cash pop came in on this thing about a month, month and a half ago. I was trying to explain it to my wife, because my wife likes a lottery we know this right? My wife likes playing and I was trying to explain to her it’s like this really simple game, except that I can’t explain it simply. So I’m gonna have you do that.

Seth Elkin  09:49

So yeah, the the reason that it’s simple is there there are only 15 possible outcomes in every drawing. And if you think about other games in in pic three, there are 1000 possible ways to put three numbers together and pick four there 10,000 And pick five, it’s, it’s 100,000. And of course, if you’re talking about Mega Millions and Powerball you’re into the hundreds of millions in, in cash, but there are only 15 possible outcomes, the winning number is going to be somewhere between one and 15. We do four drawings a day. And you can take as many numbers from that range as you want. Again, you know, play in moderation, and pick and pick a number of two that are your favorites. But you can play off 15 If you want to. And you’re gonna guarantee yourself a winner. If you do that, if you play off 15, you buy all 15 numbers, you’re gonna win some amount, but the amount that you win will be randomly determined and printed on your ticket. So let’s say what’s your favorite number between one one and 59?

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:43

Number nine. And you know why it was nine? Because I loved Reggie Jackson when I was a kid. And then I met him. And he’s been in the news this week, obviously the report. Yeah, I met Reggie once that was enough for me. You know, even though I really I learned a lot about him this week, we talked about, you know, just I thought maybe that’s why he didn’t treat me well. But yeah, number nine, Reggie Jackson. So you buy

Seth Elkin  11:05

number nine, and the lottery system is going to randomly generate the prize amount that you might win. And that’s gonna vary depending on how much you decide to play for. You can buy a cash Bob ticket for $1 $2 $5 or $10, the potential prizes increase as you spend more on your ticket. But you can play for as little as $1, your number nine and the amount of the prize that you’ll win if number nine is drawn will be randomly generated and printed on your

Nestor J. Aparicio  11:35

tie. So So I go in and I go into anywhere rec play Cash pop ROFO, why, okay, I go in, let’s see, number nine, play $1 I put the dollar in a ticket comes out and says, Alright, you got number nine. And in other plans, you get $50 $10 $2 it. So when it wins or doesn’t win that and it happens four times a day total right. It’s so it’s not like Keno that’s happening a whole bunch are like the race tracks are those kinds of it’s just four times a day you get in?

Seth Elkin  12:12

That’s it? That’s it? Exactly. You got it. All right. Now we’ve given the simple explanation of how to play catch up. All

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:20

right, I’m gonna, I keep thinking with 15. And this takes me back to my days with the East Pointe carnival over Colgate, where we spin the wheel and you blue. And it’s just 15 chances on that wheel. That’s it. You know, that’s different than a whole lot of lottery propositions, right, like the lottery is pick numbers, pick a bunch of numbers, a bunch of numbers come in. This is different than that. This is really, really simple game cachebox. Yeah. And that’s, and again, I

Seth Elkin  12:44

think that’s the the reason that that it may resonate with people is because it’s so simple. It’s only 15 possible outcomes. It’s not like pick four, which is extremely popular, but people love playing pick four, and have the daily number games,

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:58

I think pick four is the strongest one. Really, you’re there. I would always take the three would be the one because it was a long and it happened first it

Seth Elkin  13:06

happened first, right? But there are 10,000 possible combinations in pick four. So people want to people get maybe a little bit frustrated. They have their favorite combination that they play all the time. They say why doesn’t my combination come out? Well, there’s 10,000 possible ways that you can put four numbers together. But in cash crop, there are only 15 outcomes. Think about this

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:23

10,000 ways. If you played $1 a day, every day for a year, you’d be up to 365. Right? So in order to play all 10,000 numbers, it would take you like 30 years like it’s incredible, right? And you can play every number you want the next 15 days. Okay, all right. Well, I like winning. So you know, when I play I want to win in anything that I do. Seth Elkins here he is the director communications for the Maryland lottery and gaming. John Martin is trying to figure out home run riches, it’s too busy celebrating all these guardians. I can’t believe this show up this week. But I know it’s like the weekend after the pirates beat us. I knew I was gonna have you. You know of all you guys. What else is going on? It’s a great summer and I you part of you know, getting out and being a part of plates spinning wheels. You guys have wheels you spend at various places. This is the festival season and we’re all having a good time this summer. I think whether it’s been great or else have been great, but you guys are all over the community.

Seth Elkin  14:19

And we’re having we’re having events we actually slowed down a little bit here in early early part of July, but then we’ll pick things up. We’ve got a lot of events scheduled as we get the summer moving along here. In mid late July. We’ll be at the the lake Arbor Jazz Festival in Prince George’s County will be at the Baltimore magazine crab Fest and will be its memorials games as we go along. And then we’ll we’ll be out in Ocean City in August for the Morrowind fest. We’re looking forward to that be enough for that event. So lots of lots of fun events. And of course, you know, all leading up to the State Fair, which is a very big deal for us. We’re out there all day every day that the fair is open. And you can find us in the lobby of the exhibition hall. That’s a big deal for us as well. But the fun thing going on until then, is we got a bunch of sports. If you’re a sports fan, which I know you are, we are sports related promotions that are going on here. One of which is with the Olympics, getting ready to start, I heard

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:14

about this couple of weeks ago got a chance to go to the next I had to look up where it is in Are you

Seth Elkin  15:20

are you a Winter Olympics guy or a Summer Olympics guy,

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:22

you got a preference, probably a Summer Olympics guy, but I’ve been to LA and I haven’t been to Milan, you know, so I, I want to go to Italy. If I want, I would go to Italy.

Seth Elkin  15:32

And that’s something that there are three winners from Maryland who will have a chance to do that. If you enter your Mega Millions tickets between now and when we get the date. And make sure I give

Nestor J. Aparicio  15:44

it to everybody, right. It’s like two weeks from last couple of weeks from now July right between now and

Seth Elkin  15:49

August. The the last, the entry deadline is August the 12th. The entire month of August or July and into August, the end of your Mega Millions tickets. And we’ll do three drawings. The first drawing actually is coming up on the second of July. So you got a chance the at that first drawing pretty soon here. And three winners will get their choice of a trip for two to the 2026 Winter Olympics in Italy, or the 2028 Summer Games in Los Angeles. So a great prize. And of course, we’ll have some Olympics prize packs that we’ll also give away as part of that promotion to get everybody geared up for the summer games coming up in Paris this year. So all right,

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:32

well, I hope you drew the straw that goes to Ocean City to spin the wheel and do you know, I hope you have a little fun that some of you seen the pirates play this year,

Seth Elkin  16:38

or I did I made it actually for the first time to Wrigley Field. I had never been there before. And it would see the pirates in Chicago last month. So that was an experience. I never seen a game in Wrigley Field before and never had the old Wrigleyville experience. So that was a good time. Yeah. And the pirates won both games that I went to so well. I

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:57

mean, your stadiums and a lot of people’s bucket lists now. I mean, the Pittsburgh stadium has a great reputation as well for people to go up there. I’ve had friends go up there. They’ve done a whole bunch of stuff since the last time I was up there at the PNC so well, you know, one day the pirates will come back until then you keep replaying 1979 and put some Sister Sledge on or something.

Seth Elkin  17:18

I am 1,000% bias, but yes, that ballpark PNC Park, if you’ve never been there, it’s something you as you say, put on your bucket list. It’s it’s a great place to visit. And yeah, the pirates are among a group of teams in the National League that can’t decide whether they’re going to compete this year or not. They got to give those wildcard spots to somebody they

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:37

got any pitching. We can fleece. I mean, we need to

Seth Elkin  17:41

know our pitching is off limits. At this point. We got Paul skeans. And we’re not giving them up. See

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:48

me another Derrick Cole, I need another chemical from your organization we already gave,

Seth Elkin  17:51

we already gave him up. We got fleeced of him already. So well. That’s what concerns

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:55

all of us around here. Hey, man, hopefully you and I get together, go to a ballgame. That’d be a lot of fun. And I got to spend time and Seth Elkins office it. It smells a little bit like Pittsburgh, it smells a little bit like a Primanti sandwich. To be honest with you, it looks like that as well. But I admire your Pittsburgh fandom. And I admire the fact that you can least put up with Baltimore. And I tell you man, I John and I went back and forth last week about Cleveland and the suffering of Cleveland. First Indians now guardians fans all these years and the suffering of Orioles fans, it’s 83 You guys have had it since 70. I mean, you had a party in 79. I don’t like thinking about it much. But like it’s been a little while for all

Seth Elkin  18:33

of us. For a year right? They have only had seven winning seasons, the pirates since the early 1980s. So it’s been bad for a

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:42

while the Royals haven’t had much more than that. I’ll be honest with you since 89, maybe not okay, I’ll I’ll look out next time I have you almost 70 winning, competitive and winning are different, you know, going 81 and 80. One’s like not ringing the bell for me. And

Seth Elkin  18:57

that’s it. The pirates are sub 500 This year, but they may still end up with a wildcard spot because they keep adding teams to the playoffs which I’m not sure I liked so much but we’ll take it if we can get in

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:07

we’ll go fleece, the Cardinals or somebody else in your division or somebody else but the bottom feeders, says Elkins here he is the director of all faiths communication for the Maryland lottery. We’re going to be getting the gold rush sevens doublers back out on the road. On the 12th of July. We’re back at fake news. I’m gonna have a whole list of July and August dates. And then of course, it’s September 26 oysters and 26 days, I I ran into an old friend from the pepper mill this week, I’m going to finally go to the pepper mill and eat the oyster stew someday in September. We had oyster festivals in September, a lot of things going on, including the oyster Recovery Project, which is important for the bay and for crabs. I’ll be educating folks about that set that educates people about the Maryland lottery in educating you reminding you to play responsibly. Have fun with these games win a little bit of money don’t go crazy on it. Like my wife does when megamillions go gets up over like 800 million. I am Nestor we are wn st am 1570 Towson Baltimore we never stop talking Baltimore positive and memorial baseball stay with us

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