Hathaway puts forth a People’s Plan for Baltimore
This week Act Now Baltimore founder and longtime Union Baptist Church Pastor Alvin Hathaway unveiled a policy of truth for the people of Baltimore. Let him tell you more about it.
This week Act Now Baltimore founder and longtime Union Baptist Church Pastor Alvin Hathaway unveiled a policy of truth for the people of Baltimore. Let him tell you more about it.
Reverend Al Hathaway discusses role of Act Now Baltimore in getting vaccines into arms of vulnerable residents
Reverend Al Hathaway joins Baltimore Positive once again to discusses the role of his growing Act Now Baltimore coalition in getting vaccines into arms of vulnerable residents.
It’s a time to listen to the streets of America as we assemble for change
Reverend Al Hathaway of Union Baptist Church is on the streets of West Baltimore making a difference every day. This is his story…
Reverend Al Hathaway of Union Baptist Church is on the streets of West Baltimore making a difference every day. This is his story…
Reverend Al Hathaway has been a leader in West Baltimore and an agent for positive change throughout our community. Here he tells the history of his church and how it serves.
Reverend Al Hathaway has been a leader in West Baltimore and an agent for positive change throughout our community. Here he tells the history of his church and how it serves.
City College, George Young, Kurt Schmoke and Elijah Cummings were all a part of the childhood of Reverend Al Hathaway of Union Baptist Church. Hear his story of a lifetime spent helping the people of Baltimore…
City College, George Young, Kurt Schmoke and Elijah Cummings were all a part of the childhood of Reverend Al Hathaway of Union Baptist Church. Hear his story of a lifetime spent helping the people of Baltimore…