John Martin of The Maryland Lottery joins Nestor for a Weis holiday conversation
John Martin of The Maryland Lottery joins Nestor for a Weis holiday conversation
John Martin of The Maryland Lottery joins Nestor for a Weis holiday conversation
With the Maryland Crab Cake Tour doing a tasty holiday stop at Weis Markets at Honeygo, it was a great chance to visit with Maryland Lottery Executive Director John Martin to discuss all of the games of the season and stocking stuffer do’s and dont’s as Santa is bringing winnings and the scent of gingerbread to the season.
It is no secret that the Baltimore Orioles lease with Maryland and Camden Yards expires in 25 months. Now, what is our community going to do to retain its MLB franchise for another 30 years?
It is no secret that the Baltimore Orioles lease with Maryland and Camden Yards expires in 25 months. Now, what is our community going to do to retain its MLB franchise for another 30 years?