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Discussing WNST 25th Anniversary documentary and NFL Draft weekend history

Our Friday gatherings at Faidley’s have been quite eventful with Jackson Holliday news but it was a great chance for Luke Jones and Nestor Aparicio to discuss the WNST 25th Anniversary documentary “No One Listens; Everyone Hears” and the first round of NFL Draft weekend at Lexington Market.

Featured, Journalism & Media, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Ravens address secondary with Wiggins as we await offensive line help

Late in the night the Baltimore Ravens were quite excited about drafting Clemson cornerback Nate Wiggins with the 30th pick and now Luke Jones and Nestor await how general manager Eric DeCosta will address the offensive line and other needs this weekend via what has already been a wild NFL Draft.

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