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Business, C-Suite, Cannabis, Community, Education, Featured, Health, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Technology, Wellness

Maryland, medicine and measuring up against other states

With the rush or reluctance to roll out cannabis programs in many states around the country, our chief Cannabis Officer Wendy Bronfein of Curio Wellness discusses how Maryland measures up against other places as her vision and Timonium-based family business moves into Mississippi and Missouri. We always learn when she returns…

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Arts and Entertainment, Business, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, National, Nestor Aparicio, News, Politics, Travel

Maryland Crab Cake (and Brewery) Tour Day 19: Longboard Cafe and Sinepuxent in Ocean City on MaCO guest day at beach

Day 19 of the Maryland Crab Cake Tour sent us back to the beach and a day of MaCO Conference and chats with politicians and leaders in Ocean City. Our crab cake at Longboard Cafe honored our pal Batman and we got wet with a local at Sinepuxent just over the Assawoman Bridge.

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