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Going with The Bull oyster rock star shooter at The Walrus in Columbia
Arts and Entertainment, Business, Celebrities, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Oyster Tour

Day 13 Going with The Bull oyster rock star shooter at The Walrus in Columbia

In the spirit of mixing it up every day on 26 in 26 days to celebrate 26 years of WNST and Baltimore Positive, the lucky thirteen day was spent with our pal John Allen of Stone Horses (and Child’s Play) rock and roll fame and “The Bull” with a two-part oyster shooter at The Walrus in Columbia. It was no bull.

Arts and Entertainment, Business, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Local, Marketing, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Travel, WNST Classic

Going Old Fashioned on a bourbon tour with my son at Drug City in the Dundalk homeland

On the eve of his 55th birthday, Nestor finally convinced his son Barry to join him for a drink with soda jerk and bourbon pourer Chuck Jacobs in The Tasting Room above The Fountain at Drug City to talk old school Dundalk and growing up East Baltimore. Oh, and how to make a tasty drink!

Mom Harbaugh Tomlin Nestor
Baltimore Positive Classic, Community, Featured, Local, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports News, WNST Classic

On 29th Anniversary of radio birth, Nestor gets grilled by Don to tell the incredible story of his Mom and Pop in Dundalk

The first time Nestor Aparicio did a sports radio show was on December 13, 1991. Over the years, Don Mohler has heard a lot of stories about Nestor’s parents but he dove all in to interview the interviewer in this lengthy segment about growing up in Dundalk as an adopted replacement child in a broken, grieving family. This one is personal…


Don Mohler asks Nestor to discuss 29 years of sports radio and life on the air for Baltimore fans

Don Mohler asks Nestor to discuss 29 years of sports radio and life on the air for Baltimore fans. The first time Nestor Aparicio did a sports radio show was on December 13, 1991. Over the years, Don Mohler has heard a lot of stories about Nestor’s parents but he dove all in to interview the interviewer in this lengthy segment about growing up in Dundalk as an adopted replacement child in a broken, grieving family. This one is personal…

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