On the eighth day of his 30-day, 30-crab cake journey in 2021, Nestor and Jenn awakened in Lexington Park and finally got to experience the beauty of Solomons and the incredible history of Southern Maryland. And an al fresco crab cake at The Lighthouse.
Follow along all of July for last year’s glorious and delicious 30 crab cakes in 30 days (#CrabCakeTour on Twitter and Facebook) and let Nestor re-tell you where to go this summer for a tasty ‘cake.
This year’s tour is sponsored by The Maryland Lottery, Goodwill Industries, Window Nation and the Restaurant Association of Maryland and begins at Rocky Gap State Park on August 1st and will stretch for 31 thirsty days and nights as Nestor celebrates his 31st Anniversary as Baltimore’s longest-running and most celebrated radio voice and media traveling crab cake taster all month for a second run at great Maryland businesses and local breweries all over The Free State. From Oakland to Ocean City, from Cumberland to Cambridge – The Maryland Crab Cake Tour retrospective from 2020 is here and the 2021 edition is coming your way.
If you have a nominee for a delicious Maryland crab cake somewhere on the local roads, now is the time to toss Nestor a note: nes@baltimorepositive.com. We’re always looking for a new place to bring our sponsors: The Maryland Lottery, Goodwill Industries and Window Nation and the Restaurant Association of Maryland in support of Restaurant Week from September 16-25, 2022.
pice and shaded nice on Maryland Crab Cake Tour Day 8 at The Lighthouse in Solomons