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Dennis Koulatsos and Nestor discuss the pending playoff consequences for the Baltimore Ravens and Lamar Jackson as all eyes move to Cincinnati on Sunday night.


game, week, play, cincinnati, ravens, bengals, playoffs, lamar, thursday, dennis, third string quarterback, nestor, kid, big, sunday, bangles, team, year, festivus, wn

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

W n s t Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive we’re positive taking the Maryland crabcake door back out on the road this week. It’s all brought to you by our friends at the Maryland lottery. I have some holiday cash drops, as well as some ravens scratch offs. Their leftover but the winnings are still on the tickets will be a chi and a Coney Island hot dog from Highland town all the way out to White Marsh. That’ll be Thursday from one to four brought to you by the Maryland lottery conjunction with our friends and window nation. 866 90 nation keeping me nice and warm and toasty here during this three Festivus wildcard, non wildcard super wildcard weekend of activities. I’ve been looking forward to this chat I will join him on his program on Thursday you know goodness I feel bad do some Thursdays you’ve been on there’s been Thanksgiving there’s been weird games there’s been holidays. There have been Saturday night games, it’s Sundays or whatever. You know, this is where the rubber meets the road. It’s Festivus playoffs it’s it’s big boy time I am looking forward to every conversation I have this week because this is when the going gets tough and as all the way around this is when the stakes can really rise and we get to see what all these teams franchises quarterbacks coaches key players superstars, this is when the star shine man

Dennis Koulatsos  01:21


yeah I agree with that but what I disagree with this vibe that because the the defense put up a great effort against the Bengals and the offense set down some star players that this is somehow a feel good moral victory for the ravens and they just can’t wait to get out of the Fallen week. I probably wouldn’t make a good interview if I was a player or coach because after I lost I would have nothing to say and after a win I would have even less to say can assess their chances as they go back to the jungle a week from now Nestor but again I’m not one for moral victories you know you lost the game you showed up next man up didn’t play well enough your third string quarterback turned the ball over up so to me I don’t have much Festivus sight I’m I’m like from Missouri the show me state though I want to I want to see some victories here.

Nestor Aparicio  02:06

Well and if you are in the overwhelming majority, right like I asked you last week could we get a bus together to go to Buffalo go up to Niagara Falls see how pretty it is? Eats wings go out in the parking lot you do some dives on the sub table you know like doing all right i mean we could do and we wind up going to Cincinnati where we just weren’t Cincinnati they were yesterday and trying to drum up and we’ve horrible wants to kiss the ass of some fans after the game this Sunday night. Whoever goes out there on Sunday by the way I booked my flight this morning I will be turned down by jazz I find you know I you know I have a full commitment to cover the team I I have a flight and hotel room in Cincinnati. I do they played a 15

Dennis Koulatsos  02:50

You’re welcome and 38 cities around the country Nesta in their press box and 31 cities

Nestor Aparicio  02:55

we’ll find out


Dennis Koulatsos  02:57

not just not the one you believe we’ve been beating purple for your entire lifetime right that’s all I

Nestor Aparicio  03:03

got for you to say not for me all I know is it’s play it’d be the first playoff game I’ve ever missed that’s not played related. The Buffalo game a couple years ago you need to go there three days at a time New York State check your nose on Thursday to get in on Sunday it was like crazy but this particular game here and I they’re gonna lock me out they’re gonna deny me credential whatever there’s gonna be two reporters there at midnight on a Sunday night. Give me a scenario Dennis. I mean we’re early into this Luke and I’ve been at this all week long. I said to him, give me the Pleasantville victory story write me the game story for Monday morning next week as to how the Ravens keep their season alive and how they go back to Cincinnati when what has to happen here this week.

Dennis Koulatsos  03:51

The Ravens have to play a perfect games going forward. We said that leading up to the playoffs. And that was with Lamar Jackson under center not Anthony Brown. All right at quarterback so that that that for me is the headlines. They have to play perfect football, they can’t turn it over they have to dominate the clock. They have to score points, touchdown when they do in fact if in fact they dominate the clock. Defense has to continue to play well. But for me they have to play perfect football with Lamar Jackson, Tyler Huntley or Anthony Brown under center. It’s as simple as that Nestor their margin for error is very, very slim. They don’t have the luxury of the weapons than the firepower that the bangles present in northern chiefs nor the bills to go forward.

Nestor Aparicio  04:31


Well, I mean, we’ve been watching the games right and I were the signs of life far for this franchise would be JK Dobbins in the running game. Listen without Lamar playing on Sunday night and and like, you know, this Vegas thanks for tomorrow’s play. And they started this at six and a half points, right like the Ravens have told reporters that he was closer to playing a couple of weeks ago, right? He has no agent so He has no body back door and are saying, let’s get a second opinion on your knee. And we’re going to make a statement about one to three weeks on your PCL injury, or we hope to have you back for the playoffs. We hope to have you back for the Cincinnati game, not what the team did, which was portray it to Rich Eisen and NFL Network and other reporters. I’m not one of those people anymore, which is to their detriment, not to their benefit. It’s stupid. And Eric and John should know then that having me as a resource on the radio speaking truth is better than them selling me some rat poison. And I say something like, he’ll be back for the Atlanta game like NFL Network when put their credibility on the line for five hours of a broadcast. And then he doesn’t come back and then it’s always the kid soft. Is the kid not practicing, is the kid not doing what he should be doing? Is he staying off his knee and then there’s a swollen knee? So there’s all of this whack a mole of some of its gotta be misinformation, right? Some of its information, some of its misinformation, that they’ve let this thing sort of get to the point where nobody knows if he’s playing the hardball, Families always love this state of confusion for the oil in it, right? It’s part of their it’s part of their art of war. That confused the other side, never let on what’s going on. Here we are. I mean, we’re all gonna know what 815 On Sunday night, whether it’s gonna play or not. And to Luke’s point, if he’s not out practicing in the middle of the week, they you know, he he’s not gonna ring rust is six weeks into this, and they’re gonna throw him out there and haven’t GIMP around. I mean, that’s the last thing they want to do. Right. It’s last thing you should want to do as a superstar athlete. So this is so complex, what’s going on with them right now?

Dennis Koulatsos  06:47

Well, this is Dennis viewpoint. Let me ask you a question. That’s true. He signed for $23 million. This season, right? He gets 17 game checks. So if he plays in the playoffs, first of all, is he covered in any way shape or form for injury? And does he get any more game checks? And if his knees at 80%, and it’s still swollen? Why would he want to play? That’s the other piece of it. So he’s, I think, as of right now, he’s not under contract. He’s no longer under contract by the Baltimore Ravens?

Nestor Aparicio  07:15

Well, you’re speaking like the businessman, right? I mean, yeah. So I mean, I got together all summer and said we were in we probably wouldn’t play without a deal, because it wouldn’t be prudent to I mean, whether it’s 232 million or 141, right, or 180 million, get yourself paid. Now 23 million is not enough. And that’s why the ravens are coming to you and saying, here’s 112 million, whatever the number was, right? Here’s the life altering thing for you. We’re gonna buy insurance on your contract, right? Because we don’t want to be put out if something catastrophic happens. I don’t. And the kid doesn’t speak right, other than All right, or when he’s retweeting is his music buddies, right?

Dennis Koulatsos  08:04

Like, and his contract again, it expired Sunday against the Bengals. That’s when he cashed the 17th, check. That’s when the 17th check, Master hit the bank, so he doesn’t have a contract heading to the playoffs? To my knowledge, somebody else, correct me if I’m wrong, and I hope I’m wrong. But other things. So I think he’s, I think he’s done. There is no contract or no guarantee for him. And I think all of us, it’s not a stretch to think that when 2023 comes around in terms of the new contract, he gets franchise, I don’t think he signs I don’t think he plays on the franchise tag. He wants that two 50 million guarantee. That’s what he wants.


Nestor Aparicio  08:41

His value is. It’s amazing. We start talking about his values of football player, because it’s a parent, what they are without him, right. Like, this has been very clear for two years 8384 This is what it’s like without me. And then they would say to him, what’s, what’s it like to have you healthy in January? Because we haven’t seen that either? Right? So that would be the other side is to say, you want us to guarantee you that what you will play next January, or the one after that, or one out of the next three or two out of the next four? Or will we even be there? Because if you get hurt in September, right, like I this was never a great idea on a risk reward. This was an experiment. And it was it was it was spoken as an experiment that they could walk away from unsafe. We tried, we couldn’t get an RPO quarterback healthy Christmas week. And for that reason, we’re out. We’re gonna walk away. We’re out. We’re just gonna, we’re just out. We’re gonna do it differently. Now, and if the Ravens want to say that, and he doesn’t play Sunday night, that’s a nice handbook for them, is to say we’d love that kid. Sure. We’re not giving that kid this money. We’re going to deal them where he gets a better tax situation. If Mr. Ross wants to give out and $281 million to come down and sell fantasy land and South Beach. And he gets a better tax situation. We get three number ones out of it, Eric. I can hear Steve’s and Eric. Yep, make a picks. You know what I mean? Like the pics and we’ll keep the money and we’ll figure out how we’ll get nine wins. I mean, Mike Tomlin got the nine we’ll get to nine next. We’ll figure we’ll get some we’ll, we’ll concoct we’ll have Georgia Dream assault mob. We’ll come up with something. I don’t know. It won’t be Tyler Huntley. Right. I mean, it won’t be Anthony Anthony Brown. But for me, this is the week all this happens. And whatever the spin is, and the fact that they let it get to. Lamar is not doing his work behind the scenes Lamar is knee Lamar is limping, Lamar, swallen, whatever any of this is for you. And for a lot of people in the fan base. Whatever Monday morning means being eliminated isn’t good enough, right? There’s no point where playing well and Lamar gipper’s this and he will his reads and they lose 2827 Because Tucker misses a 58 yard, whatever. If the season ends one day, this is a bad year for them. Right? I mean, expectation wise. Yeah, it

Dennis Koulatsos  11:19

is, you know, because particularly with the weather students started with all the uncertainty Lamar Jackson was playing at an MVP level, the first four weeks of the season. And then the wheel started coming off the cart at the Giants game when he made some terrible decisions. But yeah, it’s there’ll be a big disappointment nestra They’re back into the playoffs. It just doesn’t feel real good. You’re down to throw third string quarterback I mean the team is fighting. There’s some good there to defense the defense is showing up. There’s there’s a chance against the Bengals just because they’re familiar with them right the third time to play and playing them this year. They’re coming off of a loss that turned the ball over they hung in there, the mid game out of it. And so we’ll see what happens. But from a from a fan standpoint, the other piece is anything can happen. We’ve seen this before in the NFL, we’ve seen the the improbable 2012 Run to the Sibrel that the version of the Baltimore Ravens, although that was a differently constructed as constructed squad, and many more veteran players. You had Ray Lewis, Terrell Suggs on there and they they figured out they put it together for the playoffs. But when you get down to your third string quarterback, and last and your second string quarterback had to set the world on fire, you have to dislike your chances moving forward.

Nestor Aparicio  12:30

Do you think he’ll play and by the time people hear this on Wednesday or Thursday, He’ll either be on the field that you don’t think you’ll play Sunday night.

Dennis Koulatsos  12:37


I said, if he is he’s healthy enough to play. I think he’ll play because he’s that guy. But he has to be he has to be 90% for him to get out there. I think anything less than that done. He just doesn’t do it. But I think he can play. He’s just a different cat. I think I’ll be there. I have crabcakes on this thing with with one of my sponsors that have FIA and I said he will play and I said his weeks ago if he can play He’ll be out there I’ll be I believe that now. Well we’ll see him out there that’s remains to be seen.

Nestor Aparicio  13:08

Well, they can’t win without him you would agree with that right?

Dennis Koulatsos  13:11

Well, you know I’m an optimistic I don’t have a great chance to win without him but can we can they win without him sure. But we lightly can strike anything going to happen and then a team gets fired. They get caught they get on fire. They they devise the offense they have this kid Anthony round or a tire up the Huntley sit there and just hand the ball off to Dobbins and whomever and a defense plays well and he does great special teams and we’ll see how far that takes them but sometimes you know they can catch lightning in the bottle

Nestor Aparicio  13:41

well I mean they’re gonna start picking on Peters right they picked on that kid on Sunday they went even on a team six weeks ago


Dennis Koulatsos  13:47

right Peters plays if Peters plays us Stevens he was they also shout him for the for the game. But if Peters and Peters Peters Peters who play when he wants to play, and if he’s ready to play, he’ll be out there. But we’ll see what happens. But Mike metallus defense has done a good job against the Bengals this year. That’s indisputable. And it’s gotten better with the addition of one row Quan Smith.

Nestor Aparicio  14:06

Well, if you would have told me in the Wayback Machine in September that they’re in the playoffs. They’re, they’re playing Cincinnati on the road. They have a healthy Mark Andrews they have Ronnie Stanley on the field and playing, they dealt for ro Quan Smith. Marlon Humphrey would have come back to form to earn his money, which he has this year in that position. So he plays Campbell standing up right the offensive line standing mainly upright at this point, JK Dobbins who’s back and has shown enough to show enough that he’s, I mean, there’s things to recommend them. I mean, aside from Lamar, and that’s the purple elephant in the room, right all of it. Everything around Lamar and the offense and his money and his elfin his future and all of that, but aside ate from all of that. If on Monday morning somehow they’ve won this game 28 to 24 because they had a pick six they blocked kick. Tucker made a couple of kicks they took the ball away. burrow hit the Hayden Hearst and Patrick Queen the ball goes up into you know things happen if that sort of thing were to happen for them defensively running the football, there are some things that that you could be a double digit lead the first 11 weeks of the year, they there they were pretty decent football team right and if they can start to run the ball downhill on you a little bit and if the Bengals are missing their offensive linemen and there’s a little bit more penetration, a little bit more on burrow to get a ball to go up in the air and get a picker to. I am I’m trying to envision fantasy land that we’re going to Kansas City Barbecue next weekend. Yeah,

Dennis Koulatsos  15:51

they have a chance you have to like you have to like how the defense played. There was a certain chip in us, particularly but a defense they got after him real hard. You saw David A Javo look very big, very strong, very twitchy very fast. He caused a turnover he caused Joburg to fumble I also think there’s a sense of maybe that the bangles a sense of arrogance for the Bengals we got this we’re better than the Ravens no different than when our ravens were playing the Steelers a second time around if you heard of the Ravens players were saying you know we got this team we know we got we got some bravado This is a man’s game and and Mike Tomlin our good friend Mike Tomlin us all that came in and kicked the Ravens butts on the Sunday night so I do think there might be some of that happening in this in this game coming up with the with the Bengals.

Nestor Aparicio  16:36


Well that eliminates from the leadership right that’s where Roethlisberger would go out on a stretcher like Lowenstein and come back in and you know we’d be the hero and Kip and like all of that and or he threw it all Ireland get get nose bloodied by the Lodi not all that right? burrow is smoking cigars and wagging his finger and doing his thing and i

Dennis Koulatsos  16:59

i stuff I’m not I’m not big on that kind of stuff but you haven’t won anything son. You know Dan Marino went to the Superbowl his sophomore season everyone back again. Be careful. Just be careful. It’s a week that week league It’s a day to day League. A lot of things can happen he’s gonna get his feelings hurt with that kind of an attitude. He really is like to see more humility from the Bengals like to see more humility from every team but it’s like art modell says when you when you when you sit when you lose you say nothing when you when you save unless you don’t want to you don’t want to give these grown men more motivation than what they need. I don’t want to hear Justin Houston saying you know what? We can’t wait to see him next week. You know, I’d say that say that for your locker room. Don’t don’t give those guys bulletin board material. This Listen, we lost we lost there were the better team today and move forward. And eternally. You can say whatever you want, but but externally, just keep your mouth shut and go out there and do your job.

Nestor Aparicio  17:48

Dennis go on. So she’s here. He will be here again on Thursday from three to five he went to Sunday Sports sports. And again on Sunday morning, get you ready for the games on Sunday night the Ravens played at 815 in Cincinnati, as Earl Weaver once said do you take anything from the game on Sunday that stands out as something to even discuss from the way we usually spend the Monday morning saying they did this? Well it it really felt like the third string quarterback thing. The thing that was interesting to me was the fact that they were thrown the ball and weren’t afraid to throw the ball with a third string quarterback. They were losing the game because of that and whatever that means, right that that they threw the interceptions. But I found that to be an interesting sort of, oh, you know this this kid went to Oregon he’ll throw the ball a little bit then throw it as well as he needed to throw it at this level timing. Well, I mean, all of it. Look, it looked like something out of a b league movie.

Dennis Koulatsos  18:46

But he also said he just found out he was starting right before the kickoff right so he didn’t have a lot of time to prepare himself mentally. To be the starter I thought he did a great job given the circumstances hostile atmosphere sold out stadium of Bengals fans at a fever pitch he settled down in that second half. nestra thought he came up pretty big in that moment. Now can he run the ball against this defense with JK Dobbins that will help them that for sure. But getting Isaiah likely out there for 100 yards and receptions. Charlie Kohler, I think you have 449 You’d have to like that day with a job Oh coming off the edge. I like these young players that the showcase in the game against the Bengals and you add in the mix of the four starters that were out a week ago. You know what they have a puncher’s chance I really I really do I’m going to watch the game be fired up for it and and wish them all the best.


Nestor Aparicio  19:38

Well, Dennis will be here and there he’s also at Akun Spalding record security believe it what’s what’s going on New Year on the like a give me a we’ve been through all this through COVID COVID all that online, but like all of that, what’s what’s percolating in 2023 at the Ford Motor Company. See,

Dennis Koulatsos  19:57

you wouldn’t know the COVID even even Not pasture coons were to Baltimore because business had been very good for us. We delivered 48 vehicles over the weekend. Most of them when you the rest were pre owned, of course, but business remains very good. We have about 200 new vehicles and stock over 200 us vehicles in stock. So for us, Nestor, the phone rings, a door swings and the leads keep coming in, which means that we have the best inventory in the region. And we treat people right when you do that when you enter the phone with Suzy acidly, when you have a lot of repeat referrals, when you have great advertising wn S T, you tend to make a difference in the community. And we appreciate that.

Nestor Aparicio  20:32

I’m looking over your shoulder, your best places to work. So I see that it

Dennis Koulatsos  20:36


is I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t dream of working anyplace else. I mean, Mr. Kuhn knows he has a life friend me.

Nestor Aparicio  20:42

Well, that’s it. That is gatos. This year, he will be watching football week. This is the fun time of year, right? I mean, like absolutely 40 days, and I didn’t get a great chance to talk to you about it in this way last week that the more heyland situation and everything that transpired in that, that game and that night. My wife and I have been sequestered this year, right? I’m not an airport. I’m not flying around. I’m not missing Sunday night games, trying to get to the Houston airport and doing morning radio with the Wii, all the things I was doing. I literally have been a slave to television and watching all the games on television, right? Except on Thursday nights we watch them on the on the devices now because the television doesn’t get there. Does it get on Michaels anymore? And cursory you know, all year long I get the schedule at beginning of the week. And I know I’m going to talk to you on Thursday and Luke and I gassed and wherever even if I’m out just out on a deep want to talk football me right. And I love football. I’ve loved it my whole life we talked and where am I Houston. This is not in support of the Chargers. By the way. This is just a boiler old school. So I you know, I guess through this period of time, and like moving into playoff time for me and where we are. This is like the most wonderful time of the year. And it’s about big games, right? Like I remember that dolphins bears Monday night game 85. And I think about big games. And all year long. The Sunday night games for the most part, I don’t really care about the Giants and the cowboys and the you know the Eagles, you know, like none of them made me say Hey, pick a nap. Let’s get some drinks out. Let’s get some food out. Let’s let’s we’re gonna watch the game tonight. I’m really into the game tonight. That game was the game like a playoff game, where like all day long, I was looking forward to it. It was Buffalo and Cincinnati. And it’s unbelievably, I was gonna say tragic. And obviously a lot of tragedy involved there. But this kid’s gonna make it I think it’s gonna wind up doing incredible things. And it started were weakened to this and it is what it is and it’s gonna wind up being an incredible thing. But there was a point for me with that saying big games are something that the league because of the playoffs. Everybody makes the playoffs. There’s Thursday night football. So the big games, right like there aren’t many. And the playoffs every one of them is that way and that’s what I love about this time a year is that I turned everything off for a couple days. I wouldn’t be fishing on Sunday if I were you Dennis.

Dennis Koulatsos  23:18

Come on. No, nope. I’m watching. I’m watching the big games myself. It’s a great time of the year you have great matchups. You have the favorites, you have the underdogs. And as we’ve seen in the past several decades, Nestor anything can happen and it usually does as always a dark horse team that comes out of nowhere and really messes up everybody’s pull. Hopefully this year it will be the Raven some way somehow they can flash maybe they get by the bangles with a second or third string quarterback. Maybe the game after that. Lamar comes off, dust is off the rust and leads a team to the Super Bowl. Wouldn’t that be something?

Nestor Aparicio  23:50

Who do you believe in? Who’s gonna be in the Super Bowl in Glendale?


Dennis Koulatsos  23:55

That’s a great question. You know what? I’m going to say that I’m going to say that. It’s going to be the chiefs and the Eagles. That’s why I see. Yeah, yeah, I’m going chalk

Nestor Aparicio  24:08

I am. One less game right. I mean, you’re the only best team it feels to it’s an incredible advantage to be a one seed versus what it used to be.

Dennis Koulatsos  24:18

Right Look, I don’t I don’t always I don’t know what’s best, the biggest and the strongest but that’s the way to go. Right? Let’s let’s bet the favorite side. They both been the best teams in the league for the whole season. Particularly the Eagles in the NFC but anything can happen the big trisect that in the AFC conference, of course the bills the bangles and achieves and as I said previously, hopefully the Ravens find a way to knock off those dreaded Bengals for what will not be rooting for that team if they if they advanced by the way. I want to

Nestor Aparicio  24:48


Dennis as the guy that has done bus trips to Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, New England. I’m just thinking of all these places we’ve gone for playoff games, road trips, the kids Kansas City We played all these playoff games and you know I guess I think about this one in Cincinnati and where the morale is for the city you know going into this thing. I cannot imagine how quickly the purple bus would move on Sunday night if if they go to Cincinnati and win and then Matt impressively, they’re not going to win like that. But if they just win if they just kick a field goal and when I the purple light will turn back on you’re very very quickly I would think

Dennis Koulatsos  25:34

it would and the thing is for me as a fan, I want to play the same game two weeks in a row I just wouldn’t if it was reverse. Let’s say the Ravens were playing here and just beat the Bengals and the Bengals are coming back. From a fan standpoint I’d like to see somebody different someone other than this team we just played whether we beat them or not just for from a freshness snap point right so I don’t think this is gonna be great for the Bengals fans to come out before second week in a row to watch the same team play their their Bengals

Nestor Aparicio  26:00

well, and I thought about those fans the other day then how many of them had the experience of being at the bills game? You know, prior to that and thinking like, you know that I remember when I remember the night the fans cheered Calpol are getting hurt.

Dennis Koulatsos  26:14

I was there that was terrible. That was horrible. I had colts fans behind me cheering with them. I mean, it just you can’t fix stupid and drunk no one want


Nestor Aparicio  26:21

to hear what I talked about on the radio the day after that. I mean, it was bad like Yeah, I mean it’s ugly side of sports but then we see this situation this humanity with with this young man in Buffalo and in Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, you know all of these

Dennis Koulatsos  26:37

together everybody comes together right? That’s what he said. He said it was he was overwhelmed by the response race religion all that stuff was out the window. They all came was one which is which is encouraging for our country for and for mankind for

Nestor Aparicio  26:49

sure. I liked that. I liked that. See, I told you some good things are going to come out of bad things sometimes good things come so I’m certainly pull it for him and it’d be a good week of football here. The bills even get to play this weekend and we get to figure it out. Cross our fingers. If by Thursday at three o’clock when Dennis comes on the air. Lamar is back out there looking like it’s a summer day in August. And hardball is chuckling we shelled him three weeks ago we leaked dumb stupid rumors about his nice wall into you. We just wanted to you know play the mind games that we play here professional level and

Dennis Koulatsos  27:24


yeah, yeah, they play my games was on Sundays. I wonder on fourth data particular.

Nestor Aparicio  27:30

That is Vegas thinks he’s playing I’ll see you on Thursday. Can’t wait can’t wait that it’s got to us is at The Palazzo show as well as that it’s glasses out on the Twitter thing. And the Sunday Sports voice heard here on wn st am 1570 from three until five on Thursday and again on Sunday morning from eight till noon. So come on back. Say hello and of course all of Dennis’s work including his work with Luke on Thursday up at Baltimore under his good looking mug, run underneath all of our television sets and leadership and sports and stuff. Now the crabcake two are back out at G and a Coney Island hot dog on Thursday from one and two for come on out. Get yourself a free scratch off in the Maryland lottery. We’ll talk about all sorts of things putting neighborhoods I got my buddy Nick from wise market just coming out to hang out. Tony della Rose is coming back to reprise his one time radio roll with me next week as well. So it’s gonna be a good week ran a lot of friends in Cincinnati that are going to preview the Bengals side of what we just saw on Sunday, but probably a little bit different because we’re going to have some of our players actually play. I am Nestor we are wn st Hagen 5070, Towson Baltimore. We never stopped talking Lamar Jackson and a Festivus. For the rest of us. It’s Baltimore

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