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Teachers power the education engine as we debate Kirwan


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In our holiday search to tell some great stories and learn more during the end of this decade, we are presenting some “bonus” Baltimore Positive while Nestor searches the Far East for answers.

Education, teachers and making our children smarter and brighter and better has been a constant theme since we launched this Baltimore Positive initiative in April. With the Kirwan Commission battle looming, and a Governor who has all but declared war on the most appealing reform of public education we’ve seen in our lifetimes, we wanted to talk to more teachers about how to make our whole system better.

Cheryl Bost has been an elementary classroom teacher in Baltimore County for more than 20 years. She is currently on leave to serve as the Maryland State Education Association President.

This is a long look at the reality of being an elementary teacher in 2020.

We have taken some time this month to add some “holiday bonus” editions of Baltimore Positive that will be coming your way into December with Marty Schwartz, Mike Ertel, Debbie Phelps and Isaac Hametz and  in addition to our long-form chats with Adrienne Jones, Sonja Santelises and the incomparable Wes Moore.

Nestor and Don are also just released a 100th episode retrospective on Baltimore Positive.

We’d be “thankful” this holiday season if you subscribe to Baltimore Positive and make it a part of your weekly routine!



(Yes…you are invited to join us!)

Thursday, January 9 – Mayoral candidate T. J. Smith at Faidley’s 10 a.m.

Thursday, January 16 – Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh at State Fare in Catonsville 10 a.m.

Friday, January 17 – Former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley at Faidley’s inside World Famous Lexington Market 10 a.m.

Thursday, January 23 – Retiring Maryland State Senator Bobby Zirkin at Jennings Cafe in Catonsville noon

Thursday, February 6 – Candidate for Comptroller of Maryland Bill Henry at Jennings Cafe in Catonsville 10:30 a.m.


Thursday, February 13 – President of Downtown Partnership of Baltimore Kirby Fowler at Faidley’s Lexington Market 11 a.m.

Thursday, February 20 – Baltimore County School Superintendent Darryl Williams at State Fare in Catonsville 11 a.m.

We want to thank all of our sponsors, supporters and friends who have allowed this Baltimore Positive platform and movement to become part of your lives and routine. And thank you for sharing our conversations with your community and world!

Hope to see you around Baltimore soon!

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