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Nestor Aparicio

U2 in 3D and Cam Cameron

Before I begin any discussion of the Ravens’ offense or Cam Cameron, I must give you a very brief film review. I’m no Gene Siskel or Roger Ebert, but if you like U2 even a little bit, you really gotta get out to see this new U2 film, shot in 3D and produced by John and David Modell (yes, THOSE Modells). Full disclosure: I was at one of the four South American shows that were recorded to make the 85-minute film (Morumbi Stadium in Sao Paolo, Brazil). The other shows were in Mexico City, Buenos Aires and Santiago. It took nearly two years to get the film to the theatres, but it was well, well worth the wait. The production quality and 3D details are simply astonishing. When Bono reaches his hand out during “Vertigo” and you duck, well, you know you’re not watching your father’s tinny, cheesy 3D any more. I saw the show at the Maryland Science Center’s IMAX last night (strangely, the theatre was only 20% full) and there were definitely some shortcomings. First, I couldn’t order a beer to go with the show (they oughta fix that for the Friday and Saturday night shows at the

Cam Cameron in the mix for O coordinator?

Per Casey’s crack reporting, The Palm Beach Post is reporting that Cam Cameron could become the next offensive coordinator of the Baltimore Ravens. It also acknowledges that Pat Shurmur is in the mix. Click here for the story…

Boston & New York…again!

Unlike Saturday’s blog — where I rambled on and on about EXACTLY what I think of the Ravens’ job search and John Harbaugh’s chances of a winning season in 2008 (click HERE for that blog) — today I’ll simply offer a “Noteworthy Day.” * First, Suzanne Pleshette died this weekend and that really bums me out. Getting old sucks! First, Dan Fogelberg a few weeks ago, and now this! I love all of Bob Newhart’s stuff and I still think the final episode of “Newhart” was the greatest finale in TV history. I’m still stuck in the 1970s. * I don’t think I’ve ever had less energy for championship football than I did yesterday. I was kinda pulling for Brett Favre and Norv Turner, but I didn’t really care who won the games. Now, with Boston and New York descending upon the desert along with the WNST crew next weekend, it’ll make for big media business in Phoenix. Tom Brady vs. the “other” Manning. We’ll have five full days next week — broadcasting virtually all day from 10 a.m. straight through on WNST. (Just so you know, we’ll be giving you snippets of all of our Super Bowl work over

Harbaugh press conference play by play & notes

This will be a running blog from inside the press conference… The podium is Steve Bisciotti, Dick Cass, John Harbaugh and Ozzie Newsome. Steve Bisciotti looks a little more well-rested. Art Modell is sitting in the front row of the auditorium. How Bisciotti got to John Harbaugh: Getting this to a manageable number was all on the “football people.” Coaches and reputations came from the football people: Eric Decosta, the Newsomes, Kevin Byrne, george Kokinis and Pat Moriarty. Bisciotti says it was very easy for him, because he’s hired many people. He also alluded to the blueprint from Art Modell’s search from 1998 that unearthed Brian Billick. There were six candidates. Bisciotti said he spoke to Art Blank in Atlanta. And he liked the process of his interior football management team. Bisciotti lauded Harbaugh’s family background. He then praised Art Modell’s legacy and support. Harbaugh spoke next. Art Modell gave Harbaugh advice, although harbaugh didn’t say what the “advice” was. Harbaugh said the committee asked very tough questions and that it was a very thorough effort and he enjoyed his two days of interviewing. Harbaugh said he can’t wait to get going. Harbaugh praised his family and wife, and spent

What I really think about the Ravens job search and John Harbaugh…

I’ve written lots of critical stuff over the past three weeks – all of it well-founded, well-sourced and honest about the Ravens’ coaching search. As much as some of the “traditional media” loves to portend that I’m some knucklehead, I’m VERY much a John Steadman-trained journalist at heart and I’m very heartened and flattered by the universal praise WNST’s coverage of the “Coachingate” saga has received. The WNSTeam rocked the coverage and I owe Casey, Drew, Ray, Adam, Rob and Bob a big “shout out” because I’ve never been prouder of our work as a radio station and a news source. My guys and gals just bust their ass here! I know we have the best people in town! Write and tell THEM that! I’ll warn you: this is long. I have a lot to say, I’ve been up late thinking some deep thoughts and you can consider this my “shoot” blog. This is what I REALLY think! Unabridged… Much of what I’ve written over the past three weeks has centered around criticism of Steve Bisciotti and his handling of the firing of Brian Billick and the process the job search entailed. I have seen some people on our message


UPDATED at 6:45 p.m. It’s FINALLY official… John Harbaugh will be named coach of the Baltimore Ravens at a noon press conference tomorrow. Harbaugh issued no statement and immediately left The Bellagio and headed back to Philadelphia to retrieve his family. Senior V.P. Kevin Byrne addressed the media very briefly. Harbaugh will not attend the Senior Bowl. Instead, he will start to put his staff together immediately. WNST’s Casey Willett is reporting that current Philadelphia Eagles quarterback coach Pat Shurmur could be approached as the offensive coordinator. Cam Cameron’s name could also surface. It is also believed that Rex Ryan could be asked to stay as the Assistant Head Coach/Defensive Coordinator. Ryan and Harbaugh know each other very well from their days at the University of Cincinnati and are friends. No terms for the deal were released, but it is believed that Harbaugh would receive in excess of $2 million per year (but no more than $3 million), and that a 4-year deal would be industry standard. It is believed that no assistants or potential candidates have been contacted as of yet. Byrne joked that “John might be calling people on his ride back to Philadelphia.” Art Modell was the

Damn…get it OVER with already!

The media is tired. The Ravens’ front office must be whipped. And the fans are worn out waiting. Every single sign that could possibly point toward the Ravens’ coronation of John Harbaugh as the third coach of the team is emanating out of The Bellagio. Reports from Philadelphia indicate that Harbaugh came down today ready to take the job. Harbaugh’s agent has been unabashed about his client’s desire to be here. And, again, it would be “The Ozzie Way” to call on the “next man up,” who Harbaugh has been all along. It’s been 18 days of waiting, it’s late on Friday (and we should ALL be out listening to Jimmy Buffett and having a TGIF cocktail), but we’re glued to the activity in Owings Mills. If they DO hire Harbaugh, I hope they have indeed found their “future Hall of Famer.” I’ve heard he’s a Hall of Fame person. I know many friends and associates of Harbaugh, and they all say he’s going to be an excellent head coach. We’ll keep you in the loop, and if you REALLY want to know FIRST, just join the text service. We’ve got you covered!

TGIF means John Harbaugh

John Harbaugh is in Owings Mills. The media stakeout has been greatly reduced. And once again, the unexpected is suddenly expected in Owings Mills. The Ravens told the media to go home yesterday. At some point, they “snuck” John Harbaugh into town. Can you blame them after what happened on Tuesday? I can’t honestly say I would’ve done it any differently. Here’s what I know… My sources tell me it’s “50-50” whether they offer him the job. At this point, it’s pretty obvious Harbaugh would take the job as quickly as they would offer it (which makes him a better person than Jason Garrett, in my opinion). While the rest of the traditional media was following the Marty Schottenheimer story, the Ravens FINALLY look like they’re doing things Ozzie Newsome’s way — the famed and much-discussed “PROCESS.” If the first 10 days of interviews and looks produced Jason Garrett as the best, and John Harbaugh as No. 2, then if Ozzie is running the thing it’s NOT a shock that Harbaugh is back. It’s the same way he runs the draft. Research it, rank it and then execute it. That’s been Ozzie’s history. Now, will they hire Harbaugh? Who knows?

A plea from Mt. St. Joe for Jim Schwartz

I don’t post all of the email I get — I think most people are catching on to the comments section of our blogs, and our FORUMS ARE OPEN above — just register and start writing your heart out! We have a self-service website. You can write as much as you like, anytime you want and everyone can respond accordingly, and hopefully, with some respect and dignity. But I did get an interesting email today and I’ll post it here with Steve’s permission… The Baltimore Ravens are interviewing their second round of head coaching possibilities this week and it has been leaked that Jason Garrett and John Harbaugh are the team’s #1 and #2 choice to replace previous head coach Brian Billick.   The team believes these two gentlemen are prime candidates, but for some reason they have left out a person from the pool of even first round candidates that has more experience than both Garrett and Harbaugh…Jim Schwartz.   Since Jason Garrett is the Raven’s #1 choice, he will be the person in comparison to Jim.   Jim Schwartz is the same age as Jason Garrett, 41, both being born in 1966.  Jim graduated from Mt. St. Joe

The situation room: Jason Garrett and Steve Bisciotti

So, today the Ravens might have a new coach, and as we’ve seen over the past 72 hours,  maybe they WON’T. Predictions are out this window at this point, and there are as many “scenarios” as there are coaching candidates. Below I will try to give you the flavor of what I’ve been sifting through as a 24-year journalist over the past few days. (I’ve gone old school here, calling upon every resource I have in the league trying to figure out what’s happening here!) Everyone in the league is buzzing about all of the changes on the coaching carousel and the six days off between games in mid-January usually lend themselves to the rumorama that comes with owners, coaches, agents and executives all jockeying for seats in the boardrooms of 32 NFL teams. Incidentally, almost unanimously my sources say that the stunt that Garrett pulled on Tuesday was very against the “etiquette” of how these job situations are handled. The whole notion of a “second interview” means that you’re coming to take the job. No doubt, Bisciotti talked money with Garrett’s team before he got on the plane Monday night. Garrett, and his slippery agent David Dunn, apparently didn’t

Wanted: An NFL Head Coach

OK, so this one is making the rounds on the internet. I haven’t seen it posted anywhere, but it’s quite funny (and I usually don’t find these things funny enough to post). Ask around, I have a lame sense of humor. But it’s kinda hard for me to argue with this particular pundit’s product. It’s closer to reality than fiction. Some people have too much time on their hands. I have a gift certficate to a local sponsor for $100 if you can prove to me that YOU are the author! But anyway, here it is: Any comments below are welcomed…and by all means, if YOU’RE this clever and creative, I wanna hear from you. I’d love for you to contribute to WNST!

Jason Garrett is gone…so now what?

Jason Garrett escaped the Bellagio about 20 minutes ago. He’s no doubt headed to Atlanta, the next stop in the “driving the stakes” up game, which is no doubt being orchestrated by agent David Dunn. Now, the only question is: Will Steve Bisciotti blink? We don’t know whether it’s the cash, the years, the power, the job, the wife, the family, the Cowboys, Jerry Jones — but for whatever reason, Jason Garrett left Baltimore today without becoming the Ravens’ head coach. It appears as though John Harbaugh is “next man up.” My sources (and I DON’T mean those in Owings Mills), who’ve been calling me all day in one capacity or another, tell me Harbaugh is gonna be a better head coach than Garrett. I’ve had three people tell me that today, all NFL insiders who know all of the interested parties. Special teams coaches have turned into Bill Cowher, Marty Schottenheimer, etc…you’ll hear all the names if they hire Harbaugh. But it’s going to be hard to explain to Ravens fans why they wound up with a special teams coach with a year on the defensive side instead of a decorated offensive guy. Rex Ryan, Marvin Lewis and Jim

Cam Cameron to the right, Dom Capers to the left

Reports have begun to circulate that if Jason Garrett accepts Steve Bisciotti’s offer to become head coach, he plans to bring deposed Miami head coach Cam Cameron and twice deposed NFL head coach Dom Capers to Baltimore with him as coordinators. Many outlets are reporting that Rex Ryan is the leading candidate in Atlanta as well. If Garrett never leaves for Atlanta and Jim Caldwell doesn’t leave Indianapolis (and it looks like Tony Dungy is departing there soon, if not by Monday), it would leave the Falcons job for Ryan if Atlanta was truly down to the reported “Final 3.” So, the drama continues. And if the Ravens are “trapping” Garrett in Owings Mills (as one media outlet indicated) — one way to make sure he’s staying for the day is to take his wife out on the town for four hours — it’ll be interesting to see if Jerry Jones gets that “final call” from Garrett before he inks with Bisciotti. Word is, the Ravens might be making it difficult for Garrett to leave the building, which is a strategy onto itself. Every story on the web sings Jones’ love for Garrett. And Troy Aikman loves him, too. And

Brill Garrett

Because the wife of the guy who isn’t yet coach has become a topic for our blogosphere today — you KNOW it’s a SLOW day at the stakeout — I found a few pictures of Brill Garrett. Hope she’s enjoying Baltimore, as Drew suggests, and I hope they hire SOMEONE really soon… The suspense is killing us and we’re so bored we’re surfing the ‘net for stupid stuff…       These photos are from 1998:      

The waiting is the hardest part…

We, at WNST, are very pragmatic about the journalism being employed today. Either Jason Garrett IS the coach of the Ravens, or he’s NOT. It’s like being pregnant. You are or aren’t. Right now, he’s not. Not yet, anyway. Comcast Sports Net says he IS. And while ESPN reports that he’s “been offered the job” with a report that no doubt came from Jerry Jones’ camp and/or the Garrett-led negotiation team of David Dunn. Meanwhile, ProFootballTalk is reporting that it “isn’t even close.” Who to believe? We will not be the media organization that reports something false first. We’d rather be second and accurate than first and wrong. We saw what happened with Orioleshangout last week in their phantom reporting of the Brian Roberts trade. When the deal is signed, we’ll bring it to you. And you’ll get it on the text service first. Just click here to join! It takes about 20 seconds to join, it’s free and it REALLY works. Just ask around town…it’s the best service we provide for our company and it’s REALLY COOL! Sign up, and the instant it’s confirmed, your phone will come to life. The 21st century is cool like that! Today’s signing

Wanna know why baseball is screwed up?

Just put on your television today and watch it in living, breathing color. Right now, as the stakeout in Owings Mills continues, I’m watching Donald Fehr and Bud Selig twist and turn and sliver and “bend” the facts while under oath in front of Congress in Washington, D.C. Watching these guys squirm and make excuses outta be on pay per view. Now, they’re gonna drag Miguel Tejada back for perjury investigation. Oh, and Peter Angelos is in the room as well, there to support Bud Selig. What a mess…    

Rex Ryan and the plane to Atlanta

While Jason Garrett tours the Bellagio with his wife this morning, the plane awaits him at BWI for a scheduled meeting in Atlanta. As we approach noon, you have to believe that he’s not conducting any business in Georgia until much later in the day, if at all. Turns out Rex Ryan was in Atlanta last night and this morning, meeting with new Falcons general manager Thomas Dimitroff. Word out of Atlanta is that Garrett was supposed to come there today, and Colts assistant Jim Caldwell would be there tomorrow. It’s starting to look like Ryan is moving to the front of the line for the Falcons job, which would allow Garrett to not have to answer the hard question from the Ravens: “Any interest in keeping Rex Ryan here?” It would be a perfect ending for all parties concerned if Garrett gets named head coach today, and Ryan winds up in Atlanta by Thursday. A nice, neat, happy ending. But if Caldwell winds up in Atlanta, it’ll be very interesting to see what happens with Ryan and his staff. The Ravens can still keep all of them because they are under contract for another year and have not been

Jason Garrett is STILL in Owings Mills…

Through our ground troops in Owings Mills (that’s Casey Willett), we have confirmed that Jason Garrett is STILL in Baltimore and still inside The Bellagio. We do not know the travel arrangements that were made for him to get to Atlanta or when he was scheduled to leave (most of the time, they do NOT fly commercially to job interviews…it’s usually a private lear jet). But we have confirmed that as of 10 a.m., he’s still in Owings Mills. A good sign, if you’re a fan of the team hiring Jason Garrett to be their third head coach. (By the way, I’ve been doing my own research on Jasn Garrett all morning and the reports are mixed. Everyone says he’s a great guy, very bright and knows football as well as anyone. The jury is out on whether he is a “leader of men.” That only comes with experience, and that he does NOT have. Bisciotti will be taking an extreme “leap of faith” with this one.) Casey Willett is in the building (as part of the stakeout). We’ll both be keeping you in the loop all day. Feel free to keep checking into and if you join our

Where is Jason Garrett?

It’s not even 8 a.m. and the rumors are already swirling… “Jason Garrett is on a plane for Atlanta…” “He and his wife are downtown…” “They are in Owings Mills with Steve Bisciotti readying for an afternoon press conference…” Who the heck KNOWS what to believe? We know he arrived last night. We know the Ravens have pretty strong intentions of never letting him get on a plane to Atlanta this morning. And we know he’s a strong enough candidate that at some point in the next 48 hours he’s gonna be a head coach somewhere. A few people have asked what I know about him. I do not know Jason Garrett at all. I know a lot of people who DO know Jason Garrett and all of the reports are positive. He’s a classy, well-thought-of guy in NFL circles. I actually remembered last night that I met him one time. I was in Austin, Tex. in 2003 at a Bruce Springsteen concert with Brian Baldinger and Curt Menafee, and Garrett was with Troy Aikman at the hotel after the concert. I was there visiting Nils Lofgren and they were holding court in the lobby of the hotel. I shook

Garrett is in Baltimore tonight…

WNST has learned that potential future Ravens head coach Jason Garrett is in Baltimore tonight, along with his wife Brill. It is NOT at all unusual for the candidate to bring his wife along for a final interview and potential signing. Brian Billick brought his wife Kim for his first visit, and dined at a downtown steak house. The next morning, almost nine years ago to the day, Art and David Modell had hired the only coach that would bring their franchise a Super Bowl title. So, is it a done deal? Not JUST yet…but they’re doing the mating dance that usually indicates that Garrett will be the Ravens next head coach. Do the math: the Ravens went four days without activity and the instant Garrett ‘s team was eliminated he’s on a plane for Baltimore. It sure doesn’t appear as though the Ravens are waiting on Marty Schottenheimer, as some reports indicated today. Keep in mind, all reports indicate that Atlanta is next on the Garrett East Coast Family Tour. In NFL circles, this is usually the deal: The first choice gets the first stop with the bargaining chip being simple: “Sign me or I’ll get on the plane

Expect major movement on Ravens coaching search

Four more teams eliminated, four more sets of coaches for the Ravens to sift through before finding their next field general. The Dallas Cowboys’ surprise elimination will be sure to affect the Ravens search on a few levels in the next 24 hours. First, they’ve interviewed two of Jerry Jones’ guys (as well as guys like John Harbaugh, Brian Schottenheimer and Rex Ryan…and didn’t hire any of them), so it stands to reason that the Cowboys’ elimination held some deeper meaning inside the Bellagio. (But so could the Giants and Chargers’ staying in the hunt, if they have coaches whom the Ravens covet.) In the next few hours, we’ll probably find out what’s happening. If Jason Garrett is indeed the “clubhouse leader” — and there’s no reason to believe he’s NOT — then Jerry Jones’ next step would be to either promote Garrett to assistant head coach and talk him into staying as a “No. 2 in training” with a few million dollars until “Wade Phillips is done” OR fire Phillips today and name Garrett head coach OR allow his young “protege” to walk away. And that could to be Baltimore, Miami, Atlanta, Washington — or maybe even Indianapolis and/or

Am I the only one?

The Ravens coaching search has cooled significantly over the past four days after a week of a flurry of actvity. So, now after the wait, we’ve had the weekend to watch football, root hard for the “adopted” teams of our choice and watch as candidate after candidate to be our next leader shows up in our living rooms. Am I the only one who EVERY time I see Jason Garrett, I wonder: “Hmmm…Is THAT the guy they’re gonna pick?” I can’t be the only one who was thinking that earlier today with Jim Caldwell, or even now when I see Steve Spagnuolo and Tony Sparano. Even Jim Mora Jr.’s face yesterday gave me a thought to wonder “What if?”. And in the next 48 hours, Mike Holmgren could be leaving Seattle and Tony Dungy could be waving goodbye to Indianapolis. Congrats to Norv Turner’s bunch in San Diego. Beating the Colts on the road is impressive enough, but doing it crunch time without Phillip Rivers AND LaDanian Tomlinson? WOW! This whole exercise feels kinda futile, after you watch how Tom Brady manuevered that offense last night.    

Come out to Piv’s today…and other stuff

Just prepping for the pair of games today — we’ll be at Piv’s from 1 til ? doing a fun Corona promotion. Come out, wear a little purple, watch a little football, drink some $2 Coronas. I’m happy because it’s getting my lazy ass off the couch. I gotta tell ya, I thought LAST YEAR’S way of watching the playoffs was a lot more fun. I got a sick reminder yesterday when my wife and I did the obligatory “putting away of the holiday crap” in our storage area. And there, lying right in the front part of the unit was a BIG box full of 12 strands of purple rope lights that we bought on line exactly 56 weeks ago. These are the giant 20-footers that you can wrap around windows. Well, when the Ravens hit the 10-and-whatever mark, we got on line and found a discounter selling purple rope lights for like $10 a throw. We bought a case of them, wrapped our place so it looked like Greg Brady’s bedroom in the Johnny Bravo episode. (For the ladies, the glow would be more of a “lavender” — not quite like the club level at the purple palace.)

Terps reach the halfway mark…Steve Hennessey checks in from Garyland

Because my man Steve Hennessey couldn’t get HIS blog up, I’ll post it for him. Steve has been WNST’s main salesguy since the beginning (or even before that!). We call him the Vice President of all Things Terps at WNST. He’s a Terrapin Clubber from way back and has been known to yell “Carolina ref!” at the drop of a charging foul. He misses Cole Field House, too! (I added that part!) His report is below…his words, not mine… I’m just hooking a brotha’ up… “Terps reach the half-way mark” By Steve Hennessey With their non-conference schedule in the books, the (10-6, 0-1 ACC) Terps men’s basketball season have reached the half-way point…16 games down, 15 ACC league games to go. So, how do the Terps look at the mid-year? Fairly average… Maryland got off to a decent start with a 4-0 record, only to lose both games (by double digits) in the CBC Classic in Kansas City in early November. They bounced back with a gritty win at home vs. Illinois in the ACC vs. Big Ten Challenge (has the Big 10 Ever been remotely competitive in this event?) which featured some inspired play by freshman center Braxton Dupree

Terrell Suggs tells Phoenix station he wants to be a Cardinal

While you were sleeping, Terrell Suggs began attempting to pave his road out of Baltimore. As first reported here in Baltimore on Glenn Clark’s “Crabs and Beer,”  Suggs told a Phoenix radio station that he wants to play for the Arizona Cardinals. Here is the link to the story from the East Valley Tribune… The Ravens plan to use the franchise tag on Suggs, if necessary, to keep him in purple. The Cardinals, meanwhile, apparently have no interest in “big ticket” free agents this offseason. It was a bizarre thing for Suggs to say, even if he did spend the first 20 years of his life in the Valley of the Sun. It’ll be interesting to see how the new coaching staff handles these offseason situations. Too many microphones, too little common sense. A shame, really…        

Maybe Aubrey Huff rubbed it too much?

Am I the only one in this city who is still outraged by Aubrey Huff’s comments about Baltimore? And outraged that spring training is five weeks away and that they’re planning on bringing this loser back here to play baseball again this summer? Some poor female broadcaster makes a foolish faux paus this week with the Tiger Woods’ “lynching” comment. Woods said it was no big deal. His agent called it a non-story. Now, her career looks wrecked. A shame… Meanwhile, the Baltimore Orioles’ $8 million a year first baseman has called our city a “horses**t” town and we’re going to welcome him back with open arms and a full paycheck on Opening Day? Rest assured, those of us who are still outraged won’t be allowing that to happen. Meanwhile, The Sun’s Dan Connolly wrote one of the funniest lines in recent Baltimore journalism history this morning:   “Club officials knew that Huff had felt discomfort in his groin during offseason workouts but hoped he would be able to avoid surgery.”   Maybe he rubbed it too much during those long afternoons of hangovers in those $300 a night hotels with the Spice Channel. Or maybe he has too much

And on the Ninth Day, the Ravens finally rested…

It’s now been 10 mornings since the firing of Brian Billick. While the fans on the outside have been hitting refresh on their browsers awaiting word of the next candidate (or in my case some actual honest information about what this process entails), the powers that be inside The Bellagio have been working nonstop trying to find the next coach of the Baltimore Ravens. For virtually everyone in the room, it is a daunting task, no doubt filled with questions, answers, background checks and a series of possibilities for assistant coaches that must look like some crazy algorithm. If they bring in more candidates next week – and the word from the inside is that there are STILL more candidates who will be brought in from current playoff teams – they might need to tear down the draft war room from last April and erect a coaching war room. So many names. So many possibilities. And the worst part? No true consensus forming just yet. “If we hire this guy, who could he bring with him for the staff?” “What are the strengths, what are the weaknesses of each candidate?” “What exactly are we looking for and what do we

Handicapping the Ravens’ job search is impossible…but we’ll try!

Everywhere I go, and with every email I open, people are all asking the same question: Who is going to be the next coach of the Ravens? As was borne out last Monday morning, it’s all but impossible to obtain accurate and reliable information from the Ravens at this point, because it feels like the last 10 days of the job search have been an “hour by hour” situation. It’s weird after almost 13 years to think that the Ravens are flying by the seat of their pants, but it sure looks that way. I’ll go through the skinny on the candidates below, but here’s an overview of what I know and/or believe. A few things that have been made clear to me: 1.    No one in the organization had any clue that Brian Billick was in trouble, because there was zero manpower put into even making a short list of candidates before the “wildcat” firing. The franchise was woefully unprepared to begin the monumental task of finding a coach on such short notice. The committee (believed to include Steve Bisciotti, Dick Cass, Ozzie Newsome, Kevin Byrne, Eric Decosta, George Kokinis and Pat Moriarty) has been doing background checks on

Joe Gibbs’ resignation will change the NFL job pool

The story is only a few minutes old, but the resignation of Joe Gibbs in Washington is sure to affect the coaching pool for potential head coaching and assistant coaching candidates throughout the league. Who knows what Danny Snyder thinks of Gregg Williams? Who knows what direction he’ll go in now that his “savior” failed to win a playoff game in his return to the nation’s capital. (CORRECTION BELOW…Gibbs did win one playoff game in Tampa Bay…the author stands corrected)… It was very apparent that whatever Joe Gibbs would be in his second term, it most surely to be a “short term” arrangement. Gibbs wasn’t going to the be the Redskins coach for a decade the second time around. This morning’s announcement can’t REALLY be a surprise to anyone in the league. So, for Rex Ryan, Bill Cowher, Marty Schottenheimer (who almost got the job the last time), and any other prime candidate, there appears to be one more stop for the coaching carousel — Raljon. It only happened 10 minutes ago — so the fallout is far from being predictable at this point — but it does change the status of the coaching arrangements in the league now that

Could the Schwartz be with us?

So, today was Brian Schottenheimer’s turn in Owings Mills. The speculation is juicy, isn’t it. Marty Ball could come here with Cam Cameron running the offense (and neither has an interview scheduled). Or Marty’s son could be hired as the head coach. And the revolving door of candidates continues. Tomorrow, it’s Philadelphia assistant John Harbaugh’s turn. And in the latest turn, apparently our own resident WNST football defensive guru, Tennessee Titans’ defensive coordinator and Arbutus native Jim Schwartz, will get his time with the Ravens’ management council according to The Sun and the NFL Network’s Adam Schefter. (I spoke to Schwartz at 8:35 p.m. tonight and he said the reports of an imminent visit were news to him. But he said all of his relatives have been calling all night after reading the reports and he said he’d be very prepared if he does visit Baltimore. This time last night he was on a plane leaving San Diego with his season coming to a crushing end after his defense played well for the first half against the Chargers.) Schwartz was an original Mean Machine Ravens assistant, coming “off the boat” with most of Bill Belichick’s staff in 1996 when Art

Chudzinski the latest to pass on Ravens job…

Earlier today, The Sun reported that Cleveland offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski signed a contract extension and will remain with the Browns. He has cancelled his appointment to meet with Steve Bisciotti and the Ravens today for the head coaching job. The media situation in Cleveland is strange today, with most of the state being at tonight’s national championship game covering Ohio State (they’re still the biggest deal in the state of Ohio, really.) Meanwhile, Terry Pluto wrote a great piece on Chudzinski and his situation in this morning’s Cleveland Plain Dealer. As Brian Billick would say: “Next man up!”    

Next up for questioning: BRIAN Schottenheimer

As has been reported everywhere in the known universe, deposed and holding defensive coordinator Rex Ryan got his chance to come back into the Bellagio today as a potential head coach for the Ravens. So far, mum’s the word. One interesting thing that has leaked today is that the Ravens are finally submitting to an interview of a Schottenheimer. But, suprisingly enough, it’s NOT Marty! It’s his 34-year old son, Brian. The Associated Press is reporting that New York Jets offensive coordinator and five-franchise veteran Brian Schottenheimer will get a look this week by the Ravens’ search committee. The Ravens have also denied breaking any rules in regard to yesterday’s interview of Dallas assistant coach Tony Sparano. ESPN’s Chris Mortensen dropped a reference on today’s pre-game show to Miami alleging that the Ravens had an unfair recruiting advantage by inviting Sparano to their Owings Mills campus. It’s gonna be a firestorm until Steve Bisciotti finds his coach. We promise to keep you in the loop here at WNST. You can also join our text service and you’ll know the instant that we obtain any exclusive information or breaking news.      

Dallas newspaper reports Garrett’s ties to Baltimore

How better to celebrate a day when both the Redskins and Steelers get eliminated than by surfing the internet amidst our own Ravens’ coaching change? This is a new experience for me. The last time the Ravens changed coaches, the internet wasn’t really at a stage where you could follow long-distance developments on an hourly basis. Because, like you, I love the Ravens too, we’re going to link you in with everything reputable that there is to read here on Here’s a nugget I dug up from the Dallas Morning News. According to Todd Archer’s piece on Friday night, “(Jason) Garrett has a close connection to the Ravens. Baltimore’s vice president of football administration, Pat Moriarty, was a running back for Garrett’s dad, Jim, in Cleveland in 1979 and would work out at the Garretts’ house.” Every coach in the league has some ancillary connection to someone in Owings Mills. The league tends to be incestuous in that way. But it is nontheless and interesting, and perhaps, relevant tidbit. BTW: Somehow it’s not the same watching Mike Tomlin lose as it was Bill Cowher.  I honestly hate Pittsburgh a little less now that Cowher’s gone.  The Redskins, however, are

Philly newspaper stokes Billick to Eagles rumor

These days, many deposed coaches with money left on their old contracts go to the next town to become a “consultant” to help a head coach. That’s what Jim Fassel was to Brian Billick, initially. As was Vic Fangio when he first came to Baltimore. It happens all the time. Again, I have not chatted with Brian Billick so I have NO IDEA what his post-Ravens intentions might be.  But, Paul Domowitch of the Philly Daily News speculates here and drums up the Billick to Filthy rumors. Give Casey props on this one…he’s digging the net like a mine!    

Bride…or bridesmaids in Owings Mills?

The very tight-lipped Ravens front office search committee began their interviewing process Friday with an interrogation of Colts assistant head coach and QB coach Jim Caldwell. I guess if you want to know about offense, starting with the guy who spends eight hours a day with Peyton Manning isn’t a bad place to start. Today, they’ll hang with “F.O.T” — Friends of Tony — Romo, that is. A pair of Dallas Cowboys assistants – offensive coordinator Jason Garrett and assistant head coach for their offensive line, Tony Sparano, are next up in Dallas as they prepare for their playoff game next weekend. Next week, Browns offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski will take a turn and I’m hearing whispers about Philadelphia secondary coach John Harbaugh, brother of former Ravens QB and Stanford coach Jim Harbaugh. But just whispers… Now that Bill Cowher, Josh McDaniels and Kirk Ferentz have essentially eliminated themselves from the search, I’d have to think that Steve Bisciotti might at least be having a momentary pause at just how popular the Ravens head coaching job is in coaching circles, especially when the general manager and head coach and entire football operations staff got overruled or fired on New Year’s

So, what’s the temperature in Owings Mills?

I’m going to cover a few items that have been in hot debate on the comments of our WNST blogs over the past 48 hours (in no particular order). This is a long blog, there’s been lots to hear and say on these issues. Some think I’ve been particularly hard on Steve Bisciotti over the past 24 hours. I have! He deserves it. And even though you think I won’t, I will tell him when I see him. And he knows I will. I want to clarify my position (although some folks use the anonymity of the internet to twist the words I actually write…cracks me up! What I REALLY write is listed up here at the top. I make a point to be clear and write in the King’s English. Read it, digest it, and try comment on what I actually WRITE, not what you fabricate.). But I digress… I like Steve Bisciotti. I hold him in very high regard. I thought Monday’s handling of the firing of Brian Billick was bush league. He has his reasons, which he declined to share. I just know what I saw and I’ve been doing this for 25 years and Monday was

I know you think hockey sucks…

But there’s no WAY you can be watching this blizzard game in Buffalo and NOT think this is cool. I can’t tell you how close my hockey friends and I came to actually flying to Buffalo this morning to go to this game. Had it not been New Year’s Day, we really might’ve done it. I can tell you this: we’re sitting here eating lunch and bumming that we DIDN’T go now that we see how much fun it looks like…at least for the first period before we started to freeze for a game we didn’t care about! The HD cameras bring it life, trying to track the puck is crazy, the blizzard going on, the kids playing on the "pond" next the rink…the stadium chock full of crazy Buffaloanians…it just looks like something you’d wanna say you were there for. Of course, if we were there we wouldn’t get to see so many interviews between Sydney Crosby and Darren Pang, where it feels like every other word accentuates their wacky Canadian accents. After all, it’s an OAT-door game… It’s weird, because I just sat in the upper deck of that stadium a few weeks ago shooting videos for wnsTV

David Modell’s original Profile for a Ravens head coach

So, because at heart, I’m the world’s biggest Ravens geek, I have a library full of stuff to break at out key times like this. Here’s one: David Modell’s original profile list from Dec. 1998 for what he was looking for in a head coach for the Ravens. I’m breaking this out SOLELY to illustrate what might be going with the Ravens brass as they seek a new head coach. It’s also a review of the last time the Ravens sought a head coach. And, remember Modell’s his prime candidates: Jim Haslett, Sherm Lewis, Emmitt Thomas, Chris Palmer and Terry Donahue (whom his father, Art, was DYING to hire). The other was a guy named Brian Billick. The best "candidates" for the job were two Super Bowl champion coaches: George Seifert and Mike Holmgren, both of whom wanted money and/or power that David Modell couldn’t afford them. Hard to remember this time frame, but before Billick came along, the Ravens’ job was a wasteland for NFL coaches. The Ravens and Modell were a virtual laughingstock. It was not considered a "prime" place for a prime coach. It was a "bottom end" job in the NFL, which is why Seifert and

The honeymoon ends for Steve Bisciotti

As you can well imagine, the mind is racing on this New Year’s Eve. I’ve got a million thoughts, none of them tremendously positive for the Ravens. And, for all of you who have read my blogs or Moons over the years who really think I’ve been “easy” on the Ravens, this blog’s for you. What I saw yesterday was the absolute worst-case scenario, something I prayed as a fan and business owner and media member I thought I’d never see. It was a random act of ruthless management by Bisciotti, leaving everyone shaking their heads in Owings Mills. And it had EVERY single earmark of a thrown-together P.R. disaster, a red-alert crisis management situation for the most public business and the most public figure in the city. Billick has yet to speak, but I gotta wonder what he’s thinking tonight as he watches the fireworks on TV on this New Year’s Eve. He went to work this morning, given EVERY assurance that his job was safe, his coaches and their families’ lives were in order, and everything was status quo. He was putting together an annual review and had meetings set up for noon. At 11 a.m. Steve Bisciotti,

Bisciotti UPDATED press conference notes HERE…

Steve Bisciotti is ashed-faced, discussing the firing of Brian Billick. He has stopped several times with a lump in his throat. Bisciotti said that he wouldn’t address specific issues regarding to the firing of Brian Billick. He went on, when pressed, to finally admit that it was "a gut feel" sorta thing. Ozzie Newsome and Dick Cass both joined him at the podium. Both said they were instrumental in Billick’s firing. Bisciotti said in the four years he’s owned the team, the team has made the playoffs just once and he felt it was heading in the wrong direction. Newsome looks quite uncomfortable. Ravens VP Kevin Byrne, who blogged on the official website three days ago that Brian Billick would NOT be fired, looks absolutely pale. Byrne met with Steve Bisciotti to discuss the Wednesday "I’m keeping Brian Billick" press conference late last week. The press conference was short, succinct and downright macabre. It was basically a dog and pony show that didn’t offer a lot, in real terms. And the media was limited to about 12 questions, one per person, really. Bisciotti must’ve learned something from watching the Orioles and their lack of ownership at press conferences. He CLEARLY

U2 in 3D and Cam Cameron

Before I begin any discussion of the Ravens’ offense or Cam Cameron, I must give you a very brief film

Boston & New York…again!

Unlike Saturday’s blog — where I rambled on and on about EXACTLY what I think of the Ravens’ job search

TGIF means John Harbaugh

John Harbaugh is in Owings Mills. The media stakeout has been greatly reduced. And once again, the unexpected is suddenly

Wanted: An NFL Head Coach

OK, so this one is making the rounds on the internet. I haven’t seen it posted anywhere, but it’s quite

Brill Garrett

Because the wife of the guy who isn’t yet coach has become a topic for our blogosphere today — you

Where is Jason Garrett?

It’s not even 8 a.m. and the rumors are already swirling… “Jason Garrett is on a plane for Atlanta…” “He

Am I the only one?

The Ravens coaching search has cooled significantly over the past four days after a week of a flurry of actvity.

Could the Schwartz be with us?

So, today was Brian Schottenheimer’s turn in Owings Mills. The speculation is juicy, isn’t it. Marty Ball could come here


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