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Nestor Aparicio

Nestor’s ‘BEFORE THE FIRING’ blog…insert joke here!

(IF I WROTE FOR A NEWSPAPER, THIS WOULD BE BIRDCAGE MATERIAL… But at least I still retain my sense of humor…this was written at 8 a.m. Monday morning) Because the "Is Brian Billick getting fired?" uproar around town has begun yet again, due to Jay Glazer’s report regarding players giving Steve Bisciotti direct feedback, it’s time once again to set the record straight (as we always try to do here at Brian Billick is NOT getting fired on Wednesday. Sure, there will be MANY changes in the offseason — the Ravens will change lots of players, a few coaches, obtain a new offensive coordinator (here are six names: Cam Cameron, Mike Mularkey, Ron Turner, Scott Linehan, Mike Martz and Mike Tice) and might even have some changes coming in the player personnel area do to inevitable poaching — but Billick and Ozzie Newsome will not be forced out of Owings Mills. Several sources indicate that if anything, Bisciotti is MUCH more angry at the many players who have under-acheived, been injured or have been busy attempting to throw the coaching staff under the bus during the past 10 weeks. Perhaps Glazer’s report was partially correct, Bisciotti might’ve been fishing

Bizarre finish in Baltimore

Let’s get this outta the way right away: ANY win over the Pittsburgh Steelers is a reason for a celebration. Agreed, it means nothing more than a worse draft pick at this point, but ending the season with 10 losses in a row sounds a lot worse right now. I’ll gladly take the win. It was a sloppy effort for anyone who attended the game this afternoon, but there were some encouraging "signs of life" for a team that had been accused of quitting in some circles. David Pittman wanted to play. Corey Ross and Corey Ivy came to play. Adam Terry lined up at tight end. Derrick Mason caught the ball. Troy Smith looked like he’s in the embryo stage of being a very serviceable NFL quarterback. After the game, the storylines played out in the locker room. Jon Ogden did his usual press conference, with a few more bodies at his locker and Scott Garceau quizzing him about a pending retirement. Ogden left himself enough rope to come back, but at no point indicated that he was leaning in the direction of Westminster. I would list his return as very doubtful. Next door, Mike Flynn was telling everyone

Rex Ryan might get a look in Atlanta

The rumors have started to swirl that Ravens defensive coordinator Rex Ryan will be getting a look by Arthur Blank and the Atlanta Falcons later this week. There are a bevy of candidates for the job, but the chances continue to increase that the Ravens of 2008 are going to look MIGHTY different from the Ravens of today’s finale. Already, Rick Neuheisel is gone, which we kinda all knew for quite some time, even if he didn’t get the UCLA job. So, what happens to Chris Foerster, Wade Harmon and others on the offensive coaching staff? This is the time of the year when the assistant coaches get canned or wooed to other places. And don’t think for a second that Eric Decosta and George Kokinis are safe from being raided away from Owings Mills by being the "Ozzie Newsome" of another organization. Every year someone seems to court them because evaluating talent is the No. 1 priority for every organization in the league. Tis the season for changes… The next 72 hours could provide MAJOR, MAJOR changes for the Ravens before Steve Bisciotti even takes the podium in Owings Mills for what amounts to his "State of the Union"

Pittsburgh invades Baltimore…again!

So today marks another battle in the dirty little civic war between the Charm City and the Steel City. Obviously, today would be the low ebb for anyone in purple with recent memories. The Steelers are going to the playoffs, we’re going back to the drawing board, and even with Ben Roethlisberger riding the pine, our chances of winning the game today are remote. And to add salt to the wounds, the stadium will be half-empty – no doubt – given the worst weather forecast possible (rainy, mid-30s). And a large percentage of the half who will show up will be waving yellow snot rags. Sure, I hate Pittsburgh as much as any man from Baltimore can hate Pittsburgh. It’s a major part of my DNA, I honestly believe. Maybe it’s from the 1970s, when Terry Bradshaw beat Bert Jones in Pittsburgh in 1975, and then came into Memorial Stadium in 1976 and did it again, even though I remember more about Donald Kroner from that day in the upper deck. The 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates and Omar Moreno and his wife, well, enough said about that. I covered most of it in Chapter 8 of Purple Reign. So this has

Who’s watching football today?

THIS IS A RUNNING BLOG THAT WILL GO ALL DAY OR UNTIL THE RAVENS WIN OR LOSE THIS UGLY AFFAIR…. One more reminder: Today’s promotion at the Gold Club has been cancelled. So, I’ll be holding an open blog area here today to chat, post thoughts, comments, etc. if you are as bored as I am, watching Marvin Lewis and Jamal Lewis freeze today in Cincinnati. So, post comments if you wish, I’ll post them all afternoon… Initial thoughts: 1:17 p.m. * I’m assuming there are a lot of Clevelanders in Cincy today, given the fact that this is the biggest game they’ve played in years. But with all of the orange, who the hell can tell, right? I’m waiting for the first (and inevitable) Cleveland score. * The mere notion that it’s Christmas weekend and the Browns can still win the AFC North just boggles my mind. It feels like two weeks ago that I sat with Phil Savage in Cleveland, where he told me to temper my enthusiasm for the 2007 Browns. Even HE didn’t think they could be 9-5, I’m convinced. * Nice story with Kevin Everett in Buffalo today. It’ll be interesting to see how the

The Ravens season and ‘It’s Academic’

I’m sitting around on a Saturday morning watching “It’s Academic.” I gotta be honest, I didn’t know the show still existed, but it’s a real treasure. It still has all the cheesy graphics and kitschy-ness that it did in 1978. Today’s it’s Boonsboro, Bryn Mawr and Middletown. It could be the 1967 or 2007, and “It’s Academic” still works. And the questions haven’t changed at all, either! Makes me wanna take the S.A.T. all over again! Anyway, the Ravens are on my mind today. Many people have commented on my blogs this week and sent me emails wondering why I didn’t write anything about the Miami loss. Well, first, it’s Christmas week, I’m going through a myriad of work-related issues and I’ve been at a loss for what to say. And the beauty of writing blogs vs. doing radio is this: I get time to think things through and, perhaps, in my older age, try to find some wisdom that goes beyond Monday Morning Quarterbacking. So, today, I feel inspired to write something cogent, and no doubt, controversial. I should be in Seattle today. No, strike that: Vancouver. I had a Thursday night flight to Seattle that I booked back

Miller Lite Las Vegas Super Party Contest UPDATE INFO HERE!!!!

CONTEST IS CLOSED…BUT THERE IS SOME GREAT READING HERE!!!!!!! READ AND ENJOY!!! Some days are better than others… This morning I was awakened at 5:54 to see that our Miller Lite Super Party thread on our message board was deleted. We’ve had a major coding error in our website’s message board system, which shut down the FORUMS board overnight. Needless to say, this is very unfortunate and I feel horrible and want to apologize to those whose postings were lost, but we still want to pick a winner and want to get as many submissions as possible. So, we wanna be totally and 100% fair in how we judge the contest and pick a winner for our trip to Vegas for 2 for Super "February" weekend, courtesy of Miller Lite. Entering the contest was easy and fun: Just submit a 150 word essay using the words of Brian Billick, explaining what went wrong with the Ravens season this year using Billick’s verbiage. You get to BE Brian for 150 words! We had some beauties — very clever and funny stuff. So, if you submitted yesterday, please RESUBMIT it NOW as a comment to this thread. If you want to enter,

A Happy Ending for Neuheisel?

Here’s hoping it all works out for Rick Neuheisel this week. Judging from everything I’ve heard around Owings Mills, it’s pretty obvious that Neuheisel will not be invited back to be the offensive coordinator for 2008. It’s also pretty obvious that he’s the prime candidate at UCLA, where he was the quarterback of a Rose Bowl winning team many moons ago. And Brian Billick has been unabashed in his praise for Neuheisel and his love of the college game. He even went so far as to say that it’s probably where Neuheisel belongs, mainly because he enjoys it so much. For the record, I like Rick Neuheisel. And if my boy could play football at that level, he could certainly play for Rick Neuheisel at UCLA. It’s been an interesting ride for him here, what with the Jim Fassel fiasco, the 13-3 joyride, the ups and many downs of Kyle Boller’s existence, and the Steve McNair tutoring that might have been a strange brew for a very, VERY successful college coach who was ex-patrioted over some stirred up alumni and a silly college basketball March Madness pool in Washington. (By the way, his return this weekend and the notion that

Brian Roberts falls on the sword

So, Brian Roberts really DID use steroids. And, alas, Larry Bigbie told the truth. As Paul Harvey might say, “Now we know the rest of the story…” Or do we? The lesson here about steroids and baseball really doesn’t have much to do with stats or pride or sanctity of the game. The lesson here is about a good man with a good image like Brian Roberts. In the spring of 2003, Brian Roberts was a fringe major league player. He had 401 at-bats in the big leagues and was coming off a year that he hit .227. He could’ve become the next Billy Smith, a decent platoon player for a couple of years and made a few nickels. Or he could’ve been a Bill Ripken, a 10-year sometimes starter who had a nice career. Or he could’ve been a Jeff Reboulet, who lasted forever in a number of roles. Or he might’ve been a Roberto Alomar, a five-tool sensation who could do it all. Or, he might’ve been the next Jesse Garcia, who never made it at all. But, with competition with Jerry Hairston running high for the job at second base in Baltimore, maybe Brian Roberts thought when

Baseball gets its day of reckoning …

It’s almost comical to me, sitting here watching the poor cats on the ESPN TV feed try to put this Mitchell Report into perspective. From Steve Phillips explaining away his plight as a general manager of the Mets and being unable to do anything about his suspicions of players’ steroid abuse, to John Kruk admonishing everyone who did it for cheating the game, to Peter Gammons and Karl Ravech (who clearly have a personal relationship with Roger Clemens and Andy Pettite) looking downright funereal, it’s an absolute circus. What names will be on the list? What other “suspicious” characters will NOT be on the list? Jose Canseco has now posted up at the media center in a fur coat, smiling and taking pictures with admirers as he enters. That’s where we are folks — even the guiltiest of guilty and the rich of rich and cheating-ist of the cheaters are still legends. It’s almost a slice of Americana idol worship gone mad. These guys cheated the game. They cheated the fans. They cheated the history of the game. They made millions upon millions (if not BILLIONS of dollars) never to be returned, and they basically stole it from you and

Mitchell Report will be a sham

Today, MLB and The Mitchell Report will produce and promote the biggest $25 million sham since the Orioles signed Aubrey Huff. As Jack Nicholson once screamed: "YOU can’t HANDLE the truth!" The real "truth" will NEVER be known. I was IN all of those clubhouses for all of those years. I literally was in the Orioles clubhouse before and after almost every game from 1992 through 1998. So was Peter Schmuck and Buster Olney and Tim Kurkjian and Peter Gammons and Jayson Stark and everyone else whose work and reactions you will read and see over the next two days, responding to this 400-page, almost phone-bookish portrayal of how screwed up baseball’s drug culture is/was during the turn of the century. It will make for some great "semi-fiction," but what’s the end game here? To prove that steroid use was rampant during the era of baseball after Jose Canseco? Why don’t we dispatch another washed up senator with direct ties to baseball’s ownership to the North Pole to do an expose on the whereabouts of Santa Claus? The Mitchell Report will irrefutably report that using steroids would allow you to: A. Hit the ball further. B. Make a helluva lot

The NFL Coaching Carousel Begins…

Usually it doesn’t begin for a few more weeks, but given the Ravens’ own civic issues regarding hiring or firing the head coach, it’s never too early to start the "who will be where next season" NFL coaching carousel. The first NFL job to open came unexpectedly yesterday when Atlanta head coach Bobby Petrino packed his bags for Arkansas. Not since Nick Saban’s five minutes in Miami have I seen a coach blistered more thoroughly on the internet for being as creepy as Petrino. Seems as though everyone from the janitors to DeAngelo Hall hated him in Atlanta. I couldn’t find one quote from anyone saying anything kind about Petrino. I DID however start to see the next list of "NFL head coaching candidates" appear and the names have significant Baltimore and WNST ties. From Peter King’s dispatch on Petrino: After the season, it’s likely Atlanta will talk against to one of the finalists for the job last year — San Francisco assistant head coach Mike Singletary. The top pro candidates this year are expected to include offensive coordinator Jason Garrett of the Cowboys and defensive coordinators Rex Ryan of Baltimore and Jim Schwartz of the Titans. So, as

Billick Bashers unite once again…

One day, Mike Preston might live long enough to see his man hanged. One day, Brian Billick might actually GET fired, making Preston the king of the "I told you so" club. Or maybe not. Maybe three years from now, Billick will just "walk away" from the Ravens to a life of boating on the Chesapeake, living on the Eastern Shore, attending Baltimore civic events and giving speeches to raise money for Living Classrooms, his charity of choice. But none of these decisions will be on Mike Preston’s timeline. And Mike Preston’s thoughts and timeline have NOTHING to do with what Steve Bisciotti is thinking or going to do. And I would suspect that Mike Preston would be the LAST person on earth Steve Bisciotti would speak to regarding Brian Billick’s job security. Preston has been trying — unsucessfully in every attempt — for the better part of a decade to portray Billick as the village idiot and Mr. Unpopular, Mr. Arrogant and "Compu-coach" to the Baltimore Ravens’ fandom through his acts of "journalism" in The Sun. And for many folks, he has become their angry, spiritual leader. The Sun says Billick is an inept, incompetent jerk, so it MUST

Led Zeppelin…if you care?

Not sports related, but it’s all most of my friends (we’re old!) can talk about. Led Zeppelin played their first (and ONLY if we believe them) show since Live Aid 1985 in Philadelphia (and I was at that show) yesterday afternoon at the O2 Arena in London. It’s amazing, the world in 2007! I couldn’t believe that they didn’t pay-per-view the thing for $49.99 in my living room. It would’ve been the party of the year! But, instead of paying the upward of $10,000 per ticket — that was the going rate in London — I am now watching "Kashmir" on youtube. And before I went up to Piv’s Pub to interview Mark Clayton last night, I was following a live "set list" update on a British website. There’s also a copy of "Black Dog" here, complete with British broadcaster. More to come for sure, but several people pulled me up at Piv’s last night to discuss the Zeppelin reunion, and I’m honestly not hearing/reading much about it in the traditional media. Here is a great, running account of last night’s proceedings. You gotta love when people do good work on the web! They are still the greatest rock and

Worst Night Since The Mayflower Vans…

I knew the minute I arrived in my seats and saw the inactives. No Chris McAlister. Yeah, I knew that was going to be a big problem. But, of course Samari Rolle was penciled in. But as the Ravens took the field on defense, I looked left and saw David Pittman and right and saw Jamaine Winborne. The depth chart included Derrick Martin. I knew right then, it was going to be a very, very long night. I text Drew and Casey at kickoff and said: “The Colts might score 50 tonight!” I sent that text at 8:23. By 9:01 p.m., the score was 21-0. By 9:04 it was 23-0. At 9:16, the score was: Colts 30, Ravens 0 What would the players rather have? The fans leave en masse at halftime, or stay – wet and miserable — and boo mercilessly all night for the lackluster effort? Several times during the NBC broadcast, John Madden said “they don’t even look like they know where to line up!” I didn’t expect them to beat the Colts. I had very tempered “enthusiasm” walking into the stadium. I fully expected the worst, and would go so far as to say if I

Jon Ogden and retirement…

With horseshoes on the brain, I’ve spent the day thinking about how much fun I had at the game on Monday night. And which set of purple helmets will post tomorrow night on Sunday Night Football as the "World Champion" Indianapolis Colts roll into the stadium? The Sun is reporting a major Jon Ogden "non-retirement" story — which amounted to nothing, really. I’ve known Ogden very well from the beginning and I’d be shocked if he came back and played football next year. Absolutely shocked. But he’s nowhere NEAR making any announcement, and he told me as much yesterday. Think more like March or April. And he made it VERY clear that he won’t want/desire/need or be a party to any "fanfare" about it. Typical J.O., really. Large guy, small needs. This is a tough time of the toughest season of all for Jon Ogden, Mike Flynn, Steve McNair, Trevor Pryce and anybody else who might be playing the final games of their collective careers amidst injury, physical breakdowns that only the battles of the past decade could foretell and the worst possible result: losing, and losing badly. "Playing out the string" is what they call it. But this might

Bryant Gumbel still sucks…

This will be a short blog, but I just feel compelled to write sometimes, especially when the obvious jumps out at me. Once again tonight, the NFL Network has subjected us to its woeful ineptitude. It’s gotten so bad around my condo, that when Bryant Gumbel is calling the game, we almost don’t want to watch it just because it makes our ears bleed. You really forget how much a good announcer (say a Joe Buck or a Gary Thorne or a Jon Miller) can bring to a broadcast. How much more you wanna watch the game, how much more fun the whole evening becomes when you’re sucked into the drama, the storyline, the information and the "event" of the night. The good ones can make ANY game sound significant and interesting. It’s just so glaringly apparent to most anyone who truly likes football, how little Bryant Gumbel likes football circa 2007. It’s bad enough Rich Eisen keeps me away from the NFL Network most weeknights, but when there’s a game I wanna watch the least the league and its mothership could provide is an announcer who knows the game, knows the players and actually LIKES football as much as

Blowing kisses to Nestor…

The message boards at are now open. The comments on blogs have been available for weeks. So, it’s amusing to me that I STILL get personal emails and attacks sent directly to me at my email address. If anyone wants to rip my opinions or thoughts, there are a myriad of ways to do it publicly so EVERYONE can see my "fan mail." Our policy here at in regard to feedback from the public is still evolving (and we’re always amazed to see how mean-spirited and undignified some folks can be…there are a LOT of cruel people in the world and it takes being a public figure to find that out in some cases. Very sad, in many cases how miserable and angry some people are and how it makes them feel good to attack others. But I digress…) But we don’t expect it to be any different from what we’ve done on the radio over the past 16 years (by the way, it’ll be 16 YEARS ago on Dec. 13th that I walked into that crappy studio at WITH-AM 1230 at 5 Light Street and began this crazy trip). Make your point, be respectful and don’t make

Will the real Angelos step up in the Brian Roberts to the Cubs trade?

As Willy Wonka once said: "The suspense is KILLING me!" The rumors have been swirling all afternoon — Brian Roberts could be traded tonight to the Chicago Cubs. So, let’s see how this plays out. A few scenarios: 1. Peter Angelos steps in and nixes the deal (and McPhail tells the media that the deal "wasn’t strong enough in the end"). By the way, this has truly been the S.O.P. for the franchise for well over a decade, just lying and covering up. Reminder: This is EXACTLY what happened around this time last year, when Angelos stepped into the baseball talent evaluation world for the umpteeth time and nixed the deal that would have brought Adam LaRoche and Marcus Giles here for BRob. Incidentally, LaRoche hit .272 with 42 doubles, 21 HRs and 88 RBI in Pittsburgh. Giles hit a paltry .229 with 4 HRs and 29 RBI for the San Diego Padres. He also had a horrendous .304 OBP and stole just 10 bases. Mr. Angelos might claim a draw on the non-deal, and of course, we got to hold Brian Roberts hostage for one more year here in this "horses**t" town. Mr. Angelos must "approve" all transactions, of

Words or action from McPhail?

We’re now several days into MLB’s Annual Winter Meetings in Nashville. And once again — for now — the Orioles activity is limited to a New York radio rumor that was promoted by a Los Angeles television station. The report went like this: the Dodgers and Orioles are close to a deal that would send Matt Kemp and Jonathan Broxton to the O’s for Erik Bedard. Which leaves me to wonder this: how close IS close? It’s kinda like being pregnant, this baseball trade business. Either it IS a deal, or it’s not, right? Most everyone else on the ground in Nashville is saying the Orioles are nowhere NEAR making a deal of any kind. Meanwhile, the Tigers ceased being "talkers" and dove into the deep end of the baseball trade game as "doers" (kinda like Sheila Dixon, but that’s for another day). And the Marlins once again loaded up on the kind of young talent that has brought them two unlikely World Championships over the past decade. Now, we weren’t of the mindset that the Orioles were going to acquire the likes of Dontrelle Willis and/or Miguel Cabrera this week. But a few "mini-blockbusters" involving Erik Bedard and Miguel

Let the conspiracy theories begin…

But, WHERE TO begin, really, when the football gods and officials clearly pushed the envelope tonight at M&T Bank Stadium, with the damndest set of late-game calls I’ve ever seen. I’m not looking for the “purple lining” in the cloud of 4-8 despair, but man, I really DID have some fun tonight! Admittedly, I’m crushed by the loss. I’m sitting here an hour after the game, and it still hasn’t sunk in that they lost. And the way that they lost? It was almost a criminal act, that officiating crew! And once the videotape of Samari Rolle gets going – he alleges that head linesman Phil McKinnely repeatedly called him “boy” and stood over him late in the game taunting him – this game is going to have some legs as a national sports story over the next 48 hours. The league will have some explaining to do, and the conspiracy theorists will begin conspiring about the Patriots and their quest for undefeated immortality. Here’s another nugget that will come from tonight: the crazy timeout on the fourth down stop was NOT called by Brian Billick. I KNOW that to be true because I was standing 20 feet away when

A fun Orioles Winter Meetings game…

As I was here reading and writing some blog stuff for the website, it occurred to me that most Baltimore sports fans aren’t even following the drama of the MLB Winter Meetings. No one here seems too concerned with who gets dealt, who gets signed or who goes where. It occurred to me that the Orioles PLAYERS definitely care more than any of us. And then it hit me: Which Oriole player wants to be dealt the worst? Which guy will wake up next week and be ANGRY that Andy McPhail didn’t trade him somewhere else? The list is so long and there are so many reasons, so many guys who would BEG to get outta this organization. Would ANY of the guys currently on the team be truly UPSET if they were traded outta here? I don’t think so… But I figured that the readers could post some decent material in the comments section below. Pick a player — ANY player — and I guarantee you that if the phone rang this afternoon and it was McPhail saying, "You’ve been traded," that their heart wouldn’t skip a beat and DEEP DOWN they wouldn’t say: "THANK GOD!" Free at

A NOTEworthy Baseball Winter Meetings Day

I remember when “baseball winter meetings” time was the most significant period of the baseball offseason. It was the time when Hank Peters and company always tried to come home with at least one shiny, free agent “holiday” gift for the rabid Baltimore sports fan. And, of course there’d always be a minor trade of some kind. But there was always that feeling that has now been lost in Baltimore for baseball: HOPE! Now, the baseball winter meetings are upon us and you can break it down any way you like: Andy McPhail will find out just how hard his job is this week, where it appears he could easily come home empty handed (or worse yet, fleeced!) with the sorry hand he’s been dealt taking this lousy job at The Warehouse. Here’s my handicapping of the situation: Jay Payton: They’ll have to pay to get rid of him…literally Jay Gibbons: They could pay to get rid of him…and still not! Aubrey Huff: I have no idea how they could possibly allow him back into the same uniform Cal Ripken and Brooks Robinson wore, but again, they are the Orioles. It’s unthinkable that McPhail could leave Nashville with this clown

What will the crowd do Monday night?

I’m expectedly taking heat for having the audacity to tell the truth (it’s the story of my life) in regard to yesterday’s Army-Navy game. I TOTALLY understand the "magnitude" of the history of the game, and the tradition, etc. All I cared about was seeing a good game and having some fun at a football game on a cold day. I also paid $100 to go to the game, so that more than gives me license to be honest. I’ve had a lot of fun in my life and a lot of it has taken place at various football games. I waited my whole life to attend an Army-Navy game, thinking it would be super cool. Yesterday at M&T Bank was not much fun. The game was bad. The atmosphere was surprisingly lame. The only noise was coming from the seats where the kids were in uniform. The rest of the stadium was asleep. So I left. Now, Monday night will be a completely different story. I will NOT be leaving Monday’s game early, no matter what. Not many PSL owners are expecting to have much fun on Monday night. Most Ravens fans think it’s going to be a bloodletting,

Army-Navy game was lame…

It’s the third quarter of the Army-Navy game and the score is 24-3. I’m back at home in my living room. It was so WEIRD walking into that stadium and having it have such little energy or emotion. Especially for a game that we thought would be CHARGED with emotion. We thought they’d be singing songs, leading cheers, making noise, flying flags, etc. Instead, the stadium was like a morgue. There were many empty seats on the southside of the stadium, probably because it was beyond chilly in the shade. My seats were in the sun, and we were toasty warm. But it was lame, really. We didn’t leave because it was cold or the game was a bit lopsided. We left because it was boring and there was very little "atmosphere" at the game. It was kinda like watching a scrimmage. Granted, I sat on the Army side, but even when they led a nice drive and made a few defensive stops, the crowd on the Cadets’ side was quiet, sitting on their hands. There were semi-funny skits on the video boards during the TV timeouts. There were also some very emotional stories about Navy and Army service members

I’ve given in to going to Army-Navy game

I have woken up on this morning about a dozen times over the years, the morning of an Army-Navy game, and talked about going. MANY times, I thought about driving up to Philadelphia to see the game, but usually wussed out because it’s cold, it’s a drive, the ticket price, or just plain apathy about a game in which I have no rooting interest. And did I mention that I hate sitting in the cold? In the end, I would’ve gone for the sheer pageantry of the event. So, this morning, a WNST listener/friend was kind enough to extend an overnight email offer and my wife has completely twisted my arm into sitting in the cold for three hours and paying $100 to watch a game I have no rooting interest in — and alas, it looks as though I’ll be attending my first Army-Navy game today! Incidentally, the only other time the game was played here, I was doing an appearance for Sporting News Radio in Los Angeles, and spent my weekend vomiting at the Marriott on Century Boulevard outside L.A.X. I got the flu on the West Coast and literally thought I was going to die on the

Can the Ravens beat the Patriots?

It’s the civic question of the week, right? Is there ANY conceivable way that the Ravens can stop the Patriots on Monday night, and FINALLY play a quality football game against the best that the NFL has EVER had to offer? With the combination of aging players, injured players and the overall “black cloud” of the five-game losing streak hanging over them, the only solace I can find is in that long-lost victory from Sept. 2002, when the Ravens bloodied the nose of the Denver Broncos at the purple palace on a Monday night when they were major double-digit dogs in early part of the “salary cap purge” season. Who doesn’t remember that Chris McAlister runback and that major hit by Ray Lewis after the missed field goal? The spread this Monday night? IT’S ONLY 20 ½ POINTS! We’re seeing perhaps the best team in the history of the NFL taking on our Ravens, who are at the lowest point of their 12-year existence here in Baltimore. Vegas thinks it’s gonna get ugly early and stay ugly. But I’m trying to have a purple heart. I’m trying to believe that I’m not going to freeze in the upper deck in

The sign says ZERO TOLERANCE…

Like most of you, I’m watching the Steelers-Dolphins debacle, and if the announcing crew had ANY stones at all — Jaworski, Kornheiser and Tirico — they’d be calling this the disgrace of all disgraces that the NFL is allowing a "playoff eligible" football game to be played in these conditions. Wanna know what separates Tony Kornheiser from Howard Cosell? Cosell would be BLASTING the "powers that be" about how these players are being exposed to career-altering damage. "A disgrace to the National Football Leagues, an embarrassment to Roger Goodell’s good name. Just poor judgment exhibited by all involved!" (I can hear his voice saying that!) I’m amazed by a lot of what I’m seeing tonight, even though it’s CLEAR that Pittsburgh is the team getting screwed. And after that hijacking of a Lombardi Trophy vs. Seattle in Detroit 21 months ago, I’m not gonna shed a tear about the Steelers getting boned. The game is 0-0 right now, early in the third quarter, and I’m wondering aloud a lot of things you can’t help but think if you’re watching. 1. Would OUR stadium in Baltimore be THAT empty given the same circumstances (weather, Monday Night Football, first place, etc.)? 2.

A sorry weekend in San Diego

Being at Qualcomm Stadium yesterday was like seeing your evil twin on the other side of the United States. Much like our fan base in Baltimore, the Chargers fans were teased with a heady 2006 regular season and devastated with a home playoff upset loss in January that has led to disillusionment and unreasonable expectations for a 2007 season that has been a very bumpy ride in both cities. At 5-5 before yesterday’s game, the boo-birds were circling the decrepit stadium on Interstate 8 just waiting to attack anything with a lightning bolt that didn’t have a No. 21 on its back. Phillip Rivers? An underachieving quarterback who makes poor reads and isn’t living up to expectations. Norv Turner? A puppet and a shadow of former 14-2 head coach Marty Schottenheimer’s 2006 genius. General manager A.J. Smith? The personification of Public Enemy No. 1 for running off Schottenheimer in the first place, a very public battle of wills that has placed this franchise at a crossroads for its very future in San Diego in many ways. Just seeing the deteriorating conditions of Qualcomm Stadium and the franchise’s tenuous (at best) situation in the city of San Diego (can you say

Calvert Hall vs. Loyola? Who cares?

Now that I have your attention, I gotta tell you one thing I’m THANKFUL for: I am thankful to have Jamie Costello, Scott Garceau and Tom Matte calling the Calvert Hall-Loyola game in my living room this morning on WMAR/Channel 2. It looks like a lot of fun to be a part of, and my wife and I are considering walking over to watch the second half, but I feel sorta “uninvited.” After all, I have no dog in the hunt. And I have many, many friends on both sides of the “rivalry,” so the only fun I have is riding my Calvert Hall buddies (you KNOW who you are) and crapping on the Loyola pals (Suchy is our in-house resident) I have, too. Just smack-talking them via text for no good reason. I really missed being on the radio all day yesterday, listening to old City-Poly and Calvert Hall-Loyola rivalriy stories. I think back to my childhood Thanksgiving Days and playing football and waiting for the snow. And watch Roger Staubach and whatever lousy quarterback (Eric Hipple?) that the Lions would wheel out there. And then later enjoying Troy Aikman and Barry Sanders year after year But I sat

Ravens’ offseason will be fascinating …

With six weeks remaining in the season, and a trip across the country to San Diego pending this weekend, I’m trying to get my arms around what happened to the Ravens this year. How the year feels like it ended before it even started! Obviously, the team as it’s constructed right now, just isn’t good enough. Not good enough to make the playoffs, and certainly, not a championship-caliber outfit in any way. Why this “shocks” so many fans in the modern-day NFL is incomprehensible to me. Did you REALLY think they were going to go 13-3 again this year? Or even better? The aging process in sports is a very cruel reality, and it usually comes without warning. The NFL sees a handful of last year’s playoff teams fall by the wayside every autumn. It was the Ravens’ turn. One year soon, it will even afflict the Patriots (if they don’t get caught cheating again!) To see that Trevor Pryce is likely gone for the remainder of the season is just another reminder of how cruel the injury bug can be as well. It’s arguable, but he might have been the biggest difference maker on the entire Ravens roster in

Crabs and beer is our BEST web feature!

Just a shameless plug for CRABS and BEER … Go check it out on Glenn Clark’s blogs and tell me it’s not the MOST VALUABLE blog of your day here at Glenn catches you up on EVERYTHING. I really hope it becomes part of your daily routine. We will be providing easier links to access it very soon here at Hope you are all digging the emergence of Baltimore’s BEST website!!! Please do US a favor during the holiday season … When you’re out drinking egg nog and taking in the yuletide cheer, please TELL A FRIEND about and all we have to offer here. We’ll continue expanding in 2008!!

The kick is up and…

Who knows? Clearly the ball didn’t cross THROUGH the uprights. Obviously the ball did go THROUGH the plane and came out (in and out in basketball is no good, right?). And when it was over and the Ravens had miraculously LOST the game, the front office brass showed the rule book that said the play should have never been reviewed to begin with. Sloppy first half. A second half almost good enough to win EVERY week in the NFL. Will the real Ravens lease stand up? Will someone, somewhere — Roger Goodell where are you? — please have one set of rules for the NFL and stick to them. And this weird finish was only capped by the earlier ruling in the game that the  replay booth “malfunctioned,” causing an apparent Ravens overturn call to get “ignored.” Kyle Boller gave, and he took it away. Brian Billick was a complete idiot in the first half (check the offensive stat sheet … at one point they had more points with 7 than yards of offense)! Brian Billick was a GENIUS in the second half, as Kyle Boller started connecting with Derrick Mason and Devard Darling down the stretch as they created

The Last Chapter of Aubrey Huff…

At least that’s what www.deadspin called this candid Kodak of Huff and Melissa Midwest upon exit from the bar/studios of Bubba The Love Sponge. And contrary to popular opinion, I like Bubba just fine. I liked Howard Stern more. And, once upon a time, I drove home every morning to the dulcet tones of Nino Greaseamanelli, Fudgeman & Throbbin and “my dadddddddy!” I’m one of the ones who oft-times laughs” at such behavior. Except if you’re a baseball player making $8 million a year playing in Baltimore, and calling Baltimore “horses–t.” And cussing a blue streak. And dissing the game of baseball. And then bringing a porno actress onto the set. That’s kinda where I, personally, draw the line. Ripping on Baltimore? Only Anita Marks would be foolish enough to go on the radio and publicly forgive that. That’s just unacceptable. And stupid. And the Orioles don’t need any more stupid players or stupid decisions. They need to get well. And get well soon. FREE THE BIRDS! Saw the photo surfing and I just had to share it … Those deadspin guys don’t miss a thing …

Sex, lies and videotape…

It only took a few hours after yesterday’s release on the internet (via deadspin) of the Aubrey Huff porno star chronicles before WNST started taking the heat for "making a story" out of the whole charade. Yeah, the local media here and the Orioles would like for you to believe that we just "make up the news" but that’s NEVER the case at WNST. Yeah, that’s our job, telling the truth! We are — at our heart — a news organization. We report the facts. We discuss the facts. We gauge public opinion. And we represent and respect the community. More than I can say for the Orioles and Aubrey Huff. The Orioles have issued no official statement, nor made anyone in their organization available for comment. To further prove their unprofessional treatment of the media and the community, they refuse to answer phone calls from WNST. They don’t answer emails. They pretend the 36,285 people who came to this website on Monday DON’T EXIST!!! Their arrogance is mind-blowing, especially considering how empty their stadium is, and how much we all have to pay them via MASN every month on our cable bills. Not to mention funding that stadium two

Watch the Aubrey Huff video NOW…

WE WILL WARN YOU…this is ADULT CONTENT!!!!!!!! AGAIN…only 18 and over, please…there’s a lot of flesh and a lot of cursing and a lot of, well, Aubrey Huff being Aubrey Huff. Was he "acting"…you be the judge! But the Aubrey Huff video is now available here. Deadspin posted it earlier today (again, it’s not THAT hard to find it!) And when you’re finished with it, YOU tell ME if WJFK Radio and Anita Marks are a credible source to get your Orioles "information"? What I heard today was a sure sign that life in traditional American media as I know is all but dead. Everything and everybody are "for sale." The "interview" with Huff was a disgrace. The fact that neither he nor the Orioles are answering questions about it is a disgrace. And THIS ISN’T EVEN THE REAL STORY!!!! There are at least 20 other minutes of video that I’ve seen that deadspin is NOT posting or hasn’t yet posted. All of the masturbation stuff, the drinking, the Hank Aaron stuff… All of the quotes are in my blog from two days: Part 1 and Part 2. Just click on anything blue here and read on. NONE of this

more Huff and puff…

Below is another series of excerpts from the audio and videotape we’ve obtained via the internet of Aubrey Huff’s appearance on Bubba The Love Sponge’s radio and videocast from last Thursday. AGAIN…this is racy stuff that isn’t a standard we wish to encourage for… These are the uncensored excerpts from the audio and video we’ve obtained. ONCE MORE: THIS IS GRAPHIC STUFF!!!!!!!! CHILDREN AND SQUEAMISH PEOPLE BE FOREWARNED!!!!!!!! ************ Melissa Midwest: “How many women have you slept with?” Producer: “…Who in here knows exactly how many women they’ve slept with? Bubba: “Aubrey!” Aubrey: “I couldn’t even begin to tell ya. I couldn’t even give ya a ballpark. I know I’m over…” Bubba: “Five hundred?” Aubrey: “No, no! I’d say between 2 and 300. Huff then mistakenly calls one of the producers’ shirts by the wrong color. Aubrey: “I’m colorblind, man! No shit, I’m colorblind! ************ The conversation with Melissa Midwest again turned racy. Bubba wanted her to rate the four men on the air in the order she’d have sex with them if “they were all single.” She was tittering and avoiding answering the question: Melissa: “You’re putting me on the spot.” Bubba:  You wouldn’t believe the spots I’ve

Aubrey Huff uncensored

Here is the first of what will be many installments of Aubrey Huff’s exploits on the Bubba The Love Sponge’s nationally syndicated radio and internet webcast. For the record, I have never been previously exposed to Bubba’s work. He seems like a jovial fellow who is hosting an extreme men’s room, complete with plenty of cursing, brutally frank sex talk and a “no holds barred and nothing censored” kind of format. Again, I have no moral issue or religious code in regard to this show or any personal issue with Aubrey Huff. I met him for 30 seconds last year at a press conference that I apparently crashed at The Warehouse. He seems liked a typical, ‘I’m here to collect my check’ kinda guy. But, I always liked the way he hit the ball in Tampa. Apparently, he was a real clown there in the way he conducted himself. He came here this year and flopped. He was a stiff. An $8 million a year stiff! But this is about all the Orioles can attract on the free agent market at this point. They get the losers no one else wants. The guys who are stupid enough to go on

Aubrey Huff is a liar

It’s great to see Aubrey Huff back peddling and Roch Kubatko playing the role of “intermediary” in allowing Huff to back down from everything he said on Thursday’s nationally syndicated “Bubba The Love Sponge.” It’s great for Andy McPhail to say that he hasn’t seen the video or heard the audio clips. It’s also great for Kubatko to write about the “event” and anecdotally say that no one at The Sun could obtain the damaging evidence. Well, we here at not only have the AUDIO and the VIDEO formats of the interview, and the stuff he did is actually so “bad” that we’re torn about how much we should show or even link on our website. Even the transcripts of the thing – and that would be the EASIEST thing to platform here – are so off-the-charts spicy that we’re really kind of embarrassed to put it up on the site. The show he appeared on is done “Howard Stern,”-uncensored style. The entire video platform on “Bubbaraw TV” contains a young lady named Melissa Midwest sitting naked two feet away from Aubrey Huff, who appears to be anywhere from drooling to fascinated to interested. There’s body paint and nonstop

Bizarre finish in Baltimore

Let’s get this outta the way right away: ANY win over the Pittsburgh Steelers is a reason for a celebration.

A Happy Ending for Neuheisel?

Here’s hoping it all works out for Rick Neuheisel this week. Judging from everything I’ve heard around Owings Mills, it’s

Mitchell Report will be a sham

Today, MLB and The Mitchell Report will produce and promote the biggest $25 million sham since the Orioles signed Aubrey

Led Zeppelin…if you care?

Not sports related, but it’s all most of my friends (we’re old!) can talk about. Led Zeppelin played their first

Jon Ogden and retirement…

With horseshoes on the brain, I’ve spent the day thinking about how much fun I had at the game on

Bryant Gumbel still sucks…

This will be a short blog, but I just feel compelled to write sometimes, especially when the obvious jumps out

Blowing kisses to Nestor…

The message boards at are now open. The comments on blogs have been available for weeks. So, it’s amusing

Words or action from McPhail?

We’re now several days into MLB’s Annual Winter Meetings in Nashville. And once again — for now — the Orioles

Army-Navy game was lame…

It’s the third quarter of the Army-Navy game and the score is 24-3. I’m back at home in my living

The sign says ZERO TOLERANCE…

Like most of you, I’m watching the Steelers-Dolphins debacle, and if the announcing crew had ANY stones at all —

A sorry weekend in San Diego

Being at Qualcomm Stadium yesterday was like seeing your evil twin on the other side of the United States. Much

The kick is up and…

Who knows? Clearly the ball didn’t cross THROUGH the uprights. Obviously the ball did go THROUGH the plane and came

Sex, lies and videotape…

It only took a few hours after yesterday’s release on the internet (via deadspin) of the Aubrey Huff porno star

more Huff and puff…

Below is another series of excerpts from the audio and videotape we’ve obtained via the internet of Aubrey Huff’s appearance

Aubrey Huff uncensored

Here is the first of what will be many installments of Aubrey Huff’s exploits on the Bubba The Love Sponge’s

Aubrey Huff is a liar

It’s great to see Aubrey Huff back peddling and Roch Kubatko playing the role of “intermediary” in allowing Huff to


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