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Evaluating a flurry of Elias deadline deals and what it means for Orioles in October


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It was a very active weekend in Birdland before the Tuesday night MLB trade deadline. Luke Jones and Nestor react to all of the dealings of Mike Elias and the Baltimore Orioles.


move, orioles, year, starter, talking, bullpen, roster, player, mayo, baseball, eloy, team, month, jimenez, trevor, trade deadline, luke, terms, rotation, nestor


Luke Jones, Nestor J. Aparicio


Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home we are W n s t, Towson, Baltimore. Baltimore positive. Welcome out to us. For those of you just joining us, it’s a we’re gonna have a heck of an August around here as the Ravens get going, Luke will be out and Owings Mills will be doing the Maryland crab cake tour into August as well. A little later on in the month, I just got confirmation from Angela also Brooks, that’s going to happen in September now that it’s a fair we’re going to be at fadeless. And were my favorite shirt later in the month when the cheats throws come to town. And in the meantime, at some point, Luke Jones will rest I don’t know when that will be. It’s been a exhaustive week for those of you who watch Luke out on the internet, you’ll see the bags under his eyes. Feels like a Barney Rubble with toothpicks. What’s going on, man? Lots of players, right. I mean, lots of movement. And yet, I’m watching MLB Network. The Orioles are getting killed about the bullpen. I’m reading stuff and I’m seeing stuff. I don’t know exactly where you are. I think for me, I don’t want to process these things at 520 on trade night and say what they’ve done. Where are they? And then they get a relief pitcher. 10 minutes later, right. So in the totality of all of it, there was sure was a lot of movement. I’ll say that and not. If I were writing a column on it this morning, I would say What You See Is What You Get much like Eric de Costa and Ozzy news because we’re trying to figure out allies he’s only been here five minutes. This is the first time he’s had this sort of opportunity to make these kinds of deals and a real owner legitimately right to a different situation. I you know, I I look at it and I say the bullpen thing and all the things we talked about. But for him, there was just a lot of movement but you weren’t touching holiday. You weren’t touching mayo. You weren’t getting anybody top shelf sours was never going to make it here. Norby had no place here despite what happened on Monday. And he went up daily spare parts.

Luke Jones  01:56

Yeah, I mean, it’s it’s one of those deals where you made a lot of moves. You definitely changed the makeup of the ballclub I mean, not drastically, you know, they didn’t change foundational pieces to your point and all that and although Connor Norby had been on the 26 man roster, but you see a flurry of moves. I think by and large, people liked what they did last Friday, when they brought in F Lin and seranthony. Dominguez, Christian past che was more of a throw in piece there, I’m still not sure he’s going to be on the 26 man roster. I don’t know if him or Austin Slater. I don’t know how that really works. I could easily see one of those guys or even both of those guys being outright at the Norfolk before, it’s all said and done. But you look at these moves, and you just say, how much impact are they really going to make? I think Zach Eflin very clearly provided an upgrade as a number three starter. And that’s important, right? I mean, that’s someone that is going to start a playoff game. It’s going to start game three of the divisional round the ALCS World Series if you get that far. So clearly, you can see the impact there and also the 2025 factor that we talked about as well. I

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:07

would say they use that deal to replace Bradish like that that’s in their minds. This is the replacement, costlier. But brach would have cost him a lot of money next year in arbitration. Had he gone out 118 games this year have been that guy, right? He would have been an $80 million pitcher next year. But I would say for them that was and I know we always do this with what the Ravens do when they draft for Ed Reed. We’re like, there you go. We draft for another player. But they needed to fill that spot. And then he brings credibility.

Luke Jones  03:38


Yeah, yeah. I I liked the Eflin move. I mean, I hadn’t mentioned him a lot, because obviously there was so much focus on crochet and Tarik screwable. And, most recently, Blake Snell. By the way, none of those guys ultimately dealt. So I think you look at f Lin, and we can debate a couple of the other starting pitchers that were dealt. I think the Flaherty thing was interesting with the report coming out late Tuesday night that the Yankees actually backed out because they were concerned about the medical. So I think Eflin was as well as you could do in terms of if you weren’t willing to give up your prime guys. And boy, the way the market played out, you would have given up all of those prospects well, but but Elias

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:27

saw the market and saw these guys weren’t going to be dealt and they’re waiting for me to give them mayo or give them a holiday and I’m not going to do it. So the best deal we could shake early on Elias read the market that way, you know me like there’s no question about that because he got a guy that we’re sitting here on Monday morning after it’s all over with and saying, Well, they did as well as anybody did as far as getting a starter to make impact without giving away half their team. Where are you on nor being sad hours after seeing tastes of them over the period? I mean, they may go and be fine. And you know, play and maybe beat us, you know, one night at Tropicana Field, but I’m very, very fine with it. And it’s, I’ll say this. It’s it’s grown up baseball to take on $80 million. This is what organizations do. They think about next year, while trying to win this year. All of these things, they don’t go all in, because there is no all in. And then you got the seems like San Francisco, this esoteric thing we’ve never had to worry about years since Mr MacPhail had that chat with Mr. Angelos about luxury tax. And being one of the teams that’s threshold and threshold was the word. I mean, I sometimes I think you and I get nerdy and I bring Mari brown around and I bring, you know, valuation experts in to talk about the franchise and where it is and where the money is and how we’re gonna pay rutschman And how we’re gonna pay holiday and how we’re gonna pay Henderson. And then I put on an our major league baseball network. And there are real nerds there that like if you don’t speak that language, if you’re not yet speaking that language, you have no idea why the Giants had half a sell off.

Luke Jones  06:05

Yeah, I mean, there’s definitely that part of it. I mean, the Orioles aren’t in that realm. But to your point, not just with

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:12

from it by dealing with somebody who is saying, Oh, you don’t pay that guy anymore because you need to get out of your threshold. We’ll take them. We need a pitcher. Sure, sure. I


Luke Jones  06:21

mean, the Orioles did that. I mean, I think Eloy Jimenez from the White Sox who’s having a bad year. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’m not doing cartwheels about that do that. Well, go look at go look at his offensive numbers in the previous four years and they said, Okay, we’ll take on someone, they took on some money. Again, is he going to make a major impact? Probably not, but

Nestor J. Aparicio  06:42

taking money for somebody that’s not making a major impact? I mean, dude, I gotta stop you in your tracks. That Angelo’s just gonna seem that they don’t do that. And that’s why I looked at it. I’m like, it’s like a Yankee move in case Aaron judge purchase backers. i i I’m looking at it. And I’m like, Where’s he gonna get it back here?

Luke Jones  07:00

I mean, I think there was a possibility for at bats for him, but I think it’s going to be in a specialized role than the name that I thought of which I think will make some Orioles fans, nostalgic, at least for the buckshaw Walter era. To me, it feels like it has the potential to be a Delmon young kind of move. And what I mean by that is consider off the bench Delmon Young was their primary DH against left handed starters at that point in time. And I mean, it’s Mike Elias said it on the mass and telecasts, which I just heard some bits and pieces of because I was at the ballpark. But he said, Hey, we’re gonna see if we can get Eloy on a on a heater for a couple months. I mean, they have a couple team options. They’re very unlikely to exercise because they’re expensive. And again, he’s not having a good year, but he had a pretty good year last year. Go back and look at what he did it in 19 and 20 and 21. I mean, this guy’s got some power potential, and can help them against places Austin Hays sort of kind of No, no, because he’s not gonna play outfield at all. I mean, he’s a DH. He He’s that’s why I said he’s Dolman young. I mean, he’s d h slash pinch hitter. So

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:04


what does that mean for mountcastle? What does that mean that Rohan is going to be left? I mean, Lefty righty matchups. I just looked at it. And I I thought harana mo borooah. Honestly, you know what I mean? That’s what I thought but I’m old school like that.

Luke Jones  08:17

Yeah, well, that’s why that’s why I use the the Darwinian comparison. I mean, look, I’m not gonna sit here and say that he’s gonna get everyday starts, nor should he he’s batting 240 And as a 642 LPS this year, but as recently as last year, 23, doubles 18 homeruns. In 120. Games had a 758 Oh, PS had an 858, RPS two years ago. So you don’t want to play in defense? Like I said, this is a very specialized player, and they got them for basically nothing. You know, they gave up trade. McGough, who was not a prospect more an organizational arm? Really, they just basically took some money off the White Sox hands. I mean, that’s what it is. So I don’t think it’s even a case where he’s guaranteed of playing all that much. Like I said, I don’t think he’s going to be an everyday player by any stretch of the imagination, because he’s a DH. And I think he matches up against left handed pitching. So I think he’s a specialized eh, and I think he’s a pinch hitter off the bench. Not gonna say I love the move, but I can at least see where they’re coming from, because they have struggled against left handed starters, over the last, you know, month or two compared to where they see

Nestor J. Aparicio  09:27

that and I see it from a baseball perspective from like a strata Matic perspective and saying, Yeah, I’d like to have that in my golf bag, in case I need it. That’s great. But how much money they paid for it? That’s

Luke Jones  09:38

new world here. Yeah, yeah, it is.


Nestor J. Aparicio  09:41

But I mean, last year, we took on the Yankees guy because they were paying him.

Luke Jones  09:45

Right, right, exactly. I mean, and that’s why I’m I’m not gonna sit here and make a big deal out of it. But it does very much represent a shift and where they’re going. I mean, these you know, they’re not taking on crazy long term deals or anything like that, but but it’s a case where they feel Eloy Jimenez might be able to get hot and look more like the Hillary was the last few years and in that case, he’d be a really nice weapon off the bench for them. Come September in October but better

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:13

player right now the cows are cursed at not upside, not how much money he caused. I’m talking about do you want him in the lineup tonight instead? That’s why when I saw it, I’m like, they got Santander they have now castle. Well, you need bench players.

Luke Jones  10:29


He’s a bench player. I mean, that’s what that’s what I’m saying. I mean, you know, he doesn’t play the outfield. He’s a DH

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:33

but a limited guy on the bench seems really strange in the hole or does Brandon hide Mojo? You know when you have the materials in the ureas is that are Swiss Army knives and even Wes purchased swiss army knife to some degree. They hope to Mayo can at least play third base in a pinch. Right now they got guys that can move around and play multiple positions and all that this. This feels like something out of character. I don’t. We’ve spent a lot of time talking about Eloy Jimenez, but again, we haven’t gotten to the pitching or relief pitching or what the Padres did or what anybody baseball did. But it’s curious. We’re talking a lot about it. It’s a little weird. Yeah, no, I

Luke Jones  11:08

agree with you Nestor. I’m not sitting here saying that. I love the move. I’m trying to rationalize the move. And Delmon Young is about the best comp I can come up with as far as a recent Orioles team that I I’ll say this, because you just asked me about mountcastle and some of the other guys, I would venture to guess that this might have more of an impact on Kobe Mayo status coming up and being part of the major league club. They don’t play the same position. But in terms of what I would envision Kobe Mayo’s potential role being because we know and we haven’t mentioned this, and, and this might be the most impactful move of anything coming out of Tuesday’s moves anyway, Jackson holidays, but on his way back to the major leagues, and is going to be presumably their primary second baseman moving forward. So you know what that means for mayo. I think Mayo probably now becomes more of a guy for September, because I don’t think you’re moving on promote from Ramona Reyes, at least until Jorge Mateo is back in the picture. So you start to look at it and you start to count roster spots. That’s where, you know, I haven’t even gotten into the Austin Slater acquisition, it’s like, Wait a second. Didn’t you just get Christian pa che to to kind of be your defensive? Fifth outfielder, you know, what does this mean for Heston? Karstadt. So, some of this, and I even wrote this to Baltimore,, late Tuesday night, some of this we need to let the roster dust settle, because some of these guys haven’t reported yet. What’s it going to look like? Who’s been optioned? All those things?

Nestor J. Aparicio  12:36

It’s a period right now.


Luke Jones  12:38

It is. It really is. I mean, we know the rosters changed. I think the bullpen is much easier to figure out. I think the rotation we’ll get to Trevor Rogers in just a moment, the rotation is pretty easy to figure out, regardless of how you feel about it. But I think the position players, the 13 position players you’re going to have on your roster. I’m having a tough time figuring out what that looks like exactly.

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:02

As your hands got to be on Angstadt his name? Oh, my God, but and I know you know, I’m glad you brought that up. We added bandages, my apologies.

Luke Jones  13:11

We were so focused on the trade deadline when you and I reconvene Tuesday morning to kind of talk about Monday’s doubleheader and everything going on with the deadline that we did not even mention James McCain’s names and my bad on that because I said it. As we talked to him after game, one before the nightcap and the rain delay on Monday that I now know what it’s like to interview a prizefighter after a boxing match because that’s what it felt like because I mean, gauze and packing up in his nose. His leg was swollen shot. Very hockey. It was very hockey. I

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:48


covered a lot of hockey. You saw

Luke Jones  13:49

Tyler Wells’s tweet, I hope right. Tyler wells made the comment of the gist of it was I’ve never met anyone tougher than James McCann on the baseball field. And I’d like to say that he’s someone that I I’d be in the bunker with but he’d have no use for me because he’s that tough and I’m not nearly that tough. And I just thought it was a really interesting little note that he threw out there but, but no to get back to what this roster is going to look like with the addition of Austin Slater Lavon soda, the infielder that came with him they’ve already optioned him to triple A. So I do wonder if you know when you talk about Slater Soto what happens with Christian posh che I think some of that is going to be to backfill the triple A Norfolk roster now that no longer has Kyle sours and no longer has Connor Norby if he was going to be optioned back to triple A, so So I’m still not quite sure exactly how that all is going to work and to go back to a boy Jimenez for a moment. I mean, it’s just, I see what you’re thinking with him, but that’s a really specialized role that to your point is not as versatile Well as their typical bench players, and again, that’s why I’m kind of wondering about, okay, what’s this mean for Aston curse dad, even if they’re planning on keeping a defensive minded outfielder, which certainly Austin Slater or Christian pass che fit that mold at the very least, you know guy guys that can defend and run a little bit. But I’m just at this point until we see what the moves look like it’s still a little more difficult for me to process it. But yeah, the biggest move they made other than holiday being called backup, which isn’t official, until, you know, before Wednesday afternoons finale, but Trevor Rodgers, another starting pitcher, someone who fills the back end of the rotation that even with the addition of Zach Eflin, still had some questions. I think you and I and others have been talking about the preference to see Albert Suarez in a relief role, moving forward wondering what that looks like whether you’re talking about him replacing Corbin, who was DFA on Tuesday, in a long relief role, or even looking at him, in a sense of, you know, can he be a guy that maybe goes in inning or to another Jacob Webb kind of guy for them? That’s a little more versatile. I think his arm is good. I think we’ve seen his arm hold up admirably as a starter, but I think we were wondering, Is that sustainable for him and for where he is the innings he’s thrown this year. The fact that this is his first time being back in the majors and seven years, I think there was a thought that Suarez might be able to help you in the bullpen, not saying he’s gonna become there closer. But I think I’ve used the comp that I think back to when Tommy Hunter transition from seventh inning starter roll. Yeah. And you know, maybe pitches a little higher leverage it, you know, if you’re

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:47

maybe gives you two and a third if you need it in the fifth APDA. Maybe?

Luke Jones  16:50

Yeah, but at the very least, you know, on


Nestor J. Aparicio  16:54

four days rest, he’s good for that, I think.

Luke Jones  16:58

Sure. And to me, that’s gonna be the question, you know, can he bounce back and pitch twice in three days or three times in five days if you need something like that? So, you know, for now, he kind of looks like the long man, you know, I mean, like I said, COVID was the F aid. I think we could kind of see that coming, especially with the moves that they’ve made, and just how much he struggled for close to what, six weeks,

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:21

it’s got to be better. Yeah, we talked about rutschman Hit the ball, they all have to be better than I did last month, not going to not going to get the horse last month that they play like that the next two months, they might not make it October, they might be one of the biggest disappointments there is if they missed the playoffs by game because they’re 15 games under 500, the next two months, like they can’t do that.

Luke Jones  17:40


Yeah. And they’re not going to do that. Fair enough. Even even as bad as it’s looked over the last five weeks. It’s not like the record. Is there not like the White Sox. They

Nestor J. Aparicio  17:51

are perceived to be one of the three best teams in baseball pick. They are they just are

Luke Jones  17:56

all right. If not even even if not the best three, certainly the top five,

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:00

right. And they also improved on Tuesday, as I see it, they got better. Now you and I are sick. Like right, well, but how much better and in what ways and what did they need to do? And what’s coming over the hill that we don’t know about? And how do they really feel about cows? Or how do they really feel about curse that? How do they really feel about holiday? How do they really feel about mayo? Because the fans talk about these guys, to the blue in the face. But Richmond’s not hitting Mullins hasn’t been good. You know, different defense hasn’t been good. There’s been a lot of things that haven’t been good the last couple of weeks that above and beyond Corbin burns, he has been fine. And Grayson, which we’ll see on Wednesday afternoon. But the rest of it is a is a scramble. And it is for all the teams to I mean, there’s nobody that walks out of you know, Tuesday at six o’clock thinking we’ve won the World Series. Well,


Luke Jones  18:52

and you get into trouble when you when you think like that, right? I mean, as I’ve said to you even some of the all time great trade deadline moves of the last 25 years did not net teams World Series necessarily. I mean, even some of the very best you know, talking about Sebastia going to the Brewers or Randy Johnson going to the Astros I mean it you know, you just you look at some of those. And for every move that you do remember, like Justin Verlander go into the Astros, for example. You’ll find other moves that either don’t work out, or they still don’t get that team to the promised land because it’s still a lot of variance, a lot of luck. A lot of who’s getting right at the right or who’s getting hot at the right time. That is still out of GMs hands and out of managers hands and even the best players that move. They’re still depending on their teammates, so they got better, how much better? How much impact are they going to receive from these moves? I think that’s very much up for debate. I think if you were asking me to grade most of these moves, like I said, I really liked the Eflin move. I think they got seranthony Dominguez at a premium compared to what others ultimately paid for, for bullpen arms and including what the Orioles paid for Gregory Soto who is kind of a left handed seranthony Dominguez, you know, it’s it’s funny the Orioles are kind of building the 2023 three Phillies bullpen, which, yes, my brother in law and Philadelphia fans, a lot of them would say that’s not very good. So we’re gonna see how that plays out. But I think you can see what they tried to do here. I think with their starting rotation, they certainly stabilized it. We’ve talked about Eflin a lot I think Trevor Rogers is it’s underwhelming. When you see the sticker shock of having given up Kyle sours and Connor Norby and by the way, I never answered your question about that. Look, I think Kyle sours has the potential to be an everyday outfielder in the major leagues. I think he’s got the potential to be a 2025 homerun guy. But let’s also recognize that the Orioles have kind of shown you the last couple years what they think about him in terms of how much they believe in Him. And quite frankly, I’m guessing he would have been available for If another team had come calling saying hey, we really really want this guy. Here’s our good reliever or here’s our number five starter or number four starter for him or here’s a name what other nice values

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:23

is value and I would say the same thing for whatever nor BS upside I think that like we all love our all our prospects. best prospects. Yeah. Okay. So you take them out, and then other teams evaluate them and

Luke Jones  21:36

and keep in mind, I mean, I think you look around baseball for as much as this absolutely did play out in being a seller’s market. How many top 100 prospects were moved across the game? I mean, the and obviously, not all the lists are consensus, right? I mean, baseball America MLB pipeline baseball prospectus. They they all the athletic, they all have their top 100 list, but very, very few guys that show up on those lists this year. were removed. So yeah, the Orioles were willing to move Connor Norby who was, you know, a fringe top 100 guy. They were willing to move Kyle sours who was blocked. I mean, he was blocked the last for the better part of three seasons. Now. He’s been blocked

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:22


losing two guys who’s upside sitting 255 And being a major league player and being the you know, just a player is I mean,

Luke Jones  22:30

I like I think Norby has more upside in terms of, you know, I think the bat could play better. But I mean, Kyle sours was hitting 240 in Norfolk now, with power with production. I’m not saying he’s a bad player. I love Kyle’s towers. But I think where they stand and understanding what they’re kind of looking for in their outfielders. I think they felt that they needed to do better than that. And Norby I think the knock on him is going to be defense, right? I think his defenses looked okay at second base so far, but doesn’t have a lot of versatility. In fact, the Marlins option to him, because what do they want him to do? They’re actually going to teach him they want him to learn third base, you know, they want him to become more versatile. I think they’re eyeing him as not necessarily a starter or not necessarily a bench player but at least a starter that has the ability to move around the infield a little bit more, you know, he can play a little bit of corner outfield potentially as well. So but when you look at some of the prices that we’re getting, we talked about this, we already talked about this the previous day with what the Astros paid to get Kikuchi from the Blue Jays who is a rental and rental not even having a good season. I think I saw I want to say it was one of the baseball America guys actually said what the Orioles gave up to get Trevor Rogers, who also carries two years of club control is comparable to what the Astros paid to get two months of Kikuchi as a left handed starter that is going to be a free agent and has not been all that good. You know, Roger has been has been really much better over his last nine starts. And I think for him, the Orioles for them to give up what they did. even acknowledging what the market was, I think they see some tweaks they can make and Trevor Rogers to perhaps get him back to where he was in 2021, which was second in NFL rookie of the year and was on the all star team now. Marlins rapid and all that I’m not saying he was amazing, but he has pretty impressive numbers and it’s, you know, it’s gone in the wrong direction ever since which is makes it kind of puzzling why you would want someone who has a four and a half era, you know, but at the same time, he’s pitched consistently in terms of, you know, getting through five or six innings and he does give you a higher floor than let’s face it. Part of the Trevor Rogers acquisition is probably Cade Povich being as disappointing as he’s been in the moment right now.

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:59

Now that doesn’t mean Kate Povich won’t figure it out. But pitching October in the big leagues. Well,

Luke Jones  25:04

I don’t know if Trevor Rodgers is going to pitch in October. I mean, he’s your number five starter, right? I mean, it’s going to be a debate of whether it’s him or Dean Kramer, because you’re gonna have four starters in a postseason series. So you know, but we also need to remember and part of these moves also goes into, they have two months left to go in the regular season. They’re still trying to win the division. You still want to have enough stability in your starting rotation that you’re you’re not forced to go back to Albert Suarez or Cade Povich or chase McDermott, you want to be in a position where, okay, those are your what ifs. Now, if Grayson Rodriguez, heaven forbid, tweaks his hamstring covering first base on Wednesday afternoon. And the way you mentioned


Nestor J. Aparicio  25:46

all these guys, these are all the guys that have contributed to 13 and 18. And whatever awfulness they’re, you know, the last six weeks is that you go out there on day three, day four and day five, and you’re sending some kid from Norfolk Povich, you’re sending sort of a KBO reclamation project out there whose arms about the fall off and he’s in his 30s. And you’re sending Cole Irvin out there, and you didn’t even have Kramer until three weeks ago. So like, this is about to change. We’re about to see, you know, they brought two very capable guys that are taking the ball every fifth day. And looking at least as good as Dean Kramer. Yeah, yeah.

Luke Jones  26:27

So I think the rotation is better now. Is it what it would have been? Had Kyle Bradish and John mean, stayed healthy? No, of course not. Right. I mean, that ship sailed, though those guys are not walking through the door with healthy elbows. So you have to adjust and the two pitchers that they’ve added in Eflin, who has more experience higher floor, no higher ceiling, although certainly not a high ceiling guy overall. But that’s why he’s a number three starter and Trevor Rodgers. If he if the Orioles fail and making him any better than he’s been the last couple of years, then he’s the number five starter. It’s not going to pitch in the postseason, other than maybe a long relief roll out of the bullpen. And you know, you’ve got two more years at Club control. That is another option. He basically replaces Corbin assuming Corbin maybe gets claimed by someone else or ends up ended up being traded whatever. So, you know, I think it’s a move that was panned very quickly by Orioles fans because of the sticker shock. And I’m not gonna sit here and say that I’m doing cartwheels over Trevor Rogers by any stretch of the imagination. But when you start to break it down and you look at the club control, you look at what he was a few years ago and knowing that the Orioles have been able to fix some pitchers, you know, where they’ve, you know, they’ve John means was the very first one that they turned into what became an above average starter for a couple years,

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:54

but always gonna be more valuable than ours and Norview over the next two years, because not only is he gonna play and sours wasn’t gonna play, they were gonna get a guy that if this time next year, we’re talking about him being a decent fourth starter, or fifth starter for a team that won the World Series. Of course, we have to talk. Yeah, we’re didn’t win either way, or still has a chance to win a year from now he’s on the roster in May. And we’ll pick 78 innings next year for the Orioles and that 78 More innings than Connor Norby was going to pitch or to honor to pass he wasn’t going to get or blah, blah, blah. You saw like all the FANBOY ish in regard to the value of these guys, the value was out on the table. You know, six o’clock on on on Tuesday, we and it’s exactly the way you and I would have put it together which is to say they showed you their hand scours Norby these guys that had no future. They that was what they were going to deal they weren’t going to do anything. That’s part of their state that they’re paying hamburger prices for. For holiday. Anybody they see real upside, they see Mayo being mountcastle for five years here and hitting 200 home runs here over the next six years. Right and and not paying a lot to do it. You know, that’s the way they have to think about their assets.

Luke Jones  29:10


Well, and on the flip side, you kind of got a glimpse of what the rest of Major League Baseball thinks of those guys. I mean, I’m, I’m guessing if someone else wanted really wanted, nor be more so than what the Marlins would have given away a relief pitcher, they might have gotten a better relief pitcher than what they ended up getting. You know, I’m concerned. I mean, you’re always having multiple conversations with multiple executives, pertaining to multiple players and multiple needs. I mean, this was a really busy trade deadline, and also

Nestor J. Aparicio  29:39

based only on your valuation. Well, not the internet, not anybody else. This is Mike Elias his valuation of his organization and his players versus whomever he’s dealing with. And if the AAA say our closers a mayo or no, we’re not playing, then you just hang up the phone and say, Well, you know, call me back when you’ll take ours. Well, we’re not dealing

Luke Jones  29:59

and And that’s where you look at it and say, I mean, Mike Elias clearly wasn’t willing to pay what the Padres ended up playing for a two month rental of Tanner Scott, which I understand that. I mean, if you look at that, you kind of look at what the Padres gave up for him. I mean, you’re talking about the Orioles potentially giving up having to give up you know, Heston curse dad and more to get Tanner Scott, two months rental. I mean, you’re kind of we’re talking about the the Andrew Miller thing all over again. Right. So I think, if nothing else, and this applies to everyone, not just the Orioles and Mike Elias, I do wonder if we’re going to start to see teams need to revisit how they do the roster building, understanding how expensive the trade deadline has gotten in terms of if you want to really go get an impact something that’s really impactful. Boy, you’re gonna have to give up a lot if teams don’t want to trade their prospects. So either do that in December via trade? Or how about this? Spend some money on the free agent market? One if I could. Well met one element of the Eflin deal. He’s the kind of pitcher I wanted the Orioles to sign. Two offseasons ago, the offseason when ivaldi went to the Rangers Eflin was signed by the rays. You know, the Orioles had finished 22 on a high note, they were going into 23 with at least Gibson you wanted Athlon I know it would have been Eflin it would have been Gibson and sign another picture along those lines. I mean, they were at a point where look, they weren’t spending any money at that point in time, their payroll was nothing. I mean, it was even less than what it

Nestor J. Aparicio  31:36

is right. And they didn’t have to pay rutschman and Henderson and knew those guys were coming. And the point is,


Luke Jones  31:40

I mean, I did mention Nathan ivaldi, two winters ago, and you saw what he did for the Texas Rangers last year now would that have made the difference in the Orioles would have been the team winning the World Series then who knows? You never know. But the point is, they ended up needing an arm of that ilk. And they had to end up giving up minorly talent to do it which luck, things happen. And I I’m not crushing, Mike, Mike Elias over that. But the point is, and you’re hoping some of these deals they made at the deadline moving forward are signs that there’s going to be more of a willingness to do some of that not saying go out there and give out bad free agent contracts, don’t spend money foolishly. But if you have a very clear need, or you have a very clear opportunity to upgrade something, you know, if you go out and spend some money for it, you might not have to give up as much. But it’s

Nestor J. Aparicio  32:28

it’s counter, grow the bats by the arms. That doesn’t even sound right. And the arms are expensive and fragile, or for GLA in this case, and looking for clarity. I mean, just being an example and look at the way even the rays did business here to say, All right, we got a bunch of young talent, we feel like we need a horse. We’ll put a bunch of money out on the table. And if it doesn’t work out the Orioles will take the money that somebody else will take it on. Yeah. If it as long as his arm doesn’t fall off, should we buy insurance for those things sometimes. But the Cardinals have made a living doing that dealing, signing, you know, third or fourth star and seeing if it works out great. If not, we’ll deal them off. I mean, because they had the money to do that or felt like we don’t feel like the rays have the money. But that’s not bad baseball either is signing credible players. And then third year the deal finding somebody to take the last 40 million off your hands. Yeah.

Luke Jones  33:26

Or or in a case of you say, well, we’ll get rid of this guy one year early, and we’ll recover some assets in return rather than just letting them walk in, you know, being in that other than the select group that gets a qualifying offer, you know, you’re not going to get anything in terms of compensation. And so, I mean, it’s, we’ll get to the bullpen because that’s a whole thing. Yeah, I think that’s a segment in and of itself, because they’ve they’ve improved the rotation. Now, did they add Garrett crochet? No. Did they add two weeks Google? No. Did they add? Blake Snell? No. But guess what? The Yankees didn’t either. Other teams in baseball didn’t either. And that’s where I looked at f1. And

Nestor J. Aparicio  34:06


Dodgers added Jack Flaherty and that would have been a punch line here. Well,

Luke Jones  34:11

I mean, it would have been in terms of perception, I’m not sure that that would have been a bad mood necessarily. I mean, you know, you’re hoping Jack Flaherty pitches like how he’s pitched for the Tigers this year, which is way better than he pitched for the Orioles last year. So but in terms of perception? Sure. And, you know, I think even that move looks a little bit different. Because one thing that that, that people said was the Dodgers got him at the buzzer. And they looked at that return compared to some of the other starting pitcher returns and they said, well, Andrew Freeman and the Dodgers done it again, you know, they go they go out and get someone that and they end up not even having to give up that much in terms of prospects. But I think that might have been a reflection of what happened with the Yankees. Maybe the Dodgers had some concerns about clarity physically and said, Look, we’re not gonna give you you weren’t we’re not gonna give you what you’re asking for. But will you? We’ll give you this and he’s cortisone shots on August 23. Right and he’s You know, he’s a rental and if you don’t trade them now you’re getting nothing for him. So Here take this. So that’s why I said to you, when we talked about this the other day when sometimes there is a benefit to waiting until the buzzer even if you’re the buyer, because that team that selling as much as they’re waiting for the best offer, if something doesn’t go right, and you know, the market dries up in terms of buyers that are courting your guy, it can come down to you don’t want to be stuck with that asset and your hand that at 601 on Well, the

Nestor J. Aparicio  35:26

buyer only gets fleeced when he says yes, so yeah,

Luke Jones  35:30

yeah, I mean, it’s so you know what, we’re gonna see how it plays out again. I liked the Eflin move. Rogers is more in the fine category for me. I certainly wasn’t outraged about it. But I think he just looked at the market dictate


Nestor J. Aparicio  35:45

and as far as better than Ervin better than what they’ve had, hopefully.

Luke Jones  35:49

I mean, I can’t say that with certainty. Nestor, he might stink. I mean, he might, you know, it has not trended well for him and his velocity has gone down a little bit over the last year or two as well. I’m hoping the Orioles see someone that they feel they can make some tweaks to and they can make him you know, middle of the rotation starter, you know, we’ll see. Austin Slater. Eloy Jimenez, again, I’m a little a little more curious in terms of what that position player bench is going to look like. But we’ll get to Gregory Soto. I have some thoughts on him. I have thoughts on seranthony Dominguez, I have thoughts on whether they’ve done enough with their bullpen. And, you know, I’ve been I’ve been banging the table about that since spring training, you know that. Did they do enough? We’re gonna get into that because I certainly have some thoughts and I will express how I feel about it. I

Nestor J. Aparicio  36:42

want to express to my mother and father that I’m really upset with them for not naming me sir Nestor Aparicio. So, Sir Anthony Dominguez. Maybe I can be knighted in Dundalk. Who knows. Luke Jones is Baltimore looky saw out in Owings Mills. He’s very sleepy. The Orioles are playing afternoon games, night games. You know, we’re traveling off to Cleveland. I drove six hours back from Cleveland this week. So plenty things to talk about, including this delicious scone that much Bishop bought me at Lucky’s cafe in three months. I am Nestor. He is Luke trading deadlines over Orioles ahead. We’re doing a lot of football this week as well Luke’s out training camp. For those who are inquiring about the text service. It’s under repair. Hang on. We’re we’re improving things after 17 years trying to make things better. And I’ll say that on the radio and I’ll put out a you know red flag on that for everybody before the month is over, but it’s gonna take me a couple of weeks because the government’s involved in people’s tax numbers. I am Nestor. He is Luke we are wn st am 1570, Towson Baltimore. And we never stop talking. Baltimore positive

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