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The biggest college football game of the year is sandwiched between four days of NFL action this holiday weekend. Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss Michigan and Ohio State and the Harbaugh family madness as we feast and await the Ravens visit to Los Angeles at the end of it all.


years, paid, stadium, money, taxpayers, talk, maryland, elias, week, ohio state, game, playing, team, ravens, coach, big, baseball, fan, football, angelo


Leonard Raskin, Nestor J. Aparicio

Nestor J. Aparicio  00:01

Welcome back at W n s t, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive Happy Thanksgiving. Everybody out there celebrating. I’m going to celebrate with cake crab cake. I’m going to be Pappas in Parkville on Tuesday this week. Then we’re moving in next week. Three crab cake tour stops in a row after the figgy pudding after the pumpkin pie after the pecan pie after the mincemeat pie, which I liked because I had an old fashioned mother but I won’t eat that damn fruitcake. Next Wednesday. We’re going to be Coco’s and laurelville. Thursday, we’re going to be Gertrude at the BMA. And then on Friday, we’re going to be up at Hollywood casino in Perryville. I’m looking forward to that Tom Kelso was coming back next Friday to Hollywood casino in Maryville to do a stadium for dummies. He’s the eighth year, Maryland stadium authority chairman was an unpaid position which I learned letter raskins about to join us now. I also want to give some love to the Maryland lottery, our friends at weathernation as well as Jiffy Lube for sponsoring the Maryland crabcake tour putting us on the road, we’re going to be it’s a fair on the fifth, we’re going to be a curio wellness on the 15th we’re going to wise markets we’re going to be at fade Lee’s before the end of the year. So plenty of crabcake opportunities, but let it I must say like I love all the crabcakes they’re all in for shipping. They’re all very different. I would buy from all of them and see how they’re all different. But you’re here with Pappas guy you are I know

Leonard Raskin  01:15

I am but but I’m willing to try others. I’m always willing to try others as long as

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:22

memory would cost us and join.

Leonard Raskin  01:25

As long as we’re in Maryland, I’m not doing any crabcakes in Columbus where they say Maryland style crab cakes. We’re not doing any of that nonsense, bread cakes with a taste of crab that’s not happening. Anything

Nestor J. Aparicio  01:38

you want to say to people in Maryland, like that everything’s going wrong for the football and basket. Like you’re at Mr. Ohio State, but I’m assuming you were a Maryland fan most of your life, right? Five years 15 Talk to your kid went to oil or stuff it’s

Leonard Raskin  01:53

got to change it up just just for you know, another six months or so. And then you’re gonna go back to being a Maryland fan or what’s been a Maryland fan? Oh, he’s been a Maryland fan, except in the last four years when they play Ohio State.

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:06

Can I ask I mean, I’m just being Why did your kid go to Maryland?

Leonard Raskin  02:09

He didn’t want 13th grade. Because you know it’s it’s like Delaney south or whatever you want to call it and and I think he wanted to get away from the parents a little bit you know, he was stretched it out those wings and seeing what the world was like and he’s thrilled he’s he’s had a great experience.

Nestor J. Aparicio  02:27

Well, I was kid you about the Ohio State thing but man what this is I got to stay with Bruce positive this week. Anybody that’s turtled up you my boy Don Sheila. I mean, this has been rough sledding on that side of the fence, right? Hey, they

Leonard Raskin  02:39

played Michigan hard. Saturday, they played Michigan hard in football they they could have won that game a couple bad mistakes. That’s what always happens. A couple safeties and a pic. And that was the end of the game before it started. But they they didn’t give up and they fought them hard. They lost 2824. That wasn’t a terrible loss. I think that that score, that fight will knock Michigan down in the polls a bit. Put Ohio State either one or two Georgia right there with him saying they’re cheating coach doesn’t affect our poll at all. Well, you know, he hasn’t. We’ll see next week because Saturday is the game right?

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:21

I mean, I know this. This is why I’m setting you up for this. I didn’t have any event chicken stuff for you this week. I hadn’t even talked about spending my Friday night with Geddy Lee, which is

Leonard Raskin  03:31

one of the that must have been way cool. I don’t even you You amaze me that you find all these things. I mean, I would have I didn’t even I wouldn’t even ever have known he was in the US. Except for your I’m gonna go watch Geddy Lee for an evening. It’s like watch. Get stunning, stunning spaghetti

Nestor J. Aparicio  03:53

did six dates in Europe. He put on sale in early October and I was like ready to go to Wolverhampton and then he announced the North American dates after he did that that came before so it actually started at the Beacon Theater last week. He’s only doing like a dozen of these. He sits on stage different interviewer every night. Different person we thought it was gonna be Dave Grohl. So we were all really disappointed with April didn’t show up we were like, what was the guy who was Eric McCormack? He was the will and Will and Grace he’s an actor Canadian actor Yeah, I don’t know I didn’t know because either I okay but he was charming and witty and the huge rush fan like he was singing words a typical to see ranks and and saw stepping across state and county every night. Gettys making some different admission. So the people that are following this along every night get he’s making news by saying write a book. Yes.

Leonard Raskin  04:44

Yes. So he’s promoting a book and he’s on tour. And

Nestor J. Aparicio  04:47

so but but here’s the thing about Getty you need to know Getty is a baseball historian, baseball head every time I’ve ever been with Getty. We’ve talked baseball has always been a baseball centerpiece. So, the first time I met Geddy, Lee was in 1984. I had interviewed him on the grace under pressure tour. And I had interviewed him on the phone and asked him if I could come down and say hello. He’s like, sure. I went down, they let me in the backstage door. His guy met me there. And I walked underneath the Capitol Center. I’m 15 years old. Yeah, I’m literally was a week my son was born like literally 16. I was 16 years old. And I walk in, there’s Geddy Lee. And as I’m walking toward him, he’s in the tunnel, and there’s tour buses and the dim lighting, you know, that you would have underneath the Capitol center. And he’s playing catch us throwing the ball hard, like, you know, he’s playing hard catch, not friendly, catch, hard, 70 mile an hour, you know, catch like, he wanted to be a baseball player, like, and literally he took his glove off to shake my hand. And so he had so getting loves baseball. So like when I get together with Getty, it’s gonna be based, but I want to go back to football we got so you’re doing Ohio State this week. Are you not with St. St. Michigan games.

Leonard Raskin  06:08

It is look, the last three years they’ve been undefeated going into the game. So this is three years in a row, undefeated for the game. And Ryan de who is the head coach at Ohio State. He’s been undefeated three years in a row in the regular season. And two of those years he’s lost to that team up north as they call it. And at the end of that game, alums boosters, everybody wants him fired. Because he lost that game. He almost I mean seconds from winning the national championship last year by beating Georgia in Georgia. And that didn’t matter. Like it was a great game they lost but the fact that they lost that team up north, they want his head they want him fired. The guy is as the highest winning percentage of any coach in the history of the school. If he doesn’t win Saturday, Sunday, they’re gonna want him fired. That’s it. They want Him God if he doesn’t win this game, the pressure is unrelenting and he knows it. Right like he knows that he coached different level or not one game. Well, you want to talk about how nuts it is. Forget the boy in the Ohio State. Look at Texas a&m. Texas a&m had Jimbo Fisher’s their coach for a couple of years. He was supposed to bring them back to the promised land. And he had a winning season. bowl eligible every year. And this year, he didn’t win enough. Didn’t get close to the playoffs. They fired him $76 million walk away by out when they fired him. So he walks away over the next I think eight years nine years was $76 million. And what happens like two days after some booster writes of a check for $100 million to pay him off. College as well money are crazy. Crazy. So they could get a new coach and not have to worry about how to pay him. You think politics is a mess? Holy cow. Yeah, I

Nestor J. Aparicio  08:22

was gonna say later Raskin is here. I want to talk a little money with you and I want to bring you in on this. I have now had two public conversations with Tom Kelso. John Kelso is the former Maryland stadium authority chairman who ran the organization. I didn’t find this out until after I had him on the first time. He doesn’t even get paid to do this. So he is I don’t know like if the word whistleblower and I’m going to ask him this when he joins me at Hollywood casino x because I had him on for another 3540 minutes this week. Just just talk about the MOU. Like literally, this MOU that I’m holding in my hands is it is seven pages plus a cover a signed lease. All sorts of clearly written by the Orioles. Right, written by the Oracle’s and the governor stood in the box. The governor wrote back to me and said it’s all good. Now. Craig Thompson has written to me and said he’s not going to talk to me till there’s a done deal. This is not a done deal. It’s not a done deal. And what I’ve learned from Tom, not just on the parody clause about all of this, whatever they give to the Orioles, they have to give to the ravens, but they also have to go back to the legislature and get a whole bunch of cranky politicians who quietly gave them 1,000,000,002 and got it done. Right because they asked for it. And that that now isn’t good enough for the for the baseball owner.

Leonard Raskin  09:49

It’s unbelievable. It’s unbelievable. You know, the lease the lease or the stadium and I don’t know the numbers, but it can’t be expensive, right? It’s got to be cheap as dirt

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:00

Yeah, I actually have a pro forma of the 99 years. And it’s $14 million over the life of the whole deal. Yeah.

Leonard Raskin  10:08

So it’s like $1 that I have I have $1 a year. Yeah, but don’t have the schedule.

Nestor J. Aparicio  10:13

Right for You

Leonard Raskin  10:14

and me, for you and me, it’s like going out and renting the new castle for a buck a year. It’s crazy. We, we we the taxpayers are insane. And that’s why we the sports fans, kind of wonder how come the ticket prices are so high when the cost to operate is so low, and then they always say, you know, you got to pay the players. But then they run around and say we can’t pay the players. But then somehow $260 million gets to the players. So it is stunning to me how much money there is, you know, I had I had a conversation. This is years ago, this goes back years ago, you’ve met these people with my aunt Howard, Uncle Howard’s wife, okay, this was years ago. And we had this conversation about the fact that she just could not understand or believe or agree that these athletes make this much money and that it’s worth it, and so on and so forth. And that nurses and teachers and so on and so forth, you get paid by this, because they’re paid by let’s say the state at nonprofits and schools and whatever that clearly they are much more important to society than these athletes are. And I say to her, I said to her, I, I can’t agree more. However, when somebody’s willing to pay $1,000 to go watch your fourth grade teacher teach. They’ll get paid that much. It’s just the market. And the market bears that these entertainers that we as a society value entertainment dramatically more than other things or else. Taylor Swift wouldn’t be in Argentina becoming a billionaire. And, and these these athletes getting these enormous sums of money, it’s between between athletes and entertainers. They are all the same. And who did I hear? Oh, CJ Stroud. So CJ Stroud, who is now with Houston. He, he’s blowing up because he’s having until this past weekend, a fabulous season. He won this weekend. But he threw three interceptions. He had only thrown one. And David’s might see them in the playoffs. They might, they might, but but he was talking, I saw an interview with him. And he said is what he said he was wearing a baseball hat. He was talking about getting props from LeBron after one of the games and he goes, Look, every every football player wants to be a baseball player. Every baseball player wants to be a football player. Every basketball player wants to be a football player. And every athlete and every athlete wants to be a singer and every singer wants to be an athlete, and every actor wants to be there just about entertaining and getting big checks. And I said to her, you go to a movie, you go to a Hollywood Broadway show, it doesn’t matter when you’re paying those prices, those people get paid. And nobody’s paying to watch a fourth grade teacher teach. It’s just that simple. Well,

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:17

that’s how the writers strike happened in Hollywood too. It’s like the writers are making no money the actors but you know, like, right we gotta get paid to write right

Leonard Raskin  13:25

well, you know, unions unions make that happen. I don’t know. Unions are a whole nother topic for another day. We can do those in the stadium man where we as taxpayers are just given them a free fortune. A free fortune. Well,

Nestor J. Aparicio  13:39

this is where I get off on it because I haven’t taught baseball with you. Luke Dennis and it literally anybody here tomorrow, right like the minute they got eliminated. Yeah, so games. Ravens are playing well. Ravens are playing well. Ravens win a game ravens lose the game? Raven, Mark Andrews gets hurt. We had him Joe burrow gets hurt Deshaun Watson I mean, yeah, crazy divisions. Crazy. Right.

Leonard Raskin  14:02

Joe Flacco Can you say Joe Flacco sleazy back back in it back in Ohio back in Ohio playing he is he gonna play for the Browns really?

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:11

Well I mean, they need to seems to think no, no, no, not

Leonard Raskin  14:15

even backup gonna hold the clipboard for right I don’t care the bullet. My point is he’s gonna get another check. He’s gonna get another contract. Yeah, he Well, I don’t care how much it is right like the one he got here. Who cares? Let’s say it’s a million dollars to stand on hold a clipboard. So what would you do that million bucks to stand on the sidelines? Sure. I

Nestor J. Aparicio  14:35

get her Joe right now if I talked to well, you know, Dane is gonna get the kids off to school. You know, I got five of them now. Back in August, so So this is where I, I, I don’t say made the mistake. But with the Ravens playing Thursday night, I had to cancel one I’m talking about stadium money stadium money, Orioles Orioles. And then I thought well, they want 101 games, right? Like why can’t you just talk about the team and what right gonna happen the offseason. So I bring Luke on, and it’s not 10 minutes and he and I are fighting and I stopped them. I’m like, hold on, they’ve never done anything competent when it came to making decisions of any kind other than hiring Elias and giving a note no money he has no money to work with. But now the money’s an issue. The players are an issue, the future value of players is an issue. Yeah, and they don’t have a lease. Leonard Thank you can’t buy a ticket for opening day right now, because they can’t put it on sale. They don’t have a license to sell it to you. They don’t have a lease, you know, I mean, it’s November 28th. They don’t have a lease. So they’re not operating like any other team, even in regard to ticket sales or assets or taking money from customers or any of that. They don’t have any of that going on right now. But what they do have going on is it’s time for a trade. Let’s bag three these prospects and go get a picture. Let’s go sign a picture. Where’s Blake Snell, what’s our payroll? What? Well, how much are we willing to spend next year we’re gonna go up to 1,000,090 million, right? Like, well, baseball is a tough

Leonard Raskin  16:06

job. The hot stove is burned in his hand. He’s got a tough job with this because he’s got to get like you said he’s got to go out and get who he needs to get a number one pitcher, perhaps. And there’s a few of them out there. A few of them out there. You got to pay though. Right? That’s my point. You got to pay and then at the same time you got Adly gutter Santander, you got some men waiting for some checks. And you got to decide you’re going to be the Atlanta Braves of old or the Astros of old, recent old and lock these guys up for the long term right now. Are you going to play him short? And see what happens?

Nestor J. Aparicio  16:49

Well, they did that with Machado, right? And then a cautionary tale Leonard. And I’ve already I’ve already got this. I can write break Baader script. Right. And by the way, Vader was the one that went down to Annapolis and said 600 million. This is great. The Angelo’s family. Here. This is great. Please, Annapolis, please turn pretty like Oliver. Please, please. 600 million, sir, please. Yeah, right. I have another would appreciate your generosity. So they went down and did that and that now that’s not good enough. But the bigger issue for them on this leasing thing is what kind of a franchise are they going to be? And what’s the long term prognosis their Executive of the Year, their manager the year, their Rookie of the Year? Are these guys locked up? And I would think for Mike Elias, who hasn’t ever gone down the hallway and asked John for money, right? That this is the first time this is because I am going to be fascinated to see how Mike Elias feels about this because Mike Elias is at the point where he could say, I quit, I’ll shut the paperwork under the door and go work anywhere. He is at the top of the top of the industry. We’re not hearing about make sure Elias is happy and signed.

Leonard Raskin  18:06

You’d think so right? You think he’s got aces. He’s holding pocket aces with two on the table. He needs to get paid to he needs to be paid and his I don’t think his impacts the salary cap. No, no. Right so so he’s he’s in

Nestor J. Aparicio  18:22

John Harbaugh was agent Brian Harlan brings that up all the time with Steve when they go to the you know, this doesn’t count against the cap Steve, you can write

Leonard Raskin  18:28

if you want. Right, right. Well, he should go with his brother got, you know, his brother got a nice chunky was the highest paid NCAA football coach for a number of years till Sabin demanded that he be the highest paid and then Jim came second. But yeah, Mike’s got to get paid and he’s got to get paid if he’s got to have a brain and he looks to be pretty smart. Everything I’ve heard him say and do he’s he’s pretty wise guy. So you know, he’s gonna get his. My question still goes back to. Is Angelo’s gonna keep the team? Yes. I don’t know. I don’t know. Behind the scenes. I’m wondering if that’s what’s happening is there’s negotiations on a sale, and he’s not signing the lease at the instruction of a team that says not the team, a team that says let the new owner sign it. And you know, we just got to get this deal finished. That’s what it runs through my brain. There’s still somebody out there, ready to buy the team. They’re finalizing that negotiation, and that is the state and the stadium authority and whoever saying to them, you’re gonna get XYZ and they’re counting on that as part of their BI.

Nestor J. Aparicio  19:42

Well, they can’t count on anything from the Governor, because this would have to go through the legislature to be giving more money again. It’s not gonna be a little bit of more money. It’s gonna be a whole lot more money, because it’s like treble it’s gonna be double, because Bashaud is gonna get that too.

Leonard Raskin  19:58

Yep. Oh, well, you We sucker taxpayers are lining up, lining up to, to get bent over and pay the tax, and then we will have to pay more, because they want it and the question is, where do they get it? Do you get it from income tax? Do you add a penny to the sales tax? You know, what do you do, but one way or the other we taxpayers are going to be the one shelling out the money so that the rich rich rich can get richer, richer, richer. And if you don’t believe it, just look around the background to your picture right there the hotels and the convention center and all the things that the big get the city in the state you don’t have to look too far to see state grant this state grant that state grant that and that just means taxpayer pays taxpayer pays businessman gets richer. And hey, look if you can get the government to give you money, God bless. You know, we dub taxpayers sit back and pay the taxes. Well,

Nestor J. Aparicio  21:00

let Raskin is here to make sure that the taxman doesn’t get more of your money, which is very wrong, amongst other roles to help you and give you peace of mind and treasure share. Global’s a way to find him you can find him out of Baltimore positive as well as well as Raskin ra S. KIN You know, in a nutshell, tell folks what you do and then I want to talk a little bit of football with you on the way out

Leonard Raskin  21:20

Yeah, yeah. So so what we do is we help people we’re just talking about help people mitigate tax help people pass on their wealth to those they care about as efficiently and effectively as they can. While you’re here most important, how do you take your dollars and make the most of them protect them, so you make sure they don’t get taken away by frivolous loss or sudden health loss or things that you know, just could hurt your bad we make sure that the path you’re walking down and your life are running simultaneous, everybody wants to grow their wealth and spend their wealth we got to make sure you protect it as well and we do all of that. And so you come in we meet we go through your life. You say yeah, I want Raskin global to be my advisor we charge you a fee to come along and take a ride and understand how your money works. And then we help you for a lifetime and your children’s lifetime and your grandchildren’s lifetime we are third generation clients right now that we’re advising on what to do with their wealth too by the way so there you go.

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:27

I don’t have my crab claw on here because it’s in well yeah I do I have my powering people to to to choose their financial future that’s absolutely

Leonard Raskin  22:37

absolutely you got it that’s alright so football

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:41

why ball went to a couple games a long time ago they’re gonna be out now.

Leonard Raskin  22:48

Yeah, the Bengals game. Bengals game was southern all

Nestor J. Aparicio  22:52

I mean one thing about these things, I’m home all day, you know. So

Leonard Raskin  22:56

there you go. Yeah, so the boy the boy was in is in for Thanksgiving and wants to know why I’m sitting watching football day. I say Come on, man. Saturday, Sunday. That’s what I do. So yeah, the Ravens on on Thursday night played a heck of a game. I think whether without burrow hurt they’d have won that game you don’t know but he wouldn’t all that. They you know, I don’t like him so I don’t want to say you’re really at your auntie Joe burrow. I know I don’t want to see him hurt but I was not upset to not see him playing. So I’m jog off the field and said wait a minute. What’s that about? It’s not his leg. He’s like

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:34

the divisions like all wrapped up and they you know what I mean? Like up there. Free defense

Leonard Raskin  23:40

here go the Steelers right there go the Steelers. Yeah, the browns. I I didn’t know who to root for Sunday. The Browns or the Steelers it was I was just hoping it would tie and they were close. They were close to ending and a tie could have happened. That would have been just fantastic. But they just couldn’t do it. Browns. The Browns way had to win the game.

Nestor J. Aparicio  23:58

No concerns about the Steelers. Kenny Pickett stinks. Yeah, I

Leonard Raskin  24:02

agree how well how big a thief you want to talk about taxpayers paying for for thief is how about Deshaun Watson? He’s gonna go down as the greatest thief in the history of the NFL 260 million guaranteed for what? Eight games 10 games I’m

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:23

coming off the worst reputation that’s ever been right Yeah,

Leonard Raskin  24:27

well, you know he only the Browns could pay that man that much but the Ravens back to our ravens look good. look good on Thursday night Stadium was rockin game was excellent.

Nestor J. Aparicio  24:39

Stadium was rocking. But it’s the first time The stadium has really been difference. Talking about

Leonard Raskin  24:47

I don’t I don’t understand how this team I guess because we didn’t win the division gets five, five night games and only one at home. are four night games and only one at home. It’s dreadful. They got to play all these games on the road. The good news is

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:06

show off why SoFi stadium, you know, show off Jacksonville once in a while, you know,

Leonard Raskin  25:11

I guess, hey, look, you know, we should we should win these games. We’re not playing teams that are showing great records and hopefully we don’t play down to the level of the competition because they’ve got an opportunity to run away. When

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:26

chargers are weird this week with the coach screaming at the media, it’s getting hurt the quarterback not being any good. They have no fans are never going to have any fans no

Leonard Raskin  25:35

matter what. There’s a guy there’s a guy that got a lot of money, in my opinion for nothing. Herbert Herbert for his hair, he got it for his hair, convinced that he cut it off. And then he lost. But they paid him a lot of money to be mediocre. And he’s it’s not just him. It’s the team.

Nestor J. Aparicio  25:52

Well, you’re talking to him this week. I hope we don’t lose him on Sunday night. Now you’re doing all this.

Leonard Raskin  25:56

I’m with you. I’m with you. But like you said the big thing there is they got no fans. I think there’ll be more Ravens fans and charger fans in that building.

Nestor J. Aparicio  26:05

I’ll leave you with this because I told Luke this. My wife went to the game and Frankfort last week. Yeah. The Patriots playing the Colts. Had the Chiefs went over there. Nils was there last year when the Tampa Bay Bucs played over there last year, take me home country roads, the Chargers are destined to be in Frankfurt and the Jaguars are destined to be in London that’s destined to happen how the hell they’re gonna run that schedule and looks like we think in the next 10 years I’m like in the next 10 minutes because Goodell is in there and Goodell can get anything done. They have greased all of this they’ve got fans over there if they plot the franchise down it’s worth eight times what it’s worth in. London team is worth five times what they can ever be worth and Jack’s absolute and the league being in Europe Money money money for steep a shot he makes money for all of these guys so much money that he won’t look the other way when John Angelo’s goes in with with lawyers and fights us out and Steve’s like Oh, I get another half billion to what a shame shame I’ll send Chad steel and Stosh you down the picked a checkup right tell Brian Boyd I’m not talking to you. letter I appreciate the way to find him. He you’re into Turkey this week right I mean absolutely. All right. Well, absolutely enjoy your time with your family get the kid home. Go Pete Michigan.

Leonard Raskin  27:26

I you know what it’s all about. That’s what Saturday’s Powerball is now that’s right that right at the Big House in the Big House.

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:34

I don’t know that John Harbaugh was a cheater but I know he’s a liar. That’s all I can say. Let her Raskin is here and Jim are both a cheater we know that for sure to know that. Yeah, we got you know

Leonard Raskin  27:44

he’s accepted penalty for it. So you know, what are you gonna do? You don’t go to jail for murder if you didn’t do it.

Nestor J. Aparicio  27:54

Letter raskins Here you can find him there at Rascon global you can find both of us probably have to crabcakes somewhere around you’re on Nesta. We are wn st am 1570, Towson Baltimore. We never stop talking about college football here in Baltimore positive stay with us.

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