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Freshly back from a college football excursion in Ireland with his son’s doctorate education on the other side of the pond, our financial insider Leonard Raskin visits with Nestor on the eve of another exciting season of Baltimore Ravens football.


oyster, year, game, raskin, pepper mill, money, crab cake, ravens, win, week, tour, ireland, night, pitched, friend, place, beat, days, orioles, marriage


Nestor Aparicio, Leonard Raskin

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

What about we are W N, S T, Towson, Baltimore, Baltimore, positive. Am 15 seven. You had to find all of us this, despite what people would tell you in that Christmas song, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. This is really the most wonderful time of year. We’re gonna have the Maryland crab cake tour going. We have oysters everywhere. 26 oysters. 26 days. Because I am celebrating 26 years, I got to get my oyster logo out in front. I’m working on that. We’re doing the crab cake tour Coco’s on Wednesday with Mark Viviana. We’re doing the crab cake tour next Friday at Coco, or excuse me, at Cooper’s in Fells Point. We’re going to be joined by Dave shining of The Washington Post. Also going to be joined by my friend Chad whistling NFL agent extraordinaire, Angela also Brooks, running for Senate, will be joining us on the 24th at State Fair. Larry Hogan is in the pipeline. I’m working on when Larry’s going to join us. We’re at Costas on the 27th later this month, and we’re eating oysters every day later. Raskin, you know, I haven’t invited you out for lunch lately, and I don’t even know if you eat oysters. I’ve seen you annihilate crabs, and I I have my crab mallet around here that I’m breaking out for your event later on next month. How are you? How was Europe taking? Great.


Leonard Raskin  01:11

The exchange rate is not good. It’s not good, right? It’s, well, about a buck 10, so it’s not terrible.

Nestor Aparicio  01:17

You Republicans, I need to say our money strong. It’s, that’s right, nomics, money, yeah, that’s, I don’t know what it is. It’s really the fact that England’s a mess, right? Yeah, there.

Leonard Raskin  01:27

Well, we are in Ireland, so don’t confuse that with England. There’s totally different world over there. Ireland is part of the EU. Oh,

Nestor Aparicio  01:35


right. They use, they do. They use the Euros. You’re sorry, Leonard, you know, I love to travel. A little trip I went on to do all the writing, and you’re gonna read my Eric the Costa letter and all that stuff, that stuff I brought. I love to travel. I love Brian Adams. You know this? Yeah, sure. Brian Adams played three nights at Royal Albert Hall. Okay, other than the northern lights and a few other real there’s a theater in Phoenix called the Celebrity Theater that is built like it’s painters mill. It’s a circle theater. Yeah, sageman, I want to go there. I wanted to do the Taj Mahal, but I’m not going to India. You know what? I mean? There’s things I want to do in life, right? Royal Albert Hall is there? You go way up, and I effed up the night before the Wembley game. I was with John modell and Luke Jones and the man who saved my wife’s life and her best friend from Barcelona. They were all we did this Pink Floyd wall exhibit at the whatever the art museum is called in London. And Ryan, not Brian Adams. Ryan’s more of a criminal. You can google him. Ryan Adams was playing at Royal Albert Hall, and I had a ticket for like, 30 pounds on my thing, and I said to my wife, look, go eat some Indian food. Just give me an hour to walk. I just want to walk in there. Seven years later, I still haven’t been there. You’ll get there. And I was gonna go in May three nights. He did the album reckless. He didn’t my dude, when I looked at what a night on a pillow was gonna cost in the UK and for all the Ravens went to Tottenham last year. I mean, it’s $400 to stay at the quality end. Yeah, it was looking like this crazy six, 8000 and I’m like, That’s it too much paying that to go to London. I said to my wife, let’s go to Tahiti if we’re gonna do that. So when I think of not Europe, when I think of the UK, I think, but you guys got off good over there. You drank Guinness. We did. We did. We

Leonard Raskin  03:36

went. Did a little Jamison. Did the Jamison distillery tour this time, and had a bunch of sips of some fabulous whiskey.

Nestor Aparicio  03:45

Did you go to the Temple Bar?

Leonard Raskin  03:47

We did not, but we did go to not this time we’ve been there. We did go to beulis and had us had some scones and hot chocolate with some cream. It was lovely. And and then we we we ventured out with some friends. This is pretty tragic for them. We ventured out Saturday morning to a lovely restaurant the ivy. Had a nice Saturday brunch, and then went to see the Seminoles versus the yellow jackets in Aviva Stadium in Dublin. Was the week zero football game, and you went to a college football game in Ireland, in Ireland, yeah,


Nestor Aparicio  04:26

I wrote about, you’re that sports fan that you’re just, you’re in it, you’re in it. Not really that guy in my third probably done it hours in a snowstorm to see Kneeland stadium and tie right? You know, like I did all of that, I

Leonard Raskin  04:42

wouldn’t have done it, except a good friend of mine is a alum in Tallahassee, native, and got success this morning. Oh, got tickets and said, you know, you want to join us for the game. What he said to me was, I know Matthew’s going to be over there. We’d love to take him out. Dinner, and if he wants to go to the game. And I said, Well, we’re going to be over there. So we did. We hung out, we had nice dinner, we went to brunch, went to the game, had 10th row, 50 yard line seats behind the Florida State bench, and sure enough, Georgia Tech beat him, favored by 10 and a half. Georgia Tech took him down, and my friend was none too happy. So here we are a week later, back in in the Burr, back in Baltimore, and oh my god, they run in Florida State, Florida State, Boston College, and their their chance of winning, or excuse me, their chance of getting to the 12 team college playoff was 36% According to ESPN data analytics at the beginning of the season, 10% after the loss to Georgia Tech. 1% if they lose to Boston College and Boston College flew into Tallahassee and knocked them out cold.

Nestor Aparicio  06:07

You know what? I like it. What did you make? Because I referenced the Dion Sanders press conference where he’s throwing media, yeah, my timeline a lot, because what’s up with him? If I say Dion, Dion D and prime a lot, you know, right? Shows up, yeah, yeah. It’s a Shan and that night that he was out in Parkville with me in the mink coat. And what’s

Leonard Raskin  06:28


up with that?

Nestor Aparicio  06:29

That the yelling, you

Leonard Raskin  06:30

know, you gotta stop. That’s gotta stop.

Nestor Aparicio  06:33

And I should say this to Chad Steele and Greg Bader and the Whistler. It’s very, very petty how I’ve been dealt with, but to see guys got a half a billion dollars in the bank, and


Leonard Raskin  06:45

he’s advertising everything. He’s a pigeon. He’s a pigeon on on the Direct TV commercial. Now, have you seen that? No, he’s a pigeon coach. His voice. He does a voiceover of a pigeon, and and it’s him, it’s Coach, prime pigeon and, and he’s the Aflac guy doing the n, i, L for Aflac. And he’s making him money, you know, made a fortune for for

Nestor Aparicio  07:12

Colorado, and they almost beat North Dakota State. Oh, man, almost

Leonard Raskin  07:15

man. And he, his son, has made tons of money, tons of money. Didn’t they win that game?

Nestor Aparicio  07:22


They did. They barely won. Yeah,

Leonard Raskin  07:24

I was gonna say, You said they almost won. They won. I said they almost won by a lot. Oh, yeah. And his son. His son got the n, i l deal of all deals.

Nestor Aparicio  07:33

I mean, he’s a million like that trying to intimidate a five, six year reporter, right? What’s the point for an affiliate? It reminds me all the lies at hardball and the cost they have given to me just

Leonard Raskin  07:43

doesn’t make any sense. What happened? The guy asked him a tough question. Said something hard about him. I mean, it


Nestor Aparicio  07:49

wasn’t even a it was just a question. And Dion’s pissed at CBS, and he worked for CBS, so he acted all I

Leonard Raskin  07:56

know this Ryan day. Ryan day, head coach at The Ohio State who beat Little Sisters of the Poor. I think it was Toledo or somebody this past week, whoever it was, by 50 or by well, they won by 46 the spread was 48 so people are all pissed off that they didn’t cover. They won by 46 reporters, barrage that guy. He wins by 46 and he gets destroyed in the press, in the in Ohio, and just stands there and takes it, just listens, answers the questions, moves on. That’s his job. That’s your job. Answer the questions. Move on. If you don’t want to answer the questions. Go into politics. What

Nestor Aparicio  08:42

if your job is banning the guy from ever being there to even well,

Leonard Raskin  08:45


it’s crazy. It’s ridiculous. The point is, you should be in politics. If you don’t want to answer the question, then you can just say, I’m sorry. I’m not going to answer that. I’m going to walk away. You know, you could be Tim walls or whatever. You can just walk away.

Nestor Aparicio  08:59

Cheap shot in there. You go, right. Hey, you

Leonard Raskin  09:00

know you got your Republican jab. I’ll get my Tim walls about six Israeli hostages murdered in cold blood by Hamas. And when asked about it, he said, thank you all and walked away. Nice answer, idiot. Anyway, enough of that for the day.

Nestor Aparicio  09:18

Let’s move on. Let’s just hope he’s the vice president eight weeks from


Leonard Raskin  09:22

now, he’s an unemployed, unemployed Minnesota government,

Nestor Aparicio  09:25

you know, I’m not in this state, not Maryland, not so far, we will have Larry Hogan and Angela also Brooks, yeah,

Leonard Raskin  09:31

it’s a tight race, tight race.

Nestor Aparicio  09:36


Don later on, you know, I mean, just in a jet of you getting ready for Thursday night, and here we go, getting ready for Thursday and the baseball lead up to all of this, and all the Craig kimmerle And all of those injuries and what happened at Dean Kramer.

Leonard Raskin  09:51

Did you see that arm? I can’t believe broken. How could that not be broken? That thing’s. Held up like a grapefruit on his arm in seconds. And I’m thinking his his arms just got to be wobbling. But no, it was just a contusion.

Nestor Aparicio  10:09

Well, if you get knocked in the head, you get that egg right, right, right. And it was like an egg on his arm, but for football for you and getting ready for this. Yes, here we go. She’s a ticket holder, though, yes, you haven’t been down and seen the black wing yet, or black you haven’t done anything, or the Kevin Byrne press box that I’m banned from the new stadiums next week, but this Thursday night thing where, I mean, it’s the biggest regular season game,

Leonard Raskin  10:37

gotta beat the chiefs,


Nestor Aparicio  10:39

I look disputed this, and I’m like, I’ve never felt as a fan, as a media member, I’ve never felt sort of this the backside of losing an AFC Championship game that you fully expected to win, and then having to go out there where they’re going to raise a flag. Yep, game like this. Not even that game in Denver we got around that was a joke. Like that was a joke. And by the way, Peter Angelo, that was a joke, a disgrace, disgrace. Luke and I looked up the word disgraceful to make sure that’s right. But in this case, lost the game. You got to go out there. But boy, it’s hard to win out there to start the season the right way last year, right

Leonard Raskin  11:22

new, new offensive line, new running back in the scheme, interesting setup, you know, interesting setup for this game. I hope it’s a win, but it’s hard. It’s hard to win there. Anytime they’re going to be raising that flag, the place is gonna be going crazy. Mrs. Travis Kelsey is gonna be in the barn.

Nestor Aparicio  11:45

I’m sure. Miz, that’s Miz to you. I

Leonard Raskin  11:47


thought they’re married. I thought they’re married. Now they’re not married. They got married. I don’t know. I thought they they snuck off to, uh, what

Nestor Aparicio  11:54

would be your first if, would you give either one of them a prenup? Or would you really Where? Where? This is a, you know what? Leon Raskin manages money. He does. He empowers the fight. So if you have Yes, Taylor Swift has billions Yes, and Travis Kelsey, who has hundreds of millions, absolutely have a prenup.

Leonard Raskin  12:13

They should have a prenup. Absolutely, absolutely, should be nuts. Should be crazy. I don’t care who he is. I don’t care how much he has. You know, you got what she’s got. You don’t have that document signed that says, you know, we’re a typical Hollywood athlete marriage, and we don’t last You ain’t getting you take yours. I’ll take mine. We’ll go away. That’ll be that. But, well, that would be the smartest way for them to do it, correct, absolutely. If I was advising her, I would absolutely advise her to have it. If I was advising him, I would say, Who cares?

Nestor Aparicio  12:47

Do prenups keep marriages cleaner or f them up in your in your in your experience, in


Leonard Raskin  12:52

seeing this, I’ve seen people have them and not have any issues in their marriage whatsoever. And I’ve seen people have them and it makes, you know, it doesn’t make it a mess, but the marriage is a mess. And I just think that’s because the marriage is a mess. That’s fair. Yeah. I mean, if you’ve got money and you’ve accumulated wealth, and it’s in your name and your control, and you’re going to marry someone who has dramatically less, or you’re concerned about if something happens. What happens? I recommend that you have one. I’ve I’ve recommended them numerous times to people that they meet with an attorney and consider it and get them. Is there ever a time not to get one? You don’t have any money? Okay? I mean, if you don’t have anything, who cares? My wife and I got married, and our agreement was, if we divorced, you take your debt and I’ll take mine. That’s all you had 30 years ago. That’s all there was. So you pay off your bills, I’ll pay off my bills, and so be it. There’s no reason to have one there. But you know, if, if you’re a successful business, individual, whatever, and you’ve got significant net wealth, and the partner you’re marrying is of not of the similar means that’s, that’s one reason, absolutely the other, very often, where it comes in, is second marriages, third marriages, perhaps, where there are children of prior marriages that you want to protect that wealth for and don’t want the now spouse if something happens to have that wealth for their children and not your children. So there’s reasons to do it absolutely, and it

Nestor Aparicio  14:24

depends on Google, Google Tom Benson, New Orleans Saints. Yeah.

Leonard Raskin  14:30

Well, who owns the saints? Now,

Nestor Aparicio  14:32


I don’t even know. I think it’s mrs. Benson, yeah, yes, yeah. Whom the kids hate it like Peter Raskin is here. These kids don’t hate him, even he sent them off to Ireland. I

Leonard Raskin  14:43

sent the boy to Dublin. He left him. I didn’t send him. I

Nestor Aparicio  14:47

went with him. College football game. Out of it, that’s the crazy. Yeah, it

Leonard Raskin  14:50

was so bizarre. Next year, next year, well, you know, they’ve had good games. Last year was Notre Dame Navy was last year’s


Nestor Aparicio  14:58

game. Knew about that. Yes, I remember Notre Dame going over there was a huge deal. Yeah, absolutely.

Leonard Raskin  15:02

This year was Florida State, Georgia Tech. So that would that drew because Florida State was 70 for 60, 70% of Stadium. So that drew because they didn’t play croak Park. They played at a different place, Aviva Stadium, okay? Aviva right in Dublin, where the big, big soccer stadium. Okay, and, and next year is Kansas State, Iowa State, I’m thinking they’re going to have an empty stadium. I’m just, I could be wrong, but I’m not thinking that’s Ohio State and that team up north or, or, you know, Florida, Miami, or something like that. I don’t know who’s going to come to Ireland for Kansas State, Iowa State, I could be wrong, but yeah, we went over, we spent 10 days in country, and we left the boy behind, and now he’s in Dublin for a little over maybe a year, year and a half master’s degree In medieval history studies on his way to professorship. And it’s really bizarre having him over there. It’s a five hour right now, five hour time difference

Nestor Aparicio  16:09

Professor Raskin, that says Doctor, Doctor.

Leonard Raskin  16:14


By the time he gets to professor, he’ll be doctor. He’ll have his PhD. So there’ll be a doctor Raskin in the family, which there’s never been that I know of. So

Nestor Aparicio  16:23

the good doctor of all. So do you expect him to win Thursday night or to lose? I mean, like I this is where I am with Luke. I don’t expect him

Leonard Raskin  16:30

to win. I don’t expect him to win. I hope they win. But Kansas City at home, opening night flag fans. The good news is it won’t be probably freezing cold, but so be it. I

Nestor Aparicio  16:44

have a check temperature at game time there. I know you’ve been watching the Orioles. I know. Yeah, the country, you know, midnight. Yeah, it’s really weird. When you’re in Europe, watching West Coast is cool, but West Coast is great. First of it’s hard to find baseball when you’re in Europe. You


Leonard Raskin  17:00

meant to be able to watch your app. If you I had, I gotta tell you. Give him some props. I had the mass and app ran great. I watched the O’s at midnight, and I fell asleep about the third inning, second or third inning every night. Didn’t know the outcome till the morning, when I woke up and checked this the score, but watched a little bit over there. But no, there was no watching baseball over there, starting at midnight. And then the last two nights we were there, they they went off to LA, which means it was three in the morning.

Nestor Aparicio  17:35

Well, you know, 25 years ago, I chased Bruce Springsteen around Europe, right? So one with Scotty P from amicis and his sister, and we did a week and a half in Paris, Madrid, Zaragoza, but we were in in in Zaragoza, Spain, which is the Highland plains, right? We We were there on the night of game seven of Stanley Cup Finals. There you go, right? This is 1999 there’s barely an internet Right. Like, right, you know? Like, literally, no bueno. I mean, this, yeah, the NHL does not exist in Europe in that way at that point. And I just, I just think of these times where I’ve been places. I’ll give you another place. I was in. This will, this will blow your mind. I was in Seoul, South Korea, yeah. 50 million people live there. Yep, yep. Could not find the National Football League game. Well, you know, we were, you can’t even get it online. You can’t sign in London, New Year’s

Leonard Raskin  18:33

just 2019 couldn’t find the Ravens game online anywhere. I could watch

Nestor Aparicio  18:40


in Japan into seven to

Leonard Raskin  18:42

Bal, the Bal on the radio. But that was, that was it. There was no visual, no visual chance. And I had all of I had direct TV with Sunday Ticket. I had, you know, the NBC. I had Fox. I had all the apps, nothing in London. So here’s your

Nestor Aparicio  19:03

kid is clearly smarter than either one of us. No offense to yours. So let’s just say this, I want to get your kid. That’s fine. He also likes sports. Yeah, he’s over in Ireland. I just looked up a viva stadium. Yeah, I went to croak Park to see you too. And okay, and as it turns out, I’m such an idiot. No, no, no, no, it’s not Aviva Stadium was called Lansdowne Road. That was the Yeah, that’s where it is. Name of the people there call it or they call it Dublin arena, yes, but Cronk Park isn’t a soccer stadium. It’s not a football and I’ve been there. I didn’t I saw you there. What do I know? It’s a Gaelic Games park. There you go. So for those who don’t know what the Gaelic Games in or how to play Gaelic, I saw Gaelic one time on ESPN back in the 80s at three in the morning, and it’s got this ball and this wicked so your kids. Really smart. Next thing we’re going to do is figure out rugby and learn the rules to that. Because I don’t know rugby at all, but I need your kid to learn the rules to Gaelic. So if I visit him in Ireland, he could figure it out Park and we’ll see Gaelic. He could figure it out. Let her ask it is here. He figures out how to eat crabs. He has his crab Festival. He figures out money, empowering people to choose their financial future, including Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey, I gotta get a little baseball with you. Where are you sure? Where are you on the temperature right now?

Leonard Raskin  20:25

Scared. The good news is Eflin is back. That was a great pitched game. You get healthy against the White Sox, that’s good. Maybe Texas can beat the Yankees. That would be nice look. They got a great chance to win the division, if the if the boys can not swing at bad pitches, they get their eyes back. They they hit good pitches, which they’ve done. They proved that they can run. They they got to get back to playing good fundamental baseball. You know, I guess during the season there’s not much time for practice, not much time for a lot of practice. But they looked a little sloppy the last couple weeks. I don’t know if that’s tired young, young players tired. I don’t know if that’s just injuries,


Nestor Aparicio  21:11

lots of injuries, lots of injury personnel. I look out there now and I see Rivera and I see Slater and I just Eloy a minute. I mean, bullpen, here comes Soto, here comes sir. Anthony,

Leonard Raskin  21:28

I like sir. We sit here when

Nestor Aparicio  21:29

they’re winning all these games, and we project October, excuse me, in June.

Leonard Raskin  21:33


Yeah, but who knew how bad they were? I mean, and this

Nestor Aparicio  21:38

would speak to you and me being long term sports fans and educated folks, Yep, yeah, whatever this team is on Thursday night with the ravens and whatever the chiefs are too, if they play again in January. Yeah, different, but, but for different for the Orioles, it’s been a weirdly, wildly, well, I’ll tell you what players on pace to win 110 games back in direct

Leonard Raskin  21:59

but if our manager here doesn’t win Manager of the Year, if this keeps up, if they’re the one seed, he should, I’m just saying he has done an incredible job of pulling the strings and pinch hitting at the right time and pulling players out and pitching who needs to be pitched and, My goodness, the all of a sudden the front office says, Okay, you got this guy, we’re optioning out that guy. You ain’t got that guy. We got this guy. Like you said, you definitely need a scorecard to know the roster these days, it’s who’s hitting who’s

Nestor Aparicio  22:33

playing up. Two of their players this year failed. I mean, holiday and Kobe Mayo both failed on right first time in. And that’s right. And now rushman has been really scuffled, yeah, yeah. Like they’re, if they’re going to win in October, they’re going to hit the ball, and as Luke said, they’re going to hit a lot of home runs, and they’re going to win those kind of games where they’re scoring 789, runs a game’s got


Leonard Raskin  22:55

to be there. Pitching has got to be there. Right now you got look, you got some good starters if, if they’re healthy, you know, maybe you need to skip but I don’t know,

Nestor Aparicio  23:08

well did Rodriguez back will be huge for them later on.

Leonard Raskin  23:11

Absolutely and absolutely Calvary here, you know, westburg is going to come back, right there, Mount Castle,

Nestor Aparicio  23:19


they’re gonna get kmer back too. I think, I think when that’s what, oh yeah, three weeks from now, I think he

Leonard Raskin  23:26

might, he might miss a start. I don’t know if he might even, might not even miss a start. I mean, depending on the pain, he’s gotta miss. I mean, I don’t know. Look you saw, I don’t know if you saw him yesterday, but the things, you know, they put a, they put, like a cast on that thing and smooshed it out. So yeah, they spread it out. They smushed out the pump there. It’s already starting to Word. Can I use? I think smush is smush is a Scrabble word. I think it’s s

Nestor Aparicio  23:53

m u well, O, S h, S S, no, no. Smush s m u c, s h, S m u c, verb, crush, smash. They see marshmallows in their mouth. See, there

Leonard Raskin  24:05

you go, like a, like a s’mores.


Nestor Aparicio  24:09

My wife gets on me about making a word, because I make up words. My word is snipp. I use the word snipple A lot. I don’t know what that is. Um, there’s a word called snipple in the Oxford Dictionary. Is that possible? No, that’s not. It can’t be possible. Sniffles, not really a word. Um, you could, you

Leonard Raskin  24:28

could get it popular enough to be in the next edition.

Nestor Aparicio  24:31

Hold on. Oxford English Dictionary says snipple is a noun. What

Leonard Raskin  24:36


is it not? What you’re using it as? Is the point?

Nestor Aparicio  24:39

I don’t know. I have to log in and pay Oxford, yeah, right.

Leonard Raskin  24:45

The question is,

Nestor Aparicio  24:47

what are you using? It’ll be worth snipple is, it’s very since two words, right? It’s a nibble and a snack. So it’s between a snack and so if you take two. Bites or something. That’s kind of a snippet. It’s not a snack because that would be three bites. It’s not a nibble because that would be one bites. A snipple. I


Leonard Raskin  25:07

don’t think that’s what it is. If that’s a real word, I don’t think that’s

Nestor Aparicio  25:11

probably it’s not a five letter. My wife would hate the word smush because it has 2s in it. 2s in Word else trouble. Letter. Raskin is here. He tries to make sense of all of this as we get onto the field, off the field, it is good to have you back on this side. It’s good to disagree with you politically, because I need a guy like you around right in November, and I’ll have you out today, Larry Hogan, that you can ask him the tough questions that I’m gonna be asked. That’s right. You can ask Angela the tough questions too, because we all as citizens should be asking tough questions. We should be That’s

Leonard Raskin  25:42

right to those that that need to be asked, those in power or think they’re in power. You

Nestor Aparicio  25:47


know when Chad Steele The last thing I ever said to him, when he was in there screaming at me in the in the cafeteria, I’ll tell Viviano this because he was there too, uh, I asked him. I said, What is your role? What is your job. I asked Chad Steele that I’m the brand manager, and then he got sort of flipping with me, and said, What’s your job? And I said, I hold power accountable.

Leonard Raskin  26:12

Absolutely. That’s That’s your job. That is your job. He didn’t like that. Well, that’s what

Nestor Aparicio  26:17

it is my job. So right? The letters are coming out this week. They’re all sponsored, in part by Leonard Raskin and all of our incredible sponsors here, Raskin global, can help you tell everybody in the everybody knows what I do. You know I, I my brand now is being banned by the Orioles and the Ravens said. Greg Abel told me, that’s your brand. You should go with it. And I’m like, Okay, what is Raskin global? What do you do? I mean, you you help people with their money and help people that can’t possibly know as much about money as somebody that studied it the

Leonard Raskin  26:46

whole life. That’s exactly it. You know, people try to do it themselves, and they they think, because they earn money and have money, they know money. And the fact of the matter is that they don’t. There are nuances. I’ve studied it. It’s what I’ve done through college and in a 37 year career is understand how money works in our economic system, and I help people understand how to use it to have the life they want. That’s what’s most important. It’s not whether it’s the bank or the insurance company or the brokerage firm or whatever it is. It’s what do you want out of your life. And how does money avail you to chase Springsteen or go to the Ravens game, or go to Disney World, or help your kids go through college, or whatever it is that you want it to be for. Well, also


Nestor Aparicio  27:32

what how you value your own money? I mean, we both just sat here and talked about me wanting to go to Royal Albert Hall, wanted to see Brianna. Could I have afforded it? Yeah. I mean, I guess I could, is that a life choice that’s not a value, that wasn’t value, that’s

Leonard Raskin  27:44

right, that’s right, and that’s how you look you you establish value of things in our society. Two ways, yeah, two ways, exactly. You use money for it, and you give your time. Now, money is something you can create more of depending upon your desire to have it time. Ain’t getting any of that back once you use it, it’s gone. So you value things by where you place your time and your money. And if you want to see what’s important to somebody, just look at what they’re doing with their time and money. And what we do is help people in the time that they want to use for the things that matter. Have the money to do what they want to do and what they place value on, and too many people don’t know even what that is. And we help people understand how to use money appropriately to cause those things to happen in their life that they want to have happen, whether that’s individual business owner. You know, whoever it is, that’s what it’s about. He’s

Nestor Aparicio  28:44

literally Raskin. He is Raskin global. I got the shirt. We’ve got the crab mallet. Here. You had crabs lately. I’ve been in China.

Leonard Raskin  28:51


I haven’t, I haven’t, but I think I will this week, for sure.

Nestor Aparicio  28:54

Here’s the problem. I’m doing 26 oysters in 26

Leonard Raskin  28:58

days. There you go. 26 ways. Char grilled. Char grilled. That’s the only thing I like. I I’m going

Nestor Aparicio  29:04

to have them that way. I’m going to have them fried. I am going to have them maybe fried. Maybe fried.


Leonard Raskin  29:11

You’re not a guy, not a raw guy. Maybe in a good stew, but it’s got to be really good. And I haven’t had too many.

Nestor Aparicio  29:17

Oh, here’s, here’s an offer for you. Okay, sure. Sure. Sure. Beginning the oyster tour on Thursday with my cousin by marriage, John shields, at a famous chef at Gertrude, who is really famous for his Easter chore creations. He does a fried oyster that, apparently, when it hits my tongue, it’s going to be like cotton candy. Wow, just going to, right? So I’m going to and with a reliance, I’m doing that Friday, and I don’t know if you’re old enough. I know I’m not old enough, but I have driven on York Road all of my life, and I’m talking about 1973 74 when my Aparicio cousins lived up above padonia station on your road, my father would take me. We didn’t go up. 83 we we get off. At York Road, and I’d see hever Plaza, sure. And right under that the pepper mill. And every time I see the pepper mill, it’s got oyster, special, fried oyster, oyster, oh my gosh, oyster stew, all that stuff. And everybody has told me you’re not old enough to go to the pepper

Leonard Raskin  30:15

mill. Well, you don’t have a walker or a wheelchair. Thank God. God’s waiting room, right? God’s waiting room. So

Nestor Aparicio  30:20


on Friday, this Friday, yeah, I’m going to the pepper mill for the first time, not in my life. I was there maybe 30 years ago. I’ve

Leonard Raskin  30:28

been there. I’ve been there my i I

Nestor Aparicio  30:32

know one of the servers there, she’s hooking this whole thing up. Tori’s Mom, we’re going to get this together. I’m going to have the oyster stew at the pepper mill as my oyster choice. You said oyster stew out loud. And I know you live near York, bro, because I’ve been, yeah, yeah. So I am. I’m gonna do the pepper mill Friday, just to have a bowl of soup. So you do it.

Leonard Raskin  30:51

What time you go lunch? Time? It’s


Nestor Aparicio  30:53

a lunch event, all right. Well, you know, well, if the Ravens win or lose on Thursday, no, I

Leonard Raskin  30:58

just gotta check the schedule, see if I’m see if I’m good. We can do it

Nestor Aparicio  31:01

an idea. So, yeah, through my oyster tour here, and I have some days completely identified, yeah, like on Saturday, my wife and I have decided, and I know the mayor of of Frederick as well. I had him on the show last month. There’s a place called shuck and Shaq. It’s an oyster bar. I’m gonna have a shuck and Shaq oyster shooter Frederick on Saturday. So, so I’m getting out doing 26 oysters in 26 days. Our friends at Liberty, pure solutions. I want to give full love. I have some Liberty pure water somewhere in it, but I’ve been drinking it. I will have that with me on all this. They keep your water clean if you have well water. And they’re also great plumbers as well. They take care of money. And Sunday, because there’s no football. I’m going to Hamden, and this place is no football. Sunday, the Ravens don’t play. Sunday. Oh, okay, I must have missed something. Well, I can’t go to an 11 game day, right? But I’m going to the urban oyster in Hamden, highly recommended, and I might get everything on their menu, because it looks unbelievable. So, so this is my first couple of days, and I think on Monday night, my friend Bobby cardoni over at the strategic factory as a birthday party, I think I’m going to enjoy the oysters of Brian McComas at Riley’s oyster in Timonium, another place you’re very familiar absolutely on Monday. So I’m getting out. I’m doing oysters. It’s all brought to you by Liberty pure. It’s also brought to you by Raskin global. All of our friends and our friends at the Maryland lottery, I will have the Gold Rush seven stumblers at Cocos on Wednesday with Mark Viviano and then Leonard. You’re always asking me at this crab cake tour schedule, get your pencil that you ready next Friday, we are at Cooper’s celebrating the Fells Point oyster festival all weekend. I’m going to be broadcasting there from 11 until three on the day that Springsteen’s in town and sticks is in town. Eddie Vedder might be hanging around. We’ll see. I’ll be at Cooper’s and Fells Point on the Friday the 13th, and then we’re Marvin Lewis is in town on the 14th, so that’s going to be good. We’re going to be doing the oyster tour at fadelies On the 20th. And John Sarbanes is going to be there because it’s his favorite restaurant. That’s on the 20th and then on the 24th we’re going to be at State Fair in Catonsville with Angela, also Brooks in the afternoon. Then on the 27th we’re going to be acostas. And then I don’t know if Wes Moore, Wes Moore convinced I’m a Republican. I think really, Vince, that was Craig Thompson, was is convinced that I’m voting for Larry Hogan. So I don’t know if Wes Moore’s joins, but maybe Larry will come out. Larry came out on the end of the crab cake tour. Maybe he’ll come at it. It’s an open offer. And then we’re going to be doing a very, very special birthday party for me on the crab cake tour on the 11th of October, and we’re going to celebrate three big birthday Sammy Hagar, myself and Hall of Famer Jim Palmer, back to back to back. We’re going to be a pizza Johns and Essex. Have a crab cakes. No oysters, crab cakes. It’s october 11, so there’s your crab cake tour.

Leonard Raskin  33:54


You like that? Sounds great. Let’s pick a couple dates. I’ll meet you out there, and we’ll do it right? I’m all in still. Don’t

Nestor Aparicio  33:59

know if you’re old enough to go to the pepper mill with me.

Leonard Raskin  34:02

He’s not old enough, but I’ve been there. Go

Nestor Aparicio  34:05

with your mother. Yeah, maybe I can borrow your mother. It’ll get me. That’s right, let her ask. And rascal global, he I’m going to read this right off the right off the crab mount, empowering people to choose their financial future. Amen, 1570 Bremer positive, stay with us. Go Ravens. Beat the chiefs. I think.

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