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Is Lamar Jackson ready to put on the purple cape in Cincinnati?


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Luke Jones and Nestor discuss every conceivable way that the Baltimore Ravens can pull off an unlikely victory against the Bengals to keep the season and Super Bowl dream alive. But will Number Eight appear?


week, game, lamar, ravens, lamar jackson, cincinnati, sunday, sunday night, defense, dobbins, bengals, play, football, point, ball, talking, couple, touchdowns, limping, jk


Luke Jones, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

wn S, T, Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive, you’re positively into playoff activity around here. We have the purple flamingos out on the lawn here WNS D we’re also going to be doing the Maryland crab cake tour this week with an old friend. I’ve been eating G and a Coney Island hotdogs. Since my childhood in the 1970s and my pop up and Allentown. They’ve moved the business out to White Marsh and we’re looking forward to seeing Andy. I’ve had some breakfast out there but I’ve not had his crab cake out in White Marsh. So we’ll see you on Thursday. Between one to four we’ll have some Maryland lottery scratch offs giveaway and a handful of holiday cash crops as well as some ravens scratch offs. As we begin the new year in the crabcake tour all that brought to you by our friends at window nation as well. 866 90 nation you buy two and you get two free and five years no financing. That’s no BS. It’s straight up. Pitch Windows taken care of. I’ve been much more comfortable this winter. Funny, I was much more uncomfortable with the football situation before Sunday happened and the Luke Jones joins us now to discuss what was a bit of a preseason game a bit of immune even when Tony Dungy was talking about a later and he’s like, You don’t ever show anything in this game. You’re gonna see him again next week. Guys got injured. I mean, the Bengals suffered a huge loss with the guard in the game as well. But defensively, if the Ravens have a prayer of winning the game on Sunday night, maybe they can stop Joe burr a little bit, maybe they can get the ball to bounce throw away. Maybe they can pick a ball off or two. Maybe they can strippable I don’t know. But it starts to feel like we’re gonna get a lot of oxygen to Lamar and Lamar and more Lamar on the offense. But if they win on Sunday night, and we’ll just be Lamar, the defense is gonna play a role in that too.


Luke Jones  01:49

Yeah, no question about it. And I think as much as you look at the final score, and you say, well, you gave up 27 points. Anyone who watched that game has a good defensive effort. I mean, at times, it was really good, especially as the game went on in the second half. And yeah, that’s when you kind of get into Okay, how much was Cincinnati showing how much was the right? How much was the Ravens showing it was Mike McDonald going to give away what his real game plan is for Sunday night, or the Bengals going to do that. But I think what was interesting, a couple things that you kind of take away the the defensive line really controlled the line of scrimmage, I mean, Cincinnati, did not run the ball at all, they barely tried to run the ball, even with a lead, which I thought was very interesting, just from the standpoint of interesting to put your, your quarterback in harm’s way, potentially in that way. I mean, the Ravens probably could have sacked Joe burrow six or seven times. And it was only a couple of times because they missed him. And it’s a credit to burrow with his mobility as he gets further and further away from his ACL injury from a couple years ago. He’s mobile enough. But I think what was interesting, and this is where you start to say, Okay, what was real from Sunday, which again, as I’ve said to you, I’m not putting much stock good or bad in much of anything from Sunday’s game, other than the couple of injuries that occurred, you know, both teams, dealing with a couple things that came out of that game, but we saw Joe burrow, miss a lot of throws, I mean, if anyone who’s watched him over the last couple months, for me, Patrick mahomes, is the MVP. You know, Jalen hertz, certainly before his injury was in that discussion, and probably was the favorite for at least a little while there. But Joe burrow the last couple months very, I want to even say quietly, because the bank was having last since Halloween, but he’s played at a very high level, but he missed some throws. I mean, there was some, some plays that he left out on the field. So which way do you look at that? Do you say, Okay, how much of that was the ravens and what they did defensively? And how much of that is? Oh, they kind of got for on a day where he completed under 60% of his passes, and he was only at like 5.1 yards per attempt and can we really expect that to happen again? So you kind of play that game one way or the other, but it was a good performance defensively, especially understanding know Marcus Peters you know, Brandon Stevens wasn’t there because he came down with an illness late last last week and was inactive. So that Darrell Warli out there and we saw him do some good we saw him. Oh, no question. And that’s something to point out as much as we’re where I’m talking. When I’m talking about this. How much is real? How much is kind of just that a preseason game but maybe only a step up from a preseason game? Yeah, the Bengals went after him while it’s gonna be Marcus Peters next week. So so that’s where it’s okay. How healthy is Marcus Peters after a few weeks out with the calf injury although keep in mind he did practice all last week. So I feel good about at least his availability come Sunday night. So all the hands on deck, bro. Right. It is right. Right. I mean, you know, I even used that expression head Baltimore. You’re just hoping that Lamar Jackson will be part of that picture. But you said it as much as we’re going to talk about Lamar, whether he is out there? Is he out there? Is he not out there? What does he look like? How much rust is there even if he is 100% healthy, we still know this offense has its issues, even with Lamar, it had its issues. So the path for this team to not just beat Cincinnati, but to talk about any chance of making a run here and getting to an AFC Championship Game, for example. It really, it begins with Lamar, but it really continues with that defense playing at a high level. And, you know, certainly they’ve had their times where they’ve wilted. And that’s why I will not call this a great defense because of how they performed in the fourth quarter overall, this year, but what we saw on Sunday, that’s kind of what you’re looking at now. You can’t turn it over four times that state in the obvious, right. So if you can minimize the mistakes offensively, you got to be able to score into the 20s, let’s say, which is something they haven’t done in quite some time when you’re talking about their offense, but the defense what we saw on Sunday, you know, and even if it’s not quite that good as far as just what they did, meaning four yards per play allowed and Brobee and under 60%, etc. But if they can get some stops if they can keep Jamar Chase and T Higgins and Tyler Boyd and and Hayden Hurst keep them and Joe Mixon as a receiver or as a runner to keep them all from going nuts from wrecking the game. If you can do that. And look that’s a lot of names and that’s why it’s so challenging. Cincinnati has a lot of weapons on like this ravens offense but Hayden

Nestor Aparicio  06:29

Hurst looks like he doesn’t like the Ravens. It feels that way.

Luke Jones  06:32

You definitely you could Yeah, I mean, I definitely I sense Steelers that way. There’s definitely some motivation there. And I don’t think it’s bitterness. But I think it’s very much a case of keep in mind he wanted to be traded. Let’s Let’s remind everyone of that. It’s not as though the right away.

Nestor Aparicio  06:51


I’m writing about that in my column this this week about people asking off the purple boat that never used to happen. And then I thought the only one that’s ever asked out of here was Hollywood Brown. And I thought, no, hey, Nurse ask I literally thought this couple hours ago when I was writing. And I thought anybody else asking out a year because there hasn’t been historically, back to modell. Back at the beginning. We haven’t had a whole lot all seasons. And that’s what we’re talking about with Lamar, if this isn’t going to go well, and there’s not going to be a marriage here. And they are not playing football in Kansas City next week. And like all of that, right? Like, asking out the Hayden Hurst things even more interesting, because I can’t think of it. I got hands tell me who they are. Because you had a better memory than me, but not a lot of guys who said I want to leave Baltimore trade me.

Luke Jones  07:41

Um, you know, the one that comes to mind right away, and they were able to remedy it, obviously, is Ray Lewis post 2005. You know, before they drafted Haloti. Now, the Ravens weren’t going to trade them. But it was very clear he wanted out he was unhappy, at the very least, you know, whether he truly wanted out. Or he just wanted more money was a big defensive tackle to keep lockers off.

Nestor Aparicio  08:04

tweeted that he would stay home and then every went played for anybody that would put a helmet on him it

Luke Jones  08:08

Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Ed was always, you know, was famous for talking out of both sides of his mouth. But yeah, but But your point is well taken. And


Nestor Aparicio  08:19

Sam Lamar, it’s a business. I can see that the Lamar right now,

Luke Jones  08:24

it is a business, it is a business. I mean, it’s as much as fans and even us as media, I’d much rather talk about games and the contracts and salary cap and all those things, but it’s it’s big part of it even even during the season, when it’s not as much, you know, it’s not as much in the conscious, you know, it’s not in the forefront. It’s still it’s always there. I mean, guys will tell you it’s not and look when guys are out on the field, and the bullets are flying and the game is going on. Yeah, they’re not thinking about it then, but they’re thinking about it otherwise, you know, how could you not especially when you’re talking about a case like Lamar, but But to go back to what I was saying I mean, Bengals have a lot of weapons, so for this defense to duplicate what it did on Sunday, which was you know, what they did, they didn’t give up the the full 27 points. I mean, heck, one of those touchdowns was a strip sack recovered in the endzone so you can’t put that on the defense one iota but they’ve got to get some stops. And I think what encourages you is what they were able to do at the line of scrimmage. Cincinnati did not run the ball which I was surprised they didn’t try to run it a little bit more especially having a lead to try to keep keep the heat off Joe burrow but between that and some of the pressure they were able to get, as you mentioned, right guard Alex kappa goes down with I think they’re calling it an ankle but I’ve seen some video of you have to wonder about the knee. I mean, it looked ugly. You know, I know. The Doctor David Charles of the internet and the football world are already saying that they’re not sure he’s gonna be back for the rest of the postseason, let alone on Sunday night. I don’t know that again. That’s the initial reaction we saw but keep in mind this is a Bengals offensive line that last Lyle Collins the right tackle a few weeks ago as well so you’re talking potentially new right guard and inexperienced right tackle for Sunday night’s team you know that’s I mean think about the Bengals offensive line. We’ve talked about the offensive line here in Baltimore a lot over the last few years with Ronnie Stanley and, and everything at work but the Bengals I mean, that’s that’s been such a huge talking point and even early this season with all the, you know, the free agent dollars they invested early on this year. It wasn’t working great. But that offensive line really gelled as the season went on. But now you’re talking about an entirely new right side of the offensive line potentially for Sunday night. I mean, there you go. If you’re trying to piece together how the Ravens win on Sunday I’m gonna say

Nestor Aparicio  10:48

let’s go to fantasy land. You take me to fantasy land you’re Luke like winning the game on Sunday for me. It is a fantasy if you think Tyler Huntley is gonna win right so like to me fantasy land is Lamar shows up. Lamar runs around, throws a little bit on Thursday and Friday enough to be dangerous. They get to Cincinnati, they lace it up. JK Dobbins has a helmet and the chin strap on right? Who the wide receivers i It’s not the Sean Jackson. I know that right. So what what’s a fantasy play against the Bengals getting them to post a 15 on Sunday night.

Luke Jones  11:31


First thing, I will take a little bit of issue with saying fantasyland. I mean, if Lamar Jackson plays it’s not a pipe dream that this team wins on Sunday night. I mean, they lost by 11 points by resting starters on Sunday. And I get it like you know, it’s kind of a half real half fake. kind of goes through the game kind of deal. But if Lamar Jackson plays and his right and Oh, my goodness, that’s a colossal if at this point, if he plays and if he’s right, you know, meaning he’s somewhere in the range of 95%. Let’s say you’re 92% Let’s say, you know, then it’s very,

Nestor Aparicio  12:06

very much a remarkable given the ring rust.

Luke Jones  12:09

Sure short, no. And I get that. And I’m not even saying Lamar has to be right meaning he has to play his absolute best game of the season. But we get a representative Lamar Jackson performance if he’s out there. That’s the case the Ravens have a heck of a chance to win on Sunday night. So but that point aside, what else has to happen beyond that? Certainly, you need to be able to run the football JK Dobbins doing what we’ve seen him do over the last four to five weeks. Certainly a major part of that now. It’s a Cincinnati run defense that is not elite. But it is way better with DJ reader at defensive tackle, which keep in mind the Ravens didn’t face him back in week five. So you know, that’s certainly a big difference there. And I mean, the Ravens ran the ball, some here and there on Sunday and other times didn’t find a lot of running room again. How real was that? I’m not putting a lot of stock in that one way or the other. So when they

Nestor Aparicio  13:03

do out of the wrong Gus Edwards more right. Yeah, to deal with this week.


Luke Jones  13:07

Right, right. I mean, that’s certainly a big part of this. I mean, it’s not as though I don’t think their chances are sunk if Gus Edwards is still in concussion protocol. But you do miss him from a short yardage standpoint, there’s no question about that. But, you know, you have JK Dobbins Kenyan Drake as part of the picture, then Justice Hill can be a bigger part of the picture. Theoretically, if you don’t have Gus Edwards, but yes, that that makes it a challenge. But, you know, as far as Mark Andrews is obviously huge. I mean, we saw what Isaiah likely we saw what Charlie Kohler did, again, not putting too much stock, good or bad and what we saw, but it’s not difficult to envision Mark Andrews doing more or doing what Isaiah likely did, and then some against this Bengals defense. So obviously, that’s a huge part of it, because as you mentioned, who are their wide receivers doesn’t really matter at this point or not. None of them are good enough. Let’s put it that way. You know, so, so we know that it but it a lot of this really does come down to the defense and being able to get some stops. If you can hold Joe burrow and this Bengals offense to the low 20s In terms of points, you know, somewhere in that neighborhood, then think you got a shot. You know, you got a real shot. If Lamar is back, right, I

Nestor Aparicio  14:22

mean, three field goals instead of three touchdowns goes a long way. Yeah, no question. I

Luke Jones  14:26

mean, that’s right. Um, well, points. You know,

Nestor Aparicio  14:29


there’s the swing right there.

Luke Jones  14:31

Right. Glad you brought that up. Because I mean, and this is where you take some pause and recognize that, hey, the redzone issues were at work long. And I mean, long before Lamar Jackson got hurt. I mean, this team went eight for 10 Inside the redzone and weeks one through three and since then, we were like, it’s ugly. Like it’s really ugly since going back to week four. But for one game, Hey, these are these are single, these are elimination games, right? These are knockout games every week for one game. If you can be better in the red zone offensively, and you can hold Cincinnati to a couple field goals rather than touchdowns inside the red zone, there you go. That’s how you have a chance that it’s a three point game with eight minutes ago. And then at that point, hey, I mean, it’s coin flip, you know, I mean, I mean, it truly is at that point. So, I mean, that’s, it’s not anything terribly complicated. I mean, it’s not as though this team’s identity, identity has changed dramatically, it’s just, you have a weight, you have a dynamic quarterback that you’re hoping to get out on the field, and, you know, whether you’re gonna, you know, I, I’m guessing even if he is close to 100%, he’s probably not going to be, this isn’t going to be one of the games where you’re looking at Lamar to run it 18 times, but you’re hoping he can at least run it, let’s say eight times and at least pose the threat to keep a defense stressed. And, you know, to keep them honest. And then that opens things up that much more for everything else you want to do.

Nestor Aparicio  15:54

It takes a lot for him to be completely healthy to be able to do the things he does, because you’ll see on the first set of downs that he gets trapped and can’t move in that way. It’s no bueno, you would know that. You will know that by 845 on Sunday night, whether it’s normal or not. And you know, you go out there and throw in sweatpants on and, you know, Thursday, Friday, move around a little bit, but I will we’ll know with our eyes right away won’t take long.

Luke Jones  16:22

Yeah. And I think it’s critical if if he can get into the open field and have a nice game, even if you’re not wanting him to do that a ton. But if he can do that early in the game boy that changes everything in terms of how stressed the defense becomes because it’s like, hey, wait a second. That’s Lamar Jackson that was back out there and kind of look like Lamar Jackson. That makes things different for Dobbins Edwards, whoever’s whoever else is carrying the football, and it makes things a heck of a lot different for Mark Andrews and whoever’s catching the football. So I mean, it’s, you know, we’ve been a broken record about it, you know, but it’s that important. But you know, even for this defense, you know, if you have Lamar Jackson on the other side, and your running game becomes that much more dynamic. And this is coming from the guy who has talked about the passing game over and over and over, but the running game can become that much more dynamic. And Lamar, play action, Mark Andrews, Isaiah, likely to those things where you’re doing enough, then this game becomes extremely interesting. And this game absolutely becomes a game the Ravens can win, you know, that’s why, again, I’m not picking with your picking on your choice of words, because it is a pipe dream to try to win if Lamar Jackson’s not right, you know, or if he certainly if he’s not out there, that’s obvious, but you know, if he is out there, and he’s healthy, in some semblance of looking like himself, got got a really good chance to win this football game, you know. And that’s, that’s


Nestor Aparicio  17:51

speaking back to like, if this if we go back to November, and I’m not playing rotisserie football here. But if this matchup were in early November, before the injury, and these were the teams, the Ravens had leads double digit leads, and they had another one last week that they believe, right? They’ve had double digit leads in all of these games. And we don’t think of them as being in any way a dominant team or it’s been so long since we’ve seen them. Look, the way they look. And they didn’t look that way for a long time. Either. Mean, Stanley had come back. They had a couple of weeks where they were trending in that. Oh, they’re 12 the one that win the Super Bowl now, okay, they’re not 18 or 20 people are buying in there now. 40. Right. And, and there’s a reason for that. And the reason is, it didn’t work all composed. It’s never going to be composed, right? Because Devin DuVernay is not here, Bateman’s not here, whatever you say about the wide receivers, but as much as they can be composed. That if you would have said to me on Labor Day, they’re gonna be in the playoffs. In Cincinnati on the week of January 15. You’re gonna play Sunday night game, they’re gonna have Ronnie Stanley, right? If you would have said to me, Mark Andrews when he was hurt eight weeks ago, he’s gonna be okay. And you’re gonna know he’s okay. Your offensive line is going to be intact, as opposed to what the Bengals are going to be dealing with on Sunday night, right? So, Dobbins will be rested, and will have shown you enough to show you that he’s good for four quarters of football on a Sunday night in January, right? So if we were to go through all of these pieces, you would have said to me on my birthday, October 14, right, you would have said they’re gonna have they’re gonna be in the playoffs in Cincinnati and they’re gonna get ro Quan Smith, and he’s gonna play eight weeks in the DEA and the defense is going to turn when he comes in, it’s gonna look different when he comes in. And he would say, well, clays Campbell is going to be healthy. I mean, there’s a lot to recommend the team in that way so we’re not pooping on them all week, because they are in the playoffs, right like and as much as they’ll be. hell to pay once they lose Sunday night because I’m probably gonna lose Sunday night and I’m, you know, relegated to thinking that way that this is going to be an all hell breaks loose offseason. But at least between now and let’s say I don’t know Thursday when you’ll either be convinced Lamar is playing or not that we can speak about this between now and at least the middle of the week as though the fantasy land and the pipe dream that Lamar is going to play now may you know he’s going to be at at was it whatever he’s going to be what he is right, he’s going to play, he’s going to be good enough to get to the field on Sunday night. If that’s our dream premise, then I would fully agree with you that all of these other scenarios that connect the dots, that if they went on Sunday night somehow 3127 Because they get two picks, they strip a ball, the Tucker hits a kick, they return something weird blocked something I don’t know, the kinds of stuff that happens when you’re a touchdown underdog and you’re bringing your miracle what generational Willis re comes out of the bathroom from Cleveland and wins games? I I don’t know we bet against this kid enough. You you’re gonna get mad at me because I bet against this kid enough, right? Like, and I say you’re gonna win a Super Bowl believe that all the all the stuff that’s going on with him. This is the this is judgment day for all of them this week. And that gets real heavy. But if we’re going to play it out as they can win, the most Lamar showing up is enough, right? Because all the other parts forget the wide receivers out here all that. But there’s enough moving parts here to say that a 110 11 games this way, like, can they beat Cincinnati if they can penetrate them right side of their offensive line and bust up, fourth down and get a ball or I don’t know. But this does tend to think make me think more positively, at least on Baltimore positive the early part of the week, that if there’s a Lamar sighting, there’s a football game, as opposed to what we saw on Sunday, which was not a football game.

Luke Jones  22:11

But agreed. They lost by 11 points, though. And but but my point is with a defense the way that they have it, and again, whether you think it’s good, really good or great. It’s somewhere in that range, right? Especially as far as how we viewed defense in 2023. Now, so you have that you have the running game. I mean, that formula right there, gives you a chance to muddy up the game, right? Make it ugly, you know,

Nestor Aparicio  22:38

the ball and so in championship, maybe

Luke Jones  22:42


you late but you laid it out though, with all the other things they have going for them from a health standpoint, and for the most part, okay, Gus Edwards, now concussion protocol, we’ll see how that goes. You know, did he actually have a concussion? Or was it a case of you know, he was evaluated and they ultimately kept him out and let them know that that’s what happened with Tyler Huntley a couple of weeks back, you know, my understanding was, he never actually had a concussion. But they wanted to be careful. You know, he went through the protocol and they just said, Hey, let’s keep them out just to be safe. That was my understanding of that. And he played the following Saturday. So if it’s something like that, Gus Edwards could be up and

Nestor Aparicio  23:14

on the backside all the everybody in the league wearing a three, right? I mean, we’re sure whatever they need to do health wise if Lamar is not healthy enough to play Sunday night, Sunday night,

Luke Jones  23:24

right, right. Right, of course. And you know, I’m not suggesting that and no one should be suggesting that if he’s not close to you know, if he’s nowhere close to 100%, then no, he shouldn’t be playing if

Nestor Aparicio  23:35

he’s limping. He cannot go play in Cincinnati Sunday night here. Yeah, right. So


Luke Jones  23:40

I mean, I guess you know, what, what does the limp look like? Is it a little tiny little? Oh, no. I’m not talking about a turn here with a talk but they’re big guys who played that. I mean, JK Dobbins is limped

Nestor Aparicio  23:56

funniest thing you’ve ever said on this clip? Is it? Farms coffee, but, but now we’re talking to big liberal.

Luke Jones  24:07

Oh, sure. I mean, sure. If he could barely walk, then of course not. But you know, is it a little case where, you know, when he really like JK Dobbins, we’ve kind of joked about this with Dennis, you know, I’ve said the JK Dobbins to me, has looked like a sports car that doesn’t have its highest gear right now. Because when you see him really try to sprint and really kind of air it out, so to speak. That’s when he starts limping. Now, he’s not injured. It’s just the flexion in his knee, and his hands, he’s talked, he talked about this at length a couple of weeks ago. It’s his hamstring, you know, his hamstring. He didn’t really air it out, so to speak with his legs for the better part of the year. So when you’re really in the open field and trying to run for a touchdown after you busted it thoroughly. You don’t have that it’s like not having that highest gear in your car. So you know that that’s kind of the example I’ve used. But to go back to what you were saying you mentioned all the the different variables that would be at work here. You know, Ronnie Stanley JK Dobbins looking right you know, the defense for the most part being intact what they lost Michael Pierce. Other than that, him and Kyle fuller Other than that, you know, it’s class Campbell was back on Sunday, Marcus Peters is going to be back this week, or you look at all those things. And then you tell me that Lamar Jackson is out there. And maybe he’s not 100% But he’s close to being right now. He looks like Lamar Jackson for the most part. They got a heck of a chance then. You tell me that I say roll the ball out see a Sunday night and it’s gonna be it’s gonna be fun. It’s gonna be a Lamar. All the choppiness we saw on Sunday with ravens and Bengals and trash talk and push and shove and like bring it on. That’s AFC North football, baby. Absolutely. But it’s a big if at this point, after five weeks, it’s a big F, you know, so you see,

Nestor Aparicio  25:53


Anthony Brown your quarterback Sunday night, all of a sudden, because finally really is hurt. And Lamar really swollen. And that’s that, and let’s you know, and if that’s the case, they’ll lose 45 to 13 if they have to go play again. i If the bank was try hard, really try hard. Um,

Luke Jones  26:12

I mean, I think they’ll lose. I don’t know if they’ll give up 45 points. But your points well taken and to be. Let’s be fair here, if Brandon Allen were lining up at quarterback for the Bengals on Sunday, I would say the Ravens win by 17 points. So you know, I mean, the league

Nestor Aparicio  26:27

I don’t even know where it’s at backups are and a half of these pays the team still trying to figure out the stats in kid on Monday night. You don’t I’m saying? Yeah.

Luke Jones  26:35

I mean, it really does come down to if it’s not a big deal that you lost your quarterback then the guy probably isn’t that good. Maybe Maybe Garoppolo. And the situation in San Francisco is the lone exception here. But other than that,


Nestor Aparicio  26:50

listen, don’t tell Phil Simms that, okay? In the case of Jeff Hostetler, yeah,

Luke Jones  26:54

that’s true, but pay it helped that he had Lawrence Taylor on the other side of the ball at the big folds,

Nestor Aparicio  26:58

baby, you know, we’re still waiting on Carson Wentz. Right?

Luke Jones  27:01


Well, look at how that’s played out. So I mean, you just don’t know. And but to bring it back to where we were at the start of our conversation here, the defense is going to be a big part of this. And will we see a defensive effort that is a complete 60 minutes and getting some stops and holding Cincinnati to some field goals inside the red zone rather than touchdowns. They do that they back up a chance assuming Lamar is on the other side of the ball, if they don’t, and we kind of see what we’ve seen at other times from this defensive, which is played really well for 45 minutes. And then the last 15 minutes you fall apart, as we even saw falling apart late and the Pittsburgh game in week 17. If that’s the case, then yeah, they’re probably going to lose, you know, especially playing on the road. So you know, we’ll see how it plays out. But, again, you know, as much as we try to talk about other elements of this game and other matchups and other players that are involved and how important the defense is, or the running game, or the offensive line or Joe burrow waking up on the right side of the bed or wrong side of the bed, as you know, he’s missed some throws on Sunday. You know, it still comes back to Lamar Jackson out there not and how does he look and know, we were just out of the loop with this, right? I mean, but Sunday,

Nestor Aparicio  28:15

Sunday, Sunday, right? Yeah,

Luke Jones  28:19

absolutely. And if he’s out there, if he’s out there then and he looks like Lamar Jackson, then I’m looking forward to a fun football game if not well, and it is what it is. At this point.

Nestor Aparicio  28:30

I’m gonna be out at GNA Coney Island hot dog looking like the kid from Highland town that ate the hotdog with the ketchup and the relish on their little bit of sauerkraut sometimes will chili add a little little silver dish. I’m looking forward to seeing an email crabcake tour coming to White Marsh on Thursday this week. I was kind of prepared because I didn’t know how the holiday and the weekend and play off football I was prepared for ravens playoff football. We’re gonna be doing a Thursday Talk brought to you by the Maryland lottery so scratch offs, the holiday cash crops as well as the Ravens scratch snow the handful the Ravens left for last year still have some winners been given us some winters away. We had a $50 winner two weeks ago it cost us so looking forward to giving those away our friends. Of course window nation where my window nation gears well 866 90 nation you buy two you get two free and 60 months free financing 0% So make sure you’re taking advantage of those things here during the cold winter months. I am so happy I got my new windows. I love them. And my cat loves them. And squirrels love I know that much. I am Nestor we are wn S T af 1570 Towson Baltimore fantasizing about Lamar Jackson making it to the field on Sunday night against Cincinnati and certainly taking a look at all of the games going on this week as well as inauguration with Wes Moore as well as Steve Shani getting $600 million of free money from you and me. We are Baltimore Stay with us.

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