The sixteenth day of the Maryland Crab Cake Tour presented by The Maryland Lottery, Goodwill, Window Nation and the Restaurant Association of Maryland featured a beautiful morning drive across the Bay Bridge to spend the day in Salisbury. Mayor Jake Day & Delegate Carl Anderton were great hosts at Mogan’s Oyster House and a pair of after dark beers at Evolution and Burnish. Plus, the Secretary of Kindness Grace Foxwell Murdock, one of our favorite guests.
Follow along through all of our social channels at WNST Baltimore Positive and the hashtag is #CrabCakeTour as we made our way all over this beautiful state with fun tales of the road and celebrating summer life in Maryland. From Oakland to Ocean City and Cambridge to Cumberland we’ve spent the past two Augusts exploring new crab cakes and beer joints and cool local stuff along the side of the road before football season.
It’s all a part of the community love and 31 crab cakes and 31 breweries in 31 days to celebrate 31 years on Baltimore airwaves and to promote local business and Restaurant Week all over the state from September 16th through 25th.