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Former Delegate Todd Schuler joins Nestor for a democracy discussion about Executive Orders and three branches of government

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Former Delegate Todd Schuler joins Nestor for a democracy discussion about Executive Orders and three branches of government

When itโ€™s time to interpret law and order and coming to Essex, we turned to former Delegate Todd Schuler of Blondell Miller Schuler to educate us on branches of government and Executive power as we learned in social studies. A Maryland Crab Cake Tour democracy discussion about checks and balances and the consequences of elections.

Nestor Aparicio and Todd Schuler discuss various topics, including local community issues, politics, and personal anecdotes. Schuler, a practicing attorney, talks about his law firmโ€™s focus on injury law and its role in supporting the Essex community. They touch on the impact of federal cuts and the current political climate, expressing concerns about executive orders and the state of democracy. Schuler emphasizes the importance of legal challenges in upholding democratic values. They also discuss personal experiences, such as jury duty and the impact of social media on public opinion. The conversation concludes with a focus on local businesses and community events.


Executive Orders, three branches of government, democracy, Baltimore, Maryland lottery, Calvert Hall, Loyola, Essex, federal cuts, Trump, legal challenges, insurance companies, auto accidents, Orioles, Ravens.


Speaker 1, Nestor Aparicio, Todd Schuler

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T am 1570 Taos in Baltimore. We are Baltimore positive. Nothing more positive than being here in the friendly heart of Essex, Maryland, or, as my mom would say, Essex. Itโ€™s all brought to you by the Maryland lottery. We have the magic eight ball, and Iโ€™m scratching my ear. French fries and gravy for 100 maybe some catch up on the table as well. We will be back at doing this, the crab cake tour at faintly and Lexington market on the second of April. That is, day two of the Orioles Lucas and I are going to be in Toronto all week, having fun, freezing, chasing down. Getty Lee, Iโ€™ve sent emails, Iโ€™ve watched videos. I am ready for you Getty Lee, if you come get me, but Iโ€™m ready for the baseball season. This guyโ€™s ready for baseball season, horse racing season, perhaps the fall of democracy. Weโ€™re gonna figure it all out. He is a practicing attorney. Donโ€™t let that hold him against you, because heโ€™s never lied to me. He is at Blondel Miller and Schuler. He is Todd Schuler, our defending champion and delegate. I donโ€™t know why I called you a councilman. I know better than this. How are you and howโ€™s life, and whatโ€™s with the hall thing you reppin today, freshman account. I got a

Todd Schuler  01:12

freshman at COVID Hall and a sixth grader at Maryvale, so I spent a lot of my time. You were Hall

Nestor Aparicio  01:17

guy, though, right? I was 95 right? Yeah. I mean, youโ€™re the third pair. Excuse me, Calvert Hall, person Iโ€™ve talked to this morning. Yโ€™all kind of stick together like the curly goons and the Loyola guys. I mean, Iโ€™m a lone Dundalk guy over here,

Todd Schuler  01:32

Loyola. Now thatโ€™s thatโ€™s not because youโ€™re an elite institution. Yeah, those are just Calvert Hall, absolutely. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  01:39

I donโ€™t know. Maybe they didnโ€™t want to drive to Towson. Maybe that was my issue. You know, when I was a kid, I grew up in Colgate, East Point mall, and Iโ€™ve told people this because weโ€™re right by Mount Carmel. My parents were married at Mount Carmel in 1945 in the church. They lived 50 feet behind here in Mars estates, war time, not 4546 47 they got married, and then they moved to Taylor Avenue, and then they moved to Colgate. 1953, and theyโ€™ve been there like forever and ever and ever. But like the whole I had a chance to go to my parents were like, we want to send you to curly or Mount Carmel. Iโ€™m like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Curly didnโ€™t have girls like that. Start with that. Calvin Hall didnโ€™t have girls. Now, you know, your partner spent a minute or two at Loyola. Think he went to where that days. I remember showing up in ninth grade. I remember, like, what happened to Mark Miller? Oh, he went to Loyola. Iโ€™m like, Yeah, youโ€™ll be back next week Exactly. Ainโ€™t no way heโ€™s getting on a going out to Towson every day when youโ€™re from Dundalk.

Todd Schuler  02:47

He hated it rocket at Dundalk and a fine UMBC basketball player, and now heโ€™s practicing law with

Nestor Aparicio  02:55

me. It was a fine, fine Dundalk street legend Mark Miller is my lifelong friend, and youโ€™re his partner, and tell everybody about your practice a little bit, because people drive by and they see the fancy new schmancy offices on Eastern Avenue, very close to the Taco Bell and the Burger King, where I once stole the I didnโ€™t steal it. They gave it to me. They threw it away, but I had a Burger King booth in my house and in Highland that came from the Burger King, five feet from Europe. Thatโ€™s awesome. Essex, Iโ€™ve been meeting the pizza Johnโ€™s forever, but Iโ€™ve been passing Blondel law all of my life, literally,

Todd Schuler  03:26

right? Iโ€™ve been there all of our lives in one form or another. Bill Blondell started the practice in the 70s, 60s, and heโ€™s only done, weโ€™ve only done injury law there. Thatโ€™s workers compensation, car crashes. Itโ€™s construction accidents,

Nestor Aparicio  03:42

a working manโ€™s firm. We are. Weโ€™ve

Todd Schuler  03:45

always kind of prided ourselves on that, and weโ€™ve always been right on Eastern Avenue my entire career, and weโ€™re happy to be there. We did do the renovation a couple of years back. And I think if you, if you, if you drive down the boulevard, thereโ€™s great things coming. I mean, the way the boulevard looks now compared to where it looked 20 years ago, is just absolutely fantastic.

Nestor Aparicio  04:06

I remember Essex day becoming something that had kind of fallen apart for a while, and then it really becomes incumbent upon business. And, you know, important businesses, youโ€™re elected official trying to piece this together. And weโ€™ll talk about federal cuts and democracy and Trump, and weโ€™re in the middle of Trump Landia. This is a 75% 80% No, not that bad. Itโ€™s not that bad. I think in middle. I think as we move further in other areas, it, it is. They didnโ€™t get me yet well, but just there is palpable energy these days, everywhere I go as to who you voted for, or where, where you stand along the lines on all of that, and Essex done dog, you know, these were strongholds for democratic elected officials that you would have a harder time getting elected here at that point. And I will tell Johnny, oh, that because I invited him, and weโ€™re literally. Five feet into his district, his district, quisies Right over there, and Iโ€™ve talked to both of them this week, but I have reached out. I had Brian frosh on at length this week discussing these things, because this really is for lawyers. I mean, I donโ€™t know that regular people really understand when this orange goof signs all of this stuff that like what an executive order is and whatโ€™s legal and whatโ€™s not, and regular people donโ€™t understand any of this, but when Venezuelans are getting deported and being called gangsters, and Iโ€™ve been a Venezuela my whole life, and Iโ€™m a gangster in love. But I mean, I donโ€™t, I donโ€™t like the tenor of any of this, and I do think, as I said, the Brian frosh, itโ€™s going to be about attorneys stopping this, not the military or the American people at

Todd Schuler  05:47

this point. You know, here we are again. It comes down to the lawyer. I need the lawyers to save our asses, and we need youโ€™re not wrong about it, though. You know, for all of the pickup trucks adorned with the first three words of the Constitution, we the people. Thereโ€™s, thereโ€™s, itโ€™s, itโ€™s unfortunate. Itโ€™s a little bit like the Bible, like, if you actually crack it, youโ€™re not going to like what you read in there. And what you read in there is that thereโ€™s a separation of powers between three branches of government, right? Check and balances, checks and balances. And youโ€™re going to learn that the guy that occupies the White House canโ€™t just sign folders all day and make law. The Congress makes law. The Congress allocates money

Nestor Aparicio  06:26

or doesnโ€™t, in this case, doesnโ€™t in this case.

Todd Schuler  06:29

But you donโ€™t just get to sit there at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and dictate laws on your own. We fought a war about that. The 17

Nestor Aparicio  06:37

there are no kings in the United States. We wrote a blueprint, but that all that being said, the laws get passed. They are the law of the land. They are have been for all of our lives, said this is what we abide by, until we get gangsters and lawless people. All of these acts are anti American. They are anti law. They are anti democracy. Theyโ€™re anti we the people, and itโ€™s not about you voted for me. I can do whatever I want. It doesnโ€™t work that way for Wes Moore, it doesnโ€™t work that way for Larry Hogan, it didnโ€™t work that way for Todd shoulder, and it doesnโ€™t work that way for Johnny, it doesnโ€™t work that way for anybody. Imagine,

Todd Schuler  07:17

imagine Joe Biden, six months ago, says to the University of Mississippi, I see a rebel flag hanging from a dorm room, and Iโ€™m going to cut off all federal dollars to one particular university until I see that flag come down. They would have marched in the streets, right? That you just canโ€™t do. Thatโ€™s not democracy. Thatโ€™s money thatโ€™s been allocated from Congress, right? That thatโ€™s freedom of speech. Thereโ€™s a whole lot of things that go into it, and we have a guy pretending that he has the authority to do these things, and the question is, are we scared of him, and weโ€™re just going to comply because of a sort of voluntary obedience, or are we going to take the fight to him? And 99% of entities are going to take the fight. The unions are taking the fight on behalf of the federal workers that are getting summarily laid off despite their contracts right? People are taken to the courts with all of these things, and then some arenโ€™t. Some are voluntarily the Amazon guy. Heโ€™s just saying. The

Nestor Aparicio  08:17

amazing part is the campaigning on white power and the more than that, the notion that cutting the federal government, making federal employees the bad guys that they are a part of the problem is, let alone the FBI. But these cabinet positions that have been approved Are you wouldnโ€™t come into pizza Johnโ€™s and want a guy thatโ€™s never made a pizza to be making your pizza right, like literally, or somebody thatโ€™s never run a p these are, the Secretary

Todd Schuler  08:49

of Defense could not have held the last Secretary of Defenseโ€™s clipboard. He didnโ€™t have enough rank to do it right? Thatโ€™s the kind of position weโ€™re in right now. The WWF people have cabinet positions. Itโ€™s just his little place to dull out these positions and

Nestor Aparicio  09:11

but it feels very unserious. I mean, Todd show leadership, by the way. And listen, itโ€™s not for everybody in but Iโ€™m going to be in Canada next week, right? And I had Rick Emmett, the guitar player, you know, I donโ€™t think heโ€™s any bleeding heart liberal or anti American, as he said, he made most of his money in America, but as a Canadian, heโ€™s got to punch me when heโ€™s on the podcast and say, Hey, what are you guys doing down there? Well, yeah, like, like, this isnโ€™t cool. This. You all think itโ€™s funny on Fox News, but itโ€™s not funny, and itโ€™s not funny to the rest of the civilized world. Itโ€™s it is alarming and frightening to the man in Germany who saved my wifeโ€™s life. Itโ€™s alarming and frightening to my friends that live in Sweden and people that I know online that say. Weโ€™re over here. He Putinโ€™s going. Putin is not our friend. I mean, I said this to Brian frosh, and youโ€™ll appreciate this. I said, letโ€™s say that Donald Trump poisoned detained Kamala Harris poisoned her, imprisoned her and watched her die in a cell in the next 18 to 24 months? Would that be acceptable? Thatโ€™s what Putin did the Navalny, right, right? Like, literally, how I

Todd Schuler  10:29

thought you were going? Would he really lose any voters? And the answer is probably not, right.

Nestor Aparicio  10:33

Well, that answer is probably she deserved it, right? Thatโ€™s what. Thatโ€™s what. It was important. It was important, right? So, yeah, right. Like to be friend Vladimir Putin. This is what weโ€™re talking about. Weโ€™re talking about the worst guy on Earth, literally, literally the worst guy on earth, and to take that position in the Oval Office and then try to intimidate a man whoโ€™s had 10s of 1000s of civilians murdered. I donโ€™t know what to say to make this come clean for the people that run around with the five letter word on the back of their pickup. I donโ€™t I donโ€™t know how to impress the seriousness that the rest of the world is taking this that looks like owning the LIBS to people on social media for

Todd Schuler  11:21

80 years after World War Two, America was the city on the hill, Ronald Reagan city on the hill, the beacon of light, right? The Great America, the great democratic experiment. We were and we were advancing American values around the world. And we were making places like Ukraine, which were former Soviet Republicans, were Soviet Republics which were moving toward the west, right? We did that for 80 years. Thatโ€™s thatโ€™s the guys on fought two wars. We fought two wars about

Nestor Aparicio  11:55

more than that, if Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan Go, Go into all of

Todd Schuler  12:00

that. And the shame is we the signing of the folders is silly, and itโ€™s not law, and itโ€™s not going to last. He obviously is going, heโ€™s not going to voluntarily leave when he loses an election, but heโ€™s going to lose an election, and you know that weโ€™re going to win that. But the damage that he did now to America, because how can you ever really trust us again? Right? Twice, weโ€™ve done this. Now you have it twice. Weโ€™ve done it. Weโ€™ve failed the open book test. The second time failed the open book test, it was right there. None of what heโ€™s doing. He ran on all of it. The amazing

Nestor Aparicio  12:37

part is 90 million people in this country have a privilege and a right that my mother was not born with in 1919, in this country, that lots of people of color and lots of immigrants and people have fought to have citizenship here, to be represented as the we, in the we, the people right, like my father was One of those people. My family came from Venezuela. I Iโ€™m blown away that 90 million people just with all this on the line after COVID, with the seriousness of all of it, with the lies, with the insurrection, with the government, with the shutdown, with everything thatโ€™s happened here, that 90 million people just elected to sit it out, thatโ€™s thatโ€™s the or that that other people have literally been in a cult and been brainwashed to think that this is that hanging out with Putin is good for us somehow.

Todd Schuler  13:27

I donโ€™t discount the fact that Democrats need to tighten the message or whatever else. But donโ€™t unwell having

Nestor Aparicio  13:35

a cadaver run around for four years fine like not Joe Biden was not equipped to run this country, and I canโ€™t even defend it,

Todd Schuler  13:46

but no, Iโ€™m with that. But donโ€™t underestimate the the media. And we think of the media, we tend you know, they used to coin the term liberal, liberal media years ago, right? That meant that the network news is were somehow slanted toward the left, and maybe they were and maybe they run. Thatโ€™s not the media environment we live in. People get their news from Tiktok. People get their news from Facebook. People get their news from social medias and wingnut podcasts. No offense to you know the

Nestor Aparicio  14:17

thatโ€™s not what this is. We donโ€™t have any wings here. Weโ€™ve got to get pizzas weโ€™re going to have here. The the

Todd Schuler  14:22

media environment is so very strongly, right? And, and I think thatโ€™s under reported. I You we talk about what, what could he do to turn people off? People donโ€™t hear it, but people are still hearing about what an evil person Nancy Pelosi is on tick tock. And I worry about my kids. I see these algorithms. They push it up, and itโ€™s driven, and itโ€™s on purpose, and itโ€™s, itโ€™s a serious attempt to undermine democracy from very wealthy people and wealthy $270 million

Nestor Aparicio  14:55

invested in a president and standing in the Oval Office in some black military. Fatigue with his kid telling the President heโ€™s not the president. I mean, like that happened on day five. Man, you know, like the richest

Todd Schuler  15:06

person in the world, is giving Wisconsin voters $100 each to sign a petition in support of a judicial candidate. The richest person in the world just gave the maximum allowable under law to the eight wing nut, uh, representatives that filed articles of impeachment against a judge that ruled against President Trump, the richest person in the world, is basically dangling money out and threatening to primary anybody who stands in the way of that agenda. Itโ€™s money. Well, when I talk

Nestor Aparicio  15:37

to, by the way, a Todd show is here where Pete Johnson Essex. All brought to you by the Marilyn. When I talked to Brian frosh about this, I Citizens United is probably the Garden of Eden, of all of this, right? Most definitely not ideology of Newt Gingrich, not Ronald Reagan, not any war, not any economic issue. This is really about buying our country in the way that the Saudis came in and decided to buy golf, correct? Literally, where you like golf, weโ€™re gonna wreck it the same way Twitter. Twitter was one of the mechanisms that, you know, democracy, Syria, Egypt, Musk decided to buy Twitter and throw journalists off in the first week, I was one of those guys to wreck

Todd Schuler  16:24

it, to win this election, to win this election, this election so that your buddy, President Putin, can take over America without firing a shot. Thatโ€™s what would happen. They took over our country. The Cold War ended. They never stopped fighting, and they never had to fire a shot, and now theyโ€™re in the you know, the enemy is behind the walls. Now,

Nestor Aparicio  16:44

Todd shoulders here, weโ€™re gonna get to sports in more important things than democracy, Essex, Essex, in the state of Essex, you are with Blondel Miller Schuler, what do people need to know about auto accidents and specifically Essex, and Essex coming along and as a community, because, you know, I had some folks here to never been to Pizza Johnโ€™s, and I told him, come by, and Dave shines. Coming from downtown today. You know, Essex is one of those places if you donโ€™t have business here, work here, you wouldnโ€™t necessarily drive through it. Pizza Johnโ€™s kind of down here, maybe Rocky Point, or wherever youโ€™re going. But this is a, you know, sturdy community down

Todd Schuler  17:21

here. It is a very sturdy community. It has been for quite some time, and that, again, Iโ€™m super excited about whatโ€™s gone on here and our our renovation was part of it all. But weโ€™ve had talk about the importance of the important role that government can play. We had a chamber of commerce that spurned out an entity called the Essex Development Corporation. Essex Development Corporation connects grant money and county money to things like our sign program. So if you go down Eastern Boulevard now, businesses like The Jerk Chicken Shack have signs, and they were subsidized in part by the county government. So where it looked the neighborhoods to me have always looked great. You know, you get a block off the boulevard either way, you look great. But you come down Eastern Boulevard 20 years ago, and it looks like a ghost town. And when you invest in cameras, thereโ€™s a camera program going on now to I think the

Nestor Aparicio  18:12

old businesses used to be their sub Haven, you know, the places that you would just go through when the amp was there back man, I was a kid in the 60s and 70s, and even into the 80s, there was a lot of storefront but I think what happened, and you can speak to this, this is an American thing. Everybody went to the malls, right? Gold, golden, golden ring, White Marsh and East Point mall sort of usurped downtown Dundalk, downtown from

Todd Schuler  18:33

a retail stand, absolutely. But a law firm like mine, you know Jennings, you know transmissions across the street. Places like that are still there. And the places, the smaller places, like the jerk chicken place, that are that are taking up some of the old space, maybe they donโ€™t have the resources that an amp would, or that a Taco Bell did

Nestor Aparicio  18:54

terrace. I mean, you got, you got, sure.

Todd Schuler  18:57

But if you, if you put a pretty looking sign out there. You know, you draw some people in. You draw some people down the boulevard. That person gets in a car crash. He was getting his jerk chicken that he loves because he wrote by the sign one time a year ago. Now, why not go to the law firm

Nestor Aparicio  19:12

chicken place? Itโ€™s good spot. It is good spot. Itโ€™s Essex man. Everything here is good. What is your go to for pizza? Pizza? Johnโ€™s. Iโ€™ve had pizza with you like today are you take some home to your wife, whoโ€™s a Browns fan. Weโ€™ll get to that later. Kids, whatever, but, but what is your thing here? Because I know you come here a lot, so you,

Todd Schuler  19:29

you hit the nail on the head. I listened to you with the GBMC guest before and the whatever you do,

Nestor Aparicio  19:37

get pepperoni on it. Iโ€™m a deluxe

Todd Schuler  19:39

guy, like, I like, get a little weird, but get the pepperoni. I mean, the pepperoni, thatโ€™s the set of pizza Johnโ€™s. Itโ€™s like little you can almost

Nestor Aparicio  19:48

no, no, no, no, no, man, I see. What I do is, I do you take the damn grease, nice, the Roni. Donโ€™t you know, I donโ€™t do that at all. Come on. Do I look that Gucci? Iโ€™m from Dundalk. I get the Hawaiian. So I get. The ham and the pineapple. And it was always lacking a little something, that crunch and that salt, you know, I love the ham. And last time I had bread, honestly, he said it was imported ham. I said, Do you import that from Dundalk? He said, Yeah, actually, it does come from Dundalk. So we have imported ham pineapple, but once you put the pepperonis on, and sometimes here, because they make a lot of pizza, I have to say, I want the pepperonis on top. And sometimes they might bury them because they donโ€™t want them to get so when I take the pizza home, I will pull the pepperoni out on top. I put it into my into my, you know, oasterizer, my little toaster, toaster, oaster at 450 and I put that on there, and the crust gets right, and the pepperonis get right, and then Iโ€™m, I got mad. Thatโ€™s, thatโ€™s not bad at all. Thatโ€™s not bad at all. Iโ€™m usually at the supreme though. I mean, I like everything on it. I like green pepper, I like mushroom, I like sausage, I like pepperoni, I like the meat. So I like it all.

Todd Schuler  20:54

Iโ€™ll get the anchovies. I know thatโ€™s a, itโ€™s not a, my mom was an

Nestor Aparicio  20:58

anchovy person. I mean, itโ€™s a. I like anchovies in my dressing and my Caesar whatever. But I donโ€™t, I donโ€™t need a little salty fish on my pizza. You know? I mean, I donโ€™t need that.

Todd Schuler  21:07

I feel you. If the mood hits right, Iโ€™m gonna, Iโ€™m gonna get the show these Todd

Nestor Aparicio  21:11

shulers Here, if the if you get into an auto accident, it is the worst day of your year, maybe the worst day of your life. In some cases, you need protection. Iโ€™ve waited to the end. This is your Stairway to Heaven, because you help people who my next a little screwed up right now, but if I got in a car accident, what is a typical thing that happens if somebody has a car accident? Because, I mean, I guess going back 30 years since television commercials, call us, call us, call us. Hereโ€™s our 800 number. Weโ€™re from out of town. Do we cheat them? How all that stuff, but youโ€™re different than that, and Iโ€™ve pimped for you guys for years, but when you get in an accident, you reach to you and mark, and I know youโ€™re going to talk about Mark. You guys go in for people who canโ€™t defend themselves, who are really getting screwed by insurance companies, screwed by the man.

Todd Schuler  21:58

Well, the insurance companies do not care about you, right? That thatโ€™s first and foremost. They want their the business model of insurance is to collect premiums more than they pay out. You know when somebody is hurt, right? And itโ€™s so successful, itโ€™s a casino level, successful business model. Theyโ€™ve got the algorithms. They know what they need to take in. They know what theyโ€™re going to pay out. Thatโ€™s why you see Aaron Rodgers Hawking for State Farm, because the only way to expand on the business model is to take away from Geico, or have GEICO take away from progressive. Well, everybody needs

Nestor Aparicio  22:32

insurance, right? Everybody needs insurance. And most of us donโ€™t have the insurance. We really

Todd Schuler  22:36

they like the casinos know that you might walk out of there with a hit. Weโ€™re going to win. Weโ€™re going to win every time. They know that, and if you know that, youโ€™re going to win every time. The only way to make your business better is to take more business from your competitors. And that is your good neighbor, and thatโ€™s your good hands, and thatโ€™s all of it, piece of the rock. So when you get hurt, you know people, unfortunately, a lot of very tough talking law firms on television, you know, they want to show you what they got and what they drive, and theyโ€™re goofy looking dudes, like, itโ€™s all the same thing, right? But those people donโ€™t go to court. Mark and I go to court, you know, we we take in a case with the idea some clients call with the expectation that weโ€™re going to settle the case in a couple of weeks, and they get mad at us for, oh, you know this, I want my money

Nestor Aparicio  23:25

by the end of the month, is what I want. But thatโ€™s part of settling, right? If you settle, you get the money now, right? Thatโ€™s, thatโ€™s the deal. My neck hurts, and theyโ€™re going to give me 50 grand. That sounds like a lot of money, but then a lot of

Todd Schuler  23:36

money. Let me go to court. Let me go to court and let me take to a judge or a jury, what the value of your injuries are, what the value of your medical bills and your lost wages and your time and everything that has happened to you? Or if you got a dumpy case, call somebody on TV, and how do

Nestor Aparicio  23:55

you know a good case of a bad case, when somebody

Todd Schuler  23:57

comes and heโ€™s really injured, you know, that usually helps, right? You know? Well,

Nestor Aparicio  24:02

you know, I sat on one jury. Iโ€™ve told you this story, right? I sat on one jury. Of course, it was during a Pittsburgh ravens playoff week in January. Of course it was snowing, and of course it was the most, one of the most unethical, even before Trump got elected. This was unbelievable how unethical this was. I went in before the all the magic, all the stuff, and theyโ€™re supposed to not know you, right? Like, if youโ€™re a lawyer, if I am a juror and you are the lawyer, you would look at me and say, I know Nestor. We have to, we have to, you go

Todd Schuler  24:34

home. At least. I have to disclose it. If the other side says itโ€™s fine, okay? If you know so

Nestor Aparicio  24:41

the lawyer, they picked me quickly. I was on that jury within, I mean, I showed up thinking, like, Iโ€™m trying to sit in the back and Iโ€™m trying to, like, sure, you know, like youโ€™re like, this a little bit, and I was banged into this jury pool, right? Was it take 1513, whatever the number is, does? And, yeah, weโ€™ll take a couple extra, right? Yeah, so, but it was a car accident in Annapolis. Think GEICO was the I didnโ€™t care. I wasnโ€™t thinking like, checkers and chess. I was thinking like, Alright, Iโ€™ve been pulled into this. If Iโ€™m this poor woman, what am I doing? And, you know, who am I? And as it turned out, she was just faking it like, and the whole thing was, well, it unraveled when the jurors all went back, and we all looked at each other, and weโ€™re like, now we gave her $1 I mean, we gave her $1 and it was two days of sitting there and fighting for this woman who had taken all these vacations and, you know, and she got tapped in the back. And the poor woman who did it was like this musician woman from Hopkins. She was this educated, erudite woman who just literally tapped the woman in the back of the car. And we saw the pictures and all that. And this woman, three years later, was trying to get, like, $800,000 we gave her $1 I think we gave her like

Todd Schuler  26:03

you did. We gave her a solid that day. You fought for the man and won. You know, like

Nestor Aparicio  26:08

I felt horrible about that, but what do you want me to do? Iโ€™ve given you a hard time. But you know what biased Iโ€™m on the plane. Scumbag lawyers that were that represented that that they came up to me at the end, and they knew me. They put me on the jury knowing who you were, yeah,

Todd Schuler  26:24

or knowing you personally, or just knowing that you know

Nestor Aparicio  26:26

what they did. This makes them even I would use more foul language if I werenโ€™t Essex in a family establishment here. But these s Oh, they came up to me. Theyโ€™re like, Yeah, listen to you. 1057, fan, I knew who you are, nasty Nestor, I listen to you on a fan. You still own a fan, and Iโ€™m thinking two days i You guys won the case. This is how this is how honorable I am, right? This is how honorable I am. I saw your case and saw it fairly, the way you would want justice to be, but like you guys staged that you didnโ€™t know me to even put me on the jury both

Todd Schuler  27:06

sides. No, no,

Nestor Aparicio  27:08

it was nice.

Todd Schuler  27:09

Thatโ€™s great. Yeah.

Nestor Aparicio  27:12

So anyway, that was my Well, knowing thatโ€™s my experience with democracy sitting on a trail I have one time it had to go with your line of work, literally, your line of work, and it was like a case that should never have gone to court. Should have never wasted two days. In mind, the jurors didnโ€™t give her money because we were pissed off

Todd Schuler  27:28

straight, literally, Nestor, if you see him in your plaintiffs lawyer, give him a strike. Heโ€™s ready to get out of there. Heโ€™s no I

Nestor Aparicio  27:34

was ready to to be a citizen and be fair about at that point, but like I am you 12 years later, information, a little upset, made

Todd Schuler  27:45

a judgment, which is what democracy asks of you, right?

Nestor Aparicio  27:49

Itโ€™s what my audience asks me every day. Thatโ€™s it. What do you think of me not getting a press credential for the Orioles? What do you think you can get a press credential for the Orioles? I might not have. They may have called me and already tried to intimidate maybe. Letโ€™s just pretend it happened that way. Letโ€™s pretend. Letโ€™s pretend I donโ€™t have a press space. What would what would you say to you and mark as sponsors of w, N, S t, if youโ€™re like, hey dude, theyโ€™re giving you a Press page. Theyโ€™re new owners. Appears dead, right?

Todd Schuler  28:16

Yeah, I donโ€™t know. Are you

Nestor Aparicio  28:17

shocked? Youโ€™re not shocked. Iโ€™m not

Todd Schuler  28:19

well, Iโ€™m not shocked. I mean, the Ravens did to you, right? Yeah, so, you know, but the

Nestor Aparicio  28:25

Ravens did it to be vengeful and awful. The Orioles did it to be vengeful and awful, but heโ€™s dead, right, right? I mean, it would do. I love the Orioles and the Ravens. You love the Orioles and the Ravens. Did I not build all this for the Orioles and the Ravens built all of it. Am I a real media member in your mind as you wear a microphone on my podcast, on my show, on my FCC accredited station, on the only podcast

Speaker 1  28:47

I go on, of course, yes is the only Fuck yes. It invites him on.

Nestor Aparicio  28:53

Todd Schuler is here. He will be throwing crawfish boils on Preakness weekend. Iโ€™m gonna be at Las Vegas prequeness weekend with the youโ€™re missing it, with Bill Cole and the goons for the big perlo event out in it. But so Iโ€™m skipping Preakness this year. But you skip Preakness a lot of years, but you have turned it into an adult by you celebration. I donโ€™t understand why you donโ€™t get crabs at cost. Thatโ€™s like a good Baltimorean. But

Todd Schuler  29:21

first of all, I reject the adult. Thereโ€™s about 10,000 kids in my pool on that day running around. Itโ€™s a very family oriented party.

Nestor Aparicio  29:28

Do they even know what a crawfish is? These kids? Or they only see them. They do

Todd Schuler  29:32

now like so when we first I went to law school in New Orleans, and thatโ€™s where the crawfish thing came from, we started boiling crawfish on Preakness, because itโ€™s a big itโ€™s cool. Itโ€™s like crabs. And dump it on the table, and you stand around the table, and itโ€™s a little less. You got to sit for crabs, right? You got to commit to it a little bit more. Just pop the head off, you fish, you come over, you bang three down, you go back to your conversation, you come back to the table. You know, Iโ€™ve seen itโ€™s more like Webster pickup trucks. Yeah, yeah. But, um. It. Now, there are kids that have been coming to my party for their whole lives. Itโ€™s only time they get them and they know that, yeah, they know itโ€™s crawfish. Itโ€™s like, Yo, boss and sauerkraut on Christmas at my house, yeah, yeah. Itโ€™s like that. I mean, itโ€™s like, when youโ€™re offloading them from the truck and ready to dump them, you got, like, a crowd. Itโ€™s almost like, when you break out the dog food, you got the dogs coming. Thereโ€™s people that want those crawfish, you know, like, itโ€™s a good scene. Itโ€™s a good part.

Nestor Aparicio  30:20

Iโ€™m gonna come one year. Itโ€™s not gonna be this year, because Iโ€™m not gonna Iโ€™m not gonna be local here this year. But sounds like youโ€™re taking my buddy, Bill Cole with you. So your New Orleans thing came back to me eight weeks ago, and I donโ€™t want to bring up, yeah, I got people here wearing old school Raven stuff. I donโ€™t want to break any hearts. I donโ€™t want any blasphemy yelled at Mark Andrews or Justin Tucker about this, but your name came up in January, because I donโ€™t know if you know, the Ravens were pretty good, and we thought they had a chance, right? Definitely. So Buffalo was the, you know, the first destination we, you know, we know how that turned out. And then Kansas City was going to be the next one, right? So Luke and I were gonna do Kansas City, and then itโ€™s like, well, if they win, are we gonna go to the Super Bowl or not? And they were gonna give Luke a credential at the Super Bowl. And I said, Well, if theyโ€™re gonna credential you, Iโ€™m just gonna get Adam party. You know what? I mean, right, right? So I was like, All right, weโ€™ll go down to New Orleans, like we had a flight on Wednesday to New Orleans, if the Ravens had won. And my wifeโ€™s like, are you gonna do anything? And my wife would still say her ass hurts from riding the bus. The last time when anybody asked me, people come up all the time, like, Hey, Jen, we took the bus with you, Dan. And it was my wifeโ€™s like, my ass still hurts, you know, itโ€™s 12 years. Well, it was, it was a long ride down, it was a shorter ride back, I think because we won, right, right. You know, fourth and goal, it would have been, Oh, my God, I would have been bad, especially for John Harbaugh, because heโ€™d be coaching. So New Orleans happens, and, you know, I threw a party down there, kind of famous. The Natchez is the big boat, right, right? My buddy

Todd Schuler  31:58

reached out to me.

Nestor Aparicio  32:02

So about January 15, I get a random text from a lovely lady named Deidre, and you can tell your pal, Deidra is one of my I have a crush on Deidre. Deidre was the the person who did my boat 15 years or 12 years ago now, right? And she texts me, and Iโ€™m like, Deidre Nolan Natchez, is how her name shows up, right? And she texts me. Sheโ€™s like, hey, ravens are looking good. You coming back down in New Orleans, weโ€™re gonna do and Iโ€™m like, well, they threw me out. Everybody hates me, trust me, you read my mail. Every Raven fan hates me, and because I told the truth, how dare I? And I said, nah, nah. I, you know, Iโ€™m not, Iโ€™m not gonna throw a party or anything. And then I woke up the next day and I thought, man, they got really good bread pudding on that boat. You know, they have, thatโ€™s New Orleans jazz sound, all matches. So the next day, I woke up said to my wife, Iโ€™m like, Look the boat. People want me to do a boat down there. And sheโ€™s like, Dude, you gotta do the boat. Like, make a little bit of money or whatever, but, like, it would be fun. And sheโ€™s like, more Ravens fans love you than you think, and itโ€™s just the idiots that donโ€™t like you. Itโ€™s the people that going down to the Super Bowl. You through the event down there. A lot of the same people are gonna go, and theyโ€™re gonna want to walk in a you should go down, run the boat and and do it, do a parade again, and then cost anything. Weโ€™re all youโ€™re gonna be there. Why donโ€™t you do it? So I wrote the Deidre four in the morning at the I said, You know what? This is like? This is like when Bucha fired Brian Billick, my partner, right? I changed my mind. I changed my mind just like that, you know? I changed my mind. So I wrote her back, and Iโ€™m like, Iโ€™m in, Iโ€™m in. Count me in. I got a flight. Iโ€™m going down with Luke. Woo hoo. You know, weโ€™re good. Oh, weโ€™re going to Super Bowl, right? And then we lost. And like your buddy wrote to me and friended me on LinkedIn, your New Orleans pleased that I was coming, so I was all ready to do it again. I wonโ€™t let you know that, like I won the next time. I havenโ€™t thought about it eight weeks. I havenโ€™t thought about it since Morgan. No no, my he

Todd Schuler  34:15

my buddy that is involved with Deirdre in some way. I donโ€™t know. He reached out. Heโ€™s like, do you know nasty Nestor? And I was like, yeah, theyโ€™re nasty Nestor. Is he still alive? Yeah, heโ€™s still doing credential at the Orioles. What the hell?

Nestor Aparicio  34:29

What are you gonna do? Iโ€™m not a real media member. So are you bullish on the Orioles? I mean, youโ€™re youโ€™re old, you and your old man, big time Oriole fan. Longer youโ€™ve been a raven fan. All of us have been

Todd Schuler  34:41

right. All of us have been right, of course. And I am bullish, and I like, I like the crappy off season, you know? Like, I know youโ€™re bearish. You know,

Nestor Aparicio  34:51

no, Iโ€™m not a no, no, no, youโ€™re this is where you this is the time of year. Mark, fine, if youโ€™re listening. And Katie, if youโ€™re listening, that. Not true. I said this to my wife, Iโ€™m like, I have been the voice of reason of this off season to say that guy didnโ€™t want their money out in Arizona. They didnโ€™t, they didnโ€™t waste it on anybody. They bought remnant pitching, because thatโ€™s what they can do. And to me, if I own the team, Iโ€™d say, You know what? Weโ€™ve got all these young guys let them play if we need fortification in July, for the first time in the history of the organization, we have an artillery we can deal from right and for the first time in in the history of the organization, we have all money bags. Who was spoke to the CEO club, who can just fund the $12 million picture, or an $80 million picture that weโ€™re gonna get over three years, or they get another Zach Eflin, that they get another picture with 20 million left for next year, that they have flexibility. They have a lot of flexibility to make a move at the deadline. I believe that, and I believe that they donโ€™t have a track record, but they have the ability. I think itโ€™s a Iโ€™m buying into that philosophy. Iโ€™m not buying into the fact that Iโ€™m not a media member, because youโ€™re all, youโ€™re nuts on that. But I am buying into the philosophy that they shouldnโ€™t have just gone running, throwing money at pictures. I Iโ€™m okay with Snell, any of those guys, that weโ€™re gonna be two, $300 million i That worries me, given that kind of money. Way would worry me if I were the owner the

Todd Schuler  36:21

team, theyโ€™re gonna rake. I mean, one way or the other, theyโ€™re gonna rake, and itโ€™s gonna keep them in a lot of games. If they have the pitching to make it, theyโ€™re gonna make it and

Nestor Aparicio  36:28

and if they donโ€™t, they can go buy it or acquire it. And I like

Todd Schuler  36:31

the dump, yes. And if they donโ€™t, they can go buy it or acquire it at the deadline. And I like that the mood is sour now, like let the mood be positive in October and September, right? Like, so

Nestor Aparicio  36:43

youโ€™ll get excited when they start winning some

Todd Schuler  36:45

games. Is what youโ€™re telling theyโ€™re gonna get out there. Theyโ€™re gonna, you know, theyโ€™re gonna do what they did, theyโ€™re gonna be in contention for the division. Theyโ€™re gonna be in contention for a wild card. And, like, itโ€™s like the, itโ€™s like the Ravens. I mean, the last two Raven seasons just ended in this, probably the best team in football at least two years ago, maybe that, maybe this past year, and they werenโ€™t the best team in football. The two times they won the Super Bowl, they did, the ball falls, you know, but you got to be, you got to be in position to win the ball falls. Maybe it falls your way. And thatโ€™s where the Orioles have been for a couple years, and Snake Bit like the Ravens have been, and thatโ€™s where theyโ€™re going to be this year, and maybe just we get a little Oriole magic.

Nestor Aparicio  37:24

So when I make the announcement on April 1 that Iโ€™m running for the king of royal farms fried chicken,

Todd Schuler  37:32

I donโ€™t think youโ€™re going to have much of a primary.

Nestor Aparicio  37:35

What do you make of the Tucker thing? I

Todd Schuler  37:37

think itโ€™s I. I think itโ€™s a shame, because I, I feel like I knew, and if I knew, they knew, and did you know? Yeah, I mean, you heard things I didnโ€™t hear. I heard something. Somebody posted something on Facebook, like, five years ago, and it was that Justin Tucker had been kicked, asked to leave several massage partners. I never repeated it, because I didnโ€™t have a second source, and I didnโ€™t, you know, what do I know you saw? You know this person that put up. I not only that, when the story broke, I wrote to him and said, or I put on his Facebook, dude, you were right. Greatest prediction five years earlier, and then he put his old post back up. Iโ€™m

Nestor Aparicio  38:13

gonna stand up here just to stretch because weโ€™re the end of segment. But I was sitting at that table right there. I was at the second table right over the side by the bathroom on that day. Was a Thursday, about six weeks ago. And much see your Essex man. This is Todd shoulder from Blondell Miller. Sure youโ€™ve been to Pizza Johnโ€™s before, but I have as the, I donโ€™t know Iโ€™m like the emissary here. Iโ€™m sort of the ambassador to Peter. Johns. Peter, I have people that have never been here before, right? Jen Marsh is my friend. She lives where shining lives up in butcher Hill, Patterson Park area. And I canโ€™t believe but they got Matthews. They got pizza. Bears Verde, they got place. They go up in Highland town. Rivers. Pizza is long gone, but they donโ€™t find occasion to make it down past blonde l Miller Shuler across, you know, back River Bridge, come down to back river neck road and make her way here. So I invited Jen Marsh. I wanted to get together with her. I love her. Sheโ€™s a long time editor of city paper. And I said, Jen, I love you. Letโ€™s go get some lunch and hang out, talk some business and talk about life and and I said, you want to go to pizza? I never been to Pizza Johnโ€™s. Iโ€™m like, letโ€™s go. So we come in here, we order a pizza, cheesesteak proper, french fries and gravy. Weโ€™re having a good old time. Weโ€™re catching up on this and that. And she gets up to go to the bathroom. See, I gotta clean my hands. She gotta get the bathroom. My text goes off. Itโ€™s from, you know, Luke. Itโ€™s like, right? Just, and Iโ€™m like, she came out of the bathroom, and Iโ€™m like, Jen, look at this. And sheโ€™s, sheโ€™s a news person. Sheโ€™s like, what she runs to that she had the banner app she subscribes to. I got to read the whole thing on her phone. So I learned about Justin Tucker in that booth at 145 in the afternoon, a couple of thirds. Days ago, and Iโ€™m looking around in here and nobody know, and Iโ€™m thinking to myself, before I got up to leave, I went and peed and I came back and sat down. Tucker had already had his Instagram post up, denying all right, right, before I walk my car was right there before I walked out of here, and weโ€™d already eaten. So within 15 minutes, Tucker had already put his legal counsel to work on all of this. And you asked me when I heard that about this. When I was at that table, I didnโ€™t hear it. Nobody called me. Nobody told me for

Todd Schuler  40:33

Deshaun Watson, before any Deshaun Watson. I had heard the Tucker thing. I filed it away. I heard about Deshaun Watson. I told my browns fan wife. I was like, You know who else? Justin Tucker and but donโ€™t tell anybody, because I only saw it on Brettโ€™s Facebook and blah, blah, blah. And then it sits around for forever and it breaks. And then it was like, holy, Schmack rolls. He was right. Heโ€™s

Nestor Aparicio  40:56

not gonna kick here anymore, right? Theyโ€™re not gonna know that, right? No ring of I mean, thereโ€™s zero tolerance, except for signing Ben Cleveland after blowing a double DUI right, like literally, right?

Todd Schuler  41:05

It smacks of poor judgment. They had to know. They had to know. Thereโ€™s no way my buddy Brett just heard something and put it out. They have

Nestor Aparicio  41:17

a lot of poor judgment out there. So let me tell you, Mr. Legal guy, Iโ€™ll give you this one because Iโ€™ve told this one out loud a couple times, but I want to tell it again, and I want to be really careful with this, because I could really drop the ball in the end of this, and Iโ€™m not going to do that. But I had a player come out to do a show with me at Buffalo Wild Wings in Bel Air, 12 years ago, rev 1213, was in the air. It was in the Flacco era. A player came out, another player came out, and one of the players was so inebriated that I couldnโ€™t air the piece, right? I videoed it. I audio to kids were there getting autographs. The player was beyond hammered. He was so hammered that they were putting water into his drink when he was asking for for vodka, right, right? Okay, thatโ€™s how hammered he sure it was. It was an utter embarrassment. I drove home that night and I told Eric the Costa two days later, who Iโ€™ve known famously for 30 years, and they told me theyโ€™re not all choir boys. Yeah, theyโ€™re not all quiet. Bobby Bowden, that. Thatโ€™s what that level of of accountability that I experienced in Owings Mills, and Iโ€™d like to tell you where that player is right now, but heโ€™s not in a good circumstance. I thatโ€™s all I would say about that player I would like and that player had a problem, and I identified that playerโ€™s drinking problem to their management, their HR team, and instead of intervening within an alcohol aid player, they just let him go play. And I know that thatโ€™s the way they handle things, because I Iโ€™m a media member. You know what? I mean? Like, I know things that have gone on that building that are horrif. They run an animal house out there. But Roger Goodell is now going to investigate this, which is a punch line. I mean, if they found that Tucker did really horrible, horrible stuff, they would hide it. Not they would they would hide they would bury it. Thatโ€™s why theyโ€™re into bury it. Theyโ€™re not into investigating. The

Todd Schuler  43:20

narrative on the team is that theyโ€™re into high character guys, right? And like you know, youโ€™re building a roster of of quality people who you know. And maybe high, high character means a dedicated work ethic, or whatever else it means. You, you got to expect more, you, you got to expect more than do you hiding this story? You do. I mean, with theyโ€™re not all choir boys, if we donโ€™t, if heโ€™s a good kid, yes, and heโ€™s

Nestor Aparicio  43:48

great. When I said to my wife, I said to my wife, she read it all and and I was the one who said heโ€™s done. After this, the first allegation, thought he was done. The second and the third, like all of that, I said heโ€™s done. And I said to my wife, weโ€™re brushing our teeth before bed one night. And I said, you donโ€™t think theyโ€™re bringing him back, right? And, you know, my wife said to me, way is a really good kicker. I mean, this is my wife saying,

Todd Schuler  44:12

I feel you. I feel you. You got to demand more. You canโ€™t, you canโ€™t bring him back. Itโ€™s disgraceful. Itโ€™s and they probably, allegedly, they probably should have cut their losses, at least back to when I heard about it, you know, which might have included the Detroit kick and a couple of good playoff runs. Big problem,

Nestor Aparicio  44:32

and theyโ€™ll never find out, and they canโ€™t prove it anyway, right? It pretty much is lawyers. Youโ€™re saying they canโ€™t prove

Todd Schuler  44:37

it. It smacks of poor judgment to to not bring your own dirt into light. To me,

Nestor Aparicio  44:47

yeah, they lack integrity. They threw me out. Am I a media member or am I not? Youโ€™re a medium. Did I do anything to be thrown out? No,

Todd Schuler  44:55

youโ€™re the man. Okay. Start breaking. You know what?

Nestor Aparicio  44:59

Speaking of media. Up. You call for a real media member, you get a real media member in Essex, he hadnโ€™t shaved in a month. Heโ€™s looking look a real wintry I like it. Itโ€™s getting that Toronto thing going on. Thatโ€™s good. I like that. The great Luke Jones is here. You have to go, Yeah, well, you want to talk baseball, football with Luke? You can No, no. Are you gonna tell you would argue with a lawyer today, because Iโ€™m done. Todd Schuler, Blondeau Miller shoulder, heโ€™ll never speak to me again, but maybe you invite me for crawfish. Howโ€™s Mark doing? To give everybody a case study of something, a case youโ€™ve won, where bad things were going on. What you do for people over there? Because youโ€™re not the Dewey Cheatham and Howard Lee, you represent good local people who have bad stuff happen to them, and you fight these insurance companies to make them pay. Thatโ€™s all, yeah, thereโ€™s not a lot

Todd Schuler  45:47

of like Matlock that goes on. Thereโ€™s not a lot of aha. This was that. This was that

Nestor Aparicio  45:53

these are murder cases. These are attractive accidents. This is, itโ€™s a

Todd Schuler  45:57

traffic accident, work accidents. People are out of work, and then they rely on a weekly check to come for as long as theyโ€™re treating getting back to health. And everything is really fought in the matter of degree, right? What is ultimately the value of your traffic, access? Well,

Nestor Aparicio  46:11

everybody you fight for has had a lot of trauma, everybody, physical, financial, all of that, right? By the time they get to you and youโ€™re taking people to court, these are people are really getting screwed. Bottom line, right? It

Todd Schuler  46:22

is always a pain in the ass to be hurt in any way. Imagine stubbing your toe, and that sucks for like three weeks, if you ever get the little purple pinky toe right, and itโ€™s a hassle to have to go to medical appointments, right? If you have to go to a checkup, you put it off, and youโ€™re like, Yeah, Iโ€™ll do it in six months. Iโ€™ll do it in six months. And then you go, and itโ€™s like half your day, and youโ€™re sitting in a waiting room and you got to fill the damn forms out, right? Like, everything sucks. So itโ€™s not just this, I, you know, I broke my arm. Itโ€™s everything that goes along with having to have broken your arm, right? And youโ€™re missing work, and work wants to know where the hell you are and when youโ€™re coming back. And

Nestor Aparicio  46:59

my wife, the insurance company Met Life. You scumbags tried to force my wife back to work twice when she was like, literally not in the well, right? Not well enough. And they tried to force her to go back to work,

Todd Schuler  47:15

most definitely. And then thatโ€™s a lot of where our fight is. You know what Mark and I are there fighting in the margins, saying No, her treating physician says she needs another eight weeks, you know. And, and then theyโ€™re sending you to a doctor. Youโ€™re having a doctor review records that says, oh, no, she should have been back eight weeks ago, you know. And, and weโ€™re fighting these fights, and weโ€™re doing them every day, and weโ€™re doing them in court, and weโ€™re not taking any and, you know, weโ€™re not taking the first deal. Weโ€™re weโ€™re fighting for people

Nestor Aparicio  47:41

good. I like that. Mikeโ€™s. Markโ€™s been a fighter all his life. Mark Miller has been my lifelong friend. Todd Schuler is his partner at Blondel Miller Schuler, Iโ€™m the guy that comes to Pizza Johnโ€™s, and I donโ€™t get any water. I gotta get some pizza. Iโ€™ve been here a couple hours. Iโ€™m gonna swallow a lot of aggression. Pizza and cheesesteaks today. Weโ€™re pizza Johnโ€™s. I wanna give you a magic eight ball. Tell me how to find your law firm. Damn good lawyers.

Todd Schuler  48:02

Damn good 410-687-7878, get good Essex phone number. Weโ€™re right here on Eastern Boulevard. Drive on by. Come on in.

Nestor Aparicio  48:10

Anybody gets in an accident, text me and Iโ€™ll get you in touch with these people, because you need them. They get theyโ€™ll represent you the right way, even though heโ€™s a Calvert Hall guy. You want to

Todd Schuler  48:20

sing the song or anything? Are you good? I If I sing the alma mater, I might break the internet. I sing good. I like that. I know everywhere

Nestor Aparicio  48:27

I need to hits. Iโ€™m all about hits and likes. You know that? Right? Click, click, click, click, yeah. Be in the radio business. This might catch me the wrong way. Well, thanks for coming by a pizza to go for Todd Schuler, itโ€™s all brought to my friends at the Maryland lottery. I got more magic eight ball scratch offs. Donโ€™t you worry. Iโ€™ll get these out. Weโ€™re gonna be at the fade please on the second of April, Luke. It likes me so much lately. See Luke, now that Iโ€™ve been thrown out of the media again, he doesnโ€™t have to see me anymore, but he has to come and hang out today, and then weโ€™re gonna be together at fade these on April 2. So if you want to come say hello to Luke, fade these on the second will be there all afternoon. I have a bunch of great guests coming that day. Iโ€™m looking forward to that. So second game of the year, Red Sox are in town, and then later on in the month, weโ€™re gonna be Cocos, weโ€™re gonna be Cooperโ€™s. Weโ€™re gonna be a Beaumont weโ€™re Cocos on the 30th and over, Costas on the 18th of I see you. You want some Costas crabs? I see what you just did there. I want to go to New Costas. Is that going down that is at Timonium thatโ€™s your haunt. Thatโ€™s going to be your place. Thatโ€™s my spot, like a norm seat at that place. Costas is taking over Nickโ€™s grandstand grill in the Timonium racetrack grandstand, youโ€™ll be able to easily access that from York Road and I 83 right at Timonium road, right around the corner from our partners at curio. Well, curio wellness of foreign daughter. So everybody central I ever since I moved to Townsend, everybody wants to come to town true. Iโ€™m gonna have to give the Costas people a hard time. Weโ€™re at Pizza Johnson Essex. Everybody wants to come down here and get their pizza because itโ€™s delicious. Get the pepperoni on it, Luke and I donโ€™t agree on pizza, so Iโ€™m gonna let him get his own and Iโ€™m gonna get my own. And he can eat anything he wants because he drove down from pencil. Tucky, weโ€™re gonna do some baseball. The great Dave shining of The Washington Post is gonna have his first ever slice of pizza. Johnโ€™s pizza today. Luke is a veteran. Weโ€™re gonna come back continue to do it. Weโ€™re pizza. Johnโ€™s my thanks to my pal Todd, former delegate, not councilman, not senator. Delegate, Shuler, are you always a delegate after a delegate? Does anybody call

Todd Schuler  50:23

you that? Nobody remembers any person that remembers Brian frosh

Nestor Aparicio  50:27

on and Iโ€™m like, do I have to call you attorney general or AJ? And heโ€™s like, just calling me Brian. Iโ€™m like, Thank God for people like

Todd Schuler  50:33

that. My rule, though, if whatever highest rank you occurred like you were my coach, youโ€™re always coach, right?

Nestor Aparicio  50:40

Boss. Boss. Thatโ€™s how Springsteen got his name. Hey, boss. Hey dude, yeah, I donโ€™t know what Iโ€™m gonna get some pizza. Weโ€™re back for more pizza. Johns carrying on. We are W NST AM, 1570 Towson, Baltimore, we never stopped talking democracy, pizza and baseball. You.

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