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John Martin of Maryland Lottery joins Nestor for a New Year’s celebration of winners and realities of sports wagering

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John Martin of Maryland Lottery joins Nestor for a New Year's celebration of winners and realities of sports wagering

We get together weekly with Maryland Lottery Executive Director John Martin to discuss winners, wagering and how it all works. And as a New Year of celebration and football winners circle for the playoffs, we discuss some realities of the early years of mobile sports wagering and slowing the roll if the bowl games are coming too fast.

John Martin from the Maryland Lottery discussed the Mega Millions jackpot, which reset to $20 million after a $1.2 billion win in California. He highlighted a new rule where the jackpot starts at $50 million and guarantees a minimum win of twice the ticket price. Martin also mentioned the Powerball jackpot nearing $200 million. Additionally, he addressed the importance of claiming lottery prizes within 182 days and shared stories of unclaimed winnings. On sports wagering, Martin emphasized responsible gambling and the educational efforts to inform players about the odds and potential risks. He also touched on the impact of sports wagering on state revenues, noting a significant contribution in November.


Mega Millions, Powerball jackpot, jackpot promotion, new rules, $5 ticket, minimum win, unclaimed prizes, second chance, sports wagering, responsible gambling, NFL betting, playoff game, Ravens scratch offs, Maryland lottery, holiday parties


Nestor Aparicio, John Martin

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Foreign. Welcome home. We are W, N, S T am 1570 task Baltimore and Baltimore, positive. Happy New Year to you. 2025 hope that all of your dreams come true this year, and hopefully put some strategy together. Had a good time. Hopefully not hung over. Hopefully the ravens are going to win this week. Make the play offs up. We are going to be putting the Maryland crab cake tour back out on the road here in 2025 on the seventh, next Tuesday, we will be at libs grill in Bay, layers coach. Buzz would say, Well, I will not have Raven scratch offs. I like Ravens. Last chance on that. I’m going to have freshies. They’re going to be magic. Eight balls. Just haven’t put it together through the holidays. We’ll have them next week. Also our friends at shifting new multi care powering us up through our Maryland crab cake tour. John Martin joins us now. He is either the last guest of 2024 or the first guest of 2025 depending on how you’re listening to this ad on the radio or out on the web. But Happy New Year to you. I, you know, I feel like a little bit like Dick Clark or maybe Ryan Seacrest. And just, you know, having a good time here with you big winners in 2025 coming right? John, Happy

John Martin  01:08

New Year to you too, as well. I hope you’re feeling more like Ryan Seacrest than Dick Clark at this point in time, for a number of obvious reasons. And, you know, I don’t know if I want to be the last of the 24 the first 25 that means I’ve got been in the air for what 24 hours is that either

Nestor Aparicio  01:21

save the best for last or begin the year with a bang, right? I mean way or another, right? Well,

John Martin  01:27

I tell you what in in here’s a segue for you. Nice. Nice for the setup. There some lucky person in California didn’t know what, what was coming or going on the 24 versus 25 they wanted $1.2 billion Mega Millions jackpots you

Nestor Aparicio  01:43

make up your own year when you’re a billionaire, right? Exactly. They

John Martin  01:46

have not come forward. They have one year to claim their prize in the grand state of California. So we may not know for several months. Suffice to say, it’s not you, it’s not me, it’s not any of our listeners, viewers, friends, family. We wish them well, but we reset the we reset the calendar on 25 and the jackpot at $20 million for the Mega Millions, uh, also kicks off our jackpot promotion, which means if you buy a Mega Millions ticket now, in the next two weeks, you may win, on a random basis, a free Powerball ticket, and The Powerball jackpot is inching up to nearly $200 million so that’s not a bad way to start the year, either. John, you know,

Nestor Aparicio  02:26

my wife’s a jackpot player. We’ve discussed this, and she played last week before this California person ran off with all the loot, right? And and we’ll get why California wins. I think they have more people, right? Just in general, is that the problem? They all they have more electoral vote. They have a little more of everything. I’ve been to California there. It’s, it’s a big place with a lot of big cities,

John Martin  02:45

lots of people. It’s very people in in California. And yeah, if you look at the historical trends over the last several years ago, these billion dollar jackpots, fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, a lot of people in California have been claiming these Powerball and Mega Millions, billion dollar jackpots. And last week was the latest in that, in that litany, 1.2 billion.

Nestor Aparicio  03:08

So my wife says to me, you gotta ask John about the new rules and the $5 ticket. And also, I’m gonna throw it to you now for the jackpot players out there that they’re NIC tried to explain to her, I’m like, it’s math. I don’t understand it, but I know it makes the kitty larger, and it’s going to grow the prize quicker. And we’re not going to have, like, right now it’s $20 million to start with, because it’s kind of like, it starts low and slow to bank up to that $1.2 billion

John Martin  03:36

we will have many opportunities in the new year to talk about this in detail, so no one will be caught by surprise, but a couple of teasers is yes, it will reset at $50 million so right off the bat, it starts at a much higher threshold for the for the new jackpots. It will then allow for a little tweak in the math, a little tweak in the algorithms, which will make it slightly easier to win.

Nestor Aparicio  04:03

If I hit millions and I only win 20 million, I’m feeling ripped off, John, you know what I mean? I’m feeling like that’s, you know, be generous enough, you know what I mean. So we got to make it 50 now, right? Like, literally it starts. We’ll

John Martin  04:15

make it 50, and we’ll also provide opportunities so that no prize will be less than twice what you spent, meaning, if you spend $5 the minimum you can win is $10 if you spent $50 the minimum you can win is $100 so you know, depending on how you you look at it, you will have an opportunity to get bigger jackpots growing faster, larger chances To win and better odds overall. And we’ll talk about all of that as we aim towards our April start for the Mega Millions. I

Nestor Aparicio  04:48

saw this out on my timeline because I have the empty lottery app. I download them. It’s probably why my wife knows about the new rules coming for for Powerball in 2025 as well. But we’re like missing a. Million dollar winner this month, right somebody up in the wall while went up there and got a Hogan, yeah, and came home with a million bucks. But they don’t know you. You don’t know them. But you know, sort of where the ticket was sold. And this is kind of one of the fun games y’all play there is when’s the winner coming forward? Because, you know, the ticket was sold. Yeah. We

John Martin  05:18

like that. We we’re we’re very welcoming. We have people here, very friendly that would love to chat with you and outline for you how your your your winnings can be distributed, dispersed to you. But you do have 182 days in the state of Maryland, so and it doesn’t it’s not surprising, especially as the jackpots are one close to the end of the year, they’re probably doing the right thing, getting their financial advisors to advise them, getting their family and friends lined up, and then probably coming in soon into the new year, a new calendar, a new year, new tax consequences, all those wonderful things that can happen. And you know, we won’t get too concerned about it until it gets much closer to that, that deadline of 182 days. But for now, I hope they’re enjoying it relaxing, wondering what if is going to happen now with their new million dollar win, and that was up in I believe Wawa was the retailer, if I remember that correctly. So hopefully somebody there is loading up on their on their Wawa coffee and and coming in when it’s convenient for them, hoping the next several weeks,

Nestor Aparicio  06:19

you’ve been doing this a long time, and maybe this is a good opportunity, since we do segue away, we’re into a new year. You’ve seen people not claim million dollar prizes. Is that true? I mean, it’d be crazy enough if it’s 50 grand or take I mean, if it’s 1000 bucks, it’s a lot of money to not claim it, right? If you if you have that ticket. And I guess that’s why I’m always encouraging people use the little zapper scanner thing on the app. It’s so 2025 it’s so easy to know if you’ve won or lost. You get second chances where you can really win a lot. You don’t even know you’re going to win. And Doug calls you and says You won. And we’re going to have a story TJ, our ravens winner last year is coming on for a couple Super Bowl and setting all that up. So we’ve had these other Second Chance winners. We talk so much about it, but the the notion that you play and you don’t know you won, and the ticket is lost in the laundry, wherever it is, what’s like? The the danger story you’ve seen in your lifetime in lottery that somebody doesn’t claim a prize like this?

John Martin  07:19

Oh, there are, there are many danger stories around the country. The ultimate danger meaning the prize goes unclaimed, and at that point, it then reverts back into the the prize pools for future jackpots. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s just an a missed opportunity. And then there are all those, always, those stories that kind of hard to believe. There was one, I believe, was in Indiana just this last week. The ticket was about to expire right around the Christmas holiday, and the husband and wife found it in the cushions between their the car seats. Now why they chose hours before the deadline to start looking for it? I don’t know. You’d have to ask them.

Nestor Aparicio  07:59

How much was the ticket?

John Martin  08:01

It was a million dollar winner.

Nestor Aparicio  08:03

So, so someone like you in Indiana put out an APB on the like in the media, and the way you do and say, Look, you got two days if you think you bought this ticket at the Wawa Check, check because, like, somebody’s, Wow, that’s great. But then we

John Martin  08:19

have, we have the other end of the spectrum, the ones that are maybe more reasonable. And I love stories, especially around the holidays. You’ve been to parties, Nestor, I’m sure, where not

Nestor Aparicio  08:28

lately. Don’t accuse me of that. Everything had happened. That was the last set. No, I haven’t been any parties lately. We’re fighting over.

John Martin  08:37

It’s a little gift exchange or something goes on at the party. You know, nominal gifts and you selected a prize. Well, the couple was going to a little family event with friends and family, and they were gifted lottery tickets, a $10 snowflake Tripler, which remember, Nestor, smells like snowflakes, but that’s another story.

Nestor Aparicio  09:00

If I have one ask in 2025 of you do whatever you want with home run riches. Do whatever you want with the Raven thing. Give a take the trip next where, wherever they’re going. Take them somewhere nice, bring me back some scented tickets for the holidays. I’m not asking mom. Well,

John Martin  09:15

we’ll see we can do I know some people, all right, I know, sure, but I know some people who know some people, we’ll, we’ll, we’ll work on it.

Nestor Aparicio  09:22

Run the Maryland lottery. When the little wallets come in, you want Executive Director? When, when the little test tickets come in, because I know you, you do this. We gonna go pumpkin this year. We gonna go egg. Now. What are we gonna do? Let me be a part of the sniffing committee. I mean, let me just guy. I just want to know how this works. Entrepreneur, I was in line. I always wonder, like, and I see this on TV now, what are they doing? Like the Ben and Jerry’s tasting center. Like, I want to be that guy. I want to be the sniffing center for next year’s tickets. Because I am upset that you made these snowflake scented tickets this year. Then I still can’t. I’m still trying to Alright, so you’ll smell it Monday with a foot of snow, but keep going.

John Martin  10:06

Thank you very much. So the so the snowflake Tripler, they they get their ticket, they scratch it off and and the guy thinks he sees a $10,000 match, so he’s going to look excited. And then he scratches it off another one, and it’s another $10,000 match. And all of a sudden, he reveals 10, $10,000 matches. And he’s thinking, Okay, this is a gag card. This is not a legit lottery ticket. I’ve got these $10,000 winners on this scratch off ticket. And so he said, This can’t be right? No one had an app. Can you believe that Nestor, the party? No one had an app. He had to get in his car and go to a retailer who confirmed the fact that, yeah, pal, you just won $100,000

Nestor Aparicio  10:49

he goes back to the party. Was it a liquor store that he went to?

John Martin  10:53

I hope so. I don’t know. Those details aren’t known to me, but he goes back to the party, and as he said, quote, The celebration went up a few notches. So that’s a fun story, isn’t it?

Nestor Aparicio  11:05

Well, listen, you know, you have mentioned gifting in the past, and I it’s just total, we don’t rehearse this. But you know, we really, no, we don’t rehearse this. So what happened here in this this young lady has been a lifelong friend of mine. She has been a guest on the Maryland crab cake tour. She is a local realtor from Dundalk via Parkville, but she’s my lifelong friend, and I found old mail. And I’m not kidding, this is literally happened this week, I was going through mail and doing my thing, and she had sent me a birthday card, and it was happy birthday to me. And she said, you know, she’s a real She’s my friend. But we had had, I took her to Pizza John’s for like, like, serious, yeah, we took her to peach Johns, and she sent me a thank you and a happy birthday card, but she sent me in it a 333, Tripler with a top prize of $13,333 with 10 chances to win. So you mentioned people gifting these. I literally Gigi. I love you. You know, I do. I have not scratched it. I don’t know if I’m eligible being a lottery person, but I did get this in the mail as a gift for my birthday. People really give lottery. I’m gonna ask her when I have her, when I have her, I’m going to bring her after the crab cake tour, and say, do you do this for everyone, or am I special?

John Martin  12:25

Wow, wow. Well, those are two questions there. We all know you’re special, so let’s move back to the side. But does she do it for everyone? Wow, that’d be good to know. That’d be good to know. Um,

Nestor Aparicio  12:34

I mean, that is something that people do, and it’s very, was very sweet of her. And I thought maybe I won something. And I thought I sort of worked with the lottery, maybe I should give it to my wife. But I thought, either way, this is going to be a nice little thing to do with John. And then you started talking about giving these away, and I had to tell the story. So there,

John Martin  12:51

that’s a wonderful story. And people can go to MD to read more wonderful stories like this. Next one, we had a a young lady who was not a big lottery player, but on Christmas day, she and her family went to the grocery store for some snacks. You know, he got the kids a little little anxious, so they got in some snacks. And her aunt, who was with her, who was a big lottery player, encourages her to buy the $5 Deluxe crossword ninth edition. Don’t get ahead to me, but you know where this is going. The casual player, who, I guess more than casual, has never played before. It was her quote, scratches it off, bam. $50,000 winner, right there in the store. They leave. They leave the store immediately. They’re so excited, they forgot about the snacks and had to go to a convenience store on the way home to get the snacks. But the family from El Salvador so and a lot of times, as you may know from your dealings, very tight communities in the Hispanic Venezuelan there you go and and looking to to benefit many people, people back home, people here, pull something away for herself. But a fun, fun story again, it happens a Christmas miracle, don’t I love that?

Nestor Aparicio  14:14

Well, see, I always think of you. I don’t think of you as grinchy at all. I mean, you’re always giving money away. And yeah, you see CMD lottery, if you win. John Martin is here. He’s the Executive Director of all things Maryland lottery and gaming. We again encourage everybody on the gaming side here, as we enter the playoffs, it’s been a big month, right? I mean, around in general, right? Washington, Baltimore playoffs, all that going on. You’re also, you oversee that part of this as well, and that has become a big, big part of this. As we go into 2025 there’s a lot of money coming into the state that was not coming in in 2020 or 2021 quite frankly,

John Martin  14:51

last month, month of November, was the largest contribution to the state coffers in. And sports wagering. Brief history, over $11 million I don’t have the figures yet. I’m not clairvoyant, but I think December is going to be real strong. First off, you’ve got five Sundays in December. And why is that important? Well, the NFL does kind of still rule the roost, and with five weekends and all the all the excitement of many teams eligible for playoffs, lot going on there. So I would expect the numbers will be officially released January 10, for the month of December, I think we’ll get real close. Don’t want to say we’re going to be better than $11 million return to the state, but I think we’re going to have another strong month.

Nestor Aparicio  15:48

And there’s so many days football was being played. I mean, let’s and the teams here playing on opposite days and being very, very relevant. Yeah, yeah. And the thing I’ve noticed, and this is always comes with the slow your role for anybody, because I am an outsider to gambling. I’m fully admitting I would have had my press credential taken away years ago if I was trying to shave numbers with Joe Flacco or even discuss it in that way that we would now. I mean, the wheels are off for all of this on weekends, and I see betting and Sunday night football, and it is astonishing to me as a human, as a fan, as a journalist, as a lottery spokesperson, like all the stuff that I the amount of ways to wager on how many yards Mark Andrews is going to have this Week. And I’m getting further educated just by my friends on my timeline, my friend Gary, I want now ski had a thing on his Facebook the other day about his wagering. He’s making a joke and whatever, but you can cash out early on half bets if you’re ahead, if you just want to be ahead and walk away from the table. Because I always sort of equate this to my time in Las Vegas and blackjack, and I think to myself, there’s just a lot of opportunities to sports wager in a way that just wasn’t my dad’s pool cards at the point 50 years ago, or just who’s going to win, who’s going to lose, what’s the over, under, or like pitchers in baseball, and just betting on a starting pitching this thing’s gotten very exotic very quickly. I don’t want to say it’s frightening. I would just say, much like a lot of other things, needs to be studied a little bit, right? If you put money on this, because there is a real somebody said I was in a casino two weeks ago here in the great state of Maryland. I was with the great Gina shock of the Go Go’s, who went to down the MGM, and we saw the black crows, and we were in the casino, and we were having a conversation about craps, about knowing the rules or not knowing the rules. She’s like, it’s a little intimidating, you know, I don’t really know the rules, and I’m thinking to myself, this is a good opportunity for you to tell people know what you’re betting on. Please, everybody but the sports side of it. I like, I like to think of myself as a sports expert, John, you know, because I’ve been doing this, yeah, right. Sports expert, like, like, this is, there’s just a lot going on with sports wagering that I’m being so like, saying, What is that that’s kind of new we,

John Martin  18:15

we preach education, no. First of all, set your limits, both on dollar amount and time. Know what you’re wagering. You know, back before we started, when it was still a concept here in Maryland, many people looked at the industry and said, why bother? You know, sports wagering is a 5% margin at best. And going back to the pool cards, you know, is that the bears are the lines this week, you know, at that level of betting, yeah. I mean, it’s razor thin margins. And then we got into wagering. Then we got into sports mobile wagering, and then we got into things like parlays and prop bets. And as you correctly identified, an explosion of ways to do that, and I don’t think the general public has really caught up with that, and now we see margins that are two and three times that, meaning the house is winning a lot more than they used to. And the reason the house wins is when players don’t, and players don’t win because maybe they don’t fully understand what these options are, or they chase something that’s got a low probability of success. Um, parlays have been a boon for the casino, for the house, for the books, and that wasn’t a concept, because

Nestor Aparicio  19:34

you put five bucks chasing 1000 and you make six bets and you win the first three, and you might have some fun, but either way, it’s it’s not we talk about all of the games, and you can Google any of this blackjack being the game that you might be able to make a little money when you walk in a casino if you’re good at it, and you get good hands, good luck, and you double down on the you know you play by the book, as I learned it 30 years ago, when there was such a thing, you went to Walden books to. Were like, I’m going to Vegas. I I hear they build cities that you know, off of people like me. So I just think on the sports side, and this is a longer conversation to have, and it’s more, quite frankly, John, I don’t have this with Luke. I don’t have gambling people on so much to sit here, but I see it all around me, and I don’t go to the Super Bowl anymore. And that’s really what it’s become. Sort of a tout society into that. But more than that, when I see the percentages, and especially when anything that’s for me as a fan, I’m an old guy, I see it as the sophistication level of the bills having an 88% chance of doing this or that. I don’t see it as an inducement to wager, but I think that it is, and I think that the percentages and all those numbers become if you like math, if you like gambling, if you like going to Vegas, and thought you could win a little bit, and studied how to do it, you play the lottery, and you take all every chance to try to win money, because and you want to have fun. But the sports thing is mind boggling to me, beyond 40 years ago, me trying to figure out how to read their racing form. You know, you know, so I can make an educated guess at the racetrack. I think the sports thing, I would encourage everyone to just know what you’re doing. I and I’ll say this to John, to anybody, because I am a little concerned, because I don’t want anybody in my circle to get swept up in it. And I’m in a sports circle and, and it has come very fast and furious.

John Martin  21:23

Well, there’s no one’s immune. And again, there’s a self discipline and fall with that. And no one wants to hear that, right? They want to have fun, they want to be entertained, they want to be social, they want to they want to win money. And all those things are dangerous, slippery slope elements and any one of them is you have them in combination. And I am very empathetic, and I struggle with, we struggle here with how to put the guardrails up to protect players, to protect individuals who may be in a vulnerable group. And that’s that’s not easy to do, because we can’t we can’t control it all the way to the to the end point. We can do the best we can. We can educate. We can put parameters around things, but ultimately, it’s an individual, he or she, in a moment with a phone, and who knows what else is going on in their lives, who has to make that responsible decision. We hope that they make it favorably, and they they come back another day to enjoy it, but we’re well aware of the consequences for some people who don’t, who don’t, who aren’t able to manage that. Why? It’s just

Nestor Aparicio  22:31

changed the way we’ve talked about sports a little bit. It’s changed the way it’s being presented to me on Sunday night football, just loud and clear. And when I’m thinking to myself, is he going to get 65 yards or not? What happens if it gets hurt? Well, you lose the bet. You know. The bet, you know. So I was just playing that game a little bit over the weekend, because the Ravens didn’t even play, you know, on the Sundays, and they’re going to be playing here later this month. John Martin is here. He’s Executive Director and the chief responsible officer at the Maryland lottery and and sports wagering and Gaming here in the state, it is a happy new year. We’ve talked about Mega Millions and all these things, the ravens and this part of the gaming. We’ve been running the ads here this week through the New Year of last chances. And the games do go away, and you bring in different games. I’ll have some magic eight balls, which I’m hoping the magic eight ball leads the ravens to the magic carpet ride the New Orleans this month, but with a raven scratch. Okay, when these games edge out a little bit, there are some jackpots still to be won with the ravens, correct, and including the Second Chance prizes, where, you know, you get to come down on the field, and they make a big, big deal about you next month here, right?

John Martin  23:33

You know, Doug Lloyd is working feverishly on all scenarios. If there is a home playoff game, we will activate the on field things, and then, you know, we’ll see how that plays out going forward. But people can go to MD to see how many prizes are still available on the scratch off tickets, both the two and the $10 ticket. Get a sense for that, because there are certainly a lot of fun to win some cash prizes along the way, we have closed the window on the second chance drawing for the finals, for the season tickets for 20 years. We have those six semi finalists sequestered off location, and they will be brought out into the light again after the Super Bowl, when we’ll do the big reveal, hopefully at M T Bank Stadium. And that’s always a lot of fun to see someone win tickets for 20 years, and then hurts

Nestor Aparicio  24:26

me to feel like the bachelor, like the other people didn’t like the focus on the person, the person that wins, his story. Me been doing this, you know, almost quarter of a century, right? With Ravens. It’s been the long time you’ve been doing this. This, I see the video every year I’ve had the winners on that to have the winner from last year on again, who really helps people in the real world with addictions and all sorts of things. He’s a wonderful guy. But these are real local people. These are real Baltimore, and they’re all ravened up. I mean, that’s why you would get the tickets, in general. So it’s, it really is. A lot of fun. And I, I saw much fun the folks had up in New York, and they picked a great game, too. Great game for touchdowns, great game to win. Weather could have been a little better, but it was seasonal. You know.

John Martin  25:08

Hey, how about the New York football Giants? They must not have been reading the script, but that’s a topic for another conversation. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  25:15

I’m trying to get Eli Manning into the Hall of Fame. I’ve had Terrell six. So listen, you, I’ve been nice to you because it’s the holidays. It’s New Year’s we talked about all of this stuff. Ravens are playing the Browns this week. I didn’t even give you a hard time. I mean,

John Martin  25:28

seriously, you want to give me a hard time like this. A friend of mine once said, Nothing is so bad that can’t get worse. And when I heard this morning that Aaron Rodgers has shortlisted the Cleveland Browns as a place he’d be open to next year,

Nestor Aparicio  25:47

to what buying tickets or what,

John Martin  25:50

how much of a circus would that be?

Nestor Aparicio  25:54

I don’t know. Man, I I’ve been at this a long time. We stole your team, and then you got it back, and then there’s this long history of all of this. But I will say this, John The Browns beat the Ravens. And I almost got, like, a little flipping out on Baltimore positive this week, where I was writing my little excerpt about, like, looking to beat the Browns for the first time this year. Because that’s really the reality of all of this. Is one of the reasons the ravens are in the pickle they’re in is, you know, my boy James Schwartz of Arbutus, halethorpe, Maryland, never to be called Catonsville, over there, put together a nice little defensive package. So, and I don’t want to bring the point spread into this thing, but 18 points like, it’s crazy,

John Martin  26:33

I believe the largest point spread in professional football this year. I believe, yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  26:39

and I don’t know about all of this. I still go into all of these things nervous. You know why? It’s like my wife said, how did they lose to the she was watching Dorian Thompson Robinson over that way, how did they lose to these guys? And I’m like, I don’t know, but I’ll bring it up with John. John, I won’t bring it up again until the guardians and the Orioles face off. And here’s one piece of that I’m going to leave you with. You don’t have to worry about facing Corbin burns when you face the Orioles next year. How about that? I

John Martin  27:04

don’t think we worried about it this year, come to think of it.

Nestor Aparicio  27:06

Yeah, I know you guys did okay this year, playing a little baseball after we were I was pulling for you guys. I’ve been pulling for The Guardian since they were named the other team back in last century, with Mike Hargrove, back before I met Albert. Yep. John Martin is here. He’s executive director of all things Maryland lottery and gaming always out at MD Encourage everybody, please play responsibly. We’ve given you the tough speech this week, but I know everybody’s been watching a lot football, and we’re turning can I get everything in here? I mean, we don’t have any events promotions. It’s winter time. Take the week off. It’s 2025. Lots. People are gonna win money this year and have a good

John Martin  27:40

time. Yes, people should enjoy it if they choose to wager wager responsibly. Have some fun with it, and we will see everyone back in the new year. Alright, ravens

Nestor Aparicio  27:49

will hopefully be hosting a playoff game next week. We’ll have pass for cash. We’ll do winning it all. I am Nestor. We are W, N, S, T. Am 1570 Towson, Baltimore, Luke and I doing Orioles, ravens, lot of music, classic getting pushed away, also out of Baltimore positive, as we get ready for Festivus, for the rest of us, it’s Baltimore Stay with us. You.

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