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Arts and Entertainment, Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Maryland Lottery, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Cold, hard cash…

The colder it gets; the bigger the prize! These frigid temperatures haven’t been fun to navigate but for some lucky Keno players this month with the Maryland Lottery, the lower the better. Executive Director John Martin talks millions and local winners to start the year and slowing the roll on football season.

Business, C-Suite, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, Maryland Lottery, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News, Technology

Realities of growth of sports wagering and season of local playoff football

We get together weekly with Maryland Lottery Executive Director John Martin to discuss winners, wagering and how it all works. And as a New Year of celebration and football winners circle for the playoffs, we discuss some realities of the early years of mobile sports wagering and slowing the roll if the bowl games are coming too fast.

Arts and Entertainment, Business, Community, Featured, Local, Local, Marketing, Maryland Lottery, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Sports, Sports News, Technology

Ravens scratch-off big winners head to The Big Apple on the purple train

As the Ravens head to New York so do several winners of the big Maryland Lottery scratch-off promotion. Let Doug Lloyd of The Maryland Lottery tell you about big jackpots, lucky Friday The 13th fun and more ways to maximize your chances to win with second chances and the MDLottery mobile app.

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