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John Martin of Maryland Lottery talks millions and local winners to start the year


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Baltimore Positive
John Martin of Maryland Lottery talks millions and local winners to start the year

The colder it gets; the bigger the prize! These frigid temperatures haven’t been fun to navigate but for some lucky Keno players this month with the Maryland Lottery, the lower the better. Executive Director John Martin talks millions and local winners to start the year and slowing the roll on football season.

Nestor Aparicio and John Martin discussed recent Maryland Lottery winners, including a Baltimore County woman who won $57,777 on Fast Play Sevens and a $2 million Mega Millions winner from Owings Mills. They also highlighted the Monopoly-themed scratch-offs with prizes up to $2 million and a rolling cash jackpot. The conversation touched on the impact of the Maryland Commanders’ playoff run on local sports betting and community engagement. Martin mentioned the “Fan of the Game” promotion, which paid out $82,000, and the upcoming second chance drawing for season tickets. They also reflected on the excitement of the upcoming Super Bowl and the importance of responsible wagering.


Maryland Lottery, million dollar winners, community chats, Super Bowl, scratch offs, fast play, Mega Millions, Monopoly tickets, second chance, rolling cash jackpot, Ravens promotion, fan of the game, season tickets, sports wagering, responsible wagering


John Martin, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home. We are W, N, S T am 1570 Towson, Baltimore. We are Baltimore, positive. We’re dusting off, you know, from all of this, you know what happened over the weekend? We’re going to watch some football this weekend. We’re going to wager responsibly as always, and then we’re going to do what we love doing around here, serving the community. We’re going to be doing a cup of Super Bowl beginning a week from Monday. We’re going to be beginning at Costas. I’m going to get my Costas gear. I gotta get a sticker sweatshirt when it’s cold like this out here for all of my gear. But we’re going to be doing five consecutive days of community chats during the week where the Ravens would have been in the big game in New Orleans. And instead, you know, everybody that that has a football team is licking their wounds right now, except, and I called them this this week. And John Martin, the Marilyn Lottie will will appreciate this. The Maryland commanders are still involved in the competition there, John, you’re muted. How are you? Brother, good to see you. Man,


Man, that’s I didn’t see that one coming. Wow. Hey, Nestor,

John Martin  01:05

repeat after me. Are you ready? Are you ready? Go ahead.


Oh, H, R, I, I, O, L, E, S, or no.

John Martin  01:18

Scarlet and

Nestor Aparicio  01:20

gray, I had my grace. Think about that. You’re an Ohio State like it didn’t even occur to me that you won a championship. I was thinking like, you poor sap, Cleveland fans were just the same as you now where I was going there, and you’re going, you’re singing, we are the champions. Is what you’re doing, right? Right? You and Ryan day, if you’re

John Martin  01:38

asking me to sing, I would politely decline that. And you’re been our viewers.

Nestor Aparicio  01:43

All notes, hang on sloopy, right?

John Martin  01:45

Well, see, and it’s kind of like the the fun song. I mean, there’s, they’ve got a whole, they’ve got an album The Greatest Hits. You know, you got script Ohio, you got Carmen Ohio with this thing at the end. You’ve got, of course, hang on sloopy, and you’ve got O, H, I, oh, so it’s, it’s wonderful. It is wonderful.

Nestor Aparicio  02:03

Michael Stanley, in there no pretender. God rest his soul. You know, I did a long segment with Munch Bishop, Cleveland legend, who’s a great friend of mine. Yes, when I go to Cleveland, I went to Cleveland last summer, the only one I saw, Bernard McKinney, my former producer. But munch and I make two hours, we get like we make, you know, at this point in life when you make hours for people. And he was great friends with Michael Stanley, and did this beautiful tribute that you can find. And here’s a chance for me to plug my thing before you plug your thing, because you have million dollars. Scratch off. We got things going on here this week. Um, Michael Stanley, it’s in W, N, S T, classic, which is one of my favorite things at the website of Baltimore positive. It’s all of our greatest hits. And we had, like, a browns, ravens, kind of normal conversation because this game, but it really turned into Michael Stanley died. And let’s talk about Michael Stanley and rock and roll and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and everything that is Cleveland that I love so much so, okay, you won a championship this week, and I began the conversation feelings sorry for myself, and you know, but I’ll tell you what, yeah, you always talk about these scratch offs that you give me, and I give them out, and we find million dollar winners, and a couple of them in one week, and even one of them having one of our sponsors, which it makes me even happier. But I know anytime you get these big winners, that’s part of the fun of being able to come on and talk about this. You know, people

John Martin  03:15

go to MD to get all the details about these stories. They’re great stories, but let’s, let’s start off with a couple, because, again, they are, they are fun to to talk about. We have a young lady and Baltimore County woman who won on fast play sevens, won the top prize of $57,777 that is not a misprint. Sometimes we do wild and wacky stuff like that. And of course, she wins a fast play ticket. Realizes it says to herself, quote, holy cow, something tells me that’s not what she said exactly, but she cleaned it up for us. Thank you very much. And she said, Didn’t look real. And then she scanned it, and son of a gun, it was real. So, CMD lottery, CMD

Nestor Aparicio  03:59

lottery, or does it say right? Right on? No, it just says this says CMD lottery, right? If you win? Yeah, I want to prepare myself for what you know. What happens when you know this happens, but it really and I do want to get in a situation room find out how you have these 5777, you know, these interesting ways that you make people have fun playing. Quite frankly, yeah, yeah,

John Martin  04:23

yeah, yeah. And then we had the winner, where they’re here somewhere, won a million dollar, Mega Millions ticket up at the Wawa and Bel Air, and I lost my other winner, the one that $2 million

Nestor Aparicio  04:39

winner and Owings Mills, Apple we right there. Probably go in for some chicken and some westerns. It’s been a little cold out, maybe gassing up. I mean, I know I’ve been in this royal farms. So yes, 2 million bucks on a monopoly. And listen, I went through this that you’re fresh to this the first time you’ve been on a couple weeks. You sent me Seth out. To the ravens, beat the Steelers. I thought that that was a setup last week, that you did that to him. I didn’t think that was fair to him, but I enjoyed it, because this week, who knows, you may find somebody from Buffalo or Kansas City I have to talk to, but you know, as I was going through this with him last week, I’m a monopoly guy. I didn’t have anything for you on Game of Thrones. I’m a Pac Man guy, but I don’t know how much you can talk about Pac Man, except the chase to cherries and a little pocket book and the script sheet. But monopoly, oh, my God, I’ve, I’ve done as much monopoly as I’ve done minor league hockey, which is a lot?

John Martin  05:33

Well, you certainly did do $2 million worth, and which was the story again. MD,, as you correctly identified at the ROFO in Owings Mills. They won on a that would be a $30 monopoly times 200 ticket. We have a family of games a lot of times. What we’ll do with with the family of games is that we’ll we’ll blend them together, bring them to the market at the same time. We have 123456, monopoly branded tickets. They range from $1 price point to 510, 20 and 30, which is what the $2 million top prize was. But you know what? Because sometimes Nestor, sometimes when you scratch, you don’t necessarily have a winning ticket. You have what we call a non winning ticket. And non winning tickets count. They all count for something, you can enter them into our second chance prize and go to MD for all the details. We’re doing something different with monopoly second chance. It’s a rolling cash jackpot, which means over the next several weeks, we will take entries at our MLR, my lottery rewards account, and you will get an entry for every price point. So instance, a $5 ticket will get you five entries. A $30 ticket will get you 30 entries. Our first drawing, if you will, will be in February. On February 10, we will select five, $5,000 winners. In March, five, $5,000 winners, plus one rolling cash jackpot. And today as we speak, that rolling cash jackpot is well over $27,000 and it will accumulate between now and March 10. So check out from time to time at MD to find the status of that rolling cash jackpot and make sure you enter your non winning monopoly, scratch off tickets, and you can potentially be a big winner. You

Nestor Aparicio  07:25

know, I went through this with, I think Doug or Seth, they had the numbers on how many million dollar winners there are in the Maryland lottery in any given year. I don’t know that we’ve had a whole lot of weeks. We’ve had two, because usually it’s like in the 30s, as I remember the number being but we had the last year Millionaires Club in gambrels hometown of my buddy, Denny Nagle. Shout out to you, partner,

John Martin  07:46

but it would Denny win?

Nestor Aparicio  07:49

Was he the winner? Danny just got a new sleeve and his family’s in gambrels and Crofton. I don’t know anybody from gamblers or Crofton other than Danny, so that’s why, when I look anytime you pick these winners, I don’t know anybody alone accounting, but I at least have been there. I always, I’m, I’m spatially oriented in that way. You know that about me? Some people say space, man or ACE freely, but, but I, you know, like, I like knowing where people are from, and like, this is, this is a tribute to you as a sponsor the merrily crab cake tour. I’ve been all over the state. I’m like the Johnny Cash of, you know, other than politicians, I’ve been everywhere, man, you know, so like when I find people who win in gambrels. I know where gambrels is so million dollar winner in gambles right there at the wegnitz. You know,

John Martin  08:35

as we record this, it is a little, this is a little nippy out there. It is a little chilly, and we have a promotion that is unique. We did it in the summer when it was called the heat wave. We’re dabbing that. We’re doing it now. It’s called the Kino ice cold cash promotion. I

Nestor Aparicio  08:55

don’t make it already. I don’t like people. Well, I tell you what I prefer the summer one. I’ll just tell you that right now. I prefer anything. In the summer, I prefer five.

John Martin  09:04

Five people are liking it real, real. Well, um, six degrees this morning. Yeah, I bet they are. You go. You go to MD For all the details, enter your Kino tickets into the drawing, and we will select five winners, uh, each week for a cash prize when from 2500 up to 10,000 and it’s tied to the actual temperature from the week before. So for instance, this week, we had our first drawing. Last week’s temperature was below 25 degrees. Spoiler alert, this week’s temperatures are below 25 degrees, which means they get $10,000 to be selected, and they are get your get your map ready. Nestor, let me see if I’m sorry. Go ahead. Sherry bail, from Chevy Chase, Maryland, a

Nestor Aparicio  09:50

bit of Chevy he was on Saturday live, honey. Or did Chevy Chase? Sherry bail,

John Martin  09:56

I’m sorry. Go ahead. Okay. You have me confused now, but I believe Sherry bail. One from Chevy Chase, Maryland, Don’s dorch from Glen, Burnie, okay, been there. Lovely. More Maurice Gray, the second from Baltimore. Julie Sweeney from Sykesville, and Stoney White from Brooklyn Park. And I think you hit all of those on the map. All

Nestor Aparicio  10:17

right, good. I’ve been to all those places numerous times. Those are easy. You got to give me some towns like, you know, a lot of people don’t realize that they’re like a Madonna mayor, you know what? I mean, you don’t often. But you know, there’s a Texas Maryland. I did not know that. No, if you just get off on Warren road like that is literally tech. There’s, there’s a sign that says Texas, Maryland. I said everything. It really is, it’s, it’s, it’s like Phoenix Maryland’s a play. People don’t know but, and at least I know how to pronounce Bowie and Bowie and I know how to pronounce Tosin and Towson. John Martin is here. He’s the exact executive director of all things Maryland, lottery gaming. He’s giving money away. We’re talking about prizes. We’ve been talking about football and gaming and all of this stuff, the monopoly thing, I’m going to be all about now that I found that about that after rethink the whole magic eight ball thing as I bring this whole thing out. But this is the Ravens promotion for the season, and I still have the one last ticket here that I told you I had on my desk. I hope this wasn’t the 10,000 because I’m haven’t scratched it, but, and it is real, but we’re about to go into that season where you’re going to give, like the big, big thing away, because the Ravens aren’t going to make a whole lot of news here, sadly, and I’m still licking my I had to cancel my Kansas City flight. Cancel New Orleans. I mean, if the good news about it is it feels like it goes away after a couple of days, and then they play again on Sunday, and you’re like, if he just caught the ball, you know, you start to think like that well, but you have big winners who have big things on their minds in regard to, like, winning the big still prices at big prizes still out there.

John Martin  11:54

Yes, we do, as many people know from our shenanigans here on a weekly basis that we have had a our annual Second Chance promotions with the Ravens. This year, we had something new called fan of the game, where they won $1,000 for just being selected for 17 games, plus $1,000 for each touchdown. So our net payout this year, $82,000 in fan of the game. I think it’s a promotion we may see again next year. I think that’s a somewhat right,

Nestor Aparicio  12:22

because it includes the road games too. And you don’t, you know, like, it’s more all encompassing, right, than just games, yeah,

John Martin  12:29

but coming up on a date to be determined. Now, normally we do this after the Super Bowl, so I have to talk with with Doug Lloyd and see what his plans are. Because certainly, a big part of that is, when we can, we’d love to do it in M and T Bank Stadium, and use the big jumbotron there, and and, and make it a little more theatrical. So

Nestor Aparicio  12:47

six degrees moving inside, I’m just asking, you know, like it’s cold out. We’ve,

John Martin  12:52

we’ve, we’ve had to do that before you get warmed up when you win, though, but we have six people, and they are Gwang, she of Brooklyn, New York. I still trying to figure out why and how Brooklyn, New York got into this. James Jones from Lusby, Maryland. Let’s see who else we have here. We have Shannon Brown from Aberdeen, Maryland. We have Darla Robbins from Pasadena. And we also have Tia Ivy from Salisbury and Robert snow from aspen hill. Those six people will join us at mity Bank Stadium on a date to be determined. They’ve already won $10,000 cash for being selected as finalists, but one of those lucky six will win season tickets for the next 20 years, and by then, maybe this the mark Andrews thing will be forgotten.

Nestor Aparicio  13:48

Did you say Lusby, Maryland, l, u, s, b, y, I’ve been there. I did say that. I’ve been Have you been there?

John Martin  13:54

I have not.

Nestor Aparicio  13:57

Director of the Maryland lottery, because I know you got pulled right, and I know you get to go places that would be a great place to visit, because it’s right near Solomons and the bridge in Solomons, oh yeah, down in Southern Maryland. And when I was on the crab cake tour, hey, it was a great place to be. We spent the night Lexington Park down there’s a lot of oysters, crab it’s real Waterman. You know, area down there, it’s beautiful. Great bars, great bars, great restaurants, great crab cakes, all of that. But I had breakfast. And Lusby is a small, little place, and it’s right by below Calvert Cliffs. There’s a place called the frying pan that’s a great blueberry pancakes for every there’s my free plug for Lusby. So I see, when you give me these towns, you you work on my one part of my citizenship, which is geography, and knowing where I am here is that it’s a good week for civics like that. I think, wow, that’s knowing your Maryland when you’re on with with the executive director Maryland lottery, because

John Martin  14:51

I’ve been known to to enjoy blueberries, especially baked in things, I

Nestor Aparicio  14:57

promise you get great fish. St Mary’s City’s beautiful. It’s that whole area down there. And I only would say this to you because don’t make fun of me if you’re listening out on the radio or whatever. I had just never been there before. I had never had a reason to go down there. And when I put this Crazy Crab cake to go together, brought to you by the Maryland lottery. It was one of the places where I’m, like, never been there. Wonder what it looks like. You know, our mayor, Brandon Scott, went to college now, so my friend Don Moeller, his boy, so there’s universities, a beautiful place, so there. Get to know your Maryland John Martin is here. He’s executive director of all things Maryland, lottery and gaming. And anyone say on sports wagering this week, because I was going to do Mega Millions in big game, but I looked and those promotions right now were like 20 they got hit this week. Pretty, pretty good. I’ve rarely pull up to the royal farms to see 20 and 20 on the big board. And I thought, Wow. You know, this is a new beginning, just sort of like the Ravens off season.

John Martin  15:49

Yeah, there are, there are things there that sometimes happen that can’t be explained. And I think statistically, if you were to look at it, happens more than you think, where on one day, one of the jackpots will get hit, and then the very next day, because sometimes they’re drawn on consecutive days, the other jackpot will get hit, and you get this reset back down to 20 Yeah, 3128 it looked like a first quarter score in the NBA when I

Nestor Aparicio  16:13

walked in today. Well, that’s going to change, though, this year, right? Like one of them’s moving to 50 correct

John Martin  16:17

in in April, and we’ll talk more about this in the weeks ahead, in April, we will be moving to a much bigger, better, faster, bigger better, faster, Mega Millions game, and part of that is a $50 million reset. So when it is one, it will reset to 50 million. So yeah, at least we’ll get a little more, a little more going on with with the reset of mine in April.

Nestor Aparicio  16:45

Last thing for you. And I saved this for last, because, you know, I had Jack can’t cook here for a decade. The Maryland commanders, that’s, that’s my new gig. Just play along, because they do play Maryland. I just did not, you know, I made it up. They’re this close to the big game. I’ve never experienced such. I mean, I did back in 92 I was at that game Thurman Thomas and the Metrodome. But that was that was it. That was the end. And when the Ravens came here. And I think you have some history with that, I had some friends, acquaintances that wore the burgundy and gold and the politically incorrect, and the Joe Gibbs and the hedge all that, and they made fun of my purple Barney team back in the summer 96 and then we drafted Ray and John. And that history had what it had. This is a whole different thing here. And for outsiders and people certainly of your age, you would remember all that I talk about younger people. I don’t think they know. I like Jane Daniels this week. I like Lamar. I don’t It’s different to be 2425 you and I remember what that was like, but we’re not Gen Z. But I think this is a this is a hard thing for Ravens fans to deal with here, and you’re on the outside of this looking at it, but it’s a big thing for the state. It’s a big thing for the commanders, and it’s a big thing for their brand, and it’s a big thing for the NFL, and they were the bigger brand before all of this. And quite frankly, they are unique to the Maryland lottery in regard to their stadium and what’s inside of it that falls on your desk at some point, a lot of folks don’t even know this, because we don’t think about their football team until our team gets eliminated, and we’re suddenly rooting for the Eagles, or else, we’re all going to be singing hail around here the next couple of weeks. And like doing what I just did, which is saying Jack Kent, who Joe thought they’re in Maryland, let’s claim them as ours. And their quarterbacks kind of nice, and I like him. So there’s all that going this is a weird time, and unprecedented as a 33 year Baltimore sports radio host, having to claim them, or at least maybe deal with it, because they’re pretty

John Martin  18:50

good. I will, I will acknowledge two things. One, I really haven’t watched the commanders, and I watched them in just about their entirety on on the last weekend’s game. That’s that’s a good football team. And briefly during the Ravens game, I thought, Wow, this could be really interesting in the next several weeks. Unfortunately, it didn’t come to pass and and, you know, well, either

Nestor Aparicio  19:19

one of them that will be waiting for us. Let’s just pretend Mark Andrews caught the ball, went into the end, and we win the game. Summit however, we were sure say we win and we’re going to Kansas City this week, the early games, Philadelphia, Washington, like we’re watching that we’re all greased up about. You know, you know, Brad caves, and we’re ready for the game. But whoever wins either way. Oh yeah, if you’re Washington and we’re now playing for a chance, I mean, there would be nothing more legendary. And I’m a guy that lived through, you know, Phillies and Orioles in 83 obviously, there’s nothing like maybe, you know, Yankees Mets or something like that. But this would be, we came close. But I would say that. For your purposes, and for Maryland and the state of Maryland, when I call them the Maryland commanders, I’m not too far off, right?

John Martin  20:06

Kind of No, and certainly from the sports wagering perspective and the sports books that I regulate here in the state of Maryland, we regulate, yeah, the prospects were, oh my that could have really been interesting, because again, each month, as we talk, the continues to roll the income that comes in, the money that’s generated and contributes to the state of Maryland, and to have them go head to head would have been unprecedented. I would say.

Nestor Aparicio  20:39

The reality is more people would have been betting this week here in Maryland on a Ravens game that the Ravens were in than a Ravens game that they’re not in, right? Like, that’s just simple math, right? Yep,

John Martin  20:49

yes, yes, absolutely, yeah, yeah. And more people

Nestor Aparicio  20:52

should be wagering this week because the Washington football team’s involved and, and that’s, that’s a good thing for the state of Maryland, right? And probably could think everybody’s having fun. I mean, what a win. I mean, I don’t know. I’m not mad anymore. I I carried a lot of aggression around in the 90s, John, if you can remember, as me, as a young man, you know, like so they were persona non grata. And I don’t feel that way. You don’t feel that way, right? I mean, not even just this, like running your department, but just sort of, there’s not angst here about the commanders and that kid’s exciting, and it’s going to be an exciting weekend of football. And we remind everybody, and this is where you come in to say, you know, play responsibly. There’s gonna be a lot of weird opportunities to wager on the Super Bowl this year. You know, have fun with it. Have fun with it. Be safe,

John Martin  21:33

right? Yes, have a plan. Stick with it and enjoy it. Alright,

Nestor Aparicio  21:37

am I? Are you done with me? They get everything in, yeah, I think we need more. John Martin, Executive Director of all things Maryland lottery. He’s got to get back to running Maryland lottery game. Warm up. Stay warm. You know, enjoy this Ohio State thing. I apologize congratulations, because they are your team. So, I mean, as a Maryland guy, I don’t know. I mean, I sat there watching Notre Dame at Ohio State, and I thought era parse again and and Woody Hayes, so at least I had that going on as an old guy. So big sports week around here had great guests this week, lots of Hall of Fame voters in this week, where each row went in the Hall of Fame looking. Are going to talk a little bit about that, but I’ve had Howard balls run this week. Greg co sell on this week, John McClane on this week, lots of Hall of Fame voters as we now await. Marshall yonda, Terrell, Sug Steve Smith and their possibilities of going in a cup of soup or bowl presented by our friends at the Maryland lottery starts at Costa Super Bowl week. We’re gonna have some scratch offs giveaway. I’m gonna have talked to Ross now about these monopoly scratch offs, cuz, you know, who doesn’t need a Community Chest? I’ll be talking about monopoly games next couple weeks. I’m looking forward to that. I am Nestor. We are W, N, S, T. Am 1570 Towson, Baltimore. We never stopped talking middle and commanders madness and Baltimore positive a kid really, maybe I don’t Am I really rooting for the Eagles? I.

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