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Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss a week of exhaustive football and the weak aftermath of Ravens exit in Buffalo


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Baltimore Positive
Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss a week of exhaustive football and the weak aftermath of Ravens exit in Buffalo

In their weekly gathering of mutual Baltimore sports fandom, Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss a week of exhaustive football. From his Ohio State Buckeyes pride, to the despair of the drop of Mark Andrews in Buffalo and now realizing the Washington Football Team is sixty minutes away from a Super Bowl – or the Eagles from another one! And a deeper dive here on accountability to the fans by a professional athlete after a bad beat.

Nestor Aparicio and Leonard Raskin discussed the recent Ravens’ loss in Buffalo, expressing disappointment and reflecting on the team’s performance. They highlighted the importance of community engagement and charity work, mentioning upcoming events in Baltimore. Leonard shared his son’s excitement about Ohio State’s national championship win, despite missing the games during his college years. They also critiqued the NFL’s handling of media access and player accountability, particularly Mark Andrews’ absence from a press conference. The conversation shifted to the NHL, with Leonard praising the Washington Capitals’ current success and emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship and responsibility in sports journalism.


Ravens exit, Buffalo loss, Mark Andrews, Ohio State, college football, NFL officiating, sportsmanship, media accountability, Super Bowl, Caps hockey, community stories, charity support, sports gambling, player responsibility, entertainment expectations


Nestor Aparicio, Leonard Raskin

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home. We are W, N, S, T, am 1570 tasks Baltimore. We call ourselves Baltimore positive. It has not been a real positive week around here. With the ouster of the ravens, we will be doing a cup of soup or bowl beginning on the third of February. I’m going to be getting out and talking about the community, talking about charities. If you have a community or a charity that you support, we’d love to have them out, tell their story. We told 78 stories last year. I’m not going to tell that many this year. I’m throwing myself on the mercy of all that is good and righteous. I killed myself last year, and I’m not doing it this year. So we’re doing 50 this year, noon to five, beginning on Monday, the third, Acosta, we will be at Faith Lee’s on Tuesday. The fourth. On the fifth, we will be at Cocos in in laraville. Thursday, will be at State Fair in Catonsville, and then Friday, the seventh, right before another Super Bowl in New Orleans that we’re not in. We will be at Cooper’s north in Timonium. Leonard Raskin joins us now, he of Raskin global a little more tardy. I’ve given you a, you know, a little bit of time to think things through. Okay? Mark Andrews, time to think. Thanks to John Harbaugh and Eric the Costa showed up on Wednesday morning to think things through. So we are, and I thought about this a little bit too, because I had John Martin, the executive director, one of my other great sponsors. You’re in the front of Baltimore positive. And I think of him as being a cleave. He is a Cleveland Clevelander and a Cleveland sports fan of Indians, guardians, historian, all that. And I brought him on, and I was thinking like, well, browns, ravens, whatever. And it turns out he’s an Ohio State fan like you. So, you know, I, I can lead with ravens, with you, or I can lead with Ohio because you claim Ohio State, because your son is a graduate, yes, and all that,

Leonard Raskin  01:48

yes, yes, your kid happy, at least thrilled. So, so, as you know, the boy is in Ireland. He’s in Dublin, and school started for him. This semester started Tuesday morning. Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock class, and we were FaceTiming. It was Monday night. It was about 10 o’clock and he was at guess it was four in the morning. I was in San Antonio, Texas. He was in Dublin, Ireland, and it was four in the morning, and we were screaming with each other watching the end of the game. And he is very happy, although unhappy that it didn’t happen during his four years. He had to become an alum for them to win. But he is thrilled. He was absolutely thrilled. And as long as they went at some point, that’s right, no, it’s great. And as a good dad as I am, he had to get up at nine for class, so I set my alarm for three in the morning. Woke up, called him to make sure he was awake for class at three in the morning my time, which was nine where he is, so he could get up, go to class, and then he got home and slept for many

Nestor Aparicio  03:09

rushed ashore when he made that decision, when he made this decision, to go to Ohio, yes, yes. And your money on education, great stuff. Was not thinking about the n, i L or no, the portal, no, or what, so what, as I wasn’t even in his world, I realized just how much I hate college football because, like, I love my life. Like, back, it’s now. It’s now getting

Leonard Raskin  03:33

more honest. It’s getting more honest about what it really is your buddy, Joe, minor league, minor league. So is

Nestor Aparicio  03:39

America. The mafia is running it now, and the Saudis are throwing money. We’re honest about what we are. We’re about the baby. Hey, about the Benjamin. That’s right, Joe was plenty about the Benjamins for him and his family, 70s, real college football and Joe, your buddy, Joe, would be very appreciative that I rooted for Penn State, like after capaletti and Brian song, you know, Oh yeah, yeah, in the 70s, the helmets. Hey,

Leonard Raskin  04:06

look, dude, I applied to go to school there. I applied at Penn State. That was my football program. No, because, well, somewhat, but because I wanted to go to Penn State. Penn State, I wanted to go to Penn

Nestor Aparicio  04:18

State. Joe wasn’t raping young boys. Oh, stop

Leonard Raskin  04:22

it. Nobody knew well, but that happened. It happened. I get it, I get it. And in the meantime, here’s what they here’s what they sent me. They sent me a letter, and it said I was admitted, I was accepted, and I could commute because they didn’t have housing for me. And I said, commute from

Nestor Aparicio  04:42

Randallstown, find a place in State College. Yeah, but I

Leonard Raskin  04:46

was poor, dude. I was poor. There was no going there when I went to cage State

Nestor Aparicio  04:52

graduate high school, 8285 85 Dundalk, at that point, it is in state, out of state, they might. Yeah, or crazy. I worked at Bethlehem Steel. My mother was a homemaker. We had nothing. And, you know, the at that time, it was like, in state, like to go to Towson was 1500 Yeah, right, exactly. And state was like 7000 It was ridiculous. And Harvard was no way. Now it’s no way laughing all of that. That’s right, crazy. Like, even if I could have gotten in. My dad wasn’t bringing home. I got

Leonard Raskin  05:23

in. We had no money. No, no. My My mother was legal secretary. That’s all I had. My parents were divorced when I was a kid, Mom was legal secretary. I was paying rent. I wasn’t going to either one of us could afford it. That was my point. So I went to Kate state and so then I went to University of Baltimore, got my degree. Very happy. 37 years in business, life is good, absolutely, absolutely. I think I did. I think I did

Nestor Aparicio  05:51

okay. I’m gonna get my

Leonard Raskin  05:55

so, so, all said and done, 37 years later.

Nestor Aparicio  05:58

BS, that’s

Leonard Raskin  06:01

what mine says. That’s what mine is. BS in business. So, so there’s the boy at Ohio State, and I got to live vicarious in my life. Me neither more vicarious years at Ohio State cheering the buckeyes and and now back to no sports school, because there’s nothing in Dublin Trinity College has, I think, a a rugby team. That’s it a rugby team, but I get to cheer the buckeyes and so check this out. I had to, I had to go. I was scheduled to go to to San Antonio for a business conference for three days last week, so I went Friday. I flew in Saturday. Sorry, Saturday. I flew in in my caps Jersey because the caps were playing and they won. Saturday to the conference. I wore my king Derek, King Henry jersey. Is that purple? White or black. It’s black. I have a black, yeah, black and 22 and so and so I’m wearing that. And the conference had the game on at the end of the night. They had a social with the game on, and I had to endure the hell of so is there a Bills fan in the room or? No, there were a couple. There were a couple, but they were cool. They were cool. It was good

Nestor Aparicio  07:21

losing. That’s right, that’s right, fatalistic.

Leonard Raskin  07:24

And then Monday, Monday, I got to same thing, about 200 people watching the college game, and I got to scream and holler, and how many Notre Dame fans? There’s every handful? Yeah, yeah. Handful. There were a couple few Buckeye fans. But

Nestor Aparicio  07:40

I was always anti Notre Dame. I was always anti Notre Dame. This is part of

Leonard Raskin  07:45

being what you do, like 10 convicts. See, here’s

Nestor Aparicio  07:48

my father. This is growing up with a dad who’s shooting soup lines. This is one of the reasons we’re doing a couple Super Bowl. My dad always like the underdog. My dad in New York, your dad always hated the big teams that money teams the you know, my dad always rooted for whoever the underdog was. So I grew up in that environment. So therefore I never liked Ohio State or even Michigan. Was never really,

Leonard Raskin  08:15

never really paid a lot of attention. I liked Michigan because I like the fight song and I like, I like their uniforms. I like the blue. I like the uniforms. But when my son decided Ohio State, out loud, after your when my son went to Ohio State, that just blew up, it just went away, yeah, just quick,

Nestor Aparicio  08:30

you know, I will say this. I will honestly say this. I think I hated Ohio State all along. I loved Archie Griffin and Cornelius green like, you know, 7273 he was the first player I fell in love with in college football. And capital was right around there. And Brian song, yeah. And then it was Bert Jones and Earl Campbell. And, you know, in the into the 70s, I was an original draft guy when, the, when the when the Colts drafted Barry Krause, you know, I had watched the Sugar Bowl, you know. So, like, I’m talking 78 7980 and, by the way, here’s a plug, because I want to get want to get to the Ravens with you. And yes, and I’m going to take a cheap shot at the Bucha for the next week. I have all Pro Football Hall of Fame voters on. Yeah, I’ve had Clark judge. I had Vic Carucci on this week. I had Howard balls are so I’ve had because son, yonda Suggs and Steve Smith. Steve Smith, yep, yo. And I’m not doing Super Bowl two weeks from now. I usually have these guys on. So next week I’m doing all this. It was all brought on by you two weeks ago. You started on. This sucks, by the way, most of the people I’ve talked to, yeah, on the committee, the people, right? They’re 49 people to know, I will have 15 of them on by the end 1/3 of the voters on by the end of the week. Okay? Including they also have Joe Flacco, Jamal Les, we’re doing all sorts of stuff next week’s gonna be great. Then a couple so they all have told me so far, I’m four for four. Yeah, that yonda will be the first one of the fifth. Wild. That’s wild. Hey. And I didn’t think that, but they think that. So about

Leonard Raskin  10:04

that they get they they must know something. We’ll see. I know something.

Nestor Aparicio  10:07

Last thing for you on the buckeyes, and I want to congratulate, hey,

Leonard Raskin  10:12

it was a heck of a game. Hey, look, hey, they had a great four week run. I mean, Tennessee talked about that they were going to come in and orange the shoe, they got blown out. They had a incredible game in Oregon against the ducks. They blew them out in the Rose Bowl. They had a road game in the Cotton Bowl. They had to play Texas in Dallas, wipe them out. And I thought Notre Dame would be a really tough game and and until Notre Dame came back, it was a walkover. Well, Notre

Nestor Aparicio  10:48

Dame’s gonna have all the money, right, right? Like,


there’s they got plenty. They got equal money. They got equal

Nestor Aparicio  10:53

money. The hillbillies in the south, they gotta split their money between Auburn and Alabama. Florida’s got three program. I mean, Ohio’s got Ohio the alums are given where they’re given whatever Notre Dame has. Like, they’re like candy, like the Blue Jays, they have a country, right? I mean, like, different thing again, like, I’m going to be so sick, and how about no offense, Ohio State. But if I had to have one or the other happy, I like you. I like Bob muscar. I like some Ohio State people. Here we go. Okay with them winning. But I am on, on the money of college, it’s general, just what it is. It’s no fun. It the fun.

Leonard Raskin  11:31

So, well, it’s gonna, it’s gonna just become a couple big conferences, minor league football, and we’ll see where it goes. You know, who knows

Nestor Aparicio  11:39

it’s so college basketball got there. How many Duke fans did you know that had not Duke’s this big? Nobody ever went to Duke. Nobody ever went kids were getting murdered back right now, jackets and all that. Nobody is any George, sound unreal. Fried, it was all about sports. Yeah, it’s not absolutely, I absolutely. Half of my friends kids go to Alabama because of the football team. They don’t even well, not only

Leonard Raskin  12:01

that, not only that, I will say this to their credit, to their credit, they they give out a lot of scholarship money. They for real, like regular education type students, they’re, they’re famous for that. Well, that’s my point. They’re famous

Nestor Aparicio  12:16

more money, right? Oh, it does. This isn’t just going to benefit their football program, right? It should, literally, at some point, once they pay off the kids help, and the coach makes his $12 million a year that, well, that’s

Leonard Raskin  12:29

where the money is. That’s where the money is. The NFL money isn’t necessarily through the school. It’s, it’s, you know, private, a lot of private money just rolls in and they just are allowed to pay them. It’s unbelievable. I’m a partner

Nestor Aparicio  12:39

with COVID state universities, you know, and I had their basketball coach on this week, Jermaine woods, great guys, right? You know, he told me about how he took a job teaching math at high school just so he could coach girls play basketball. He was a d3 sharpshooter player. And you know how much college women basketball he’s got a goal over there, Layla, who’s playing great ball right now. She’s a conference player. He’s gonna be gone if she weren’t a senior. She’s gone. Yeah, she’s like, it’s a different world. And he’s saying this out loud to me. I’m like, it was kind of like I told him when, when I watched Loxley during that Raven preseason game in August, bring his kids on. And it was like a classy Freddie blassie. He might as well had a cane and Patton, I got the best athletes these we pay these kids good money. It was like Hulk Hogan and Freddie blassie. I don’t recognize it, and it’s not I’m shell shocked as a 56 No, it’s a different world. It’s just different world. I’m not as interested in it. And I think for the teams and people like you, your kid went to Ohio State. I don’t know. I is Maryland ever going to be able to compete in this environment, in that way, and even the Marylands, and I mean, Rutgers and places that don’t have any juice, you know, big like villain, but I don’t even know if they’ll have juice. Well,

Leonard Raskin  14:02

when we’re talking about football, the answer is no. The question is, in the other sports and the other parts of the world, you know, can they? I don’t know, Ohio State, I think they won six. I think they got five or six championships this year so far, you know, this academic year. And they’re not all getting nio money, but they, they attract, because of it, they attract a lot of people. And, you know, this is the other part of it. Let’s, let’s call it what it is. I get an email because I’m on their, on their mailing list for tickets and things. I get an email after the championship, and they’re talking about, you know, how we run it back and blah, blah, blah. And they have a QR code and a block you can click on, and and you can contribute to the n, i l, n, i L, they don’t. They don’t guys, it one bit you can, you can donate to athlete. This

Nestor Aparicio  14:51

reminds me so like churches in the south and give me money. And, hey, medallions for you know, the 47 felon. It’s like, just. It’s just sort of like the game is flexible on the wall. It kind of remember when the Packers sold the stock for $1 everyone got a sheet put on wall. I just, I don’t recognize it, and I it’s not that I don’t want to participate in it. I watched the game for a half or whatever, like whatever, but I’m, I’m trying to play this out in the way, like the Orioles lowered the ticket prices, or the high prices in the beer and all that. And, I mean, that’s

Leonard Raskin  15:24

because they don’t have to pay Santander. Yeah, $5

Nestor Aparicio  15:28

beers do not equal $50 million shortstops. They don’t, they really, right? I mean, well,

Leonard Raskin  15:33

I guess they cut a good deal with the vendor or something, because they don’t need that money. They I guess Rubenstein going to get it somewhere else. I don’t know so far somewhere else from you. I mean, I don’t know about from me, but, but he didn’t, he hasn’t spent anything yet that’s attractive in any way, shape or form, to my future. Somebody put

Nestor Aparicio  15:52

up this little bandit video. It was kind of funny. It was like, it was like a family guy bandit video, yeah, tune thing about him sneaking out the back. And it was sort of like the joke was, Oh, we’re not going to sign burns and Santan there, but we’re going to have $5 beers, right? It’s going to be cheap to come to the ballpark. You know? I mean, what can I say about they go to Aberdeen if I want cheap at the ball? Look, they just hired a legitimate friend of mine as their head of marketing. Who a human? That a man named Mark fine. No, no. Who’s morian, the Orioles. The Orioles. Orioles hired, okay, hired someone I know, yeah, known for 30 years. Yeah, marketing head. So I threw him a note, and I said, I’m here, and right, still me. I’m me. I’m still here. I still Aparicio still here, my cousin are in a hall of fame, and it could be unbelievable, right next to each row, he got less votes than each row, but that would, I mean, don’t believe him. Listen, we’ll do, I’m doing Hall of Fame. I’m 15 minutes into this with you, and we are not, in any way talked about Lamar Andrews Lamar, Alright,

Leonard Raskin  16:57

so here’s, here’s what I’ll tell you about, about my thoughts about that first, first, who are these idiots in town that are so angry? All right, Mark Andrews dropped the ball. Now, if I guess, I guess, if you are a betting soul and it cost you your car or your house. A, you might have a right to be pissed. B, you’re an idiot. Okay, but who are these people that want this man dead, or want this man traded, or want this man cut? I mean, look, it’s freezing. It’s cold. They knocked the ball out of his hand. That’s not why we lost the game. Lamar Jackson threw an interception to nobody. He dropped the ball and rolled it to was it? What’s his name? Milano

Nestor Aparicio  17:45

Von Miller. Von Miller, way back,

Leonard Raskin  17:49

he rolled the ball right to him and said, Go score. Nobody wants him dead. I don’t know. I saw, I just I watched the

Nestor Aparicio  18:00

new thing on the internet, which because

Leonard Raskin  18:03

people are idiots and they’re anonymous. There, they think they can be anonymous, and nobody cares. But you

Nestor Aparicio  18:10

like this jackass eating all the pizza. He goes, came here, gave money to someone, right, and then rates pizza right, and then rates pizza, and then and rates


pizza, chats upon Why is he the why is he the arbiter of pizza? Thing

Nestor Aparicio  18:26

that bars thing is the Harbinger, right? But I’m saying, Why is he the arbiter of pizza, of everybody, your kids age, it’s unbelievable. It’s never going to listen to sports radio and

Leonard Raskin  18:38

doesn’t know a thing about sports. Doesn’t know a thing about sports. I mean, come on, it was a they lost. It was a bad game. New thing, Hey, call, yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  18:52

Texas, whatever it is, right? The call

Leonard Raskin  18:53

at the end of the first half, offensive pass interference, when the receiver is grabbing his head, pulling him down, and they defensive pass interference. Ball on the two. Okay, I guess you got to overcome that look. I watched the Kansas City game. We could talk about it for years. Two guys, two guys from Houston collide heads together. 15 yards, roughing mahomes. Mahomes wasn’t touched. These guys stink. The officials in the NFL, I will say this. I’ve said this for 20 years. They need full time paid officials. This sport is too big. The money is too big to have amateur, old, slow, fat men making balls on the field. Let’s

Nestor Aparicio  19:37

get it terrible. Let’s get terrible. Listen, I mean, we’re talking gambling here, and


that’s why I’m

Nestor Aparicio  19:46

that’s my point against it. That’s my point. Who is sanctioning it and who decides whether I win or lose your That’s right, no other bet I talked to you. How about was it? Was it the chief? Like it was the chief? You Up and up to every single it’s right in front. You know what’s happening? There’s no There’s no scratching off. There’s no scratching off a wrong ticket. The cards that are dealt that when you go, it’s bad. You know it’s bad. The one armed bandits, they’re all regulated by the government, yeah, because they there would be Hokey Pokey, yes. Do you remember when dragons came out and the ruse was, it was going to be for fantasy sports? Yeah, right, right. And the whole thing responsibly? Do you remember the whole thing was gamed? In regard to there were, it was a scam. There was a back end. It’s complete garbage, where people were gaming it, and there is money and there is there are going to be loopholes. They’re going to be thrown games, fixed games. They’ve got players with apps gambling, you know, yeah, by the way, Joe Flacco has text me back while we were in the middle of the session. I invited him on next week, I said to Flynn two weeks ago. Can you imagine, given my relationship with you, Flynn or Joe Flacco, that I’m in that locker room every day and I could find out how, like, go up to the quarterback and say, Are you not playing this week in Cincinnati? Because the game’s no good. Because Joe told me, Harryman house, 14 years ago. I’m not playing this week. Don’t write whatever hardball says. I’m not playing. I’m not right. Well, he wasn’t hurt. It was one of those stupid I get it, I get it, yep, and I’m like, That’s insider information. Absolutely. Line of work. You go to jail for that

Leonard Raskin  21:35

unless you’re in Congress, unless you’re in Congress, you can do it if you’re in Congress. Well, it but

Nestor Aparicio  21:40

it is an amazing thing. With sports gambling, it is unreal. People got Mark Andrews accusing him of throwing the game. Now is that everybody’s accused of throwing games,

Leonard Raskin  21:52

right? I’m sure that’s what he did. I’m sure that’s that’s the stupidest thing in the world. It’s the stupidest thing in the world. I don’t buy it one bit, and I think people are idiots. And thank you buffalo fans, they’ve raised over $50,000 for Mark’s charity on a Go Fund Me page away diabetes, which helps right for for children’s diabetes, children’s diabetes, over $50,000 for Mark’s charity. So if you have a Heart, go on the GoFundMe page and help buffalo.

Nestor Aparicio  22:21

They need the money, Ohio State. And I absolutely, hey, what else you got on the game? Because you don’t you’re not angry about look, I

Leonard Raskin  22:30

was crushed. I was sitting there. I put my head on my hands on my head. I couldn’t believe Lamar threw an interception, rolled the ball to Buffalo. They did a nice peanut Tillman knocked the ball out on mark, and then all of that, all of that, and the officiating, and Lamar still drove him down the field and had a chance to tie it. Okay, so let’s go backwards a minute. I understand we’re back to what is it? Analytics? Now we’re talking analytics. Let’s go for two. Kick the Extra Point. Later in the game, if you need to, you get to, you kick the Extra Point. You kick the Extra Point. We’re tied. We’re in overtime. Nobody’s blaming Andrews for dropping a two point conversion because they didn’t need it. No, you got to go for two. So now you got to go for two again. And it’s a scare. It’s a tough shot. You get lucky, you make it. Maybe you don’t. Okay, so they blew it. Who knows? You know, one of my friends said to me, Jayden Daniels is going to be in the Super Bowl before Lamar Jackson. It might happen by Sunday night.

Nestor Aparicio  23:35



could, it, could,

Nestor Aparicio  23:38

you know what I thought about this week, what? It’s crazy. It’s crazy. That ball and we win the game. Right, right then, what matter? What so, well, I’ll tell you what. I’d have been bringing barbecue back from Jack stack, because I had flights to Kansas City. He had a press credential. I was going to be driving Mr. Mr. Jones, and I was going to get a seat sitting on the deck and, sure, sure, freeze my ass off to all that. And we have flights in New Orleans too, but he catches that ball, yep, and we’re in this game this week, and we’ve got Philadelphia, Washington on the other side. They’re playing the early game. We literally would begin the game knowing we could go to the Super Bowl. Yeah, play the Eagles or the foreskins, yeah? What are they on? And it’s unbelievable that at six o’clock on Sunday night was over. Washington football team could

Leonard Raskin  24:23

be was was in, could be in, could be in. Anyway. So, so let’s go to my other Washington. Let’s, let’s drop that for a minute. Go to my other Washington, the only one I care about, and watch you don’t, you don’t capitals, the Maryland commanders. No capitals. I know. I do know that at Ral John. Ral John, or or Largo, for those of us our age, is going to stop them. There’s no way. No. Hell no. We live through 80 hell no. There. Washington Capitals points in 10 straight games lead the entire NHL right now. Alex Ovechkin 20 goals from time. Gretzky. They go on the road. They’re playing Edmonton. They have the best road record. They have the best overall record in the league. They’re playing possessed Logan Thompson, the best goalie in the NHL right now, highest save percentage, highest win percentage, utterly unbelievable what this team is doing, and just stunning to watch it. If you’re a hockey fan and not paying attention to this, you’re missing a boat,

Nestor Aparicio  25:24

by the way. Craig Laughlin, we did not give him Yes, yes, and I gave it to him on some heart surgery. That is I talked to you, yeah, yeah. Locker was on the first team. I covered Navy, yeah. What a what a great guy. First press pass. When I was in that locker room I was really young to have a CAPS press pass, absolutely, five, you know, for Eddie Frank, the big Pringle, the big Pringle Alan Hall, worth, yeah, Stephen Leach, yeah, um, you know, obviously, uh, Brian Murray, and, you know, yeah, his brothers, the assistant at the time, who I became friends with. I mean, those are great memories for me. And absolutely bring this up because I did bring this up in my column this week, and I know you read it. Yep, yep. About Mark Andrews, yes, the podium. Couple step out the back, couple things I haven’t said out loud, couple things I haven’t said out loud. I wrote a lot, but Luke and I talked about this the other day. I said to Luke, do you want to go to Buffalo? I told you last week I was my wife and like all that. And looks like, well, if we go up, I won’t be there to clean the lockers out if they lose, and if they win, we’re gonna go to Kansas City anyway. So sexy about buffalo. Let’s just not go to Buffalo. And that was Luke’s business. Yeah, his call, yeah. I said, you want to go? We’ll go. We’ll go. We’ll get out, we’ll get we’ll find they say no, and then so as it turned out, we’re both home watching the game, and then Mark Andrews doesn’t show up. And that is Case in point for what would inflame me. Yeah, it’s not just a fan, but as a traveling media person as a person who was a reporter, who worked for a boss at the sun, where the Baltimore Sun was writing a check saying, don’t get somebody and then you don’t get the story, right? You know, you don’t go back to your editor and say, I didn’t talk to the most significant member that that that played in the game. That’s why you’re there, right? Basic 101, and Mark Hyman can have it this sit down at the journalism school of Maryland or over Morgan with that. But what? But the responsibility. It’s not a social responsibility. It’s not a players association with well, you know what’s amazing, it is. So what I want to say to you is, Where were you on? Where were you? Leonard red, on the evening of Easter Eve, 1987 you know

Leonard Raskin  27:44

where I was. Were you at the game? La, la, la, la Fontaine. Of course, I was at the game. Can you

Nestor Aparicio  27:50

imagine horrible as you walked out of that rink and ever all the fans? Yeah. And you know, when the puck went in the back of the net, it becomes this silent. The worst, the worst, everybody grabs their jacket and goes home and like leaves, like a leaving, like a morgue, like a funeral, like yes, yes, it’s like the end of a church service at a hockey game, it’s hard. Not football, where you last year, whatever the noise was when they got eliminated, when you were leaving. This hockey is different. And when you


it is seven periods, need

Nestor Aparicio  28:24

to have been at that game. It’s one of the most incredible sporting events. Horrible. My miracle. I’ve been an amazing event. Amazing sporting indeed. But that night was the worst young reporter, and I didn’t tell this story. I want to tell you this. I’ve never and Phil Jackman just died, yep. So was teaching me how to be a man I’m am 18 years old. Yeah, 18 years old that time. And I have my press pass, and Phil and I are up. Eddie Frankie was at that game. We you were there. We were there. Yep. I don’t know where you were sitting, but I was in the the red corner section, 211, in the corner, 104104 caps. Other side. I got blue line,

Leonard Raskin  29:04

behind box. No, it was the other side. Was behind the the

Nestor Aparicio  29:09

penalty box. Penalty box. I’m sorry. Blue Line, you’re right. I’m wrong. 12 rows up. Okay, so before the game ends, as you know, fourth period, fifth period, sixth period, they ran out of concessions. Yeah, they only had popcorn. They had popcorn and sodas, and they might have had some hot dogs on, but it was really getting late and people were getting antsy. Was due in the morning. It was a crazy, crazy night of hockey, and Bob Mason and Kelly Rudy were the toys. Yeah, Bob Mason lost like 16 pounds of wall during the game. Yeah, and that equipment, Jackman says to me, and this was always Phil for as long as I knew Phil. And you know, we went to a lot of playoff games in that area. Absolutely, 687, 8889 they beat the Bruins. They beat the Rangers on the langway goal at the garden. Like they’re all of these games. That you and I’s caps fans would remember, but there’s nothing more memorable, no than if you were at that game. Horrible. So Jackman says to me, I’m going to take the winners locker room. You take the losers. And I’m like, nice, but Phil, that’s the Freddy Patek thing. And I don’t he’s like, I got when I got winners, you got losers. And he wanted me to experience what that was, a losing locker room. Yeah, sure. So he went over, Al Arbor was a coach, right? Not al Arbor, it was Al Arbor, yeah, yeah. Al Arbor was the coach. Billy Smith, like, all, like, all, you know, we’re all there. Hey, trot, all of them are playing on that team. And he went to that locker room, and he sent me in to the capital’s locker I mean, first Brian comes Murray and gives a little little. It was like a little, it’s an interview room, you know? I mean, now it’s a it’s the situation, right? The whole classroom. It was like a little classroom that they had the players in, yeah, this is a hockey rings under the capital center. And I went into that locker room, and it always smelled hockey locker rooms had that musty because gloves, yeah, and all of that. And Bob Mason is sitting there amongst all of his sticks and all of his gear, and he’s sitting there, and there’s four of us, me, Bob Fauci, Bob, Robert Fay and Bob Fauci from the times in the post, and a couple of reporters. Nobody there. Three in the morning, exactly two is after two, and I’m there, and this goalie has to talk to us about years old, and from that moment forward, if Sashi brown were in front of me, you don’t know his ass from his elbow. Yes, he hasn’t spent enough time with people like me. I could sit and tell him how many skip Jacks Orioles, capitals, ravens, ravens. I was at Dr J’s locker the last time he dribbled a basketball and was eliminated by the Milwaukee Bucks in Philadelphia with Mike wilbin. So like I saw Charles Barkley get eliminated that night. So I was at Tony Sarah gooses locker after they lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers, and he knew his career was over, yep, yep, and they lost the game, and he’s sitting in his locker trying not to cry, right? Goose, goose, trying right. So I’ve seen some shit. I

Leonard Raskin  32:35

hear you, man, I’m saying it’s you know what I was let me say this now. I

Nestor Aparicio  32:39

mean, I’ve seen some stuff right. Tell yourself. Don’t tell me that Mark Andrews makes more money than any of these people ever. He’s making three



Nestor Aparicio  32:52

the amount of money Ripken ever made. And if Cal Ripken can sit in front of me after Jeffrey Mayer steals a baseball. Yeah, then you can sit in front of me. Mark. You can, hey, I don’t know what else is. Straight. Let me. Let me tell you something. Death threats. Those people are jackass. That’s right, that was pointed out. But you’re a grown ass man and you’re a leader. Listen to me here all the time. Listen

Leonard Raskin  33:16

to me. Listen to me here. Here’s, no, I get it. Here’s what I’m gonna say. To to wrap that, here’s what I’m going to say, it doesn’t matter the game, it doesn’t matter the date, it doesn’t matter the the size of the game. But right this past weekend or Monday night after the national championship the NCAA, those players, 1819, 20 year old kids have to sit and be interviewed after those games. Have to tell everybody out

Nestor Aparicio  33:55

there, because they don’t watch hockey. What happens after every hockey series, every play officers, what happens?

Leonard Raskin  34:01

Teams, line up, shake hands. That’s what you’re talking about. Yes, line up, shake hands. What is the word sportsmanship? It’s sportsmanship. Simple. This is who you are. This is what it’s about. But I’m saying teaching young Listen, listen. I’m telling you, right? I was watching the I watched the post game because I’m that guy. I’m I’m, you know, nuts that way, and I’m watching the post game. ESPN and on comes Riley Leonard, quarterback Notre Dame, talking about, I didn’t play well enough tonight, and I let my teammates down. 2122 year old, my son’s age, 21 year old kid talking about that, he didn’t play well enough to beat the buckeyes, and he had a great first drive. And after that, he had three drives he couldn’t move the ball, and he let his team down. And he he thought they. May be able to do, you know, pull this comeback off. He receiver coach, you know, there sitting in front of the media with a name tag answering questions as a 21 year old kid, and I’m thinking

Nestor Aparicio  35:15

about my life. I have pictures of Ken Griffey and me and Mike Messina in the Orioles locker room after the Orioles eliminated the mariners, right? But my point is, these are, these

Leonard Raskin  35:24

are pro like, this is pro athletes. This. We talk n, i, L, I get it, but, but the n, C, A, after, what was it? Chris Weber, right, right. False. Time out for that team up north, the Fab Five. The Fab Five and gets a technical, and they lose the NCAA tournament. Had to answer for that. They put all five guys on the dais, and they’re answering questions I don’t understand and I don’t nobody apologizing for him. Look, Lamar came out. He took questions. He said, I gotta hold the effing ball. He apologized for saying it, but he said, It’s on me. I blew it. I gotta hold the ball. I can’t throw that interception. I We lost the game, and I’m sick of this.

Nestor Aparicio  36:13

Crucify anybody? No, I’m looking to professionally hold you accountable for what you say that you

Leonard Raskin  36:21

gotta say. You say, look, I was I thought I had it. I fell over backwards. I lost the ball. The

Nestor Aparicio  36:28

whole operation for me, and I’m gonna continue for the next eight months. I already sent the Costa, you know, the column, because I’m like, I’m not running from you people. That’s right. I should have been in that room so he could have stood me up, but instead he stood up colleagues who are too afraid to call it out, Jameson Hensley and Jeff Z back should be the ones calling this out. They were the ones freezing their ass off on their boss’s dime up there, their bosses should be calling Chad Steele saying the f are you doing right? What are you people doing over there? Where is your leadership? Well, this starts with an owner who banned me, who ran for me on a veranda last March, on the only opportunity you get to get near billionaires, because he doesn’t come down here and mingle with the with the with the surfs here and and then this, they treat me this way. They treat other media this way s lock, and for how it’s going for him, and how many times they’ve lied to him, and then horrible gets up. Yes, he has a chance to play this week. Sure, he has a media pass, right? Like this is going on, and this is Chad Steele, and I want it called out, and I want people to know about it. I don’t mind saying on the radio. I’ll say it anywhere. This is an organizational from decision show accountability, a coach who lies to people on the regular, a general manager who just coughs and looks the other way and only appears three times a year, including today. He actually they did an hour today, and other than laughing in Jerry Coleman’s face, they didn’t even answer his question. Coleman asked him about Bucha, and they just pretended he didn’t ask. So obviously, Bucha is watching these press conferences with a monocle and but doesn’t want to show up and hasn’t shown up in a decade. So hey, you buy the tickets. I hold the Orioles accountable, and they have all new people coming in. The Ravens, same thing with their tickets and and where they are. But this is, this isn’t me being a jackass. This is their $16 million a year tight end dropping the ball and then not showing up for the press conference. Yeah, that wrong move. Black, white, young, female, football, baseball, Martian Earthling, yeah, absolutely not professional. Absolutely it’s not professional. And, and, and I think shawty should understand. I think

Leonard Raskin  38:39

the wisest in all of this, I think one of the wisest comments you made, and I think this is what stands to me as a test, right? You put right in there in your correspondence, if you caught it and it was the winning catch, would you have stood up there and talked about it, and the answer is, you damn right. You’re damn right. They would. It’s pathetic

Nestor Aparicio  39:05

at that you should drop, you should drop the ball with that. Because whatever we just said, Never how people feel about me, or this is, it’s not standard operating procedure. It’s, it’s a, it’s a moral obligation for what you do. You know what I mean, like, it’s what you do. And if you don’t want to do it, then make us all go away and just go K Fave and make it professional wrestling, and set your bets accordingly. And you know, I mean, people are betting on this. You know that this is not like, this isn’t Little League. And I’m, um, I should say I’m disappointed. I I honestly, I want to show you and everyone this is how the media has been getting treated on the regular since Ray Rice punched his wife in an elevator and they all lied about it. That’s really the heart of all of this, because he did not behave this way before. Then, you know what I mean, they just didn’t behave

Leonard Raskin  39:57

this way before, right? Something happened. Something. Tripped in the way they went. So here we are another off season, and I’ll say it the same as I said it a year ago. When you and I talked, we I said this at the beginning of season, I love the sport. I love watching them. I love going out there. It’s it’s fantastic. It’s my entertainment. I enjoy it. I don’t put my livestock into it that I don’t bet I don’t put my life into it that Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I’m born to shred a few more. Yes, yes, but, but that is become entertainment that is really their problem, right? Entertainment hurt us enough anymore and and the bottom line is just like I said last year, this time next year, this time, they either make the Super Bowl or they blew it. It’s a losing season. It’s terrible. They no matter what happened during the season, bar, right? It’s the bar they’ve set. It’s the bar they’ve set money for

Nestor Aparicio  40:56

people. Everybody has a different expectation of what’s a good year, or what makes them feel that’s right, we talk about par But.

Leonard Raskin  41:02

But the point is, this team, this team has set the bar that par for them is the Super Bowl. So the bottom line is they failed. Other teams, other cities. Getting to the playoffs is big. This team has set the expectation of Super Bowl, and they blew it. It’s it’s interesting. And with the Ohio State thing, one of the things I found very interesting at the end of the national championship game, you know, they lost that team up north, and it was the end of the world and then they went on a four game run, won the national championship, and couple reporters and a couple analysts, they were all talking after the game, made a great point and said, You know what? Everything about the buckeyes has been for the last X years. You beat that team up north, or you failed. And there are idiots out there today saying this year was not a success for the buckeyes because they lost to Michigan. It was

Nestor Aparicio  42:01

marred. Idiots. Do you know the Ravens lost to the idiots Washington football team both years they won the Super Bowl.

Leonard Raskin  42:08

There you go. There you go. Look, we went, if I remember correctly, five games without a touchdown

Nestor Aparicio  42:16

and won the Super Bowl. Bob Woodson got run over and won the Super Bowl. Stephen Davis in that game, right, right? I mean,

Leonard Raskin  42:22

some people won the Super Bowl. So people are nuts. What are you going to do? People are nuts, but they’ve set this bar for themselves. I I set expectations and par for your money. We talk about what that means, and we we hold ourselves to that we can’t hold ourselves to something ridiculous. In this case, they’ve held themselves to a standard that is Super Bowl. The buckeyes held themselves to a standard that was the Big 10. Beat Michigan, win a national championship. This year, they went one for three. And some people in that town think they’re losers. All they did was win the national championship. Yeah, you gotta do it again. And oh, next week you’re over. Oh, like

Nestor Aparicio  43:03

all I would say is that I hope the Kansas City Chiefs are over. Oh, this week, because, God, I hope they’re owing over ones. Get get it done. Now, I want to see western New York drunk the entire month. Yes, yes. I’m all for it. There we go, with chicken wings. Stains all play off. It’s play off. You airy. Did you see those commercials? I did. Doctor Pepper, play off. You ary, you know they’re advertising must be work. Is more people drinking? Doc pepper, so you can

Leonard Raskin  43:30

absolutely, absolutely true. Doctor Evers, I’m off for Buffalo wings this weekend. Doctor J was buffalo wings on the weekend for all my friends, you know, first time I

Nestor Aparicio  43:43

had a Doctor Pepper was probably after I saw Sheriff Buford T justice. Go in and I’ll have a Diablo sandwich and a doctor pepper. He is lender. You stumble. He manages money and comedy around here. You can find them out, or you can find them at Raskin uh, doing the American dream and money. We did a lot of sports this week. Alright, have at it. Let the caps go win some more games this week. Amen. I’ll let the bells go win, and I will see you next week. Copper Super Bowl comes your way. February 3, we started cost this all are brought to you by the Maryland lottery. I will have, apparently, monopoly scratch off. So always about the Community Chest. I am Nestor. He is Leonard. We are W, N, S, T. Am 1570 Towson, Baltimore, and we never stop talking off season and spring training. It’s baseball season. Stay with us.

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