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John Martin of The Maryland Lottery shares the community chest of the new Monopoly game with Nestor


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Baltimore Positive
John Martin of The Maryland Lottery shares the community chest of the new Monopoly game with Nestor

Our weekly visit with Maryland Lottery Executive Director John Martin had plenty of sports updates for Super Bowl week and wagering but it’s this new scratch-off that Nestor wanted to talk about plus another week of big wins all over the state.

Nestor Aparicio and John Martin discussed various Maryland Lottery promotions and events. They highlighted the “Keno Ice Cold Cash” contest, where weekly winners are determined by the lowest temperature, with recent winners including Bonnie Williams and Pamela Tyson. They also introduced the “Monopoly Second Chance” contest, offering six drawings with cash prizes and a rolling jackpot nearing $40,000. Martin emphasized the importance of responsible sports wagering, noting that the regulated US sports betting market is expected to grow 15% to $1.5 billion for the Super Bowl. They also promoted the “Cup of Soup or Bowl” event, encouraging donations to the Maryland Food Bank.


Super Bowl, Baltimore positive, Ravens tickets, Monopoly giveaways, Keno ice cold, prize scale, lowest temperature, Sunshine Maryland, rolling cash jackpot, sports wagering, prop bets, parlay bets, Maryland lottery, second chance contest, community chest


Nestor Aparicio, John Martin

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home. We are W N, S T AM, 1570 towns of Baltimore. We are Baltimore positive. We are positively getting up on the the big game in New Orleans. We’re talking a lot about that really great guest all along this week that Super Bowl champions, Jamal Lewis, has been here. Joe Flack, we’ve at Super Bowl MVPs. Joe Flacco, he’s been here. Also tons of the writers from the Pro Football Hall of Fame who vote on Terrell Suggs and and whether Steve Smith, every one of them says yonda Has the resume that he will be the first to be tapped, which I find to be interesting. So all of that is out of Baltimore positive. And then next week, of course, a cup of soup or bowl where we’re going to give you a cup of soup or a bowl of soup at five different locations, Costas, fadelies, Cocos, State Fair, wrapping things up on Friday at Coopers north and and finally, you know, I’ve been holding these ravens tickets up for like, six months. It’s the last one in the whole collection. We’ve turned the page on the season. Home run riches is around the corner, and I’m giving away the magic look. They’re purple too. Look at this. I’m rubbing it. It says next year, next year, Super Bowl. Also, our friends have some monopoly giveaways, and we’re gonna talk about that. John Martin is here. He’s executive director of all things Maryland, lottery and gaming, and puts us out on the streets. This is a good looking ticket. I’m going to tell you right now. That’s a really good looking ticket. John Martin,

John Martin  01:26

you know, people will think we rehearse this. We do not as if, as if we could rehearse it would, would not make any difference through the show. But here I am resplendent in my purple sweater, and you’re holding up the purple ticket, how about that? And

Nestor Aparicio  01:39

I’m wearing brown. But let’s not go into that right now. You know, I’m out on the road doing this cup of Super Bowl thing, and it’s amazing. The football the, you know, the end of it. This is the big week for the big game, and, like, all of that stuff that’s going on, there’s one game left, right? I mean, unless you can get pro ball, you know, I don’t even know when they play that, but there’s, like, one game left and it’s all over, we just sort of exhale, and I gotta move on to new tickets, but we still have one week of football left, so you’re wearing the purple in the spirit that we’re all still sort of grieving here a little bit. But you know what? I did talk to Jamal Lewis on the anniversary of Super Bowl 35 and I did talk to Joe flax. So there is and we get Lamar. We got plenty of hope here. So I’m not giving up on football just yet, even though, and I’m not even rubbing it in on the commanders people, and I know that surprises you, because you don’t expect that from me.

John Martin  02:30

No, no, no, there’s and I’m glad you had former Cleveland Browns on your show with Jamal Lewis and Joe Flacco.

Nestor Aparicio  02:38

Think about and look at where that’s not weird. Good thing. I’m over it all out with purple magic eight ball tickets is what

John Martin  02:47

come on over to the dark side. So when I so that when the bronze are in the Super Bowl, you’ll be you’ll have these things all ready to go. All

Nestor Aparicio  02:52

right, listen, we got scratch offs. We’ll do a couple. We’re gonna do all that. But more than that, you hit me last week with this promotion. I think I think I had three layers of clothing on last because of so bold. You know, you’re doing this. You do these crazy seasonal things. I mean, you guys at the lottery, somebody’s up late at night, like the Oompa loop is thinking all this stuff up, and I know it’s your people, but the Kino ice cold thing. I mean, I’ve had snow surrounding my building for like, four weeks. It’s almost like I live in Buffalo or Cleveland or Quebec or whatever, but it’s finally melting off, and like, you got some warm hearted melting stories about the Kino contest you guys are doing this month, and people

John Martin  03:34

can go to MD not only learn about the promotion, but some of those winner stories. But it’s a fun promo. As as you said, it’s called Kino ice cold cash when the temps fall, prizes are there available for you. The lower the temp, the bigger the prize. And here’s how it works. So you purchase your Kino ticket, you enter them into your My lottery rewards account through February 9, and each week, we will select five winners, and based on the previous week’s lowest temperature, will determine where they are on the prize scale. So last week we pretty cold.

Nestor Aparicio  04:10

It’s single digits. It was not nice.

John Martin  04:13

Week One, which was two weeks ago, the lowest temperature was 12 degrees, and so people won $10,000

Nestor Aparicio  04:20

week two, measuring this is this BWI friendship airport. Okay, I didn’t know where the

John Martin  04:27

Oh, no, official. This is, you know, we have nothing else. There’s integrity

Nestor Aparicio  04:32

that were saying it was four that morning. John,

John Martin  04:34

hey, then that many planes landed in Hereford when they put up a tower in a runway. We’ll talk. But for now, it’s BWI, and last week, the low temperature was six degrees, which means we had 510 $1,000 winners, and they are Bonnie Williams of Cockeysville, Pamela Tyson of Mechanicsville, Noreen Thomas of Fort, Meade Christopher je of four. Hill and John crooks of sunshine, Maryland. Now, how ironic is that that in a ice cold cash promotion mechanics

Nestor Aparicio  05:09

Phil, though, right? Like, here’s a Mechanicsville, Maryland, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don’t know where that I’m not sure that I know where that is so but don’t play this. Love this game every week. This is the most fun game we play. But don’t

John Martin  05:23

focus on what. Focus on the sunshine Maryland. I was not aware there’s a sunshine Maryland. Were you

Nestor Aparicio  05:28

now? Hold on a second here. Mechanics, film Maryland is right. You keep going. Mechanics, well, it’s even more. Do you know there’s a Hollywood Maryland?

John Martin  05:38

Stick with the winners. Next that’s

Nestor Aparicio  05:41

a California, Maryland. Mechanicsville is right by there. It’s down there, La Plata I have driven through. So I just want to know where. Okay, so now that I know where Mechanicsville is, we’ll focus on, how do you shine?

John Martin  05:55

How do you get the sunshine from Mechanicsville?

Nestor Aparicio  05:58

So because Mechanicsville was one of the other winners, and I didn’t know where it was. I’m playing, right? I’m I’m on the spectrum of trying to figure out things Maryland. Hold on for it’s, by the way, Sunshine Maryland, it looks to me, is right next to unity Maryland, which looks to me to be at the corner of 650, and 97 which looks to be only I’m zooming out. I know. Where is it Howard County, or is that Frederick County? I’m not sure it’s right on the is that Carroll County? I don’t know. Is it Carroll County? I don’t think

John Martin  06:35

it’s Frederick. So again, for those people at home who have now turned off the radios, but if you drew a triangle,

Nestor Aparicio  06:43

I told you about Texas, Maryland last week, and, you know, I taught you. So if you,

John Martin  06:50

if you this, went much better in rehearsal. Folks, if you draw a triangle between Baltimore City, Washington, DC and Frederick, Maryland, you got that. You got that triangle. Right in the middle of that triangle is sunshine Maryland, alright,

Nestor Aparicio  07:03

it’s north of only on 97 in it’s sort of south of Westminster. Bio, it’s south of 70. You got office 70 on your way to Frederick and made a left turn. It’s there. Sunshine Maryland. You know, I’ve done the show many times in Catonsville, and everybody there says they’re from paradise. There’s a paradise there’s a sign, if you get off on Frederick, just get off on Frederick road at the beltway. It’s just paradise Maryland. And I’m like, wow, that’s gotta at least help the real estate there. And sunshine, I would think even on a cloudy day, John Martin is here. Hey, I know Bob Turk, but you’re a guy from Cleveland, but everybody else in the audience got the Bob Turk reference. John Martin is the Executive Director of the Maryland lottery. He doesn’t know why he does this every week, but I’m really good at promoting things like match gate ball and having a good time. So you have Kino icy winners and sunshine Maryland. So go ahead, keep keep the story going. Well

John Martin  08:00

now that, if we turn the page, because we also have monopoly winners, there’s probably no largest, no no bigger franchise in lottery history, not just Maryland, than the monopoly franchise. This is been involved. We’ve been involved with monopoly for for before I got here, it seems. But it certainly is a fun, fun promotion. We have no less than six monopoly scratch off tickets. You can enter your non winning monopoly scratch offs into your My lottery rewards account, and we will have six drawings, five winners will win $5,000 each. But in three of the six drawings, one winner will win a rolling cash jackpot, and that jackpot today is nearly $40,000 so by the time we have that first drawing, which isn’t really until the middle of March, march 10, will be the first rolling cash winner, we’re going to have a significant we may even have a real big jackpot to talk about. So stay tuned for more details. Go to MD to learn more about how you can enter your non winning monopoly. Scratch off tickets for a chance to win cash prizes, including a rolling cash jackpot. I

Nestor Aparicio  09:11

wasn’t going to interrupt you because it would, you know, cause me to hold these tickets up, but these are the samples. Ross with me ups. I’ve samples, but they’re very colorful and beautiful. And I must say this, I’m always trying to help trying to help you out in the please do stuff, because we do a marketing thing together. Um, is that rolling jackpot by any chance in the Monopoly game called the Community Chest?

John Martin  09:35

Oh, you know what? It is not, and it’s probably not, because I think the boys and legal.

Nestor Aparicio  09:39

Oh, okay, oh, okay. I’m just checking. I don’t know. I don’t know. Yeah, monopoly, you, you either landed on jail, you let you know, pay the electric company. You had hotels on Park Place. I’m just thinking from a monopoly standpoint, because the little guy is awesome. You know, the the monopoly guy, he’s eternal. He really is right. I started

John Martin  09:58

look more like Monopoly. I need. The top hat. I think I’m starting to look more like Monopoly guy every day.

Nestor Aparicio  10:03

You need to work the mustache up, I think, more than down. But I love monopoly. And I, you know, I was in the office this week with Seth, and we’re working on getting TJ after a couple Super Bowl and all that stuff. And I said, monopoly is something I can get behind, because, like, to your point, it’s this eternal brand. But as a kid from Dundalk that grew up, you know, with not a lot in a small room and a lot of dreams that many I fulfilled, thankfully, um, but playing board games was like the easiest thing in the world on a rainy day, a good day, whatever kept us in the house. Sometimes get out of the house, go play ball or whatever. But monopoly was just the eternal great game. So when I see monopoly, I light up, and I’m like, hey, I want all the colorful tickets too, because monopolies fun to me, and I don’t understand Game of Thrones. And I made that very clear last year.

John Martin  10:49

Well, you know, and this as marketers, one marketer to another, isn’t it really a good thing? And it was several years ago they started this, the the the localization of monopoly. So, you know,

Nestor Aparicio  11:00

the multipoly Maryland oppo Lee, I’ve seen all, yeah, then the colleges

John Martin  11:05

took it over, so they, you know, you had a, you know, college version of it. So, yeah, I like the way the franchise is extended. And certainly in the lottery, we have a lot of fun with it, whether it’s a scratch off, ticket, fast play, ticket, whatever it happens to be so. MD, More details on the monopoly Second Chance contest. I

Nestor Aparicio  11:25

was always the thimble, even though everybody wanted to be the little sports car, you know, dice and all that. John Marcus here, he’s executive director of all things, Mayor the lottery gaming. Wanna remind everybody we’re doing a cup of Super Bowl next week. I have fresh magic eight ball tickets. Rub the magic eight ball. It’ll say next year, perhaps, or something like that, either way, and remind everybody that delay and you’re playing to win money, because everybody is. It’s fun and all. It’s a lot more fun when you win. Use the app, scan tickets, get in the second chance. It’s if you get nothing else out of these fun things. We tell winter stories and you come out and get some free tickets. For me, I always me, I always tell folks, download the app, John, you got a whole bunch of other stuff going on around here, and you got a bunch of winners, and you got stories and all of that stuff. Set me straight, because I know we’re also into a sports wagering environment here where the big game is next week, and we’re all kind of celebrating that. And I know everybody this is a big time of the year to tell folks might be the introductory time to get involved in doing this and learning about it a little bit on the mobile side, I don’t think we can stop educating people enough that who may get involved for the first time, literally this time, because this is the time of the year, my dad would bring the block pools home back in the old days.

John Martin  12:37

You do have, it doesn’t seem possible. But every year you have new new entrants, new participants in sports wagering, particularly around the Super Bowl. I mean, it has been for several years, and will continue to be for several more, the pinnacle, the event of the sports wagering year. And the numbers that are behind this are just astronomical. And when you stop and look at that, what, the impact is on the singular event. I just got some new information yesterday, and looking at it from a national perspective, the estimate of the regulated and I will stress regulated US markets will grow 15% this year, expecting to surpass a record 1.5 billion with a B, $1.5 billion for one singular event, one three hour block of time will will generate that much revenue around the country. That’s that’s a big number, isn’t it?

Nestor Aparicio  13:37

Well, we’ve listened all my life. We always saw these projected numbers in USA Today, or, I mean, how much money was being spent on the commercials. And there, it’s such a money thing. And I think in America, all of our lifetime, and I’ve seen it grow. I have a 10 to 27 Super Bowls. I was in the middle of it every year broadcasting 60 hours a week, and watched literally, did NFL Network get born, the internet, the team websites, all of that that’s happened the legal part of sports wagering. And bringing it full circle, I trust the numbers you just gave me even more than whatever the estimates were in the black market and how many bull cards were going here, not to mention just people flying into Vegas. It was, it was the biggest weekend ever in Vegas to gather people. All of that now has been, dare I say, democratized in many states, to wherever your basement is, wherever your party is. I had the folks, nice folks from Verizon on this week, a little plug for them, and Jamal Lewis, they’re doing an event down at the stadium all over the country to have the world’s biggest Super Bowl party and bringing people together. And in that segment, I even said, I don’t get invited to Super Bowl parties anymore. Are they a thing like with the nachos in the wings and big screen TVs, because everybody kind of has one or whatever. But I think the thing that is in everybody’s base, in everybody’s hands, and for folks who even bet nominally at any point and they have an account. Out this would be a time where they’re reaching for it. Want to have a little bit of fun, and it’s a good time to remind people that it is fun, it is new, it is big. Just be careful. And I always say that to folks, because it is fun, and it was always fun. And I think these numbers now, and what you’ve done, what our laws have allowed us to do, is take this money in and take it and do great things with it. And I think, more than anything, other than second chances, I think I talk a lot about that as well, that since this has been on the up and up the last couple years, where this is our third Super Bowl, where mobile’s been on John, does that sound right? Uh,

John Martin  15:34

yes, it does. Just it does? You know, you talked about Las Vegas before the the expectation is some, some pundits would would tell you that the this may be the year that Las Vegas seeds the crown, that they will no longer be reigning supreme, that the state of New York may actually have a larger handle than the state of Nevada. And that has, of course, never happened. And it’s interesting that once it does happen, and if not this year, certainly next, you would think it’s probably not going to go back. So that’s that’s something from a just, you know, a national perspective.

Nestor Aparicio  16:13

I love having you on the Teach me. I mean, literally. I mean, I did not know that. I hadn’t thought much about that. And, you know, and you know, I’m not a sports wager, so I’m not in that space on a daily basis, hearing it and seeing all of the numbers, but I feel it’s ubiquitous. I mean, I see it anytime I’m in any of my sponsor sports bars, anywhere where people are talking about it and actively participating. And yeah, and just slow the roll, right? I mean, I we, we talk about that a lot, but this is a time of the year to say, and especially for folks who, if you find yourself wanting to bet on a minor league indoor football, you know, like the week after it ends, there’s college basketball, there’s all of these other things that I don’t think there’s an ending to it, or a one time my dad didn’t bring a pool card home the week after. Let me just say that after the Super Bowl, right? You

John Martin  17:03

know, it’s funny because we talked about it last time. You know, what if the the ravens and commanders had had, you know, gone down that path and thinking, Boy, what a what a day that would have been here for Maryland. And there’s, there’s maybe some of that, but, but some interesting information I did find was that more than just the local markets. It’s really the the appeal of the game itself, because you’re talking about a national a National Event, So it’s any given year, and obviously the the Eagles and the chiefs, because of the replay aspect of it from two years ago, in the appeal of name players on both sides that kind of transcends the local market. So the expectations ought to still be good in the state of Maryland, and certainly the proximity to Philadelphia doesn’t, doesn’t hurt, but I think just a matchup itself, and particularly some of the prop bets, and that’s where things can get a little fuzzy for first time wagers to an event like the Super Bowl, you know, Travis Kelsey or saquon Barkley, anytime touchdown as a prop bet. Those are the things that seem to be very popular, because they recognize the name of the individual, and of course, they’re doing well, and you’d expect both of them to feature prominently in any scoring plays that their teams may have. So, you know, those are the types of bets that that people kind of gravitate towards. We have made a decision last year, and we’re going to hold it this year. We’re not going to get in the foo, foo bets, the you know, what color is the Gatorade? You know, what’s the coin toss? How long is the national anthem? How

Nestor Aparicio  18:39

about this? When will Taylor Swift appear on television? There would be a fun one, right? Yeah. Well, they may be fun, but

John Martin  18:47

we don’t find a place for them here in the Maryland market. So, you know, we’ve, we’ve kind of slowed the role on some of those things and really focus on the game itself and the things that that that that are regulated, or that are affected by the play on the field, as opposed to some of the tangential things so and also a big thing, and I’ll use this form to advocate for it, please, please be careful on parlay bets. I think there’s a lot of allure to a, you know, three, four or five leg parlay, whatever, where you bundle bets at the chance to to score big. Be educated about that. If you have three bets that you’re solid about, make them as separate wagers, you may come out better ahead than trying to bundle them in a parlay. Parlays typically are in favor of the house. I don’t care how lucky you feel. I don’t care if you’re sitting in your favorite spot watching the game on the big screen. Yeah. Just, just be educated as to what the games are and the odds on the return on any investment you make. Please, please play responsibly.

Nestor Aparicio  19:56

John Martin is here sometimes talking about huge jackpots and. Big Game. Sometimes we’re talking about local stuff. I was a lot of fun talking about the Kino. Now I don’t want to talk anymore about Kino going lower. Okay, so continue sweetheart promotion next month, or something about warming it up, or springtime, or the first time we see a flower, or something that doesn’t look like I love the white, frozen tundra and the until I deal with it, like day four. So maybe one more snowstorm, and let’s get some baseball in here, at some home run riches. John Martin is the executive director of all things Maryland lottery gaming. The Maryland lottery has provided these magic eight ball scratch offs. You rub them, they’re good luck. But come on out. It’s a couple of Super Bowl next week. Please bring a can, good group of canned goods, hopefully from wise markets or other places to us. Wise markets and our friends at the Maryland lottery are helping me put this thing on. We’re starting at Costas on Monday. We will be at fadelies at Lexington market on Tuesday, we will be at Cocos on Wednesday, Thursday, at State Fair in Catonsville, and then on Friday, up at Coopers north, with my pal Terry, who’s a cancer survivor, so I’m going to beat some gumbo up there as well. Might be some crab cakes along the way, because it’s cup of Super Bowl. You come out, you get a cup or bowl of cream of crab or Maryland crab soup, if you donate to the Maryland Food Bank, and we’re going to be doing that through local pantries, as we did last year, and storytelling all week with people making a difference in the community, community charity, local cool stuff going on next week, and all of that will platform at a Baltimore positive I am Nestor. We are W, N, S, T. Am 1570 Taos in Baltimore. Enjoy the big game and come see us next week and get some soup and warm up. We’re Baltimore positive. Stay with us. You.

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