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Luke Jones and Nestor discuss second wave of Baltimore Banner reporting on Justin Tucker massage scandal and Ravens reaction


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Baltimore Positive
Luke Jones and Nestor discuss second wave of Baltimore Banner reporting on Justin Tucker massage scandal and Ravens reaction

Nestor Aparicio and Luke Jones discussed the Baltimore Banner’s reporting on Justin Tucker’s massage scandal, which initially involved six women and later grew to nine. They highlighted the lack of response from Tucker, the Ravens, and the NFL. Aparicio emphasized the importance of journalistic integrity and the potential impact on Tucker’s career and the Ravens’ reputation. They compared the situation to the Ray Rice incident, noting the league’s history of mishandling such issues. Aparicio criticized the Ravens’ previous actions and called for transparency and accountability, predicting Tucker’s departure from the team.


Justin Tucker scandal, Baltimore Banner reporting, massage therapists, Ravens reaction, journalism integrity, victim shaming, Ray Rice comparison, NFL investigation, public perception, hero worship, legal implications, media credibility, community impact, off-field behavior, future implications


Nestor Aparicio, Speaker 1, Luke Jones

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home. We are W, N, S T am 1570 Towson, Baltimore. We’re Baltimore positive. We’re positively out on the trail and doing what we do best. We are not in New Orleans. There will be no beignets this week. It is a cup of soup or bowl. I will have these rub the magic eight ball, Lucky eight balls. We got the Maryland lottery doing this monopoly promotion. These aren’t the real tickets, but they’re kind of cool, and they do have, like, a whole machine it cost us, like, 30 feet from where I’m doing the show on Monday, Tuesday will be fadelies. Yeah, they sell Maryland lottery tickets in Lexington market. I’m pretty sure. Wednesday, we’re Cocos. Thursday, we’re gonna make our way on the west side. My wife and I, bless me, Evan and Keith, for I have sinned because I we had dinner at Beaumont. We had brunch at El Guapo before the ray Bachman thing, and then we took carry out that’s still in my fridge home from state fair. And we’ll be at state fair on Thursday. All of these are noon until five this week, and then on Friday, we’re going to conclude things at Cooper’s. You know, there’s not a lot of baseball to talk about. There was a caravan over the weekend. There’s not a lot of football to talk about, other than the big game. You can put NFL Network on and they can slather all that up. There’s not free agent talk here about Ronnie Stanley. And by the way, 21 million is now the report on, you know, the average that he thinks he’s going to get, or the world thinks he’s going to get, and I don’t know Eric Degas to thinks he’s going to get that here in Baltimore. So there’s all of this football, there’s all this baseball, there’s excitement for a friend of mine becoming the new Greg Bader of the Orioles. I don’t know what that means. I haven’t talked to anybody on the street. For me, it’s, you get your Orio. I don’t know. Ask them, I don’t know. Am I a media member? Yes. Are they giving me? I don’t know. But all of this aside, there has been the Justin Tucker thing, and everywhere I went, it was the only thing people wanted to talk about, actually ran into one of my favorite attorneys in the universe. He he actually made the attorney joke that you can’t trust attorneys. I’m like, but I can trust you. Out to dinner on Saturday night, and his party was a buzz with I read it. I didn’t read it. Well, if you didn’t read it, I don’t hear from you. I don’t even want to know from if you haven’t read the stuff. Read the stuff. Luke Jones is here. We did a whole rambling segment in the hours after the initial word on Thursday, six therapists, we did 45 minutes on that by Friday morning, there were nine or was it Saturday morning? I don’t know. I’m getting confused all the days and nights run together once it’s the off season. Um, Luke, I don’t know what to say, man. I it’s ever I’m checking the W, N, S, T, tech service, because you’re telling me, like, literally, my phone went off because the banner is doing stuff. And I know all of those people, and they’re all legitimate journalists, and they’re doing the good work. They’re doing journalism, not tabloid reporting that Justin Tucker threw out, and I know how all of them feel about US media people and all of that. But this is when news and whether you’re reporting what’s going on and who heard what, who said what? And this is when the internet really becomes a toilet?

Luke Jones  03:22

Yeah, I mean, it certainly does. And obviously, we’ve talked about this story already. We’ll continue to talk about it. I think one of the big talking points when we first, you know, when we initially convened to discuss the the original reporting from the Baltimore banner was talking about the idea of waiting and seeing what happens next. Do more massage therapists come forward? Do we hear more? Do we hear more people come out of the woodwork to defend Justin Tucker? Right? I mean, it’s a two way street in the in that regard. But as you alluded to, and if you’re on the wnst Baltimore positive tech service, Saturday morning, the banner, more reporting, three more women coming out with accusations very similar in nature to the original six in the original story and beyond that, you know, nothing new from the team, nothing new from the league, nothing new from Justin Tucker and his representation. So the number goes from six to nine, I don’t the

Nestor Aparicio  04:24

only thing going on right now is journalism like literally that. That’s it, and and it’s people, someone very near and dear to me, reached to me in the hours afterward on Thursday and said, I know someone this happened to. She’ll never talk about it. She would not be one of them. She might have still been one of them. He didn’t know it, you know what I mean. But like, these are people in my world all my time, and said, I heard about this. I said, Well, I’ll be honest with you, and this is the reason Shaq steel wants people like me thrown out. I never heard much. I never heard if I heard anything, I don’t remember it. I mean, to be really honest with you, if somebody said something to me in 2015 or 16 or 17, or there was a joke made or something to the side of me came. I never heard it. So I can say that. So when Justin Fenton sits on their podcast, and by the way, you know, first thing I did was invite all of them on the journalist and say, you know, if we get the get the journalist on to find out the background. And the banner thought that too, and the banner did a podcast. And the credibility of Justin Fenton saying, I’m in a barber shop, and I got word, would be the same credibility I would have to say, hold on. You know, three therapists are saying, What about who and will they come on the show? Well, no, um, do they want to come forward without a mask? No. Are they frightened? Yes, like all of that would be. You think I wasn’t frightened to go after Chad Steele in the NFL, like when all this stuff was going on that you were privy to behind closed doors, where I’m like, do I report it? Do I not report it? Do I you know, is Jameson gonna support me? Is just who’s gonna support me? Who’s gonna have my back, dude, since this thing broke and Tucker comes out and smears the journalists, I hear all of that every minute of every day, smearing journalists who literally are calling these women who don’t want to be called and telling a story and then providing evidence, which is what you want to have if you’re a real journalist like Jamie, Julie sharper, or you or me, like is this true? Same any credible person? Well, I don’t know that we’re asking that given who’s running the country and our tariffs today, but is this true? Is it true, or is it not? And the smearing of the journalism on the other side? I can’t I can’t let that go, Luke, I’m not going to let that go, because the more this goes on, the more I go back to you on Thursday night and say, dudes got $65 million by the way, I would never, on Thursday when we talked about this, I would have said, How much money is he made? Dude, like, 30 or 40 million. I mean, I bet he’s made a million from Royal farms. I bet he’s made 3 million from Royal farms. You know what? I mean. So, like, I’m thinking about the money part of this, and the public’s thought that these are just these women cash grabbing. I’m getting that one too. And I’m like, Man, you don’t know how the world works, if you believe that, and you really don’t know how journalism works, if you are smearing journalists who are following leads professionally with a legal department and all of the inertia of Kimi Oshino who took down Disney in Southern California, so she’s fearless. And it says a lot for the banner, and it says a lot about where I’m from and what what this stands for, as is it true, or is it not? Because we’re not, I’m not taking phone calls here with a seven second delay to hear what you heard. You heard you heard because I heard that at the Beaumont the other night. Well, I didn’t read the story, but this is what I uh, no, no, no, no, no, that’s no, no. That’s not what this story is. And I would encourage anyone now that the banners the paywall down smartly, as recommended on Thursday, that if you’ve read this work and you take seriously that journalism exists, that the banner seeks to do it, and that people like Justin Fenton that took down dirty cops and a dirty mayor would be fact checking a little bit, you know what I mean. Give the reporters a little bit, a little bit more than the kicker well,

Luke Jones  08:38

and I would even go a step further with much of the reaction that you see on the internet and social media, is why many of these women in many walks of life, when there, there is behavior like this, you know, when we’re talking about inappropriate sexual shame, sauce, right? It reflects why they don’t come forward and, look, I had this conversation with a few different people over the weekend, just, you know, friends, family members. Did you have

Nestor Aparicio  09:08

it with your sister? That would be interesting? I did not. We

Luke Jones  09:11

texted a little bit about it on what, you know, the Davis story, Ravens fan, and she has a Justin Tucker jersey, right? And I have two nieces, but you know, the you know, couple things that you know that kept resonating with me. And I’m not saying that this is any kind of a unique perspective, but it’s my perspective in the sense of, as we learned with Ray Rice a decade ago, greatness on the field does not equate greatness off the field, and I think that it’s important to remember that, and it’s why I in my life, and I say this as someone who grew up idolizing the Cal ripkens of the world. And that’s not to say that there aren’t many, many, many, many admirable, good people in professional sports who do lots of great. Things and never get in trouble, right? I want to be clear, we’re not. They become my

Nestor Aparicio  10:03

favorite people, those people, but become my people. But

Luke Jones  10:07

that being said in the same way that you have family members and close friends of predators who are completely blindsided when something comes out about someone you never truly know someone 100% and that’s why I, as someone who works in media, has really tried to tread carefully over the years, understanding that, yes, if Justin Tucker walked into a room and saw me come up to me and say, what’s going on, you know, he would know me more than the average person. That doesn’t mean that I’ve broken bread and spent extensive time with Justin Tucker, and know him very well, sold, you know, with the Ray Rice thing, and it was the same thing. Think about what Ray Rice’s image was here in Baltimore, prior to what happened in that Casino. What now, 11 years ago, at this point in time,

Nestor Aparicio  10:57

people ask me about him all the tea. He got a job Friday, right? Let’s say that out loud. We haven’t said that here, he’s running Milford Mills JV football team. They did a news dump on a Friday within 24 hours of the Tucker thing. I mean, talk about poor timing, like, just in a general sense, but just, I mean, I knew Ray Rice from the beginning and Ray Rice to me. All the time that I was there, I would go up to Kevin Byrne and compliment Ray Rice, sure, because I and I think to this moment, if I ran into Ray Rice other than you better should sit on my show. You have. You would have some explaining to do to coach my kid at this point. You would. We’d have to have, we’d have to talk about it. And I haven’t spoken to Ray Rice since the incident, like, right? I mean, I, I saw him at a charity gig with Torrey Smith eight years ago, before the plague, you know, one that Cam Newton came to, whatever one that was. And, I mean, I had Ray Rice hasn’t reached to me and say, Do you want I want to come on the show and tell you my story. I don’t know that he’s told his I don’t know, but I’ll say this, people ask me about Ray Rice. I always like Ray Rice. I love my conversations with Ray Rice. I like my interactions with Ray Rice. I thought Ray Rice, in a general sense, had an accountability about him and a maturity about him as a football player. And I deal with all of them that I really admired, and I probably wrote that somewhere, and in the aftermath, it’s been How long since he punched his wife. I mean, 10 years, 11 years, I haven’t, you know, but he’s coaching football. He’s back on good for him and, like, what? Like all of that, but repairing that, that problem that Justin Tucker has here as of last week, and being the coach and being a community figure and all of that, it it’s a, it’s not a snapshot, right? It’s a it’s a motion picture of one’s life and redemption. And you and I have spent a lot of time with Ryan leaf at Super Bowls past and different people I am. We’re Trump’s running the country. Don’t ever tell me we’re not a country of second chances after the insurrection. So, you know, I’m all ears, but blaming the journalist out of the gate, and then more comes forward, and now the victim shaming, we’re seeing all the worst parts of all of this where the Ray Rice thing happened. Full disclosure for me, my wife was battling cancer. So like, I would, you know, like I just I wasn’t fully whatever Bucha he blames me about taking my press credential away, about Ray Rice and coverage, it wasn’t me, but we took phone calls back then. I know that. And if someone were to ask me about Ray Rice, I’d say what I just said, which is, I know him to be like one of the people in the locker room that never runs and hides and always is out and always wears his heart. You like all of that. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t drunk one night punching his wife in an elevator, right like and and that everybody in the world would cover it up. And I think your job and my job in this a little bit on the sports side is and the thing that gets to me is, where the Ravens in all this with massages in house, out of house? What does the league know? What did John Harbaugh know? What did they do to keep him on the field? What did anybody know? You know, there’s all of that much more so than any of the salacious details of sex, his marriage, the world farms, you know, anything else that has to do with it? The sports side of this is, were they keeping it? Did they pull the same thing they did with Ray Rice? Because they pulled it with Ray Rice. And I think that that is where the trail is going to wind up. Because to me, let’s have a frank conversation, Luke, they’re gonna cut him, right? I mean, he’s kicked his leg. I mean, I think he’s kicked his last kick here. You know what? I mean, like, right? And I just, I’ll see that on the morning of February 3. I don’t think he’s gonna kick here again. Now that being said, what happens in the aftermath? The ravens are gonna try to run and hide and. This my prediction. Now this me. You know, it was my bold prediction. The ravens are trying to run and hide. I don’t think they’re going to do what art modell did with Ray Lewis, which is just show up and say, That’s my guy, and I’m going down with him. I don’t think they’re good. They did that with Ray Rice, I and it’s made $65 million he’s going to the Hall of Fame. He’s on every billboard in town, and he’s wearing purple cleats. And this is a friggin mess. It would be all we would be talking about at the Super Bowl this week if you went over down there, because it would be ever people would be coming, you know, Justin, because that’s it’s moved way beyond the Baltimore banner from a click standpoint, and their pay wall and their their structure. If this were them taking the mayor down, they wouldn’t get this many clicks, because only people that care about Baltimore would care. Like when the Key Bridge went down, they had the biggest day they’ve ever had, because people came from other places that cared about Baltimore, right? Like, in a general sense, the Justin Tucker thing is it involved the NFL, right? So it’s a different level of outside interest in the salacious part of this, and the fact that I don’t know it for a fact, but I believe it to be that the banners following tips today all day, and there’s going to be another text coming from us and everybody else that somebody’s going to say something to do like, it feels like that kind of a story to me. Luke, it feels like breaking and, you know, improv, this is an in progress story that we’re five days into, that this ain’t going away and and the rape could cut him, and it’s not. And I know there’s a march thing, and you can speak to the contract, but this is we’re going to talk about this more than we want to. Yeah,

Luke Jones  16:50

well, I mean, off the air we already have. I mean, this isn’t something that I take any enjoyment in talking about. And you know,

Speaker 1  16:59

regardless of how any individual feels about these accusations, and Justin Tucker and all of that, we’re talking about an individual who’s been beloved in this community by a lot of people, kids included, right? So whenever that happens, and I don’t say this to feel sorry for Justin Tucker, but I feel for people who’ve looked up to him. I feel for his family. I feel

Nestor Aparicio  17:21

sorry if he’s innocent, sure,

Luke Jones  17:26

right? I mean, I certainly, you know, beginning with these women who were subject to this behavior, right, or were victims to this, you know, if it were, if it was true. So, I mean, it’s, it’s an very unfortunate in that way. I don’t say that to be unfortunate, meaning I feel for Justin Tucker. But to your point, if it is all untrue by some miraculous degree, and you know, if six weren’t enough, we’re up to nine. I mean, what’s the number? Right? I mean, at some point,

Nestor Aparicio  17:57

the perception is they’re just calling and piling on once that that becomes your conclusion, that legitimate massage therapist at ohas, and all of these legitimate places where I have frequented and people I know who were at dinner with me the other night, I said, Oh, I go there. I’m like, we might want to read the story before you start playing the victim shaming game. You know what? We do that and the hero worship. I’m just going to believe him, because I believe NFL players, stars, skinny, white guy, kickers, guys from Texas, guys with pretty wives, guys that do Dr Pepper commercials, guys that sing, guys that sing opera, guys that love their wives and propose to them on the top of the four, like all of that. Like guys that win Super Bowls, guys that make kicks in thin air in Denver 13 years ago, 12 years like I the hero worship part of this has gotten this guy running the country. You know what I mean? Like, the hero worship part is so strong that I can’t, I can’t push back on that. I can only push back on that with facts. And that goes to Bucha and Chad Steele, and in my own case, where people come to me and say, it’s my fault in all the media, but what, like, What are you saying like this? Is who they are for things like this, because the league is bigger than any of this, and just the fact that this could be sat on for a decade, like the one thing some of my legal friends, why are they coming out now? And I’m like You ever been a 22 year old girl who’s been assaulted in the private room by God with a lot of money? I need to say that again out loud, so I said that a week ago. It made some people stir up and Burr up and go all wcbm on me, but go for it. Go for it. You know, I, I believe in journalism, I believe in truth, I believe in facts, I believe in evidence and and I believe in testimony. There’s a good words a Sunday word Deacon Jones, testimony like so let’s, let’s see what happened here. There’s a lot of smoke. It really. And it’s in it, it’s getting smokier, and at some point, Eric the cost and John Harbaugh, but Bucha, you’ll never get smoked out because he got smoked out last time he didn’t like it. You won’t hear from him. And I’m telling you, going down on a 35 year old kicker who may or may not have done this, who missed some field goals, they can just say it’s job related. And, I mean, the Ravens have an easy walk away here. They think, but do they do? They Well,

Luke Jones  20:26

and again, that’s where I kind of go back to, okay, the number was six. It’s up to nine, you know, where does it go? Right? I mean, how, how many more six of these

Nestor Aparicio  20:37

women don’t get together and implicate three other guys for doing it too. Oh, what I mean, like, there’s all sorts of, like, open ended things that are going on here on the back end of Deshaun Watson, which is that’s the amazing thing, that this thing was so scandalous there and quiet here, but not quiet. I mean, like for people, I know when this thing hit and we sent a text, and the banner was like, they were, like, I heard about this, and I’m like, I didn’t, so community speak in small, you know, small Timor dude, you know, well, and

Luke Jones  21:09

that’s and to me, what you just said, if this were was truly a one of those worst kept Secrets amongst a certain subgroup within the Baltimore area. Then you start to question, how did the Ravens not catch some wind of this, right? Some whisper, some murmuring. I mean, why wouldn’t

Nestor Aparicio  21:32

they move all their in house massage in like, 2016 in house? Why wouldn’t they?

Luke Jones  21:38

I mean, I don’t know. I don’t

Nestor Aparicio  21:40

know, or maybe they did, and maybe, you know, maybe we should Sure, and

Luke Jones  21:43

that’s the thing we at the same time, we don’t want to make assumptions. That’s why, you know, I mean, and I know you were just making a point, but

Nestor Aparicio  21:49

I’m not allowed to ask any questions. And if I ask them, they will. No one’s

Luke Jones  21:52

been able to ask any questions, right? That’s the plan. And they’re at a point in the NFL calendar where the next time that there’s any expectation of talking is at the NFL Combine, right? And whether they will talk or not, we’ll see. But we’re at that point in the calendar. I mean, keep in mind the Super Bowl hasn’t been played yet, so we’re really not 100% fully into the NFL off season in a general sense, but, but I mean, when you look at the timing of these from 2012 through 16, the the question continues to come up, when did the team, when did individuals of the Ravens brass, first catch any wind of this? You know, was it truly when the banner was working on this story, or was this something that you at least heard, something right? An anonymous real danger

Nestor Aparicio  22:48

is if I heard about it and I went to Eric the Costa, which I did, do things like this, where I’m like, Dude, your player showed up drunk last week for my show. You know, right? And they’re not angels. This is what I write. They’re not angels. They’re not and, like, so I have been, I would be that kind of conduit in the past to say, Dude, I got a girl in Canton who says, you know, like, you might want to look into this Ed, you know. Yeah. So I, I, I, I’m not. I didn’t know if you, if you depose me today, and had me come in, I’d say I was sitting at Pizza Johns with Jen Marsh when the news arrived from you and Chris pike at 140 on Thursday afternoon. And I’m like, really, you know, but, and then within an hour, my phone blew up with people that are not discredited in my world. They’re still in my world, which is why they’re credible, credible. I only try to keep credible people in my world at this point, because what’s the use, you know? So, yeah, I this has been it. It’s going to be a week, it’s going to be a month, it’s going to be an off season. And my predictions were just made moments ago that I think he’s kicked his last kick here. I think he’s he’s done his last royal farms commercial. Maybe I should run for the mayor of chicken. Maybe I’ll do that. Maybe, maybe there’s a spokesperson job available for a guy has been eating their chicken since he was 12. I don’t know, but this is, this is something they’re all going to want to run away from, not toward. They’re not going to want to. And all the legal people and all the armchair legal analysts in Essex and Middle River, these women are just going for a money. They’re going to get paid. And this is going to they’re going to do everything they can do to get they do not want this dragged. No one want the league doesn’t want this. Justin Tucker, no one wants this getting dragged. But it’s going to drag. Yeah, they’re going to do everything they can do to make it not drag. And I’m not saying the banner smells blood in the water. The banners journalism. Them, and that became clear to me about 142 on Thursday afternoon, that they’re they’re doing the kind of work down there that I need to pay them $22 a month to do

Luke Jones  25:11

well. And I’ll go back to what was the last quote from, from the Saturday Saturday report, where it said, often in cases involving alleged inappropriate sexual behavior, when certain individuals are brave enough to come forward and empowers others to share their experiences. You know that was the attorneys representing the the you know these, that

Nestor Aparicio  25:30

would be the attorney representing blank any, anything from Jeffrey Epstein down to just anything, the girls at Ohio State, the Olympic gymnast team, like just all of this crud that goes on that is predatorial. You use the word earlier. That’s what it is. I mean, that’s what we’re accusing you doing, dude, repeatedly. No Hanky Panky, like it said in my massage wall in New York. I mean, it’s implied, it’s, it’s, it’s beyond implied. It’s it’s law, it’s what’s right, and it will be challenged. And these women will be heard from their lawyers. Will be heard from the massage facilities. Your sisters a massage therapist. This happens to her. She walks into her boss, who may or may not be female, who may or not, you know, and says, That guy just did something. I give 1000 massages in here. Maybe it’s happened once or twice, and I’ve elbowed an old fart to cut it out. That wasn’t what this was. And if that happens, and the manager says there were a little corner store down and can’t, we’re not fighting the Ravens in the kicker. We’re just going to throw him out. I’m sorry. Let me buy you dinner. Let me do something to make like, I’m like, we’re going to fire him. I believe you. Susie Roxy, Jen, Aubrey, people that are in my life, I believe you, but I don’t. We can’t put him in jail, and I’m not calling the cops. Maybe I’ll call the ravens, and I know Pat Moriarty a little bit. I should tell him. You know something? You know what? I mean, like, all of their lawyers have written letters saying this happened, and we have internal HR documentation of one of our employees, your sister, your mother, your cousin, a woman, young, having this happen in different places around the city. This is freaking serious, dude. This isn’t normal. This isn’t normal. That’s all I’m saying. Yeah,

Luke Jones  27:37

well, and, and it goes back to the point I made about, you know, being careful with hero worship. Generally speaking, I think the other point, and you’ve very much touched on this, because something happened a long time ago doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. And, you know, again, at this point, my big question for the Ravens would be, when, you know, point blank, not to couch it, not to come up with wording that, I hope you’re sitting

Nestor Aparicio  28:04

there front row and asking that on behalf of me, question yet, yeah, well, go

Luke Jones  28:10

ahead. The question would be, when did you first hear about any suggestion of inappropriate behavior from Justin Tucker at massage therapy, you know, a spa, a Wellness Center where a professional massage was working on him. Point blank, when? When did you was it a month ago? Organization, right? Was it a member of your sure? Was it a month ago? Or, you know, and again, I want to

Nestor Aparicio  28:36

see the email inbox to Ravens. Dot, you know, did anybody send an email in because that we’re going to the Jon Gruden level now, and I’m sure Roger will have a nice oral reading on this, right? There’ll be an oral reading after there’s a $4 million investigate. I mean, these people are filthy, dude, no wonder they want to throw me out. Chad, no wonder you don’t want me. This is on. It’s unbelievable. Because, like, it’s inconceivable that there’s 200 people to work in that building, and everybody in an hour on Thursday, threw me a text and said, I mean, my phone blood. A dozen people in my world say, I’m shocked this came out, but I heard wind I meant, you know, like I

Luke Jones  29:20

will also say we need to be careful with that part of it, because there is also a sense of when things like this come out. And, look, I am not disputing that people didn’t know about it, right? I mean, I think that’s evident, but there’s also a sense of a status thing of I knew about that, but because what I want the point I want to make here is these teams do get anonymous tips and information about players and rumors and

Nestor Aparicio  29:47

showers went through this last year quietly, no but,

Luke Jones  29:50

but my point is, but you also know there’s also because you’ve been tipped off. I’ve been tipped off by stuff that ended up being complete crap too, right, stuff that wasn’t remotely true. So there is a lot of filtering that goes on with that. However, again, how much smoke were you? When did you hear any smoke about this? How much did you hear Did you investigate it? Right? I mean, do I expect them to answer that? No, truthfully, if, if, by some miraculous chance, they had not heard anything about this in the way that you just acknowledge and you’re well connected, you know, p, you know, way more people in the Baltimore area than I do. I’m and I’m just saying that, just being truthful, you hadn’t heard about it. So by some miraculous chance had they not heard about it. I mean, okay, but it really knowing that the team, and not just the ravens, all NFL teams, all major professional sports teams, they they try to put out fires before, you know, they try to put out especially with everything

Nestor Aparicio  30:52

that went on with the Sean Watson that if somebody smelled a massage issue in their house, specifically, Right? And everything that’s going on in that toilet down in Landover with that creep running the team for years, you know, they had their own HR issues out in the building with players and employees and stuff 20 years ago that Dick Cass didn’t like and cleaned up, allegedly, right? So there’s all sorts of men with testosterone in that building that are young, dumb, sure, and full of money and have a lot of money, right? Yeah. And this is a constant issue for young people with fame and money and what’s right and what’s wrong and what I can get away with. And, you know, means nothing. But it made me think of this. There was an offensive lineman that got drafted here, like, 15 years ago, and I’m there on the rookie. You know when the rookies report in April, or whatever it was at the time, and remember, they would do rookies, but nobody else was just rookies in like 20 and they’re sort of running around getting school, and I get to know them. We had those rookie shows. We’d invite them out. There was one player who said to me, he took a shine to me, liked me, talk to me, and said, you know, Baltimore, man, like where, you know, where should I go get something to eat? So I sent him to my favorite place downtown, not an expensive place. You know, it’s a place that amici, it’s not expensive. Most people, it’s not, you know, you can afford to meet cheese if you’re in the NFL. On a he went, came back, and a week later, he said to me, Hey, man, I went down your place. I said I was a food Oh, man. Food was great. People were like, he said they made me pay for my meal, man. And I’m like, Well, yeah, did you not have to pay for your meals in Austin? I mean, like, I don’t like, I like. It shocked me. It shocked me so much that I’m telling you the story, but like, it’s the only time that’s ever happened where a guy just said, I said, Yeah, it’s a great place. You know, loved everything, didn’t, and the guy made 80 or $90 million I could look it up. The guy made a lot of money playing football in the league. And I’m like, that was the level of expectation showing up as a rookie that meals were free in Baltimore if you played for the rave like that. Like, literally, he wasn’t kidding with me. Literally,

Luke Jones  33:32

yeah. I mean, okay, yeah, sure. You know that doesn’t equate it that. I don’t know what that has to do with Justin Tucker, other

Nestor Aparicio  33:38

than just a level of expectation of, like, what players, when they come think, I

Luke Jones  33:45

mean, there are a lot of people entitled in the world, Nestor, you know? I mean, I mean, I hear you

Nestor Aparicio  33:50

that’s only happened to me once

Luke Jones  33:53

in my life. And look, I mean, you know you’re talking about, you know, these are guys, and we’re talking specifically Justin Tucker at 2012 through 16. That was his early to mid 20s. Money, fame status. Look, I mean, some of these guys are going to exploit that. Plenty. Do not let again, I do not want to lump every professional athlete in with someone who does something of this nature or is accused of something of this nature, but you know, it’s certainly, as we’ve seen now with Deshaun Watson and now with these accusations and seeing where they go. You know, it does happen, and it’s, it’s sad, it’s, you know, it’s, well,

Nestor Aparicio  34:41

I don’t know how to wrap it like, you know, like we can go on and on and

Luke Jones  34:45

on, well, and that’s the thing, and that’s kind of my and that was kind of the jewel, the Raven through something, right? I mean, that’s, you know, there again, when we re when we convened about this, to talk about the initial reporting, you know, the thought was, you know, is this. So, you know, it’s like a faucet, right? You have six. How many more are going to come out and have their own story, right? And as I said, In Defense of Justin Tucker, how many might come to his defense and say, Hey, wait, this is not at all the guy that I know or knew at that point in time. And you know, they’re, they’re, they have a right for their voice to be heard as well, right? Let’s be clear about that. But you know, in the meantime, the silence is deafening from the Ravens. And you know, to your point, do I think he’s going to kick again for the Ravens? Probably not, but I don’t know. And this is where we go back to the Ray Rice thing, where they were comfortable with keeping him on the team until a TMZ video came out after the season. All too comfortable,

Nestor Aparicio  35:49

right? So arrogantly, arrogantly comfortable of knowing what happened and thinking it would never get out. That’s who they are. That’s who they are. Let’s get through this the best ownership and okay, they’re good at football, really good at football, humans, I can tell you, on a personal level, not a not a smidge of integrity in regard to me, in regard to journalism, in regard to the work being done, not a smidge of integrity, none. That’s why I’m on the outside and you’re on the outside asking questions. You know what I mean, like I that’s just how I feel about them coming to whatever their press conference is, because they lied the last time, you know, and that’s clear. I said, you know, 10 years later, and all of the same people are still in all the same, Sashi brown notwithstanding, are all in in this together. And I saw how they handled it 10 years ago when they sent the guy and his wife out reading off the phone. She’s nodding her head that she was never punched. I mean, shame. That’s all I’m saying. And for the Ravens with this Tucker thing, be better. Handle it better. How about this? Handle it better than your tight end handled it 10 days ago. Here we go. Really handle it better than that. Handle it better. It’s a small town. These are women. These are multi millionaires, people of arrogance and entitlement, which would be my accusation from their PR director, through their their their Sashi Brown, their principal ownership all the way through. That’s how I was treated, and that’s how I I expect them to burr up, fight hard, deny lawyers like all that went on to kept Dan Snyder running the place for a decade, and they were burning Ray Rice jerseys, and now he’s the coach at Milford Mill, and he was the star of the game. So Trump’s been on the internet the last three days, erasing January 6 on all the DOJ videos, like it’s it. Just want to erase what happened. That’s not going to happen here. It’s not going to happen here with whatever people are going to have to answer for this. They are and whatever they’re formulating over there, above and beyond free agency and Ronnie Stanley and dude, Lamar is getting the MVP trophy in like, a minute, right? Probably,

Luke Jones  38:36

yeah, Thursday night. I mean, I expect them to, but they’re

Nestor Aparicio  38:41

going to be in the news this week, just in a general sense, right? Well,

Luke Jones  38:44

but, but they, you know, they don’t talk about, you know, they don’t have a press conference for Lamar winning the MVP. Like the Ravens don’t have a press conference for Lamar winning the MVP. So, I mean, it’s, well, if

Nestor Aparicio  38:55

you and I off the air, we’d have an over, under on, like, when do the Ravens say or do anything about this, probably not this week,

Luke Jones  39:05

if you ask me, if, do I think they’re calling a press conference? No, do I think they’re cutting Justin Tucker this week? No. I mean, I don’t know. I again, I don’t know that maybe they, maybe they cut them this afternoon, right as you and I are speaking in real time. But doesn’t feel like, like I said, if six weren’t enough, what does nine mean? What does you know, if it goes to 12? I don’t know. You know, I’m just, I don’t know what the threshold is there. I’m, I’d

Nestor Aparicio  39:33

love zero tolerance, though, right? That was the threshold, right?

Luke Jones  39:37

I mean, it’s, has it ever been though? Yeah. And look, and to be totally clear, I don’t really know, like, what does that even mean, right? What does zero tolerance actually, truly mean, right? Because, you know, anyway, I mean, that’s but the point with with that is, are we going to hear anything? Publicly from the Ravens right now, no, I would assume they’re trying to gather as much as they can, and whether they knew stuff from the past or not, they’re trying to gather as much as they can. Now, I think

Nestor Aparicio  40:11

if I’m Sashi brown on Thursday afternoon, I’m sending an inner office out to everybody, especially the females, and saying, who knew what? Sure. I mean, you know, like that would be if it was news to Sashi Brown, which it might be, because he ain’t from around here, and he ain’t gonna be from around here long you know, he ain’t gonna be here. He’s not, he’s not Baltimorean. But for the people that, the gals that are out in the community, moving around, young people out talking amongst other people in this community, I would think that if Sasha shut the door and brought 100 employees in, one at a time, with HR and said, anything, nothing. All right, see, you, anything? Well, there was this one time, this one guy told me, what, who, what? Because legal getting that. I mean, I’ve been accused of stuff I didn’t do. I know how this goes, bro,

Luke Jones  41:09

yeah, well, and that’s, you know, again, these teams hear so much over the years about certain players, and some of it is true. A lot of it’s false. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  41:20

think of the investigating they do just to draft these kids. How much you know that they have a whole investigative wing for that they utilize for every young player that they ever bring in, really. So they can’t act dumb. They can’t act like they don’t but I would

Luke Jones  41:34

also say, in fairness to them, that, but that’s also not fail proof, right? And things will happen that there’s no way of predicting, and you can have individuals. And this goes back to my point about how put sports aside, just in life in general, when you talk about predators being exposed, you know, to the you know their wrongdoings being exposed, that you’ll sometimes have family members and the closest friends of individuals who had no idea. Now, that doesn’t mean that’s always the case, my but my point is, you never, you don’t always know, right? And that’s where as as much as I have a very, very, very difficult time believing that the organization hadn’t caught some whiff of some of this that was going on. You know, rumors, conjecture. You know, anonymous tips, someone talking to someone else at a social event, saying, hey, you know this guy on your team was, you know, not acting the way he wasn’t

Nestor Aparicio  42:33

doing this in Albuquerque. You know what I’m saying. He’s doing El reichers down the road. And

Luke Jones  42:39

so, you know, from that standpoint, what had they heard and what was done about it? If anything,

Nestor Aparicio  42:45

Mr. Tucker, why would you elect to go to 12 different spas around town over the course of the keep getting new spas, you know, like I and also, whether they talk to Justin Tucker or not, you know what I mean, somebody in there has talked Justin Tucker too, legal team or whatever. That’s where this thing behind the scenes becomes really, really gummy, and I’m going to take a break on it at this point, because you and I can beat this thing all. We can take phone calls here and do stupid stuff. We’re not going to do all that, because it’s a couple of Super Bowl week. I have magic eight ball tickets to give away courtesy of the Maryland lottery. We’re going to be Costas Monday, fade leads, Tuesday, Cocos, Wednesday, State Fair Thursday, and Cooper’s north on Friday, we’re going to have people in the community doing incredible work for victims of all kinds and feeding people. It’s also the Maryland Food Bank. Please bring us out dry goods, canned goods. It’s going to stay in the community local pantries, making sure that again this year, in conjunction with Carmen del Bucha and our friends over at the Maryland Food Bank, it’s cold week people need to eat. It’s going to snow later this week, bring some canned goods by and do good by your neighbors. Really, really important in these tough times, especially as we have these wacky conversations about all this off the field stuff. We have a baseball team to talk about, also lots of Hall of Fame this week. Marshall yonda, Steve Smith, Terrell Suggs, up, I’ve talked to nine different Pro Football Hall of Fame voters who are the best football minds. They’re the best conversationalists. They give me the best content. So Sam COVID is Ira Kaufman this week. Mike Nolan has been here this week. Joe Flacco, phenomenal conversation with Joe about accountability and all this stuff, all of this, all of those conversations happen before Justin Tucker happened. So the really good news is, if you’re listening to am 1570 you won’t get tuckered out. You.

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