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The fresh start of a new era of Orioles baseball in Baltimore

Luke Jones and Nestor discuss the new baseball season and Orioles fresh start at Camden Yards with David Rubenstein and Cal Ripken in front of things after three decades of tyranny. What changes come first and what have we seen so far in the first hours?

Authors and Books, College Sports, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, Sports, Sports News

Where did pro football really get its start?

Author Gregg Ficery takes Nestor on a century-old tour through the roots of football history in Pittsburgh and Massillon in his new book, “Gridiron Legacy,” which even taught the folks in Canton a few facts about how entrenched organized crime and gambling were at the turn of the 20th century around the emerging sport that took rugby to a different level.

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