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Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss Ravens loss in Cleveland and storming the field in College Park

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Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss Ravens loss in Cleveland and storming the field in College Park

Amidst the Ravens’ loss in Cleveland, watching the rich teams play in the World Series and the wealthy people affect an American election with attack ads and intrusive texts, Leonard Raskin and Nestor discuss being young again and storming the field in College Park after you beat a 3-3 football team.


Ravens loss, Browns game, Cincinnati game, Denver game, field storming, college football, gambling picks, election concerns, Justin Tucker, Lamar Jackson, Kyle Hamilton, defense issues, voting decisions, political candidates, financial advice


Leonard Raskin, Nestor Aparicio

Nestor Aparicio  00:01

Welcome home. We are W, N, S T, am 1570 Towson, Baltimore and Baltimore positive. Doing a little different around here. This week, tough week, this week, lost to the browns. Never good for anybody. We are doing the Maryland crab cake Tour presented by our friends at the Maryland lottery. We got some Raven scratch offs giveaway. Also our friends at Jiffy Lube, multi care, powering Luke up and back and forth. Big week, game on Sunday, game next Thursday, Cincinnati, Denver on the back end of a loss. Now five and three also want to give a shout out to our friends a Curia wellness and far and daughter, as well as our friends at Liberty. Pure solutions for making our water crystal clear. One 800 clean water is the way to make sure that that happens. For liberty, pure also your plumbing needs well water needs all of that’s there had a long conversation about strains and gains with Wendy bronfen Last week, as well as Duran. Duran playing the CFG rank arena building this week, Leonard Raskin joins us now. He is Raskin global. I’ve got the Raskin global. I’m wearing Dodger blue. Does that mean anything for you? Leonard, this week, I’m trying to take the

Leonard Raskin  01:05

Yankee Yeah, beat the Yankees. Let’s hope. I mean, I’m, I’m not a big fan of either, but I’d rather see the Dodgers than the Yankees, that’s for sure. Yeah, you can’t, if

Nestor Aparicio  01:13

you’re east coast, you can’t hate the Dodgers, right? No, not at all.

Leonard Raskin  01:16

What if they and watching Otani is just unreal.

Nestor Aparicio  01:19

They got on the way in 66 you know what I mean, right? No,

Leonard Raskin  01:24

I’m all about it. Like I said, I’m not. I mean, I look these teams are buying players left and right, and I’m all for that. Ohtani brilliant, took a big contract, deferred a bunch of it, because he doesn’t want to pay California income tax and and by the time he’s done his contract. He might go back to Japan and not pay any US tax. I don’t know how that’s going to work out. But is

Nestor Aparicio  01:45

this dude in prison, the dude that squandered all the money, I think so, that he had nothing to gambling, right? Well,

Leonard Raskin  01:50

you know, the the culture is safe face. So he, he dove on the samurai for his best friend. I guess that’s,

Nestor Aparicio  01:57

I mean, he might not have safe face, you’re right, right? So he might not have it might be. I bet that is the biggest scandal in Japan that there’s ever, ever, I’m

Leonard Raskin  02:06

sure look well, no, probably not, because have you ever read Freakonomics? It’s a good book. You should check it out if you haven’t read it. It’s a guy who was trained as an economist, went to school, got his degree as an economist, but didn’t want to do traditional economist stuff. So he did economic stuff, but not like, interest rates and markets and economy. He did some other things that are where economic based decisions that people made, and why, like, Why do drug dealers live at home with their mother? You know, things like that. But one of the biggest scandals in history was when they were it was found that they rigged sumo wrestling matches. Oh, and that was enormous, because honor is everything, and they found that it was being rigged for for money, go figure, right? But

Nestor Aparicio  02:57

scandal just, you know, right, right? In a much

Leonard Raskin  03:00

bigger sense. Look, we’re all fools. If

Nestor Aparicio  03:05

we want to get on anything to avoid the Browns ravens, we’ll get to that in a minute. It’s been a rough week around here, but I would just say anything that involves the gambling money thing, and that’s everything in this country right now, something fishy is going on. Something’s happening. You know, they say, it’s

Leonard Raskin  03:21

not about the money, so it’s about the money, alright? So,

Nestor Aparicio  03:25

you know, rounds ravens, we didn’t get together last week at all. Right? So, had we gotten together last week five in a row? Feeling great. We’re going to the straight ball. We’re number one in everybody’s power ranking, absolutely. And now we’re number like 20. I don’t know if you caught my pre game. I mean, I’ve gotten really good at speaking of gambling, I’ve gotten really good at predicting football games. Like, if I did do it, I probably wouldn’t be awful at it. I’m smart enough to think that it’s not a vocation, or it’s nothing more than entertainment purposes. But if I were putting 100 bucks a week up on games and Hollywood casino response, yeah, yeah. Asking global wanted to underwrite it and say, Here’s your branch for the year. Turn it into 10 See, see an expert, right, right. I’d rather get my money you. And let, let the market factors play an election week where your guy’s crazy and there’s, I can’t believe anybody, including you is voting for him, but that’s okay, um, but nonetheless, I’m not.

Leonard Raskin  04:22

I’ll let you ramble. I’ll

Nestor Aparicio  04:23

let you ramble. I’m not leaving the country this week because only one side’s going to claim a rigged election when they lose next Wednesday. You think, and that’s your you really think. So. You don’t think he’ll claim a rigged election

Leonard Raskin  04:34

if it’s not when he wins, not when he wins. No. Oh my god. Okay. God forbid that guy. Then we’ll see what your side says, when, when he wins. Nonetheless,

Nestor Aparicio  04:45

I digress, yes,

Leonard Raskin  04:46

let’s talk about the ravens and gambling and and and picks. So let me, let me back up gambling

Nestor Aparicio  04:52

on this, and if Kyle Hamilton catches the ball, you you know the bet goes right? Well, maybe not coloring within. I

Leonard Raskin  04:57

don’t know the I don’t know the odds. I. Mean, I don’t know the spreads. I don’t do that, but I am involved in a college pool where it’s 15 games a week. Straight up, no points, pick em, win, lose. That’s it.

Nestor Aparicio  05:11

You have to pick 15 winners, 15 games. You

Leonard Raskin  05:14

just know you pick 15 games.

Nestor Aparicio  05:16

It’s the whole season, all season, not every week.

Leonard Raskin  05:19

Oh, hang on, 15 a week. The the head of the league picks. The 15 games are all ranked team games. You pick the winner 15 games at the end of the season, you see who has the highest win total. So it’s

Nestor Aparicio  05:34

150 games, whatever it is, 15 times 10 weeks, alright, right?

Leonard Raskin  05:38

No, it’s actually like 14 weeks. There’s a little longer, and you just see who comes out with the most wins after nine weeks, I’m happy to say I am in first place. I went 14 and one this past weekend. I had my hopes set that Navy could beat Notre Dame. Didn’t happen, but I want every other game I picked, so I’ve

Nestor Aparicio  05:59

been doing sales calls all week. The last week I have a whole it’s the end of the year. Yeah, clients like, what people like you that don’t You don’t make me show you everything that I do. The most reach we did, most commented piece I had, yeah, I tried to explain this to somebody who has a multi tiered business here that like, if you’re looking for what comments on social media get the most activity, sure it’s Fu, no, Fu, no, right, you know, right, the crazy, controversial stuff, right in its Carter, it’s right, right? It is what is the most controversial commented thing, the thing that I’ve been called an idiot and had, the guy that slings seafood and Dundalk, I don’t know his ass from his elbow, disparaging me and all that was last week when you disappeared. You’re the few, one of the few people in life that you brought up college football with me a minute ago. Yeah, no one. Yeah, I don’t I rarely watch college football. It’s like it’s gone from my life a little bit. Lee, course. I mean, it comes to me, Indiana is okay this year, right? I see the guy with the muscles when I go into the, you know, the big, tall guy that that does it. Yeah, I see him on the India, you know, I get around. I know what talk college football as interested in as an exam the NBA, which I got really into it. I’m not at all last week at College Park. Yes, the minute it happened, I was wherever I was on a Saturday afternoon, and I beat USC, the real USC, not Saturday.

Leonard Raskin  07:30

Oh, real USC,

Nestor Aparicio  07:32

who’s not very good this year there’s three and three. They’re three and three. The kids stormed the field right the goal, like, gotta have something to be happy about where I put up that that’s a little bit like, it’s cute but pathetic. Like, in Ohio State, they don’t do that. And real schools where you storm the field, you go to a bowl game, you win a division, yes, you beat a top five team, not a ranked team, a top like, you don’t beat USC, that’s still crowing about. OJ Simpson, right? Matt Leinart, right, right, like

Leonard Raskin  08:07

they felt good. It felt good for the kids. They beat somebody that they have, yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  08:13

Ohio State, Mr. Band guy. He’s over in Ireland. He’s done his turn. You’re done. Hope you’re done paying Ohio State as a Maryland. Oh, yeah, I just last week, I got just violated on because you, because you. I didn’t even dis Maryland. I dissed the concept of storm in the field when you’re a three and three team, yeah, and you beat a team that used to stand for like, I just got blown out and right? So we have a weeks we have more clarity on this. Where were you on it? When you saw it? Did you think like, I wish my

Leonard Raskin  08:46

kid went to No, no, I thought it was silly. You know, again, as you say, with the storming of the field should occur when you beat top five and you’re not ranked or or something like, like when Vanderbilt beat Alabama, right,

Nestor Aparicio  09:02

they called me out of touch and let the kids have fun. And I’m like, first off, everybody left it. The kids want to have fun. Storm the field every week. The kids

Leonard Raskin  09:12

had fun. That’s great, good for them, but it’s not a reflection of the team. It’s that the kids at Maryland haven’t beat anybody that matters in forever. So it matters. So let them have fun. Who cares? I think it doesn’t matter. I just

Nestor Aparicio  09:26

found it electric that I’m Mr. Auntie Turpin. Imagine my wife would laugh at this. Imagine me being called anti fun. Like, like, like, I don’t want to have fun. I just, I

Leonard Raskin  09:41

appreciate this. We were, we were in Ohio State three years ago, two years ago, whatever, three years ago now, for a Penn State game. And Matthew told me that if Ohio State it was a night game, if Ohio State beat Penn State, that. Night, the kids were going to storm the field. And there’s a lot of kids and a lot of and the reason was they never get to do it, because they’re expected to win every game. So so they won, and the kids went on the field and hung out with the players for the

Nestor Aparicio  10:16

Ohio State. Oh, my God, that’d be a reason to storm the field. I listen. I’m not anti storm the field. I’m just not storming the field. When you beat a three and three team barely by a point and you’re not very good to begin with, yeah, okay, and I’m even okay with but the abuse that I took on that’s ridiculous bond or whatever. They should have started the field in Cleveland, but it was the most commented thing until this brown thing came along. Listen, give it time. I am Baltimore positive. You know this, despite how we feel politically about each other, especially, yeah, of course, and all that, well, I guess we’ll still be friends next Wednesday, yep. But I would say to you that when the team loses, and this is 26 years of owning WSD, yeah, that if I would have done nothing but taken phone calls about people bitching on money. I I went, got in my car when the game ended Sunday, I ran over to Pizza John’s after I watched hardball. You hardball? Did his four minutes, nothing off and said nothing. I text my wife. I’m like, well, there’s three days of my life. I the flight of Cleveland on Saturday to fly back on Monday. I’d be on a plane this morning, because they’re Sunday night, right? So to do all of that, to get eight minutes of nothing after they lose a game like that, and to try to investigate why Marcus Williams wasn’t playing right among things they’re not telling right amongst other things. But it is unbelievable when they lose a game like this. May the Browns fans should have stormed the field,

Leonard Raskin  11:37

right? That’s what I said. The Browns fans rights a game

Nestor Aparicio  11:40

like this, and trying to put it where everything goes wrong, right? They don’t run the ball. They got Marcus Williams not on the field. The secondary is terrible. Humphreys hurt. Wiggins is hurt. Everybody’s feelings are hurt. Kyle Hamilton’s feelings got hurt. Guys drop balls. Bateman dropped the ball in the sun, in the sun in Cleveland. Leonard, the sun never shines in Cleveland.

Leonard Raskin  12:02

Face. It hit him in the face. Look here. Here’s my comments on the game, and I have a few first we have, according to all people watching football, the potential back to back, third time MVP quarterback going into this game, and we are, uh, fourth and one, and we don’t take a field goal, which is first thing, but let’s assume we go for it. Why do we direct snap to to Henry? Does anyone think he’s going to pass? Well, Charlie Kohler was the first one. No, well, the first one. I thought that was second. I thought that was later,

Nestor Aparicio  12:43

either way.

Leonard Raskin  12:47

Why are we? Why are we snapping to Derek Henry, direct snap. Nobody thinks he’s going to pass so, so they just block it up and get the run. Put Lamar in there. Let’s see what happens. Let’s at least give it our best shot. If we’re not going to take the three points, that’s number one. Number two, chicanery to beat the Cleveland. Number two, Charlie Kohler. I was just, what are we doing? Putting Charlie Kohler under center. For what purpose a sneak Come on, nonsense. Did you watch the bears? They’re trying to do the refrigerator Perry thing, and the guy fumbled on the goal line. Let’s stop doing stupid stuff. We got the MVP of the league and the best running back in the league, and we’re putting Charlie Kohler under center. All right, that’s two. Number three. What? What gloves are these guys wearing that they can’t catch footballs? I mean, really, really, Hamilton had a great game. It’s a darn shame that that one play will define the game, because he had a great game. He was top on the defense, but dropping the game winning fumble interception is was a terrible thing. But you can’t blame the game on him by any means. I mean, the the defense in total, was, was dreadful. We are we the last place defense in 32

Nestor Aparicio  14:01

Yeah. 32 Yeah. They’ve given up a lot of points and a lot of yards, a lot of yards, a lot of and more than that. Now

Leonard Raskin  14:07

we’re giving up running yards in addition to passing yards. We can’t stop the possession

Nestor Aparicio  14:11

issue. Yeah, it’s even if they get a lead in playing with the lead with Derek Han get

Leonard Raskin  14:18

off the field on third down, well, third down. I mean, for us, we couldn’t convert a third down. We couldn’t stop Cleveland on third down. And I think

Nestor Aparicio  14:32

a week after, you see Tampa, and you see what that 22 and one against the NFC, and then we see Jim Schwartz roll in here, who’s been doing this for 30 years, and has game plan for Lamar multiple. How

Leonard Raskin  14:45

many drop balls did they have? I think we between drop balls and dropped interceptions. It had to be five or six on the day, at least at critical times, at critical times in the game. Well, they’re always a game changer when you drop Yeah, that was ugly. That was just ugly. And as you said, I mean, we’re we’re playing fancy against the Browns defense, which was terrible, and their offense was dreadful, not to mention famous Jameis lobster. Is it lobsters or crab legs? I don’t remember which it was. You know the story there? Yes, I

Nestor Aparicio  15:19

know that story. Whatever. 10 years old, leave alone. Okay, whatever it

Leonard Raskin  15:23

was, he hasn’t. He hasn’t taken a snap in two years or a year and a half or something. And and he went in and diced us up like he was Aaron Rodgers, who’s not Aaron Rodgers anymore. I thought his

Nestor Aparicio  15:35

pregame was almost comical. It was just all God. It was all like, it was just strange, yeah, and he goes out and wins, and I’m like, maybe God likes him more than he likes That’s right. I don’t know. That’s right. I don’t know. You know, that’s

Leonard Raskin  15:48

right. And that white boy up in Detroit, and that what he talked about after the game. He talked about Eminem and something, some line from a Eminem rap, I don’t know, something, Jameis

Nestor Aparicio  15:58

Winston, it’s amazing because he goes into that huddle after, you know, everything happened with the Sean Watson, Flacco, all of that, yep, yep. And he’s now want to know, right? He came out, he did what he needed to do, and he wasn’t great, but he was very good. He was really good. He was really good to see where he throws high and long. You can see where he’s just gonna throw interceptions. That Brett Favre thing, he’s just gonna throw it because the interception said to me, the only way that you you win is to throw it right. You don’t like Flacco had that mindset whenever kept throwing like, you know, amnesia, the next best play, the next best plays. We’re going to throw it again, and I’m going to and if it’s I think I can make the play. I’m going to try to make the I’m always going to try to make the play and take the point to lose one in six. Nothing, slinging, nothing, nothing. That’s

Leonard Raskin  16:56

it. That’s it. They came in. They had a great game. They played well above their their record in their head, and we played to their level and let them overtake the game. And it was dreadful. I, you know, I’m not one of these guys to say, fire the coach. I’m not about that, but the defense has got to get something happening. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  17:17

we’re questioning the Zach or thing and then, yeah, but I don’t think it’s even fair to judge him in a week when Marlon, Humphries not playing, Nate Wiggins isn’t playing, right, um, but they but when not playing two linemen hurt, they got guys running vertically to get lined up when the ball is being snapped by Jameis Winston. Is that horizontally? Vertically? Was it horizontally

Leonard Raskin  17:37

across the line of scrimmage? Vertically across my screen. Yeah, that’s what I yeah, looking, looking at,

Nestor Aparicio  17:43

no time out call there, running sideways, yeah, scrimmage between, between the lineman and the ball, perpendicular. I’ll just go with lineman and

Leonard Raskin  17:51

the ball. How about that? That was, that was sad, defense, spectacular, right? And what’s the third? You know? It was second and 15. First and 15 was Hamilton dropping the ball. Second and 15 was a 40 yard the diff. The back was nowhere to be found. Guy was 15 yards in the clear. It’s ridiculous. What is going on? Who’s covering that receiver?

Nestor Aparicio  18:18

There was a lot of that going on. And it’s, it’s been a

Leonard Raskin  18:23

bad I hate to say it, hate to say it, but my, my buddy Justin Tucker, yeah,

Nestor Aparicio  18:29

I was gonna get into that. Leonard Raskin is here. He is Raskin global. He handles money and the American dream. We’re all dreaming here. This week of they got two games Denver and Cincinnati. Very good week. I was gonna bring the Tucker thing up with you while I promote royal farms and chicken. And look at some point we all, not me the radio, but others, slow down a little bit. And I don’t know where that slowdown period is age, but age has not lost a battle yet. It’s undefeated. Father Time defeated. It’s the grand prize winner. That’s right, mortality. It’s not supposed to be automatic. He’s supposed to miss what? One out of every four, one out of every five, whatever, out of every five. But he’s made 12 out of every 1350, yard field goals, which is when he was 26 when he was 24 when he was 28 I don’t know where that is either. You start to get to the point where it’s like we we’ve been conditioned to think differently here. In a lot of ways, Lamar has changed the way we look at the Games in recent times. I think it’s changed the way we do fourth down dramatically. Yeah, the way the game is played now with the running game so so less kicks, in a general sense, less punts. You have more turnovers or a fourth down conversion, and you keep going. Maybe you score a touchdown, maybe you get a better kick. So many teams, when they get to that 4042, 44 yard line, they start. Angling to, where can I get to the 34 to make it a 51 yard field goal. We were like, once we hit the 50 yard line, we’re like, we’ll let him kick 5658 no worries, no problem. Again. He always comes back and he makes it. That’s not freaking normal. Dude. That’s not normal. No, it has been of anything. We’ve been a different football team for a decade, because slack go to him, and then him to Lamar and just all of it. And I don’t know that it’s going to be managed that way if he’s going to continue to be the kicker, because I don’t think you’re going to send him out there to hit 5758 and 60 yard field with anymore, any

Leonard Raskin  20:36

more with you, certainly not into the wind. I don’t know if you saw, I know you didn’t see the Colorado game. You know Dion, Dion’s family game, the college game, we already went through this. I

Nestor Aparicio  20:50

barely watched Mary. I’m just

Leonard Raskin  20:51

saying, I’m just saying that. So Colorado has this interesting thing that I haven’t seen anywhere else on the sideline, on their sideline, when the offense is on the field, they have a pole with a yellow flag on it, okay on the sidelines, and that pole with the yellow flag is the line of scrimmage they need to get to to put their kicker out for a field goal, so that the offense knows where they have to get to to get a field goal try. Cuz you know, when you’re watching on TV, they have that beautiful green line on the field that says field goal, but nobody else can see it. So they have this pole on the sideline, so there’s no question for the college

Nestor Aparicio  21:28

is different too, because nobody’s kicking a 55 yard field goal, right? There are a couple. There’s Okay,

Leonard Raskin  21:33

only a couple, but the that’s the point. The offense knows where they need to get to to make their kicker comfortable, and it’s a big yellow flag on the sidelines, like a pit crew, so they can all see it. So when they’re playing, it’s like a new end zone, right? They know where to go, which is kind of clever. And you always hear about Tucker talking to HAR ball before the game. You know, I’m good from this this distance. And you heard the announcer say he he was missing some from 5051 53 and warm ups so well,

Nestor Aparicio  22:03

this will give me a chance for you to talk a little bit of money this week. Yeah, as you know, we had this huge election. We have things going on. Yes, freaky about Yes, money, output, money, whatever your thoughts are on all of that. But I find it interesting that whenever I knew the first time I wanted to buy some I told you I bought a big screen TV. It was $3,000 yeah, I needed to have 25 was 25 whatever it was, I need to get that money that that was the benchmark of where I needed to be. And I think when people save money, you want to save and say, What? How can I get to 10,000 How can I get to 25 Absolutely. And you when that monthly statement, I do this with my own business, sure. Do I this month I have this much in the bank, I will have that much in the bank, and then I can do this, and then I can do that, um, goals, right? Like goals, you look at your key metrics, but you mentioned that little yellow flag, that yellow flags, not even the end zone, it’s just where, you know, be right now. And I think for a lot of people, they think one, $1 billion in will Laya and my retire like, no, no, no. You know you’re always managing people to say, let’s turn a nickel into a dime and a dime into a quarter and a quarter into a right? Small steps, that’s way. All steps

Leonard Raskin  23:09

manage, manage your cash flow. Small steps, the goal. So here’s the big goal. The big goal is win the game. The big goal is win the game. Okay? The small goal is save 20% of your gross income every year and put that away appropriately to win the game. And the small goal, smaller goal is, how much am I saving right now of my gross income? And if that’s 2% or 4% or 5% then how do we get it up 1% that’s next. And then the next thing is, every time your income increases, how do you save a larger percentage of the increase? Because if you’re living okay now, then you should be able to live okay when you earn more without spending all of the more. So save more of the future increases, and suddenly, before you know it, you’ll be at that 20% of gross. And when you’re at 20% of gross, you can do all kinds of things with your savings, to begin to protect your wealth, to begin to invest your wealth, to begin to recognize that your future is being taken care of, which gives you a lot more freedom in the present than if you want to go to Cleveland to watch a game, or you want to go wherever you want to go, to do whatever you want to do, or the car breaks down, yeah, or the car breaks down, or you need a new roof, or whatever it is that it doesn’t put you into debt because you have reserves you’ve accounted for that it’s the backup lineman, it’s the backup safety, it’s the backup cornerback. When you have those those tools, you’re able to choose how you play differently, and then once you start putting that money away, start investing for. Your Future, protect your future. Suddenly you get a lot more freedom in the present. When you have more freedom in the present, you attract more wealth to you. How does that happen? Well, you put yourself in a different place, both mindset. You know, I don’t know who said it, but somebody once said, Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you’re right. You know, it starts between your ears, and then once you start having a a mentality of abundance and opportunity. It’s weird how the world works, but you draw abundance and opportunity to you. It’s like, Look, we all, we all watched Winnie the Pooh. There were two characters on there that everybody remembers, Tigger and Eeyore, and they live totally different lives. And it was to teach kids, let’s face it, Tigger was always having fun and doing and going and carefree, and life was grand, and everything was his oyster. He was having a ball, and Eeyore was everything was a cloud. Everything was dreadful, everything was horrible. And guess what? Horrible things happen to him continuously. He attracted bad. He attracted negative. Now it wasn’t all negative because it was a cartoon. It was for kids, but you can see clearly that attitude begets altitude, and people that have positive attitudes are a hell of a lot better off and moving in direction than those that are negative about whatever, and some people are negative about everything. So that’s my positive about it.

Nestor Aparicio  26:25

If I, if I call it positive enough, it kind of forces me to have that in the golf club. That’s

Leonard Raskin  26:29

exactly right. It’s exactly right. And so that’s how people roll. But

Nestor Aparicio  26:33

I could bring out the hammer on Zach or and Justin Tucker this week, and you know, all that, right, right.

Leonard Raskin  26:38

Look, there they I believe everyone on that field is paid, and it’s hard to beat somebody being paid that has a better day than you, and Brown’s had a better day. And so the hope is we get our stuff together. They watch the film, they understand what’s going on. And they got a quick, quick week coming up, a big week coming up, because you got Denver, and then you got the Bengals here, and that’s what Thursday night. So you got two in in four days. That ain’t it. That’s the hardest thing to do. It’s really hard. Those Thursday night games are never easy. I never played one, but just going to the game twice in a week is tough. Playing.

Nestor Aparicio  27:16

I was going to say, yeah, you you got to rest up, because you got that going on. Yeah? World Series games this week at $15 a throw. Yeah?

Leonard Raskin  27:24

Just imagine. Well, you know, imagine. Well, we’ll imagine next week and see what happens. I’d like

Nestor Aparicio  27:30

to imagine that I’m wearing Dodger blue to support them in my Raskin gloves. Yes, here, yes, I agree that does the American dream? You can find him at a rascal he’s also right on the front of Baltimore, positive, looking all sharp and all presidential this week as well, and busy week ahead, couple of football games ahead. I’m glad I got to talk to you, because I missed you last week you were we were passing ships, but I really wanted to talk about that storming the field thing in College Park. Yes, I took on like, I’m like, I know. I’m not wrong. I It’s not and I’m not being an old guy, right? No, I’m not. I’ve watched college fields get stormed. This is not an occasion to do that, but you kids have it’s cute. You kids have a good time. I think it’s a little pathetic. Tennessee

Leonard Raskin  28:13

beat Alabama. Vanderbilt beaten Alabama. Well, Vanderbilt.

Nestor Aparicio  28:17

Now I, you know, I’ve been to that stadium. So I’ve seen Vanderbilt. I saw Jay Cutler play there years ago, but the Ravens played in that stadium against the nah. They were Allers there. The Allers. They were wearing Allers that day. I remember Eric Green had to line up and play guard because they like March of Broder ran out of players on the offensive line. So nonetheless, I remember being there, and I, by the way, I love Vanderbilt. If you ever get a chance to go to a Vanderbilt basketball game, that’s supposed to be a great arena. The arena is one of the unique basketball there. Yeah, I spent a lot of time in Nashville. 25 when Schwartz was coach, had a girlfriend, right? Sure, I was in Nashville before it all grew all up, right? Um, well, you know, here’s

Leonard Raskin  29:02

the thing, speaking of that Ohio State, they did storm the basketball court when they beat Duke, when Duke was number one, and they this is

Nestor Aparicio  29:11

what I was going to say. That was my hooping on the Terps fans. I’m like, so are you going to storm the field when you beat Duke in football? Right? I’m thinking, like, that’s sort of what that felt like beating USC and football at this point. But I’ll say this, it’s a long way name in the Big 10. I call the Vanderbilt stadium the erector set, because when you drive by it, it looks like a carnival. Erector Set was put I mean, it’s a wild little stadium, and they did play an NFL game there, and I saw an NFL, one of the eight that they ever played there, right? Vanderbilt stadium, but to take that goal post from there down to the river, to the river, that’s a hell of a walk. Dude,

Leonard Raskin  29:49

that’s a lot of carry.


It’s a lot of people, long way. Dude,

Leonard Raskin  29:52

it’s a lot of carry.

Nestor Aparicio  29:53

I mean, that’s like, that is committed, that’s committed, that’s Penn Station to the aquarium, that’s people committed. It takes a long way. You know what? I

Leonard Raskin  30:01

mean, it’s not, I’m saying they’re committed to the cause,

Nestor Aparicio  30:03

dude, the night that happened, I watched that on a live stream as it was happening. Yep, like it was showing up on Twitter. The goal post have made it, you know, to the West End. They made it right. There’s the hot chicken place.

Leonard Raskin  30:16

It was, it was big news, big news. And I know

Nestor Aparicio  30:19

that whole road really great place. It’s

Leonard Raskin  30:22

a great city.

Nestor Aparicio  30:23

I’ve Ubered it many times. You may exceed it. You may never walk from Vandy stadium to the river. No, I’m not doing that. The Terps fans, they showed some level of restraint, but not trying to take the goal post even across campus to rich Coliseum, you know? So he is asking global he’s voting for the wrong guy this week. I’m highly encouraging him and everyone of the wrong guys,

Leonard Raskin  30:46

right? All the wrong guys.

Nestor Aparicio  30:47

So I’ll say this, and I’m going to drop the ball on this for you, because I’m not anti Republican. I voted for a lot of them. I’m not pro Democrat. I think some of them have been awful, right? For the right person. I try to vote for people. That’s right. In regard That’s right, the guy running for president United States this week, the orange guy who ran the country, is batshit insane, and it’s crazy, and nobody should vote for him. But I’ll say this, I have a real problem, except half the country, I haven’t voted this week. Okay, well, you got a few days left? No, no, I’m gonna vote like I always vote. I’m going to vote on voter day. Yeah, that’s what I do. That’s the way I do it, right? I’m gonna, I nailed in, and I’m finally, I’m not anti I’ve mailed in a couple just this year. I decided I wasn’t gonna fart with it. I’m sure, sure. So um, because it makes me feel good, makes me think

Leonard Raskin  31:39

about you got another week to make up, to make up your mind, to get right and make up your mind. Well,

Nestor Aparicio  31:44

here, here’s where it is. The also Brooks Hogan thing, yes, right? It’s the first time I brought this up on the air, because I wasn’t going to bring and I’m not going to be a dick on social media one way or another. Okay, I have spent considerable time with Larry Hogan, right? Yeah. Larry Hogan has been at my events, sure, battling cancer, my wife, battling cancer, spoke at the event I had with Mike Tomlin, and, yeah, like, all of that, right? Larry Hogan has sat with me as a sitting governor. Don Moeller. He didn’t like Don. Don liked him. And they all pretend they like it’s all bull job, right? And I, I was like, to Don, I’m like, that would have been a better interview if you weren’t here, because, like, he doesn’t like you, and it’s combustible. And I felt like I was in the middle of a Democrat and a Republican, and I didn’t want a referee. I wanted to like interview Larry conversation Exactly. I think Larry Hogan is full of manure, and that’s from me sitting with him, sitting next to him. I felt like he was this. I felt all of that, right. I saw him later. A year later, he was still sitting governor at the Preakness and I said, Governor, you’re going to come back on the show. He’s like, I did your show last year. That’s enough. That’s the last thing he said, the last thing that he’s ever said, like, next to him, right? And Angela also Brooks, I say she been on. Here’s where we’re going. Here’s where, God, I’m telling you as my Republican friend, right? Go ahead, you and I don’t agree on any of this here. I’m opening my let I’m cleansing my soul with you. Okay, all right, I’m cleansing my soul. Let’s hear it. Angela also Brooks is a woman I have never met, right? I can’t say that I really knew what she look like until the commercials both sides? Yeah, she’s a tax cheat. She’s the greatest Jesus, whatever it is, I see your face now. I’ve heard her voice a handful of times. Yeah, I’ve watched the debate, right? I mean, you know, and the debates are, they’re awful. They’re done by somebody like me. We’re all handed the questions. They’re not everybody’s tippy toeing and no truth, Governor, Mr. Governor, miss, County Executive, how about you’re just a citizen at this, right? You’re running for office. That’s right. It’s not call you by anything other Yeah. King,

Leonard Raskin  33:51

you work for us. It’s a job interview. It’s a job interview, and we’re looking to hire you to work for us. I’m

Nestor Aparicio  33:57

sitting with Wes Moore. I obviously would call him Governor Moore. Sure, it’s respectful. Sure, when he’s the former governor, I don’t he’s just Wes That’s right, Robert’s just the guy at my wedding who lied to me. He’s just Bob. So Robert to his family. So nonetheless, Angela also broke, I just want to say this like I’m not, I’m being really honest with you. Yeah, I’m going, I haven’t talked to anybody. I haven’t talked to my wife about this I did before she left last week, Angela also Brooks’s people I’ve never met her. Yep, people twice agreed, made a date with me to come on the show. Yeah, twice on these airwaves. I had said she’s coming to state fair to sit and talk about Baltimore issues, senatorial issues, abortion, whatever storm in the capital. Right? How much Trump, whatever she wants to talk about, right? Like all of her floor, her floor, twice. We had a date in the summer. Yep, I was canceled on two weeks out, three weeks out, we made a new date. Can’t wait to be on Baltimore positive back. I mean, dozens and dozens of tech she’s a county executive. She’s not a citizen. She’s been. She’s running the county. She’s running for Senator, right? I respect all that. She’s out raising money, because your team has these packs and billionaires and both throwing all this money in whatever but, but Marilyn was targeted by the party with $125 million right? So not going to affect me. What Larry Hogan’s lying about voting for abortions, lying about not support. He’s been a Republican. Is like, I get all of that. I don’t believe larry hogan will go and side with Democrats in DC. I don’t believe that in a either. So therefore I can’t pull the lever for him, right? Because I just don’t, I don’t think he’s honest. I mean, I sat next to him, I just, I think he’s a politician, and I don’t know if he stole money in Frederick and this and that in the land. I don’t know money, Owner, taxes. I don’t care. I care how you’re going to govern and whether you’re an honest person or not. Angela Ulster Brooks made a date with me a month ago, again, during my oyster tour state fair, I had an ad running here for three weeks. They canceled on me, and I have not received a communication from anybody on her team or anybody on Hogan’s team. Hogan is run by Kelso Tom. Kelso, he’s been on this show for hours and hours on end. Tom Kelso was on my show so long that Craig Thompson and Wes Moore thought I was a Republican, accused of being a Republican on opening day. Um, so you can see how con, how convoluted the world. Maybe you’re accusing me. Maybe they talk to the Orioles. So, so nonetheless, Angela also books canceled on me and has completely and she hasn’t just ghosted me. This isn’t f you to Nestor. This is my audience. This is all right. This is your this is you getting to hear from Angela. Also like I am blown away by it. Two people running for I am blown away by an African American woman in Prince George’s County who has a queue of about zero in Baltimore. Everybody knows who Larry Hogan is, everybody every white guy, everybody that listen to am radio has ever been to my brand, the 37% women that I have across every spectrum in social media who follow my work just to I have not met Angela also books. I’ve not been in a room with her ever. And every time I get offered to be in a room with her, it’s friends of Angela, also Brooks, who won $1,000 check to be in a room. Absolutely. And I am. I am. I’m not going to abstain. I’m going to vote, I guess. And I’m not, and I didn’t even want to bring this up, especially not with you, with Republican to make it sound like I’m being because if I put out on social media how I’ve been treated by Angela, also books, as a citizen, as a host, as a radio host, as somebody who’s done this for 40 years, as somebody that offered her hours of free time. Because, yeah, pieces, yeah, run again. Sure To think that she’s ducking me and then ghosting me unprofessionally. At least. Chad Steele got back to me. He’s a coward, but he got back to me. Greg Bader doesn’t get back to me. He’s a coward. It’s different, dude. I’m 56, years old. I’m front facing for anyone that calls writes me, I get it public figure. I get it 40 years. And I can’t believe that two people running for senator in in where they need the votes here, whether I reach Absolutely, whether it’s just you and me talking in a tin can, or whether I can prove the 59,000 people that have been to my website in the last 30 days, because that’s the number, right? Yeah, literally. So different people, I get it, different people, like, if those people don’t have value to you, and the only time you’re going to come to Baltimore County is to show up at a wing ding, it’s $1,000 a plate, so that I can give you money that you’re going to give to w, B, A, L and Jay Z to write an ad. I like I I am as fed up with politics as I was eight years ago when your goofball ran for President to begin with, and I saw the dividing lines of just nothing’s true. You know, you’re employing people, you’re running Prince George’s County, and you can’t send me back a text, just telling me I’m worthless. Because when you send me a text, when you don’t return a text, that’s sort of telling me I am worthless, and my business is worthless and my audience is worthless. Angela and Larry Logan, I have already like the fact that Tom Kelso has returned 25 texts, and he’s running your campaign and tells me that Mike Ricci doesn’t want you on my airwaves because I you don’t want to talk abortion with me, but you want to be a senator of the of the United States. You want to be a senator, and your people can’t return an email to me. You.


Shame, shame. I’ll

Nestor Aparicio  40:04

tell you this. Say whatever you want about Ben Cardin. Ben Cardin’s people were professional, yeah? Dutch Ruppersberger, professional. I’ll go Larry Hogan’s people were professional. When he was the governor, when he was the governor, his people got back to me. I hear you like, like, I own a radio station. I’m not a big deal. I’m not a big shot. But guess who is my audience? There you go, voters, your voters, yours. You want me to give you money to give to Jay Z and I offer you free air time, right? And a free audience. But the prices you have to answer questions. You don’t

Leonard Raskin  40:42

just get the watch that gross. They don’t want it. They don’t want us.

Nestor Aparicio  40:47

They’re all afraid. All I’m going to say, you want to run for senator in Maryland. I’ve had every governor that’s ever been including the one running for senator has been in this radio station. They’re all afraid, man. They don’t want none of them. They’re all afraid of whatever sound bite they’re going to say when I asked them, that’s when you get to straight Uncle Larry, I’m going to vote for you because, you know why? Larry, I voted for you for governor. I’m the Democrat that voted for you. Dude, yep, I voted for you. I pimped you out. I gave

Leonard Raskin  41:15

they’re all afraid of that like you said,

Nestor Aparicio  41:18

it’s that real citizen. That’s not it’s

Leonard Raskin  41:20

not one sound bite that one sound bite they don’t want anybody to take.

Nestor Aparicio  41:24

But I am, I really am in the lane. I have voted for two Republican governors in this century. I have voted for Bob Ehrlich. I have voted for Larry Hogan. And when it comes time for Larry Hogan to come on my airwaves and give me his his position, his people pretend I don’t exist. It’s, I, I’m outraged, but not shocked. And

Leonard Raskin  41:48

good news is, in a week, it’s, it’s over, and then, and these, these M

Nestor Aparicio  41:52

efforts start, my phone has not stopped going off with, give me money. Give me that’s all they want. We are just at a really, really, very place in America right now. And I really your way next week, because, well, I

Leonard Raskin  42:06

really, really hope a lot worse. I hope the same for you.

Nestor Aparicio  42:12

Is here I am wearing blue ear this week for the Dodgers, though, not for Angela Ulster books necessarily, because I just went through my little was that independent enough for you?

Leonard Raskin  42:22

Sure? Absolutely. Look, it’s the facts that’s all that matters. Just state the facts. Let’s get

Nestor Aparicio  42:27

crazy. That writes me a check, sponsoring W, N, S, D, and people don’t they think, like, I have to, like, have an agenda, especially when molar was sitting next to me. Everybody, oh, you’re just preaching it. No, you don’t understand. He tried to shoehorn that into me, right? All of that, all of that we’re going to make nicey, nicey. And it’s all that that’s that’s that that smile fornication, that that that John Harbaugh does when he’s lying to you, dude, you’re running for Senator, Madam or Larry’s case, madam and Angela also Brooks’s case. You’re running for Senator and you’re running from a Dundalk citizen. Yeah, you should

Leonard Raskin  43:06

nothing else. Check. You’ll get your talking points in. So what you know, that’s what they do. They’re professionals at it. It’s gross,

Nestor Aparicio  43:13

gross. Nonetheless, there we are politics. I’m glad we did that, because

Leonard Raskin  43:18

there we go.

Nestor Aparicio  43:18

I feel cleansed. I feel like I can unbuck my shirt. Letter Raskin is here. He’s voting for one guy. I’m Nestor Aparicio. I am definitely voting for the woman. And I would highly encourage all of you, no matter what side on,

Leonard Raskin  43:32

just vote. Vote. Make it. Make it heard. That’s right. What a right, what an amazing right. We have absolutely to choose who guy wins. Your wife won’t have any who works for us. He is, let her ask you. That comes up for her at this point. Shame on, shame on. Well, something weird is going on. I’ll tell you that well, but

Nestor Aparicio  43:50

it still is an issue for some. Ask her. She’ll tell her some I’m having her on next week. If loses, when your guy loses, let her Raskin series, Raskin global. This is fun. Going back, by the way, I had the Republican pollster. I invited him onto the show to give me the whole how all the Republicans are going to win. And he abstained this week because he wants to limit all the traffic to his own podcast. And I said I would sort of promote your podcast like I I don’t. We’re just in a different place, dude, you know, running for senator, and you’re running from from me because you’re afraid of my questions. You’re not qualified to be senator. I mean, really, I mean Amen. Well, okay, I’ll drop the money for two. We’re on to Denver. He’s Denver. We’re hopefully on to a Dodgers parade as well. Back for more. We’re Baltimore positive. Stay with us.

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