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Leonard Raskin joins Nestor for birthday pineapple pizza and tales of the Northern Lights in Maryland


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Baltimore Positive
Leonard Raskin joins Nestor for birthday pineapple pizza and tales of the Northern Lights in Maryland

On the eve of his 56th birthday, Nestor receives a gift from the aurora borealis gods when the Northern Lights descend on Towson, Maryland on an October night. Leonard Raskin joins Nestor for birthday pineapple pizza at Pizza John’s on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour and tales of a No. 1 “bucket list” item being unwittingly crossed off on an hour’s notice.


birthday pizza, Northern Lights, Pizza John’s, Essex, crab soup, financial advice, Raskin Global, Phil Jackman, Capital Center, Ravens game, pineapple pizza, crab feast, financial planning, expert saver, Northern Lights trip


Nestor Aparicio, Leonard Raskin

Nestor Aparicio  00:00

Welcome home. We are W, N, S T, dassa, Baltimore, Baltimore, positive. We are in the quiet room. We’re really and this is perfect for you. Leonard Raskin, because today is your birthday, correct?

Leonard Raskin  00:12

Tomorrow is

Nestor Aparicio  00:13

your birthday, okay, so Monday’s my birthday. We’re recording this on the 11th. We are pizza John’s in Essex. It’s quiet here. We have a little fanfare. We have we’re in the game room. This is the birthday room. This is the room that they built about 1520, years ago. It’s got open light, ceiling light. It’s an addition room here. And this is the room that, like, I’m not gonna plug Chuck E Cheese, because nobody would go there for real pizza anyway, right? Everybody in Essex comes here to Pizza John’s pizza. Johns is legendary. Everybody east side knows, but Leonard Raskin is Westside sad to bring him out here today. I had the lure of the Maryland lottery scratch off tickets. I have some Raven scratch offs here that we’re going to be giving away here today. Been a lucky batch. Our friends at Liberty, pure solutions put us out on the oyster tour. And people know that I order the pineapple and ham. Wow. Look at that, and pepperoni. You got to get the pepperoni on there. You get a little color so and this is my empty plate. This is what the plate looks like when I’m done with a little pepperoni cups. You get a little, little dirty plate there. Pizza, John, but letter, tell me where you’re from, because you ain’t from around here. You ain’t from Essex. I

Leonard Raskin  01:21

am from here on.

Nestor Aparicio  01:22

I said it right, right, Essex.

Leonard Raskin  01:23

My mother, Essex, with disease. Look,

Nestor Aparicio  01:27

when you’re from Dundalk and I don’t, Mr. Pete to hear this, you know. But I always said I put that sex in Essex so, you know. But Webb, we went to Skateland up here, you know, up on a one and Al seafood. My girlfriend, this fellow here says he’s from Hamburg Avenue, right up the street here. I don’t know your name. What’s your name? Dean? Dean’s from Hamburg Avenue. And I said my second girlfriend in the world was on Hamburg Avenue, but she’s on the other side of 702 before 702 was built. So my parents, I’ve been coming to Pizza John’s as long as I can remember, I don’t remember life not coming to Pizza John’s. If you look, you’ll see it was, it was originally right here on the wall. It was a stand up, little sub shop pizza. You it was a countertop, yeah, you had to stand out on the street. And it was like, That can’t chicken. It was a line down the street to get in because you couldn’t get through the door, right? It’s expanded many times. And I don’t know if Mr. Pete stole the pizza John’s man, the famous man that stands out in front with the pizza, if he took that from shone, he’s big boy. Remember when shone, he had a big boy put his plate out there? But we’ve always had, I don’t I guess that’s John. That’s, that is Mr. John. Is the Big John that stands out and offers you pizza right out here on back river neck road, and it’s tucked away. And the reason you would know about it, if you’re from West Side to anywhere west side of town, is that you would golf down at Rocky Point, or you would go to the beaches. And my childhood, Ocean City was exotic. Ocean City might as well have been Tahiti Seychelles or the Northern Lights, which we’ll get into in a minute, absolutely. But my parents would take us down back river neck road here to porters and to to Rocky Point it’s and so all my childhood, that’s where we would get the little stubby top Maddie bows, my mom with her little one piece. You know what I mean, back in the 70s, you know? So this is your first you’ve been to Essex before I

Leonard Raskin  03:29

have, but I don’t want to tell you why. Precinct. What’s that? Was

Nestor Aparicio  03:33

it precinct? Precinct, no. Well, we go, you know? I mean, yeah, I

Leonard Raskin  03:37

grew up in Randallstown. All right, that’s my home, homeland. All right. So, so my family has a cemetery, okay? Out here? Okay, cemetery, okay, it’s where all the Jewish folks are buried. I know about this big Jewish seven, sure you always see Stars of David, right? Okay, so I’ve been out there many times for funerals. Okay, I’ve never come left. We always go right past golden ring down the road, and then you hang a right, and you’re at the cemetery. Yeah?

Nestor Aparicio  04:07

Dimension funeral to me, because we lost Phil Jackman this week. Yeah, and I’m going his funeral. I’ll start to cry. I’m not going to do I’m going to hold it together. I’ll be Phil would say, What the hell are you crying for? I lived a good life, and he did so, but you mentioned, like, so it’s been, it, it’s been a week, dude, like, we got the football game Baltimore, Washington will will get to that. We’ve been doing plenty of that. You got the cap season starting tomorrow. I think, I think I told you when I was telling you stories two weeks ago, Acosta’s, yeah, there are very few capital stories in my life at the Capitol center that did not involve Phil Jackman, yeah. I mean, Phil was my guy 98% unless I had a date or unless he wasn’t going to the game. I’m out of town, young kid, and then I have to drive. But he would call me when I lived on Kane Street, 410, six. 337676, he call me, and the phone ring. It’s he, it’s he, caller ID, 410, 254, with Jackman’s home number, and I pick up the phone. Jackman here, five, 515 be ready, be on the cab, and I would walk outside at 515 and he pull up in his little cream Nissan Sentra and I get in the passenger seat, and he would drive like a maniac, a maniac. Phil Jackman, down 295 Get the hell out of the way. He had that whole like Western masters thing, and I’m gonna use a word here. It’s not a family word, even though this is a family place, and I don’t think I’ll get in trouble with the FCC for this, because Jackman, I thought about this last night. He had a curse word that he used that was all on to him. And I think I can even use it on the radio, because the way he said it, it couldn’t even I’ll let you try to decipher what it was so and I wrote today that he was the ultimate BS detector. So Jackman did not suffer fools. Or Jackman would give Chad Steele and Greg Bader about as much time as I give them. You know what I mean? Like from a, from a human standpoint, from just a he would say when, when someone played poorly, like, if you would go down and like, the night the caps lose five to two to the Oilers or something, he’d say, Scott Stevens, ha, shit is what he would say. So that was, that was his word. There you go, you know. So it was a combination of, you’ve a beautiful animal, you know, the Charlie and the north. So that was his insult, that’s it so and his his daughters, who clearly loved him more than I did. We were reminiscing on text the other day, and they’d say, no doubt he would forget their names. So he had two names, and what’s his name, and who’s it, who’s it, who’s it, Dean, who’s it? So he would say, who’s it,

Leonard Raskin  07:04

and what’s his name, what’s his name?

Nestor Aparicio  07:06

So those were his things. It’s on first. So there Red Sea and what’s his name’s on? Ah, he’s hot shit. That’s great. So let him Raskin is my guest. He’s rascal. I don’t I don’t have your crab mallet because I used all good. I washed your crab mallet into sink. When you use it? You got to watch it. I forgot your crab suit. I just looked at you and I realized, because here’s what happened. Talk about your party last week, because you had a hell of a party. Give you a plug. Give you a plug to Conrad’s. Come on, we

Leonard Raskin  07:33

had a big party at Conrad’s crabs in Phoenix, Maryland. Phoenix, Mary. How many years for Raskin global? Now? 37 for Raskin globe. So

Nestor Aparicio  07:42

that was your birthday. Annual Park. Yeah, we

Leonard Raskin  07:46

have an annual bash for clients, friends, people that come along, people they bring along, people they want us to meet, etc. And so last couple years it’s been a Conrad’s right in Phoenix. Next year

Nestor Aparicio  07:56

it’s gonna be repeats John’s, cuz he gonna fall in love with this pineapple pizza. Look at this look at this pizza. You had beautiful crabs, but were they as beautiful as this pizza was? They’re really big crabs. They

Leonard Raskin  08:06

were big crabs.

Nestor Aparicio  08:07

I You jumbo. I told my wife, you are not going to be the guy getting the twos. No, you’re getting the ones. A

Leonard Raskin  08:13

woman that couldn’t come, she couldn’t make it, and this what she said to me. She sent me a text, and she said, I’m really sorry. I can’t make it. I understand her circumstances in her life. She couldn’t make it. And she said, nobody has better crabs than the raskins. And I said, I’ll be careful how you say that, my wife, I

Nestor Aparicio  08:30

said, I hurt my hip eating crabs at your party last Saturday, I

Leonard Raskin  08:33

came from your hip eating crap.

Nestor Aparicio  08:35

I’ll tell you the story. But you got you had crabs. Crabs here, birthday beef. You gave an appropriately short speech, Turkey, right? You basically said, your oldest dirt, I’m

Leonard Raskin  08:46

old as dirt, 60 years.

Nestor Aparicio  08:48

This guy tomorrow, 60 tomorrow.

Leonard Raskin  08:50

So I said, I said, you know, and you’re at Pizza John’s for the first time in your life. Birthdays aren’t really a thing, you know. They’re a thing. Every find out the first 59 years were a mistake. Is what you’re gonna find out, you know, what I said was 60. What was the word you used? Ah, shit, yeah. 60 something. It’s

Nestor Aparicio  09:07

something. It’s some stuff. You know? It’s a mish 21

Leonard Raskin  09:10

you get to drink. 3040, 50. Didn’t really mean it was just a birthday. It’s just another day. 55

Nestor Aparicio  09:16

Hold on, isn’t your tax guy isn’t 59 and a half? Something about the four one? Yeah, you can take your right IRA money out without penal I knew 59 and a half minutes or something stupid, stupid government as a guy, attorney’s 56 in three days. Well, I don’t have any money to give away, so I gotta work

Leonard Raskin  09:32

for a living. You can take money out of your IRA without a 10% government penalty. Okay, so that passed, that’s fine. And then 60s like here, and I’m thinking about it like, Darn, what do you get 60? It’s just, it just feels that number, just just when I was young, 60 was old as dirt man. 60 feels old. Sharon here

Nestor Aparicio  09:53

has been serving me pizza for years and years and years, and she came up when I ordered my pizza. And since your birth. Hey, you you ice cream? I said, No, I’m gonna get 56 pepperonis. There you go. 56 pepperonis. All my pepperoni now, you’ve never had a pineapple pizza, or have you not? I’m not. Are you an

Leonard Raskin  10:09

apple pizza? Pepperoni guy? But I’ll, I’ll try it so then I’ll be, I don’t

Nestor Aparicio  10:13

want you getting nauseous on you just walked in here. I want to get you the pizza you want. No, I

Leonard Raskin  10:18

love pineapple. Here’s the thing. I love pineapple. You’re a guy that eats ice cream after you have crabs. It’s a must. You have a crab feast, and then later you have ice cream. It’s a it’s sharing beer.

Nestor Aparicio  10:30

Try. She’s already but, but I am a pepperoni guy, all right. So this I was explaining to Sharon and the dean over here, like the pepperoni so you can’t see the cheese and I say Essex the right way. We were talking about sub Haven earlier, Captain Harvey’s and cheese steak. So we’ll get the cheese steaks. Harvey’s,

Leonard Raskin  10:47

there you go.

Nestor Aparicio  10:48

They have so much food here that I had to get the menu because I didn’t know they had fish here. Patrick’s like, get the chicken. Parm, get the meatballs. I’ve had the meatball subs. I cold cut. She didn’t want to do the show. Now she’s up here. They have hot dogs here. She’s telling me, I who would come to pizza. John’s get a hot dog. You get pizza when you’re pizza, John. So I don’t even know what else is on the menu here, right? They do waffle cut, they have all these things, but this is a bastardized version of the Hawaiian pizza. So the Hawaiian pizza is the imported ham. They import that from Dundalk, yeah, here’s what they do as a long way. So Ham and pineapple. So my wife made a really tragic error two weeks ago. You’re wearing your Raven gear here. You’re all wrapped up purple. So the Ravens game, I want to say it was the Raiders game. It was the Raiders game, okay, it was a Raiders game. That day, we played a one o’clock game. We went to dinner with Marvin. We had the oyster tour going on right before she had her emergency down in Florida. Was that day. So that Sunday morning, she’s doing her errands, running around. And I said, Look, I want a pizza for game time. You can be back at one o’clock. So 1240 she’s running around. She’s like, What kind of pizza I’m like, You know what I you know, whatever you get me. I’m gonna need some I’m watching the game. She’s, I’m gonna get Hawaiian. I’m like, All right, she do you want to call him? Like, look, it’s 20 minutes to the game. Come on. She’s like, All right, I’ll call. I’ll call. Okay, she’s, what’s the number? I’m like, 410-687-7733, I’ve been calling it my whole life. I don’t need to look the number up. 410-687-7733, it’s a really easy number. I’ve been dialing that number forever, forever all my life, right? And I’m not app I’m not gonna order my pizza. And I call and I talk to somebody like Sharon or one of the girls in the front, Patrick, somebody, and order my pizza. So Jen orders a pizza. She comes home, she walks in, first time out, I’m like, I’m gonna go get a slice pizza. 10 after one, right? I opened a pizza box, and it’s missing the pepperoni. And she said, Ah, I ordered a wine, not a wine with pepperoni. And I’m like, it wasn’t the same. So I can’t tell you to come here and get a wine pizza, because I’ll be like, it’s good, it’s fine. It’s the late if you like Hammy. Like but the thing that makes this special, the pepperoni Well, the 56 pepperonis for me, 60 for you, because I got you extra pepperoni and see they make them so they crisp up and you get that special Italian oil is always it’s exactly what it is. Italian olive oil, okay, in the middle of those pepperonis, okay? And that’s it, makes it extra special. Well, I was gonna say abundance, but that’s a different pizza. My wife and I were wondering, who the hell would order frozen pizza? Who? I mean, who would come to Essex and not go to Pizza job? I mean, this is the roost, Chris of Essex, everybody knows that, so you haven’t had yet. So forward to this already, absolutely the highlight of your birthday. So I plugged your Conrad’s event, great event. So the event ends. And by the way, my love to Tom Davis. I didn’t see him. I was looking forward to seeing him, because, yeah, you know he wasn’t like but I was looking forward to meeting him. I sat down, and I was like, Fred Flintstone, dude, I walked in. Your sisters want to hug me, your mother, your uncle, everybody wants to. I’m like, Look, let’s get off a yoga mat. Let me sit down. I don’t want to touch anybody because I’m eating food. You know, I am right? Yep, I didn’t move for like, an hour. I sat there and I was like, one, crab, two, crab, three, crab, four, five, crab, six, crab, seven, crab more. And my wife’s like, Dude, I’ve never seen you eat more than three crabs, and I’m on like, the seventh one, and there was one Berry, and I’m like, give me another before I wash my hands. I took one half time. I got one of those awful beers. It was a smokey beer, I don’t know. Oh, my God, we don’t drink beer, right? It tasted like a fire in a can. You like that? It was crazy bourbon, huh? It was really something. And I passed around the table, and everybody drank, and they’re like, that’s something. So I didn’t drink any beer and I didn’t drink any water. So I eat all these crabs. I ate the pit beef. I had chocolate cake, regular cake, cake, cake, ice cream. I had ice cream. Twist. Oh, I too missed. There you go. He brought a ice cream truck out in the parking lot. That’s right, butter. Scott, they have wet nuts. Can I say that on the radio? You can say that I had wet nuts. I had it all. And we went back in and I said to my wife, and she’s been threatening for since July, because we go to do show Acosta, she always when she goes to Costas, she gets the crabs soup. She loves the crab soup, because that’s what she does. So she’s gonna make crab soup, make crab soup, make crab soup. And now it’s October, and the party’s breaking down, and my belly is like full of ice cream. And I had like, eight crabs, insane. How many crabs? That’s good. I had a lot of crabs, but you had a couple dozen sort of left, and all your people had left and blown up. Jimmy Buffett and the Tom Petty band, they’re done ice cream trucks begging me to take one for the road, right? I didn’t have any problem doing a butterscotch for the road. And my wife starts putting some crabs. We talked to Kathy, and we’re like, Hey, you should take the crabs home. And I said, we’re gonna make soup. There you go.

Leonard Raskin  15:57

I’m waiting for my crab soup.

Nestor Aparicio  15:58

So my wife, um, made, I’m telling you of that. I mean, and I picked the bat, you sent us home, and maybe, like, nine or 10 crabs. I picked them all. All the legs went 18. Legs went in and I picked all the crabs. She and I picked the crabs after the football game on Sunday. Yep, so the ravens, the Ravens play, they played eight o’clock game.

Leonard Raskin  16:18

They play Sunday night now,

Nestor Aparicio  16:20

they played the afternoon game last week. Yeah, yeah. Four o’clock. We picked the crabs. She made the soup. Now, this is where it gets controversial. Okay, so the last time we did this was three summers ago. Chad the crab man, I was on the original crab cake tour. Gave me a pound of crab meat that we put in, and Dami from fadelies gave some season, gave her some seasoning. So we came home and and my mother was Southern, so my mother made it with bacon to give it a little flavor, for sure. I love fire roasted tomatoes. That’s little oregano. That’s more Greek style, you know, the way Greek, yeah, soup would be and then, so we’re mixing southern is okra. Okay? So my wife, in the summer, goes down to the farmers market. She gives White Snow, white, white corn, silver Queen corn, and she bags it all. So we have fresh, beautiful, white sweet as it gets. August corn in there, fresh green beans, fresh okra, and then all your traditional lima beans are in there. That might not be true, but a real tomato base soup with Yeah, but so we pick all the crap, put it in there. And the last three nights, I’ve been eating the soup. You just let it stoop. But what happens is, the legs, the legs are in the soup, yep. And I have a cutting board next to my sink, and I’ve been using the Raskin global so I don’t have it on hand, is what I’m telling you. So the last two nights, it’s been in my sink, and I’m actually washing to get ready some using your crab mallet only on the claws for the soup that we forgot. And I’m gonna text my wife right now and let’s see. I’m gonna text her and say I forgot the soup. I forgot, forgot Leonard’s soup, and she’s gonna freak out. That’s it, because she froze you a quart, a pine, a thing. It’s a thing. Well,

Leonard Raskin  18:22

she’s on the way home. Is she home?

Nestor Aparicio  18:23

I have the car, so no thing. Is she home? Yes, you’re gonna get it on the way home. I’ll

Leonard Raskin  18:27

just stop on the way home.

Nestor Aparicio  18:29

Please get I will tell her. Is your birthday, that’s it. You bought me crabs for your birthday, which is my birthday, crab soup. I’m gonna send you home today with whatever you want on this menu, and pizza John’s, because we’re in Essex, Leonard Raskin is here. I’m gonna send you home with certainly pizza. I’m definitely gonna send you home with a cheesesteak, because I love the cheesesteaks here. That’s my thing. We’re gonna get some proper crinkle cut french fries and gravy, East Side style fries and gravy. We’re gonna get and we’re gonna talk some sports, and we’re gonna talk about birthdays. And I don’t even know what our topics gonna be. The Maryland lottery sends us out for these things. I have scratch offs. This has been the lucky batch. Dean from Essex has come by. I’ve already eaten two slices of pizza. I think we’re gonna do like a whole thing on the history pizza John’s today, because I wanted to, and they called me this summer, and they were, this is swear to God, and this is Brett. Will talk about this. He called me this summer. They always see me and you’re getting pizza, yep. And he’s like, how’s our advertising doing? I’m like, No, you haven’t you? They had an agency, and I said, you haven’t advertised in like, two years with me. He’s like, Well, that’s bad. Yes, the dead chain. So I was down here, like, literally, the next day with Michelle and Brett in the thing. And they’re like, we’re coming back on. You love our pizza. Nobody loves your pizza more than one. You, I can’t believe we’re not advertising like literally it was that. It was literally. I can’t believe we’re not all right, you. We need to change that. There we go. And I said, Why have a crab cake tour? And they said, Well, we have a crab cake here. And I said, I know you do, because I. Had it a couple years ago, before the plate they put it on the menu, because every sub shop in Dundalk had a crab cake, sure. And they’re all different, right? And they’re all pretty good, and a lot of them are fried. I think this is a broiled one. Okay? I love me a fried hockey puck. And I’ll tell that’s when my mother did them on me side. I grew up poor. I’m out like my Gucci, you know, jumbo lump, and my fates, friends and Costas. I mean, all my places, Lord knows, Coco’s bringing one as big as your head. But I like his simple crab cake. I don’t think they went out of their way. He’s gonna tell the story, but they have a crab cake here, so I’m gonna send you home with a bunch of delicious food for your birthday. Absolutely Happy Birthday. Stop up and pick some crap. I’m gonna do it. I was gonna have it for dinner. The okra is a little tough. You got to get through that, because the okra just worn out. Wind up being that way. But how are you? How’s your birthday? I mean, great. Do you have anything you want to say, but it’s our bird. You don’t believe in Libra. You don’t believe in any of that, right? I

Leonard Raskin  20:57

couldn’t tell you. I mean, I know I’m a Libra, because I know I’m a Libra the scales. Yeah, I know what I don’t Yeah, it’s not my thing. I

Nestor Aparicio  21:03

don’t think you and I are like in any way, politically or otherwise. We

Leonard Raskin  21:07

like sports. I love sports, and we love real sports and money and crabs. Well, we

Nestor Aparicio  21:12

talked baseball. Since last time we talked we’ve had a bunch of things happen. First off, the Phillies playoff. Phillies got eliminated. The Mets got in. The Yankees, New York has two teams. So that’s like an amazing thing,

Leonard Raskin  21:24

right? A Subway Series. What do you think the network’s like about that? I

Nestor Aparicio  21:29

attended the last network Subway Series, Yankees Mets. Well, as we sit here, we got game five, sort of on there where Padres Dodgers, I am pulling for the Padres and the Guardians, and that may be dangerous to even say that I came this close to where my Tony Gwynn Jersey today, but Tim, tell me, radio, Landia what I’m wearing here, because this is Earl CAM. This is my Campbell throwback. And my wife doesn’t get me like a birthday gift anymore, because I’m really hard to buy for like in that way, right? And you know all, I want some pizza. You know what I wanted for my birthday, honey? I wanted pepperoni on my wine pizza. That’s right, right? I wanted letter to have his crap. My wife made me crap. Super for my birthday. Beautiful, beautiful. So, um, my birthday this year. Today’s the birthday show here, Pizza time. We did a drug city last year. So Dundalk to Essex, perfect. Love my friends at drug city over there give some love. Chuck everybody. They bought date last year that I did a smoked fancy schmancy rye. What do they call? Not cosmopolitan? What do they call that drink, the one with the smoke and the ice in the whiskey in the old fashioned? Oh, here you go. Right. You’re 60. Now you can have old fashioned, right? Oh, I’m allowed. I was 55 last on my 55th birthday, I had an old fashioned me and Gina shocking, my son, there you go. Gina shock was only there because she was shopping in drug city. I literally was cracking out. She’s like, Hey, what are you doing here? I’m buying you drink for your birthday. That’s good. So today, when I went to get my closet I had, like, this beautiful shirt, Robert Graham shirt that I picked out. And I’m, you know, I’m working on zips as a dry cleaner, you know, like, maybe do some business with that shirt. So I was gonna wear something fancy. And I thought, You know what, what’s the thing I bought myself this year, right? That I love and adore, that I haven’t worn. It’s, thick, it’s, it’s, I put it on and I wore in front of my wife, when she took one look at me, she’s like, that’s, like, a great looking sweater. I’m like, I told you that when I bought it on the internet. This is, like a $200 piece, like, you know, right? Yeah, I paid $42 delivered on eBay for this use, and it actually fits me. Man. This is my Earl Campbell look. I have, I’ve actually done the Billy white shoes Johnson dance with him on the set. But this thing isn’t just a beautiful it’s nice. This is and it’s warm, and it’s patched up. And I love it. He was something else. So you buy something on the internet, right? It comes, yeah, it had a little stain out, a little red stain over here, whatever. Three times I washed it real good, you know, got it right. So this is the first time I’ve worn it, because I bought it like it was 100 degrees. First thing I bought and I thought, this is going to be my gamer on cold days. And this is my birthday gift to me for 42 bucks. You’re my financial advisor. There’s

Leonard Raskin  24:16

nothing I do. Okay, did a great job. It’s a great shirt. You know, I

Nestor Aparicio  24:19

have great sponsors like Raskin global and pizza John’s that allow me to still have nice things from time to time.

Leonard Raskin  24:25

It’s all about the American dream. Did

Nestor Aparicio  24:28

you see the Northern Lights? Or did you not? I

Leonard Raskin  24:30

did not. So here’s the thing I will tell you, I am, as I saw on your posts. It’s something I absolutely positively want to see. Okay, we talked about the boy is in Ireland, right? Know this? He’s done at Ohio State. He’s now at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, and we have set up a family trip in the spring when he’s on spring break. Kathy and I are going to meet Matthew in Iceland, and you’re going to try, and we’re going to hopefully see, when

Nestor Aparicio  24:58

you say hopefully, see the role. Light. It is a very fleeting thing that’s right? And more than that, you are giving your vacation now over to shift sleep. So what I’m saying like, no, that’s it. If you want to see the northern lights, you have to stay up all night, right? So we’ll do that, and we’ll catch adding everybody realize that after Thursday night, because people are reaching to me thinking I was like a Northern Lights expert. I’m gonna do a whole segment on this. Segment on this. Go back

Leonard Raskin  25:23

we, we were in Alaska. The problem is, we were in Alaska in the summer, and there’s, yeah, no dark. There’s no dark, right? So we couldn’t see anything. It’s dark at 1130 dust. You don’t want to be there in the winter, because then you just, it’s a winner, right? It’s the winner. So it’s no light, but it’s ridiculously cold, so, so I want to see it. So we’re touring up there, and we went into this little town. I don’t remember the name of it. Little Town, we’re on a cruise ship. So it was one of the cruise ships summer in Alaska, in a little town. You recommend it’s a great, oh, majestic magnet. I

Nestor Aparicio  25:54

mean, yeah, okay, yes, absolutely.

Leonard Raskin  25:57

So we go into this little town. It’s like the place where they would have filmed Northern Exposure. Remember that? Sure. So we’re looking for moose. There’s no moose walking in the street, but that kind of town, I think of the show might have even based on that town. And we go into this store, and this woman is a photographer, and she’s got magnificent art in the place, on glass, on silver, and on canvas of the Northern Lights. It was amazing. And I said, My son said, Why don’t you buy one? You love it. Why don’t you buy one? It’s not going to buy one till I see it. Okay, because I don’t want to buy one. That’s just arbitrary. And then go see it and like, get let down, because looking at this picture, so I want to see it first. So anyway, I was in Indianapolis the last three days at a conference. You flew home this morning. I flew home late last night, late Thursday night, so you missed it, so you weren’t in the plane. You didn’t see it in the plane. Didn’t see it in the plane. Didn’t think, because I wouldn’t have noticed. You know, you should have sat on the left side of the plane. I didn’t know. Who knew? Nobody knew. And then, no, I

Nestor Aparicio  26:55

knew. But go ahead. Okay, you can know on the Northern Lights, but you can only know within hours, right? You get hours, you don’t get days.

Leonard Raskin  27:00

I get home and it’s nine o’clock and I’m having dinner because I hadn’t eaten, because I’m on a flight, didn’t eat before get home, eating. And then I got a little work to do. I’m checking some emails because I had been in business all day. And then on a flight, I’m checking my emails. And then I guess it was about 11 o’clock and I clicked into the Facebook, and there was as much purple on Facebook as there is really one the Super Bowl, like the Ravens won the Super Bowl. Everything is purple and pink and green. And it’s like, three hours ago, two hours ago. I’m

Nestor Aparicio  27:32

like, you missed it.

Leonard Raskin  27:33

I must have missed it. I have, like, is tonight. Another chance. Is tonight, another change. Oh,

Nestor Aparicio  27:39

hold on. I can think I have the website I have I hold on. Oh, not. This is the time of the day. It’s about two in the afternoons. We tape right that they start to forecast, but they know it’s not looking good, right now. That’s the actual forecast. So good. So I have it on my phone. That’s right, we’re break. I’m at Pizza, John’s. This is my favorite pizza. Order up. I love the Supreme. I do. I mean, I would get you a nice, colorful pepperoni. What I love is pepperoni, green pepper, mushroom and sausage. That’s my pizza. Those four toppings, olives, black olives, too. My

Leonard Raskin  28:13

pepperoni guy.

Nestor Aparicio  28:15

This has pepperoni and pineapple and ham. This is the Hawaiian pizza with pepperoni. We’re gonna rename that the Dundalk Venezuelan special. It’s gonna be like ordering animal style and in and out. We’re pizza John’s. This is what a dirtied up plate looks like a pizza John’s after I’ve had my pizza. 410-687-7733, I’m promoting pizza Johnson. Pizza John’s all the time. You know, I have the cops. Have all the fun. My mom, my mom’s favorite pizza place, yeah? Like, so to be so. My mom loved all the pictures on the wall from 1977 8185 Mr. John with the big, big boy pizza add on back river neck road. So letter raskins, here, tell me what you do. Raskin, global here, money. American dream, right?

Leonard Raskin  28:54

We do money. We do everything. Dusty. Rhodes, there you go. The biggest thing I think we should, we should share is, you know, it’s really important. People don’t think they have enough money to do financial stuff. Like, I don’t have enough money. We spend, we got, we earn, we don’t. I

Nestor Aparicio  29:07

didn’t think I had enough money to see the northern lights. And the first thing I said to my wife this morning is we saved 1000s of dollars

Leonard Raskin  29:14

to go to Iceland, to go to Alaska, but we help people understand that there’s, there’s a relationship between income and savings and assets, and it doesn’t have to be that way. You know, you earn that’s fine, but every time you earn more doesn’t mean you have to spend more. And a lot of people get trapped in that we are as a society, so advertised to which is great. Okay, we all have advertisers, and that’s fantastic. Keep up with the Joneses, except Luke Jones. But here you go. But we get barraged, and what we end up doing is we earn more, earn more, earn more, and we spend more, spend more, spend more, and sometimes we spend more and more than we earn, earn. So what we help people to do is understand and how to control their cash flow, how to put away money, how to become an expert saver. And then once you become an expert. Saver. You can start investing that money. You protect your family, you do all the right things, and then you got all this extra money, and when you have all this extra money that’s invested in sitting and growing, and you’re protected for your family. And you can buy the jersey, you can take the trip, you can go see the Northern Lights, wherever they are. You can do all the things that you’ve always wanted to do that you never thought you quite could, but you can, if you just understand, you know, live, we have people that don’t make a ton of money. People say, Oh, you’re a financial advisor, which we got to be rich to hire me. You know, we have people that I’ve worked with couples for 30

Nestor Aparicio  30:35

years. Fundamentally, if somebody comes in or 26 years old, they’re not rich. No, they’re just, fundamentally, they’re coming unless they somehow are rich. Goal is to make them richer by their 36 good habits, right?

Leonard Raskin  30:49

Start good habits so they can have a financial future and a life that they want. And the fact is that if you save a significant portion of your gross income young and you get into the habit of doing it. It just becomes muscle memory, exactly, easy, simple, safe, and then you can do anything, because you have that extra and you have the joy of it. And

Nestor Aparicio  31:13

then I bought wnst and hadn’t placed poof. There it is. So, you know it is what it

Leonard Raskin  31:18

is. You know what they say the best time to plant a tree 50 years ago? Well, that’s second best time to plant a tree this morning, right now, right

Nestor Aparicio  31:26

now. So we’re at Pizza, John’s first time I’m planting your tree on pizza here, right

Leonard Raskin  31:30

first time ever, right

Nestor Aparicio  31:31

now. Well, it is amazing that the Northern Lights happened my birthday week. It’s a number one thing on my bucket list. Totally number one. And it happened 12 hours, literally pictures and put so I want to come back and tell my Northern Light story, because I haven’t told God so and I don’t know that I get a chance to do that after the commanders and the Ravens all sorts of we’ve lost Phil Jackman. I’m going to be honoring him all week as well. So if you hear that mixed in and you hear our capital center, the capital center thing wind up being perfect. Because I didn’t even think how perfect it was going to be for a Baltimore Washington football week. And I’ve run it all week. And the amazing thing is, deans here in Essex. And Dean hates DC and all that. He went to the Capitol center, saw Fleetwood Mac with you and the Eagles in a 70, and he’s more like and I’m thinking, that’s the thing we shared, right? That is the thing we shared Baltimore, Washington. We shared the Orioles. We didn’t want to share the oral Baltimore people, didn’t. They people but the capital center capitals, that was a share. That was a shared experience, I think so in a week where we’re not going to share anything with them, certainly not Jaden Daniels. We’re at Pizza John’s. I have Raven scratch offs. Give away. Leonard Raskin is gonna get one of these. Everybody here, pizza John’s today’s gonna grab this. I’m here all afternoon. My birthday is Monday the 14th. We lost Phil Jackman. This week, we had the Northern Lights. The baseball team got eliminated. Greg Bader gotten put in charge of mass. I got all sorts of things that happened here this week, and we’re gonna get to some football and more, but I want to come back talk some more northern lights. My thanks to Liberty pure solutions for firing up our oyster tour, which is now available out on the front of the website. We have our new logo out, our 26th anniversary logo. I did 26 oysters in 26 days last month, free platform in that this month, and getting the word out to properly promote 26 really cool local places shucking oysters, finding interesting ways to serve them. For the oyster recovery Partnership, which we went over a couple weeks ago, 800 clean water is the way to find our friends at Liberty, pure solutions, my friends at Curie, friends at curio wellness last week took us at the maritime magic. Big appreciation to them. Wendy and I have like, a Northern Lights thing. I’m sure I’m gonna talk Northern Lights with her, because I was texting with her when was going on. She was stuck at an event downtown. I think she was at that Rubenstein event. Okay, that got protested. I heard about that. So every nobody there saw the northern lights because they were all inside. So my Northern Lights. Stories next, we’re peachy. John’s. It is the Maryland crab cake tour. I’m gonna find the crab cake right here on the menu, just to let everybody know that they do have a crab cake, homemade, important in essence, right with jumbo lump crab meat, broiled, one, five ounce half, two, five ounce holes, right? There available? 1895, 3594 45 pizza. John’s in Essex has a crab cake so does the Maryland crab cake tour. Also friends of chiffy Lou multi care will deliver Luke Jones here for his birthday. There you go. This is his favorite place in the world. You know that? Right? No, now I know no. Luke’s favorite place it he will dry. He lives in Pennsylvania, right? I know that I do. I thought he’d have a better chance in the Northern Lights. I saw him and he didn’t, but, and he lives on a farm, but he drives to Essex. His family’s Essex based as a kid, so he’s been coming here to go to so Luke is fired up for some birthday pizza. I’ve already had two slices of my favorite birthday pizza. Leonard’s gonna maybe eat some pineapple. I’m gonna do it’s all over with. Definitely. He’s definitely gonna go out here with a cheesesteak and some meatball subs. And for being our contestant tonight, Leonard Raskin will take home great prizes from pizza John’s. We’re back for more in Essex, the Northern Lights, even at Dundalk, my kid took a picture of the Northern Lights and. Talk? No, they came that far south. I.

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