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Going to the modern movies with Max and Allen

We never have more fun on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour than when we’re laughing with old friends who have become new friends. Our OG Orioles ballpark reporter and symphony man Allen McCallum joined legendary movie critic and Baltimore Magazine Editor-In-Chief Max Weiss taking Nestor to the modern movies and cinema at Koco’s Pub in Lauraville. Who needs Siskel and Ebert?

Allen McCallum and Max Weiss take Nestor to the modern movies and cinema on MD Crab Cake Tour at Koco’s

We never have more fun on the Maryland Crab Cake Tour than when we’re laughing with old friends who have become new friends. Our OG Orioles ballpark reporter and symphony man Allen McCallum joined legendary movie critic and Baltimore Magazine Editor-In-Chief Max Weiss taking Nestor to the modern movies and cinema at Koco’s Pub in Lauraville. Who needs Siskel and Ebert?

Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News

Twenty five (plus) years of baseball friendship and Orioles chatter and they’re finally in first place!

Allen McCallum was our ballpark reporter and Orioles insider before we even had a radio station. The two guys who watched Jeffrey Maier reach over the Yankee Stadium wall from the right field bleachers together 27 years ago in the ALCS reconvene for an all-too-rare conversation about Orioles progress and magic.

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