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Comedian Lewis Black on going orange and black and never looking back

When his usual comedic rants were softened by the Orioles fandom in his heart on the internet, we needed to reach to our favorite comedian Lewis Black to investigate his baseball soul from the D.C. suburbs to a life making jokes about Peter Angelos and Daniel Snyder. The man has suffered with Baltimore baseball and Washington football. Let him come clean on why Camden Yards in October is what heaven will feel like…

Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News

Twenty five (plus) years of baseball friendship and Orioles chatter and they’re finally in first place!

Allen McCallum was our ballpark reporter and Orioles insider before we even had a radio station. The two guys who watched Jeffrey Maier reach over the Yankee Stadium wall from the right field bleachers together 27 years ago in the ALCS reconvene for an all-too-rare conversation about Orioles progress and magic.

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