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25 Stories of Glories, Baltimore Positive Classic, Celebrities, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Sports, WNST Classic

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 24 – The legend of our purple live shows at The Barn – and beyond

If you ever participated in or witnessed a decade of fun times, live radio shows and Baltimore sports memories with us at The Barn on Harford Road back in the 1990s when WNST was birthed by the local community, then you know it’ll never be replicated. Go through the photos and see how many legends you can identify who spent time eating crabs, drinking beer and talking sports with us – and you – in Parkville. As John Steadman once said: “Didn’t we have some good times?” What’s your favorite memory of a WNST live event over these 25 years of awesomeness? The night we brought the Lombardi Trophy by in the aftermath of Super Bowl XXXV didn’t suck.

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