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The magic of Orioles baseball and musical friendship

Serendipity followed our WNST 25th Anniversary celebration as local sports cartoonist Ricig gifted a surprise visit and local musician Ed Lauer joined Nestor at Costas Inn for a winding discussion about a quarter of a century of lousy Orioles baseball, the Bob Irsay dummy and the dream for another orange parade in Baltimore.

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Featured, Journalism & Media, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

Like the Mayflowers, could Lamar Jackson be heading to Indianapolis?

Longtime sports columnist and insider Bob Kravitz joins Nestor from Indianapolis where Jim Irsay might be one of the remaining owners to covet the Ravens former MVP quarterback. Will the Colts make a play for Lamar Jackson? As all Baltimore folks know, if it says “Irsay” it’s usually unpredictable.

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Celebrities, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports News, WNST Classic

Siragusa pouring out his love for the Modell Family in 2017

When David Modell died in early 2017, Nestor reached to many of the Super Bowl XXXV heroes and early Ravens players to discuss the Modell family and coming to Baltimore to built a legacy. Tony Siragusa discussed a magical time in sports history in our city and left poignant words behind. We mourn his death here at WNST Baltimore Positive.

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