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Edholm colon Hard to argue with any of the decisions of Eric DeCosta on draft weekend

Luke Jones and Nestor bring The Lamarathon into focus as Ravens offseason has been hijacked by quarterback negotiations

While all eyes have been on Lamar Jackson and his search for a guaranteed contract, Ravens general manager Eric DeCosta and the organization have been hamstrung by all of the uncertainty. Luke Jones and Nestor bring The Lamarathon into focus as the Ravens offseason has been hijacked by quarterback negotiations and salary cap implications of the non-exclusive franchise tag.

Edholm colon Hard to argue with any of the decisions of Eric DeCosta on draft weekend
Business, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, Luke Jones, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Ravens, Sports, Sports News

The hijacking of Ravens offseason

While all eyes have been on Lamar Jackson and his search for a guaranteed contract, Ravens general manager Eric DeCosta and the organization have been hamstrung by all of the uncertainty. Luke Jones and Nestor bring The Lamarathon into focus as the Ravens offseason has been hijacked by quarterback negotiations and salary cap implications of the non-exclusive franchise tag.

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