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Mike Flanagan

Authors and Books, Featured, Journalism & Media, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News

John Eisenberg updates us on his findings in The Bird Tapes of lost Orioles history

With the Orioles surging on the field under new ownership, our favorite local sportswriter and columnist John Eisenberg returns to discuss his continued findings amidst a 25-year-old collection of tapes and stories with former Birds of yesteryear who contributed to his book on franchise history.

#DearOrioles, Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, ColumnNes, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Politics, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

Debunking the local media myth: Peter Angelos did not “save” the Orioles for Baltimore

Many people reached to Nestor Aparicio in the aftermath of the death of Orioles owner Peter G. Angelos looking for some kind of pronouncement. After watching the media reports in Baltimore with various inaccuracies about the billionaire lawyer’s real accomplishments, Luke Jones joined him to react and opine and to set the legacy straight for local citizens who have been fed various levels of myth, poppycock and fake history.

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The Peter Principles (Ch. 10) – Syd Thrift, Confederate money and the new Oriole Way of 21st century

Peter Angelos was once called a “windbag” by a rival politician during his City Hall-aspiring days and six years into his reign of terror with the sputtering Orioles, his many words and lack of success with people would lend some credence to that claim.

David Rubenstein Orioles owner
#DearOrioles, Arts and Entertainment, Authors and Books, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, C-Suite, ColumnNes, Community, Education, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

Dear David Rubenstein: I really believed things were going to be different with “The Next Chapter” of Orioles history – but I was wrong so far

I’m still “under review” and denied media credentials. You’re still under review by every fan of the Baltimore Orioles and every citizen who chipped in $600 million toward your $1.725 billion asset. Be a better person and a better baseball owner than Peter Angelos. Be the noise for truth, accountability and decency. Make “The Next Chapter” a truly inclusive one, David.

25 Stories of Glories, Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Business, Community, Featured, Journalism & Media, Leadership, Local, Local, Marketing, More Sports, Nestor Aparicio, News, Orioles, Ravens, Remember That Time, Sports, Sports News, WNST Classic

WNST STORY OF GLORY No. 11: The legacy of “The Nasty Nice Guy Awards” two decades later

Back in 1996, Nestor was working with the Ed Block Courage Awards to raise money and awareness and dreamed up a Baltimore banquet that would bring together all of the local professional sports teams to honor the good people who play the games. The Nasty Nice Guy Awards hosted exclusively at Michael’s Eighth Avenue in Glen Burnie lasted eight years and raised over $150,000 for local charities. The late, great Bobby Nyk played the tunes and we partied for a purpose with a lot of very recognizable faces. Elrod Hendricks represented the Baltimore Orioles every year so you know it was the place to be! Ask anyone who attended these incredible nights about their pictures with Cal Ripken, Ray Lewis, Art Donovan, Mike Flanagan, Jon Ogden, Gov. William Donald Schaefer, Brian Billick, Fang Mitchell and so many others.

Arts and Entertainment, Baltimore Positive Classic, Community, Crab Cake Tour, Featured, Journalism & Media, Local, More Sports, Music, Nestor Aparicio, News, Remember That Time, Sports

The magic of Orioles baseball and musical friendship

Serendipity followed our WNST 25th Anniversary celebration as local sports cartoonist Ricig gifted a surprise visit and local musician Ed Lauer joined Nestor at Costas Inn for a winding discussion about a quarter of a century of lousy Orioles baseball, the Bob Irsay dummy and the dream for another orange parade in Baltimore.

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